Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 854: Battle of the Central District (Part 2)

However, just when he was about to use ruthless means to concoct Jiang Heng.


Suddenly, he seemed to feel that he had overlooked something, and a faint sense of crisis seemed to permeate, but this sense of crisis seemed to be hidden very deep, maybe he had overlooked it before.

"not good!"

For a sudden moment, he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, he finally realized that something was wrong, and an extreme sense of crisis was approaching.

He saw an invisible sharp blade flying towards him, penetrating the space and approaching him.

It might be that the thing was too far away before, and because of the law of concealing the breath, the flame demigod didn't notice it at all, but when the distance was extremely close, the flame demigod finally realized that something was wrong.

However, by this time it was too late.


The first blade directly appeared to penetrate the body of the flame demigod, but this knife seemed to penetrate the air, directly passing through the body of the flame demigod in the state of flame.

But then the second handle came quickly, this time it directly caused the flame demigod to howl.

This knife actually cut directly on his soul body.

However, the Huoyan demigod is a middle-ranked demigod after all, even if Jiang Heng is a low-ranked demigod that can be driven, he is even the domain master, so this knife just made the Huoyan demigod who was caught off guard feel unbearably painful.

But this directly caused the flame demigod to lose control of his body for an instant, and the flame body instantly turned into a physical divine body.

At this very moment, one after another, the blades quickly pierced through the space and pierced towards the center of the flame's demigod's eyebrows.

This intrusive scene made Huo Huo's half-god's eyes tear open. He tried his best to regain control of his body, but the pain in his body was unbearable.

Fortunately, he is the body of a mid-level demigod after all, and his spirit has reached the fourth level of the mid-level, and he recovered from being slashed by a low-level soul-type demigod in just one breath, and he began to regain control of the physical body.

It's just that the remaining seven flying knives slashed at his body one after another, one pierced his eyebrows, one cut off his head, one cut off his left arm, and the other cut off his right arm. arm.

The rest chopped off his legs and body respectively.

The situation reversed in an instant, and when he noticed something strange behind him, Tiangang demigod quickly turned his head and saw the scene where the flame demigod's body was torn apart.

This scene was too sudden and the situation took a turn for the worse, which Tiangang did not expect.

However, when he was stunned, the nine flying knives turned sharply and slashed towards the sky steel after beheading the body of the flame demigod.


The first knife directly left a deep white mark on Tiangang's neck, and the second knife cut through the skin of Tiangang's neck, and the third knife went straight into the neck for about one centimeter.

At this time, Tiangang suddenly realized that the nine flying knives were too fast for him to react.

Both arms quickly blocked his vital parts, and there were several clangs in an instant.

At first he thought these few cuts were so simple, but soon Tiangang felt a chill down his spine.

"not good!"

Tiangang's muscles squirmed rapidly, and layer after layer of metal began to cover his body quickly, but a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the next moment, Tiangang, who thought he was extremely well protected, felt his head lighten, and his perspective was spinning for a while.

His head has been separated from his body.

And the wound was as smooth as a mirror, even though the body and head were separated for so long, no blood flowed from the wound.

This is obviously caused by the space cutting. The real killing move hidden in the nine flying knives, no matter how strong the external defense is, is still nothing under the space cutting.

And the nine flying knives circled in mid-air for a while, and then slashed at the physical remnant of the flame demigod before, splitting into two, splitting into three.

It can be seen that the physical body is trying to turn into flames, but under this series of slashes with the power of law, it is impossible for him to realize the flames of the body and gather them together.

The Flame Demigod originally thought that even if his physical body was disintegrated, he could turn every piece of flesh into pure flames, gather himself with flames and fight directly in the form of energy bodies, then he only needs to guard against the beheading of his soul, and then he can never fail.

However, every knife of the opponent seemed extremely strange.

"Impossible! Why can't I energyize, what is attached to your weapon?" The flame demigod was furious, his face full of disbelief.

Jiang Heng sneered, of course he would not say that he attached the power of space cutting to every flying knife, with the sharpness of these space cutting and the most precise strangulation, the possibility of interrupting the convergence of the opponent's method is constantly made, so that The flame demigod is still unable to be energyized.

