Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 885: Accession to the WTO (below)

Just halfway through the rehearsal, Silence felt something was wrong.

My own set of twelve-way killing guns became more ruthless and tricky unconsciously.

If you say that your marksmanship before was a move with killing intent, but this kind of move is indeed the same as Master Jiang said, a bit rigid.

At this moment, the silence was somewhat enlightened.

"So it is! So it is!"

Silently muttering incessantly, the divine light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"The reason why the ultimate move is called the ultimate move is not because the move is fierce and fierce, but because it inadvertently reveals the fierceness. If I show my fangs at the beginning, then the pair of gestures will definitely be wary. In this way, the ultimate move It can’t even be called a killer move!”

Silence is clear, my previous moves were too fierce, so that the opponent would be extra careful when fighting with people at the beginning, and it would often be more difficult as you fight later, because people have gradually become familiar with your moves and ways. It will also be more handy.

When the brand-new marksmanship practice was over, Mo Mo quickly put down his stick and saluted Jiang Heng solemnly.

"Thank you for your guidance, sir. I was blind to Mount Tai before. I never thought Master Jiang, a scholar, would have such insights into martial arts!"

Mo Mo was a little emotional, he never thought that Master Jiang would be able to improve his actual combat level by several percent with just a few words.

"Hey! It's just a coincidence. The so-called reading through thousands of volumes is as good as writing, and one method can be used to master all methods. Some things actually have the same principle. I also look at problems in the same way as a scholar. I didn't expect it to be effective. .Since it is useful to you, then it is good, I am afraid that I will delay you by pointing it out myself!" Jiang Heng waved his hand with a smile.

Hearing the silence, he couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect Master Jiang to be able to teach him martial arts by mistake.

"Anyway, thank you Master Jiang for your guidance!" Mo Mo saluted solemnly again.

This advice is extremely important to him. He feels that his actual combat level has risen to a higher level. If he encounters a master of the same realm again, he can kill the opponent in a more clever way, instead of going all out as before. just do.

The meal didn't end until midnight, and Jiang Heng unconsciously smiled when he left Jiangfu in silence.

"Come out, you'll be suffocated even if you think about it inside."

"Where, it would be nice for me to draw pictures inside, but you are really kind to this boy, my husband. It seems that you will really accept him as an apprentice." Lin Yanwei came out from the back room, and she took out a A scroll unfolded and said: "Don't talk about this, husband, come and see how my painting is doing?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng immediately looked.

Just one glance at Jiang Heng makes me feel ashamed, because my mother-in-law's painting skills are absolutely full.

I have to say that Lin Yanwei's painting skills are really superb.

The painting is a scene of Jiang Heng drinking and chatting with Shen Mo. Although he didn't use too much paint, just a few simple strokes can vividly depict the demeanor and temperament of the two.

This move was very unusual, and Jiang Heng felt a little depressed in his eyes.

They all started at the same time, and it turns out that my daughter-in-law is so talented.

The days were the same as before, but after what happened tonight, Shen Mo and Jiang Heng walked around more frequently, mainly to discuss issues in martial arts.

Xu Shi saw that Jiang Heng, a strange scholar, seemed to have a very unusual understanding of martial arts, so whenever there was a new move, silence would always be displayed in front of Jiang Heng.

And every time he can always gain a wealth of experience.

However, Jiang Heng also noticed that the other party had recently begun to talk about the situation in the border areas. Hearing what Shen Mo said, the situation in the border areas seemed to have plummeted.

Ever since one hundred thousand troops died at the hands of the Northern Man, the entire frontier has been completely corrupted. Even if the imperial court gradually increases the investment in silver every year and keeps sending troops from all over the country to the frontier, it will not help.

Moreover, that frontier army should be the last and most elite force of the Dagan Dynasty, and now its destruction is no less than a heavy blow to the Dagan Dynasty.

It is also because of this that the Daqian Dynasty seemed to have its last backbone broken, and Yunzhou has been in jeopardy since then.

Jiang Heng just listened to this for fun, and he still draws and walks every day, and tells his wife about his martial arts insights from time to time.

Of course, not all of Jiang Heng's paintings are for sale, and his main purpose is to reshape his wife's martial arts will.

Putting pressure on Lin Yanwei with the paintings that carry her martial arts will,

It is also possible to intimidate Lin Yanwei with the martial arts will, but that is too much for Lin Yanwei all of a sudden, and it is very likely that the martial arts will collapse without reshaping her own martial arts will.

Therefore, no matter how poor Jiang Heng's painting is, Lin Yanwei can only endure this kind of art to observe it, but Lin Yanwei was also a genius at the beginning, so she comprehended it very quickly.

Back then, Lin Yanwei could step into the upper class in a hundred years, but after becoming a married woman for these years, she slackened in martial arts, but after giving birth to Jiang Yizhen, she also resumed martial arts, so Jiang Heng's advice this time is one-pointed. pretty easy.

"Husband, we have been here for nearly five years, right? Do you want to test this person now?"

Just like in the past, Lin Yanwei was dripping with sweat just after finishing a baptism of will.

