Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 874: counterattack begins


Jiang Heng is miserable now, but for a martial artist with a physical body, as long as his soul is still there and some flesh and blood remain on his body, he can still return to his original state.

It's just that Jiang Heng was indeed seriously injured.

"Qileibo's Thunder Law seems to be much stronger than the general Thunder Law controller, but it is still continuously restricting my physical Tao Law."

Jiang Heng was secretly startled. At this moment, the recovery speed of the physical body was extremely slow, which was related to the faint electric current still running around on the surface of the body.

These electric currents seem to be constantly paralyzing the laws of the flesh body within the bones, greatly hindering the bone's hematopoietic recovery ability.

The trauma was not limited to the physical body, the soul was also swollen and numb for a while, and the power to control the physical body was greatly suppressed.

"It seems that those who are proficient in the use of laws can often use most of the methods on the soul. In the future, pay more attention to the strengthening of the soul!"

Today was a wake-up call for Jiang Heng.

Don't look at Qi Leibo's realm is the fifth rank, which is higher than any opponent Jiang Heng has encountered before.

But just now Jiang Heng felt very clearly that the opponent only showed the strength of the low-level third-order level at best, and sometimes even did not use all means.

"This Qilei Bo is a demigod who cultivates both the physical body and the thunderous way. If he really wants to kill me, he can use both the physical body and the thunder together. Even if he suppresses his cultivation to the lowest third level, killing me is still like picking something out of a bag!"

After thinking about it for a while, it became clear, but there was no disappointment on Jiang Heng's face, but a little excitement and rejoicing.

"I should thank him! If it weren't for today's actions, with my previous mentality, I'm afraid I would be inflated thinking that I can really deal with the mid-level demigods. Now it seems that the demigods in the center of the universe are far from being comparable to these fringe demigods. "

Jiang Heng shook his head secretly, the gap is indeed huge.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. After all, Qi Leibo was born in the Great Zhou Empire, one of the three major powers. The martial arts of the empire have been improved and innovated by countless people.

Most of these casual repairs in the fringe areas are self-styled existence behind closed doors.

The views of sects are too serious, and the scattered people will not be generous and often exchange their trump cards and unique knowledge with other colleagues. This is completely incomparable with countless people like the empire who are constantly innovating and improving.

At the same time, Qi Leibo's headless corpse that had been decapitated turned into thunderbolts, and the next moment his body emerged on the other side. Jiang Heng just beheaded his thunderbolt incarnation.

"Good boy! I really have you. Now I know why Xingyun has so much confidence in you." Qi Leibo was already full of praise for Jiang Heng, and looked at Jiang Heng as if he was looking at a peerless beauty.

It's just that his scorching gaze fell on Jiang Heng's eyes, which gave him a chill down his spine.

The Earl of the Empire doesn't have any bad habits, does he?

"Ahem! Qi Leibo, my disciple is seriously injured now!" Xing Yun reminded with a dry cough.

"Haha! Yes!" Qi Leibo slapped his head, but he simply threw a small jade bottle towards Jiang Heng.

"This is the original liquid of life, don't say I'm stingy!"

After taking the bottle, I sensed it a little, and there was indeed a drop of milky white water containing a huge breath of life.

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, of course he has no eyebrows now, not even flesh and blood, only a golden skeleton.

But it has to be said that Qi Leibo is still generous, considering his injuries, he can recover slowly by crushing some demigod-level medicines and sprinkling them on the bones.

But such a drop of life essence can not only quickly recover from injuries, but also make the physical body go further!

Jiang Heng thought for a while and decided to drip the original life liquid directly on his own bones. The original life liquid is precious, but Jiang Heng does not want to waste time to recover slowly. It is more cost-effective to practice more with this time. As for the original life liquid, Jiang Heng is determined to One's own strength can be obtained in the future.

As the original life liquid dripped on the bones, the fine thunder force was quickly suppressed, and at the same time, the breath of life was maximized to activate the law of the flesh to restore the flesh.

In just dozens of breaths, Jiang Heng completed the process of bone regeneration and flesh remodeling.

The breath slowly stabilized until it returned to its peak state, and the excess life force was temporarily stored in the dantian by Jiang Heng for future contingencies.

"I'm really happy today. I have to say that you, brother Xingyun, are much better than you were in the past. I think this talent can directly catch up with some princes and grandchildren of the Central Dynasty. No! He masters the laws of space. If you die young, your future is bound to be limitless!"

