Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 870: imperial emissary


With the hegemonic side almost completely annihilated, there are only a few remnants of domain masters and some ordinary low-level warriors left.

However, regarding these, Baiguo has been unable to clean up, but licks the wound on its own.

With the end of the earth-shattering war a few months ago, the gods and forces of the Hundred Kingdoms have been resting on the former site of the Sikh Empire.

The original site of the Sikh Empire is actually in ruins, and the original vast territory is now completely gone. Only a few galaxies in the core of the central area and some planetary belts exist, and these planetary belts are used as a group of warriors to temporarily cultivate and adjust where.

At this time, above the central galaxy temporarily marked with the Nebula galaxy, all the forces of the Nebula Sect have flown out of the secret realm of the nebula demigod's hole, and began to properly cultivate and supply energy in this galaxy.

This galaxy may be a galaxy belt in the central area before, but these are not important anymore. Now it has been temporarily taken over by Nebula Sect, and the same behavior is still happening around.

The remaining surviving demigod forces more or less chose nearby galaxies to station. This war will take a long time for everyone to adjust and they are not in a hurry to return. More importantly, after this, the Hundred Nations Alliance Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the alliance with the Hegemony, and there are many things that need to be discussed by these demigods who are still alive.

And today there is such a special meeting going on at the Nebula Sect Master Peak.

Each of the demigods in the main hall of the main peak has their own positions, but it is obvious that many people are absent here, and there are not many people left now.

But there is an exception here, that is, the only domain master level powerhouse has a place here, and the demigod has no opinion on this, it should be said that no one can have an opinion.

"Everyone, it's almost time to start." The voice of the demigod Xingyun sounded slowly, majestic and with a hint of solemnity.

He looked around everyone, and immediately sighed softly: "This time everyone can survive, first of all, I must congratulate everyone!"

"But because of this, many of us never came back, but I'm still very grateful that so many of us are still alive."

Hearing the words of the demigod Xingyun, everyone couldn't help but look around.

Jiang Heng even glanced at everyone. There are not many demigods in the hall, but more are familiar faces, such as the living twin ancestors, the four pole demigods, the listening demigods, and the Xiaoyue demigods. Counting the demigod Xingyun, the Hundred Nations side lost more than half of this battle.

But it has to be said that this is already a miracle. Who would have thought that nearly a hundred demigods in Bayu would still be able to survive without incident?

"It's all thanks to Brother Xingyun!" Siji Demigod quickly started to lick.

"It's not my credit, it's the credit of all of us, especially my apprentice!" Said Xingyun's demigod face with a hint of pride.

"That's right! Little brother Jiang Heng has established a great achievement. If it wasn't for the little brother killing several hegemonic demigods one after another, I'm afraid we wouldn't be alive!"

The twin ancestors first nodded in agreement, and the others also nodded. No one can deny this.

Especially Xiaoyue Demigod, she felt that the more she watched this junior, the more she appreciated it.

"Brother Jiang Heng, you have made such a great contribution. It is reasonable to say that you are Brother Xingyun's disciple. I gave the treasure as an act of transgression, but you have made a great contribution and saved me, so this is not a transgression!"

As Xiaoyue demigod said, she flipped it with one hand, and a thin golden page emerged from her hand, and with a slight shake, the golden page floated straight to where Jiang Heng was.


Jiang Heng was a little taken aback.

"Haha! His Majesty Xiaoyue Mian's words are true, you just accept it!" Xingyun half-god laughed, and then he looked at the rest of the people and said with a smile: "Why, my disciple stood up like this Great credit, don't you elders show it?"

"We don't dare to call ourselves elders in front of Brother Jiang Heng. This kid's talent and strength are too wicked. I've never seen it so easy for a domain master to defeat a low-ranking demigod." .

Although he was a bit reluctant to give away heavy treasures, the demigod Siji happily took out another treasure, which was a small piece of high-concentration fire element law.

"Brother Jiang Heng, I heard that you have someone who masters the flames. I just happen to have some in stock and I'll send them to you!"

"Haha! Thank you, Senior Siji!" Jiang Heng hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, feeling very happy in his heart.

