Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 876: to clean up


The nine flying knives revolved around Jiang Heng's body like a ring-shaped flying shuttle, and there were bursts of collision sounds from time to time. It was obvious that this was the little golden sword coming to fight at an extremely fast speed.

"A mere dead thing dares to act presumptuously!" Jiang Heng was furious as the veins on his forehead bulged slightly.


Following Jiang Heng's flick of his fingers, all the flying knives trembled slightly and collided with the small golden sword, and then quickly rotated like a spiral strangle.

The sound of clanging and clanging was endless, and Jiang Heng's big move turned out to be a metal compass creation.

These are some small formation disks that Jiang Heng made by himself in his spare time recently. In the past, he had no habit of using formations to fight against the enemy, but since Jiang Heng's attainments in formations became more and more advanced, Jiang Heng also felt a little itchy, so he made a lot of existing metal formations. The material made small array disks one by one.

This kind of disk array is not very powerful, but it is convenient to use, and it is relatively simple to make without recycling.

The compass flew out, and turned into a small formation cage in the next moment, a layer of light golden barrier directly enveloped the golden little sword.

Little Sword seemed to feel something was wrong, and after a little entanglement with the Nine Flying Knives, he was about to break out, but the Nine Flying Knives were too difficult to deal with, almost eating him to death.

How is this possible?

The little golden sword is a bit unacceptable. I am a mid-level sixth-order semi-sacred weapon, and I am actually being overwhelmed by a junior regional master.

However, he didn't struggle for too long, and saw Jiang Heng grabbed it with his big hand and grabbed it directly.

Seeing this little golden sword, he was not surprised but happy, isn't the other party looking for death? Even if the opponent is a martial artist with a physical body, do you still want to use physical strength to counter his sharpness?

But when the big hand reached out and grabbed it, the little golden sword was firmly held in his hand after struggling for a moment.

"This... This is impossible! How can you, the master of the first district, not be hurt by my sword energy!"

The little golden sword let out a roar.

"There are too many impossible things, you should just let me in!"

Jiang Heng snorted coldly and wasn't used to this guy, he just grabbed the opponent's brain with one hand and stuffed it directly into the Zhanshen gourd.

As the little golden sword was put into the god-slaying gourd, Jiang Heng waved the nine flying knives one after another and let them scatter to find the target on his own.

As for the little sword in the gourd, Jiang Heng is not worried, even if the golden little sword is a high-ranking semi-magic weapon, once it is stuffed into the God-killing gourd, it can only be involuntary.

The personality of the Zhanshen Gourd once reached the high ninth level, and when its owner forged it, it was used for refining and sacrificing various weapons. Naturally, the possibility of restraint and refining weapons was also considered.

In just a few tens of breaths of time, the breath of life of the powerhouse in the entire Broken Gold Mother Star has been quickly eliminated at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it is completely wiped out, and there is no warrior left.

Returning to his own starship, Jiang Heng glanced at the burning planet below, his mood didn't fluctuate at all, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

I thought I was here for work this time, but I didn't expect to be able to grab a weapon that was infinitely close to a high-ranking semi-artifact, which was definitely a surprise.

"My lord, shall we act separately or together?" Patriarch Lie Yan asked.

This time Jiang Heng can be regarded as a clearing force that was separated separately, and there are some old subordinates under him.

"Let's split up, Lie Yan and you three sisters will act together. In addition, you also hold these semi-magic weapons. If something happens, just crush this communication talisman. I will arrive in time."

Jiang Heng instructed that the power of space is so casual, of course, he is afraid that there are still some semi-god-level powerhouses left behind in the hegemony.

As for Chen, Jiang Heng still took him directly with him. In addition, Lu Yixin and the old department of the galaxy also followed him. In this way, it was divided into two and quickly began to radiate around with the Broken Gold Empire as the core.

One force after another was destroyed.

In the next year, many hegemony forces experienced unforgettable scenes.

A big hole suddenly opened in the sky, and then a figure like an ancient **** emerged.

And this man said only one sentence, "surrender or die?"

After this sentence is finished, if no one answers within ten breaths, the entire planet will face catastrophe, and there is no other possibility.