Qi Leibo became more and more fond of Jiang Heng, and looked at Xingyun demigod with strong jealousy.

I haven't seen this guy for so many years, how could he pick up such a precious bump by luck!

"No! When I go back, I have to tell the general to recruit this kid to our Ministry of Thunder. Even if the minimum recruitment requirement of the Ministry of Thunder is a low-ranking demigod, the general must make an exception with this kid's talent!"

Qi Leibo's mind turned, and he was already thinking about how to poach the corner of the third part of the championship.

He knew very well that if there were no accidents, once Xing Yun introduced his apprentice to General Huo, he would definitely enter the third part of the championship!

"Uncle Qi Lei, don't think that you can get my apprentice's attention just because you are the uncle. I know what you are thinking now! My apprentice is from the third division of our champion, so don't even think about it!"

Whatever Qi Leibo thinks about, Xingyun demigod can think of it with his ass.

There are many geniuses these days, but geniuses like Jiang Heng are rare.

"Hahaha! Get the **** out of me, you are still just a star lord now, I am not only the earl but also the deputy general of the five major armies of Refa, you are just an ordinary general of one of the three major armies of the champion, according to the rank of the empire, I The level is higher than yours, now you have to listen to me!"

Qi Leibo laughed loudly. The two were friends in the early years. They were both centurion-level generals of their respective legions, but now he has climbed to the centurion level, and Xingyun has not been promoted because of field missions, so he is still a centurion level. .

"Don't be arrogant, with my achievements this time, I will at least be at the rank of a commander when I go back!" Xing Yun gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Although he carried out field missions for the empire's control of subordinate forces, he felt somewhat wronged in the end.

Especially seeing that Qi Leibo has now broken through to the fifth median level, this makes Xingyun half-god somewhat unbalanced, they were at the same level back then.

But this can't be helped. The frequency and level of battles in the central region of the universe are far from comparable to those in the peripheral regions. It is more dangerous there, but there is also a greater chance of breaking through the cultivation base.

Warriors don't retreat for hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years to continuously break through. Only by killing people, killing people of the same level and stronger than themselves, can they continue to transform and break through!

This is also in line with the martial artist's cultivation state of mind, like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

Afterwards, we discussed the general situation, and most of the narration was based on Qi Leibo, who was regarded as the advance army of the empire to take over this place.

He will sit here for a period of time, and will not return to the legion until all the follow-up administrative departments and managers of the empire arrive to completely complete the takeover of this area.

Therefore, after he gave some specific instructions this time, he decided to temporarily follow Jiang Heng and the others for the next period of time. And enter.

One month later, the construction of ultra-long-distance transmission channels in the Sikh Empire was finally completed.

Most of these stargates lead to the territory of the Hundred Nations Alliance, and there is another stargate that leads to the mainland of the Hegemony with the help of the remaining stargate anchor points of the previous Hegemony.

Because today is the day when the only remaining powerhouses from a hundred nations go to Hegemony to take over Hegemony.

Starships are floating in front of stargates, these are the remnants of the demigods who participated in the war before. The Galaxy Fleet under Jiang Heng's command is also among them.

However, in the ultra-long-distance star gate leading to the Alliance of Hundred Nations, there is a steady stream of starships pouring out.

"Hayu's reputation abroad has never been very good. Right now, I'm really worried that our demigods won't be able to control the scene. We have no choice but to bring more people from the mainland."

The demigod Xingyun shook his head and sighed. Of course he didn't mean that demigods like them couldn't suppress the current hegemony that didn't have demigods in charge.

The main reason is that the territory of the hegemony is not small, and there are also some demigod level guardians and the hole cards left by some of their demigod powerhouses.

If only a few of them demigods took action, it would take a long time to recover the entire hegemony forces one by one. What's more, he is most afraid that some hegemonic powers will flee early after hearing the rumors.

"After all, Hegemony was also a force that could compete with the Hundred Nations Alliance before. There are at least dozens of super galaxy clusters in the ruling territory. With such a vast territory, it is too laborious and laborious for us demigods to rush to suppress one by one, and our manpower is limited. , once we leave, I’m afraid it will happen again, so we’d better bring more people from the mainland.” Xiaoyue explained with a half-smile. ,

"However, the manpower we can call from the mainland is very limited now. After all, many demigods of our hundred kingdoms have fallen before, and we have not had time to conquer the territory they left behind. If we had conquered the entire territory of the hundred kingdoms before, maybe we could call More manpower!" The Twin Patriarch sighed.