These demigods were really not stingy this time. Although the demigod Xiaoyue sent out seemingly ordinary demigod golden pages, what was recorded in it turned out to be a very brilliant body secret technique. I didn't have time to see the details, but A cursory glance reveals how powerful it is.

As for the laws of fire sent by the four poles and demigods, although they are relatively common, they are really worthless, which is equivalent to the sum of the laws in the body of a low-level fire demigod. It is enough for Lieyan Patriarch to cultivate all the way to the demigod realm.

Seeing that everyone was giving secret techniques, secret techniques, and treasures, the Twin Ancestor also had to touch his storage ring, and took out a small jade bottle after a long while in embarrassment.

"Little friend Jiang Heng, this is some power of the law of life collected by the old man. Although it is not as good as the original liquid of the law of life that your master gave you, it is also a holy medicine for healing. It is enough to quickly restore your physical body to its original state at a critical moment!" The Twin Patriarch threw the little jade bottle in his hand with a painful expression on his face.

After receiving the jade bottle, Jiang Heng was overjoyed and sent it to his heart.

Although he doesn't know what will happen to him breaking through the demigod in the future, Jiang Heng can be sure that if he breaks through the demigod, he will definitely be in a mess. It would be good to have some life laws to protect the body.

But at the end of Truth Listening, I got a little tangled up. It seemed that the things sent by the people in front were more precious than the other ones.

Can you still get these treasures in your hands?

It was only a moment of entanglement, and soon Di Ting took out a ring and threw it over.

"Little friend Jiang Heng, I heard that you have practiced a body secret technique and seem to attach great importance to the flesh and blood of some starry sky giant beasts. This is a few drops of blood essence from a semi-god-level starry sky giant beast that I obtained in the early years, and the previous paragraph. The blood essence smelted by some domain master-level starry sky behemoths in the realm of the Sik Empire in Time Slaughter may not be as good as those few drops of semi-god-level blood essence, but the victory lies in the large amount, so I hope you don't mind it!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, and he didn't mind what the other party said.

In Jiang Heng's mind, the Brahma Martial Saint's manifestation stage may not be as good as the astral body, which can reach the demigod level, but in his opinion, as long as he continues to deduce, its prospects are by no means comparable to the astral body.

"Thank you for listening, senior! This junior likes it very much!"

Jiang Heng thanked again.

This time it is considered a big profit, and it was not in vain to kill the powerhouse of the hegemony before.

Of course, beheading the overlord demigod Jiang Heng also made a lot of money. For other demigods, beheading the same level may only gain part of the opponent's power of law.

But as far as Jiang Heng is concerned, he not only collects the dissipated power of laws, but also directly uses the star picker with the power of space to directly absorb the other party's portable cave and storage space into his own cave. .

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiangheng Dongtian Secret Realm now has a mountain of treasures, after all, it is the lifelong resource of nearly ten demigod powerhouses.

Even Jiang Heng has been thinking about finding an opportunity to go to the battlefield where Tianshuang's ancestor was a few months ago.

Nearly dozens of hegemonic demigods and Jian Wushen and others fell there, and there must still be many unowned caves and secret realms left there. Although under the terrorist attack at that time, many spaces may be instantly shattered and even spread to nearby places. The secret realm of the cave, but I guess there are always some that are still there, and it might be really rewarding to look for them in the past.

"Cough cough! After several months of cultivation, everyone seems to have stabilized their injuries." Seeing the end of the gift-giving session, Xingyun demigod coughed lightly and said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly. A few months is extremely short for a demigod, but it is still possible to barely stabilize the injury.

"I wonder what brother Xingyun's plans are going to be next?" The Twin Ancestor asked hastily as if he had thought of something.

"It seems that you all can't wait, but first I want to ask you a question!" Said the demigod Xingyun, looking around with a look of scrutiny.

Seeing Xingyun's half-faced solemn and solemn expression, everyone is not a fool and vaguely thought of something.

"I wonder what Demigod Xingyun wants to ask?" Demigod Xiaoyue asked thoughtfully.

"I would like to ask all of you...if you are willing to join the Great Zhou Empire system! Of course, what I am talking about is no longer the vassal situation in the past, but the real sense of joining the Great Zhou system!" Xing Yun half-godly smiled road.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, but this answer did not seem to surprise everyone. Xiaoyue and the others were slightly relieved, as if these words confirmed their guess.