"Die to me!"

Jiang Heng let out a low cry in his heart, and with a flash of his figure, he directly tore apart the space and moved into the fragments of the opponent's body. God's physical body carries out the final and more subtle strangulation.

As countless vigor strangled these pieces of meat into the tiniest blood mist, the demigod Huoyan let out a roar of soul, because he found that he had completely lost control of his physical body, which also meant that his physical body had fallen.


A surging law of flames seems to be evolving and blooming, half of it quickly merges into the long river, while the other half is still floating in this space. If no one collects and captures these laws, it will also merge into the long river over time.

"Boy, you ruined my body! Damn it! Damn it!"

A blurry translucent figure of flame emerged like a ghost and rushed towards Jiang Heng.

Just when he was about to pounce on Jiang Heng, a blade flashed across, carrying a sense of sharpness that was extremely lethal to the soul.

It was Jiang Heng's soul-like demigod. After the blade collided with the flame demigod's soul, it spun in mid-air and quickly slashed towards the flame demigod.

"A mere spirit dares to seek death!" With soul-like weapons, Jiang Heng is no longer worried about the flame demigod spirit.

Right now, all he needs to do is guard against that Tiangang demigod whose whole body has turned into metal.

Being decapitated is a bit dangerous for ordinary demigods, but for median demigods who have further controlled the law, it can only be regarded as an insignificant tickle.

I saw the head of Tiangang Demigod rapidly liquefied, and then flew to the body and merged with the neck at high speed. Soon Tiangang Demigod recovered like this, and there was no scar left on the neck.

He twisted his neck and ignored the killing of the flame demigod, as if his companion's physical fall hadn't affected him at all.

"You can't kill me! Your throwing knife may be a bit weird, but as long as you can't completely gasify me, I will be immortal!"

Tiangang said in a demigod voice, his body was very burly, his hands and bones cracked and he rushed towards Jiang Heng to kill him.


With one punch, the space was blown apart inch by inch. Fortunately, Jiang Heng moved away dangerously before that.

Although Kui Gang's demigod blocked this space before, Jiang Heng's space teleportation was not hindered in this space. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Looking at the space that was almost blown up, Jiang Heng looked a little unhappy. If the law of space hadn't been purified by Yuanpan just now, his moving speed would be much faster than before. The opponent was caught.

Such a punch is not very pleasant. Although physical martial arts fighters are not afraid of any peers in hand-to-hand combat, the gap between the two sides is too big now, and Jiang Heng really can't guarantee whether he can wrestle with the opponent.

"It's useless to hide and seek. If you don't kill me, this seat will consume you in this space. Don't forget that the demigod can pull the power of the road and the long river. Your domain master can't consume me at all!"

The demigod Tiangang didn't take it seriously as soon as the shot was missed. In his view, the opponent was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

At the same time, Kui Gang was about to charge up and try again, wanting to break through the frost shield arranged by the ancestor Tianshuang in one fell swoop.

However, just as he raised the Broken Gold Broadsword in his hand, there was a sudden pause.

His eyes couldn't help looking into the giant metal sphere not far away.

"This is... the fluctuation of the law of fire!" A strong demigod has already spoken first.

"It's Tianhuo demigod! He...he has fallen!"


"How long has it been?!"

Everyone was stunned, not only the demigods in Hegemony, but also the demigods in Hundred Kingdoms.

What kind of situation is this, aren't the two mid-level demigods who just entered?

Two mid-level demigods went in to besiege and kill a domain master in the late stage, but they were killed in a flash.

For a while, many people felt that they were dreaming, which was too magical and unbelievable.

"How could this happen?" Kui Gang also frowned, this sudden situation made him a little confused.

But soon he figured out what was going on. He thought of the scene where Jiang Heng beheaded Kui Man last time.

"Hmph! Don't worry about the situation inside, this kid used the power of the treasured ax to kill Tianhuo Demigod, but it's okay, this kind of treasure will definitely wear out a lot, this kid is probably at the end of his strength now, Tiangang Banshen God will bring this kid's body out."