Right now, he has the least number of people under his command. In order to break through the median state, he did not hesitate to refine most of the clansmen, and used the blood pills refined by the clansmen to break through the realm, just to increase the chance of saving his life in this catastrophe.

It's just that he didn't expect that in the end, his break through the middle position would be useful at the critical moment. At least at the critical moment, he would be able to compete with many strong players in the hegemony, winning the dawn of victory for his side!

"Okay! I don't think there are any more people coming, and there are only two thousand domain masters. It seems that we are all hurt in this battle!" Xingyun demigod sighed.

However, he soon cheered up and said to Qi Leibo who was at the side: "Brother Shang Yue, your lightning speed is the first, and you will need to spend more effort to regain the hegemony later!"

"It should be so!" Qi Leibo Shang Yue grinned, the halo of thunder flickering behind his head.

"But I remember that there is another existence in Tyrant who has never appeared!" At this moment, the demigod Siji who had not spoken much, rubbed his chin and thought.

"You mean the ancestor of the Underworld Fire Sect? I remember it was called Pluto?" Xiaoyue Demigod also remembered something.

"That's right! This is a well-known master of Tyrant, who has reached the sixth rank of the middle rank hundreds of thousands of years ago, but I don't know why he has never shown up in this battle. Could it be that Tyrant planned to let this man sit in the rear ?” The twin ancestors are quite old, and they are familiar with the powerful people around them, so they quickly remembered this person.

"Heh, it's just a sixth-order in a remote area, leave this person to me to deal with!" Qi Leibo Shangyue said disapprovingly.

The demigod Xingyun has no objection to this, he nodded and said: "In that case, I will set off later! This star gate can go directly to the hinterland of the hegemony, and then please go directly to the area where the Minghuozong is located, and we Then split up and act!"

Hearing the words, everyone nodded without any opinion.

With the unification of opinions, everyone flew towards the only star gate not far away leading to the hinterland of the hegemony without any hesitation.

The other side of this star gate was originally the gathering place for the army when the hegemony went out, so the area chosen was exactly the hinterland of the hegemony.

Now it is convenient for everyone.

The demigod powerhouse took the lead, followed by the densely packed interstellar fleet entering the star gate one after another.

Jiang Heng is also traveling with a group of demigods, and his mission is the same as that of the demigods, to indiscriminately decapitate the domain masters in the various supergalactic clusters of the hegemony, so that the follow-up fleet can take over the supergalaxy clusters.

The Broken Gold Empire, one of the three major powers in this hegemony, belongs to the hinterland of the whole hegemony.

Following the expedition of the demigod ancestors and some domain master-level powerhouses in the hegemony, the whole hegemony has become much quieter than before.

The same is true for the Broken Gold Empire, but today's Broken Gold Empire is more lively.

"Have you heard? Today seems to be the wedding day of His Royal Highness the Tenth Prince!"

The mother planet of the Broken Gold Empire, the countless star gates near the mother star today are shining with brilliance, which represents the representatives sent by the countless hegemony forces around.

The Suijin Empire belongs to one of the three major powers in the hegemony and belongs to the ruling class. The marriage of such a powerful prince often attracts the affiliated forces of the Suijin Empire to come over and send generous gifts and the other two The power will also send representatives to attend the wedding symbolically.

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid you don't know yet, His Royal Highness the Tenth Prince is not going to marry an ordinary person!"

"Oh? Could it be the child of some demigod ancestor?" Someone was surprised.

"Hey, I'm going to marry the nineteenth generation great-great-granddaughter of the fourth elder of the Tiancang Sect!"

"Really? Does this mean that Suijin is about to form an alliance with the Tiancang faction?"

"How is it possible? It's not uncommon for the three major forces to marry each other these years. It's just that Lord Pluto seems to be stepping into a high position recently. It seems that Suijin and Tiancang may really form an alliance, otherwise they really can't suppress Ming. Those spooky guys from the Fire Sect."

Countless people in the Broken Gold Empire are talking about it.

But at this time, within the imperial city of the Broken Gold Empire, this is a triangular-shaped city with a stepped shape like the Tongtian Tower. This is the imperial city of the Broken Gold Empire, the Golden City!

There are rumors that this city is actually transformed by a very powerful semi-divine weapon, but only the Broken Gold Royal Family knows exactly how.

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