Water Moon Dynasty—

This is a new second-tier force in Hegemony. In fact, the Shuiyue Dynasty has only joined Hegemony not long ago. The reason why they joined Hegemony is because their original homeland was raided by Hegemony.

Although it is a new force joining the hegemony, the Shuiyue Dynasty is not weak at all, and there are as many strong as clouds.

Such a small force that is only at the level of a super galaxy cluster actually has five demigod level powerhouses in it.

It stands to reason that this is very unscientific, but the former homeland of the Shuiyue Dynasty is a relatively isolated supercluster of galaxies, and the nearest superclusters of galaxies around it are tens of thousands of light-years away. For a long time in the past, it has been almost hidden from the world.

There are hardly any technological creations in it, and everything still maintains a very traditional and classical style.

Although the Shuiyue Dynasty is a dynasty, it is dominated by a sect named Shuiyuezong, and the five demigods are all elders.

It is conceivable that the original homeland of the Shuiyue Dynasty is such a precious land. It is amazing that a super galaxy cluster can raise five demigods at the same time.

The abundance of its resources is no less than that of the general core region of the universe.

And now such a treasure land, with the surrender of the Shuiyue Dynasty to the Hegemony, has been divided up by the three major forces of the Hegemony.

Today is still a very normal new beginning of the Shuiyue Dynasty, and people are beginning to be familiar with those very new but difficult to understand technological products as before.

Since joining the Hegemony system, the Shuiyue Dynasty has been forced to try to accept those new technological things.

This is an inevitable trend, and the Shuiyue Dynasty can only be forced to accept it.

"Teacher, more and more disciples have become restless recently, they can't comprehend the highest and unique knowledge of the sect!" An old man in a crescent robe bowed his hands to a beautiful woman in a Taoist robe in front of him with some sadness.

Hearing these words, Qingli woman's eyes trembled, she closed her eyes slightly, and sighed after a while.

"I see, the Supreme Elders and I will find a way at this time!"

"But if the head teacher goes on like this, our Shuiyue Sect will be in great trouble." The old man was a little anxious, he could hear that it was the head teacher's words of delay.

"So what? Since the last war, three elders on the Zongneitai have fallen, and now the two Supreme Elders still have old injuries, and their strength is only seven or eight out of ten.

I couldn't resist before, so can I still have a chance now? "

The Qingli woman's face was miserable, and she was a little helpless.

"Teacher!~" The old man was also sad, this is the Moon Sect who will perish in the sky.

"By the way, Master! Now that many powerhouses in the Hegemony have gone out, why don't we take this opportunity to leave!"

The old man's expression froze suddenly, his brows became sharp and serious.

"Hehe, didn't you guys discuss it a long time ago?" The cleaning woman smiled slightly, looking at the old man with complicated eyes.

"Yes! I have already discussed with many elders in the sect. If this continues, the unique unique knowledge of our Water Moon Sect will be completely lost. Can the Water Moon Sect be the Water Moon Sect without the unique knowledge?

I believe that even the Supreme Elder would not want to see such a situation! "

The old man looked determined and solemn.

"I know what you're thinking, but have you ever thought about it, is Bayu really as strong as it is right now? Besides, have you ever thought about it, if we make trouble at this moment, wouldn't some of them come back?"

The woman asked questions one after another, which made the old man speechless for a while, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care about that, I just know that if this goes on, my Shui Yuezong will be completely finished.

Now we still have some right to take care of ourselves to some extent, but once we completely sever the Absolute Learning and the Supreme Elders are gone, what shall we do? "

"So please make a decision early!" The old man clasped his fists again, and even knelt down directly, almost begging.

"Is this coercion? Forget it, give me another three days for this matter, and I will give you an answer in three days!"

The woman shook her head with a wry smile and rubbed the center of her eyebrows.

There was a moment of silence.

But at this moment, an earth-shattering tearing sound suddenly erupted in the sky above the entire Shuiyuezong, as if a big hole had been stabbed in the sky suddenly.

"what happened?"

The two looked up at the same time, both a little confused and unbelievable.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two jumped up into the air at the same time and looked up.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an unforgettable scene. It was a dark rift, as if across the sky. On the other side of the crack, it seems to be a scene of stars.