"Brother Xingyun, your problem is actually not a problem for us now. I don't think anyone is willing to join Dazhou now." The twin ancestors laughed. Given the incident this time, most low-ranking demigods would have a hard time refusing the official offer from the Great Zhou Empire.

On the one hand, the treatment of the Great Zhou Empire is absolutely excellent, and on the other hand, it is also the golden signboard of the Great Zhou Empire. Once you join the Great Zhou, it means that even if you are only the most humble low-level demigod, you can go to any Ordinary super galaxy cluster forces can be treated as honored guests or even honored guests.

Moreover, when some high-ranking casual cultivators faced some low-ranking demigods of the Great Zhou Empire, if they wanted to kill the opponent, they had to consider the status of the opponent in the Great Zhou Empire. Killing the opponent would cause a series of consequences, which is a kind of confidence.

"Yes! Demigod Xingyun, what the twin ancestors said is true, we are all willing to join the Great Zhou system, but I think everyone also has some questions." Xiaoyue demigod nodded lightly and nodded.

"It's okay to be blunt!"

"That's good!" Xiaoyue nodded and pondered for a moment, but she was actually communicating with several other demigods through sound transmission.

From the outside, this communication seems to be just a few moments of effort, but the content of the exchange is extremely huge.

"I would like to ask, what are the benefits of joining the Great Zhou system, and what do we need to pay? You are a general of the Great Zhou, and we used to be members of a scattered organization like the League of Hundred Nations. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are casual cultivators. So We need some detailed information, so that we can feel at ease, right?" Xiaoyue Demigod's words were considered to be more cautious.

This is considered a temptation by her, and it also represents the meaning of other demigods.

Listening to these words, Xingyun demigod pondered for a while, thought for a while and smiled: "I don't think I should answer this question. I think there should be a suitable person to answer your question!"

"The right candidate?" Hearing this answer, Xiaoyue and the others were a little puzzled, not understanding the meaning of Xingyun demigod.

But soon they couldn't sit still, because at this moment, a burly figure covered in robes slowly walked out from the side of the hall.

This person didn't exude much aura of a strong man like ordinary people before, but with each step the opponent took out, he began to release it gradually, step by step! Until climbing to the median level of sixth order.

"This senior is..." Xiaoyue Demigod was a little confused.

Tai Ah mark? !

But soon everyone discovered a pattern engraved on the opponent's robe, and the demigods present were all familiar with this pattern, because it was the national emblem of the Great Zhou Empire!

It's a star symbol similar to a circle, but with Fire Emblem surrounding it. For this pattern, the Great Zhou Empire called it "Tai Ah"!

"Meet the envoy!"

Demigod Xingyun stood up, put one hand on his chest, and made a movement that was a little unclear to others, but Demigod Xiaoyue keenly discovered that this seemed to be a polite gesture by the subordinates of the imperial army to the envoy.

"Well, you did a good job this time. I didn't expect you to defeat the conspiracy of the Temple of the Gods without asking for help from the mainland of the Empire, and even let an eighth-level demigod in the Temple of the Gods retreat in Not bad! Not bad! The prince really saw you right!"

A resonant male voice came out from under the robe. The male voice was full of thunder, and every tone seemed to make the hearts of everyone present miss a beat.

"Then everyone, allow me to introduce myself!" The man tore off his long robe, revealing a tall, three-meter tall, bald man with dark blue skin.

There is a ring made of thunder floating behind this person, and at the same time, there is this very weird inscription on his chest. The pattern of the inscription seems to be some kind of unique physical law stimulation method.

The other party's physique also contained terrifying laws of the physical body, and this turned out to be a mid-level demigod who mastered both the laws of thunder and the laws of the physical body.


There is a ring made of thunder floating behind this person, and at the same time, there is this very weird inscription on his chest. The pattern of the inscription seems to be some kind of unique physical law stimulation method.

The other party's physique also contained terrifying laws of the physical body, and this turned out to be a mid-level demigod who mastered both the laws of thunder and the laws of the physical body.


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