Kui Gang's words instantly calmed many of the demigods of the Overlord's Domain, and after careful thought, it was indeed the case.

Not to mention them, many demigods of a hundred nations also think this is the case.

Even the demigod Xingyun who was in the array was a little confused, didn't he know when he gave Jiang Heng the treasured axe?

It shouldn't be, the precious ax is indeed in his portable space!

Naturally, the confusion of the demigod Nebula would not tell others.

At the same time, the fighting inside the metal sphere has reached a fever pitch.

The soul-type demigod was always locked on the demigod Tianhuo so that he could not harass Jiang Heng.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng kept dealing with the Tiangang demigod, but after chasing and fleeing for a few breaths, Jiang Heng knew it was useless.

"I can't go on like this. The opponent's attack frequency is gradually accelerating. He clearly wants to keep exhausting my space laws. Once the power of laws in my body is exhausted, there will be no fault tolerance rate at all."

Feeling the sharply decreasing reserve of space laws in his body, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and came directly behind Tiangang demigod in a flash again.

The other party seemed to have extremely keen five senses, almost as soon as Jiang Heng appeared, he turned his head and punched him in anticipation.

It was only at this moment that the demigod Tiangang realized that Jiang Heng, who was facing him this time, had already used the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth and Xingyun Palm.


The two physically collided for the first time, and the huge force exploded from the palms and punches of the two, forming an invisible shock wave and spreading in all directions.

The surging strength caused the two of them to retreat one after another. Jiang Heng felt as if he had hit a majestic and immovable world barrier with his palm. The feeling from his palm was not only an unshakable feeling, but also a huge force coming down.

The figure rotated rapidly to relieve the surging force.

Compared to Jiang Heng's panic, at this moment Tiangang demigod only felt a slight numbness in his fists, and he grinned.

"I didn't expect the domain master to have such great power. But it's a pity! It's a pity. If you are a demigod, you might really have to wait for death.

But it's a pity that you are only a domain master. With your cultivation base, it is rare to be able to burst out the strength of a second-level demigod in the physical body, but if you want to break through the defense of this seat, you must have a fifth-level physical body. It takes strength! "

Tiangang demigod's evaluation of Jiang Heng is already extremely high.

But that's all.

"It is said that you physical martial arts fighters are invincible in hand-to-hand combat. Today I will blow you up, a physical martial artist!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure rushed towards Jiang Heng again, causing ripples in the space caused by his fierce speed.


When Tiangang's demigod figure was only one step away from Jiang Heng, his fist was even less than ten centimeters away from Jiang Heng's head.

But at this ten centimeters, his movements suddenly seemed to have fallen into an extremely viscous quagmire, and became extremely slow.

In fact, this is not a quagmire, but an extremely viscous space.

Sweat was already dripping from Jiang Heng's forehead, and the law of space in his body dropped sharply. The consumption of restraining such a fourth-order golden law demigod was extremely terrifying.

"Since you know the body martial artist so well, then you must know not to let the physical martial artist catch the opportunity. If I catch it, I can connect you to doubt life!"

Before the words were completely finished, dense fist shadows landed on the body of Tiangang demigod like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

And this will follow Jiang Heng's swift He also removed the space constraint.

Feeling the disappearance of the restraint of the physical body, Tiangang Demigod was about to fight back, but he was shocked to find that every time he wanted to move, he was hit by Jiang Heng's fist at the joint at the critical moment.

At this moment, the Tiangang demigod finally understood the true meaning of why the universe spreads the saying, don't let the flesh-body Daowufu seize the opportunity.

Because whenever Tiangang Demigod wanted to exert force, Jiang Heng's fist would hit the joints where he wanted to exert force very precisely.

If it's an ordinary martial artist with a physical body, that's all. Tiangang demigod might be able to try to fight back against the dense rain of fists.

But Tiangang Demigod found that every blow this guy in front of him landed on him carried three different powers of laws.

An extremely domineering force is a symbol of pure power, the power of the law of the physical body. One is the power of the law of space with cutting power, and the last one is like an all-pervasive airflow continuously pouring into Tiangang Demigod's acupuncture point to disintegrate the power of law that he always wants to condense.


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