At the same time, a figure walked out of the crack slowly, with slow steps and a steady figure, exuding a majestic and terrifying coercion.

"Demigod? Why are there still demigods appearing now?"

Feeling the pressure on his body, the old man's eyes protruded a little in disbelief, he just felt like being crushed in his physical body.

The same situation also happened to the female head teacher. The two of them hovered unsteadily in mid-air, as if they were fighting against the terrifying power of the sky, but they still fell down after persisting for a while.

"Aren't all the demigods sent to the front line? How can there be demigods appearing now?" The female head teacher also looked incredible, which was completely puzzling to her.

"Teacher! Please also invite the Supreme Elder!" The old man said with great difficulty with a pale complexion.

"Let's take a look, and if something goes wrong, the Supreme Elder will show up!" The woman said calmly and quickly regained her composure.

The Supreme Elder of the Shuiyue Sect was indeed recruited to the front line, but only one was exposed, and there was another Supreme Elder who had been hiding deeply.

Given the fact that there is no strong demigod in the hegemony right now, having a strong demigod on the side of Shuiyuezong is indeed a very strong trump card.

However, at this time, another strange demigod came, which made the two of them panic for a while, not understanding what was going on.

Especially the old man thought it was because the hegemonic forces had already infiltrated spies in the Shuiyuezong, which caused their plans to be exposed to the hegemonic forces early. The person who appeared now was most likely to come to clean up the sect .

"Surrender or die?"

A magnificent and infinitely majestic voice rang in the minds of all life forms on the planet at this moment.

It was as if a real **** was issuing an oracle.

"This he really a Hegemony?" The old man was trembling, he no longer had the composure and determination he had before.

He knew very well that even at the peak of the Water Moon Sect, it could not compete with the entire Hegemony, it was a behemoth with nearly a hundred demigods.

Especially the three major powers of the hegemony, any one of them can be pulled out to crush the Shuiyuezong.

The female head teacher also pursed her lips tightly, and she was not as calm as before, she just quietly looked at a certain direction on the top of the mountain of her sect.

"What do you mean by your words? I don't think your breath seems to be any comrade in the hegemony. Your Excellency has no shortage of explanations!"

Just as everyone in the Shuiyue Sect was panicking, an equally magnificent voice suddenly came from somewhere in the Shuiyue Sect's mountain gate.

This voice is obviously much older than the previous one, it seems to be an old man who is dying.

"Demigod? Didn't expect such a small place to hide a demigod?"

Jiang Heng was a little stunned when he heard it, the aura that bloomed just now was clearly at the demigod level.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still opened his mouth and said, "Since you have already spoken, why hide it? Or do you mean you don't want to see me? Or do you think you are hiding very deeply?"

Listening to the voice above the mountain gate, inside an underground cave, it looks like a deserted cave with no one on the surface, but in fact there is a layer of the middle world inside, which is a small cave.

After passing through this cave, one enters a small world with an area of ​​about 100,000 mu filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Looking around, although there are green waters and green mountains here, there is only one lone peak and a small Taoist temple above the lone Yue Ming demigod stroked his white beard, which was several meters long, and sat on the taoist temple Inside, he listened carefully to the sounds from the outside world, and frowned from time to time.

"Patriarch, you seem to be confused?" A voice sounded from the side, but there was a pretty girl in an ordinary Taoist robe standing beside her.

"Who says it's not? Who else will come to us at this pass and this hegemony? And this person's breath is wrong!"

Yue Ming demigod frowned very puzzled.

"Then ancestor, you just spoke, will the other party know that we are here?" The female disciple continued, with some worry in her eyes.

"Impossible, I'm in the secret realm of the cave, even if he catches my breath for a moment, it's impossible to find me." Yue Ming half-god murmured, but his face was still very serious. He thought for a while and sighed: "Wait If the other party commits a massacre in the sect, don't go out!"

"Patriarch!" The female disciple was a little anxious.

"It doesn't matter, the old man has lived for so long and it is enough, and the last little time is enough to win a chance for the sect. Remember that once you fight, you should use the diversion talisman to take away the elite disciples and the ancient books of the sect."

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