"Don't worry, your martial arts will has gradually recovered. It's best to go all out in this period of time. In the next period of time, I will gradually increase the pressure of willpower. I hope you will bear with it!"

Jiang Heng was rather worried about Lin Yanwei.

The baptism of martial arts will is not so pleasant.

Thinking about how he almost physically collapsed in the face of the Xingyun demigod's martial arts will, if not for the golden jewelry to share the pressure, Jiang Heng really might not be able to carry it through.

"I can carry it through, isn't it the baptism of martial arts will? I have been here for the past five years. Don't worry, my husband!" Lin Yanwei smiled gently and shook her head.

Seeing Lin Yanwei like this, how could Jiang Heng not know that she was comforting him.

During this period of time, Lin Yanwei could see the pain of tearing Lin Yanwei's body almost over and over again under the will of martial arts. Although Jiang Heng was not stingy with precious medicines, the pain was real.

Jiang Heng has experienced this kind of pain. As long as his will is a little weaker, facing this kind of pain will cause psychological shadows. Let alone tempering his martial arts will, he will easily be mentally distorted and even have inner demons.

And Lin Yanwei didn't have any mental problems at all from her performance just now, even under Jiang Heng's investigation, she felt that Lin Yanwei's martial arts will was gradually changing.

It's just that the more this happened, the more Jiang Heng felt distressed.

"Okay, you should still worry about yourself. A while ago, the old man Master respected you, didn't he communicate with you through sound transmission? What's the matter?"

Lin Yanwei waved her hand, with a cheerful and bright smile on her face.

"It's not an important matter, but recently he has realized something, and he is going to retreat for a period of time, so that I don't need to look for him in the future. After he breaks through, he will return to the Legion to report on his own.

He also said that if my side is about to break through the demigod to notify him, he will formally invite me to the Legion! "

"Legion? Master is talking about the three champions of the Great Zhou Empire?" Lin Yanwei has always been curious about the Great Zhou Empire. Whenever Jiang Heng talked about the empire, she couldn't help asking.

"Yes! I heard that the head of the legion is a demigod at the middle peak of the sixth-level physical body, and the three champions will all die together. The commander of the champion legion is said to be a high-ranking seventh-level demigod."

Jiang Heng was a little emotional, and he also learned these news from a star ring presented by Miss Law Enforcer after he was officially awarded the imperial title.

The so-called star ring is the smart bracelet of the Great Zhou Empire. Through the star ring, it can connect to the empire network, and in the virtual network of the empire, it can obtain many basic information and some basic knowledge of various aspects of the empire.

However, Jiang Heng thought that was the case after playing with it. Although the technological content of Xinghuan was far superior to that of Luohui Empire's smart bracelet, the functions in it were shockingly few.

In addition to the limited information browsing, it is also a communication function, and the star ring codes of both parties are required to contact each other.

In contrast, Luohui Empire's smart bracelet has a lot of functions. It can not only browse information and communication, but also shop online.

I heard that some people at the Luohui Imperial Research Institute are even preparing to create a virtual world in the smart bracelet based on some of the previous technologies of the Seiya Civilization and the Great Zhou Empire.

It has to be said that Luohui Empire's thinking on the development of science and technology is somewhat similar to that of Jiang Heng's previous life on Earth, which is almost creating a metaverse.

Of course, this kind of technology has long been used by the super-dimensional kingdom of God, but it is obviously that the internal virtual world of the super-dimensional kingdom of God will not be shown to outsiders.

"It seems that the empire is really powerful, but how long do we plan to stay here, sir?" After listening to Jiang Heng's description, Lin Yanwei also had a new understanding of the strength of the Great Zhou Empire.

"It depends on when you successfully transformed your martial arts will, but you don't have to worry about it. Let's take it slowly. Martial arts will is very important. I can't help being sloppy and eager for quick success. Besides, I have plenty of time now, not to mention that I also need this It takes time to settle down and prepare to break through the demigod, so it doesn't matter if we live here for hundreds of years, hundreds or even thousands of years."

"You can't do this. If we stay here for too long, what will happen to the children. Especially the child Kazuma!"

Speaking of Jiang Yizhen, Lin Yanwei was obviously worried.

"Don't worry about him, this child just lives too well and has never experienced the sufferings of the world!"

Jiang Heng can take it easy, after all, when Jiang Yizhen was born, he was already a big shot, and everyone respected his family inside and out.

In contrast, Jiang Wenwu and Jiang Yanwei were more turbulent when they were born. Under that kind of tension, these two children naturally worked harder.

"That has to be taken care of, this child will go to heaven if he doesn't care!"

"Don't worry, after the matter here is settled, I will arrange a very good place for him, where he will know the sufferings of the world."

Time is still passing day by day, one year or two years, until the tenth year when Jiang Heng and his wife lived in Cangzhou City.

On this day, Shen Mo got married, and his wife was the daughter of that Elder Wang who admired him back then.

As old neighbors, Jiang Heng and his wife naturally also sat at the table, and it was quite interesting to see the bustle and bustle of the guests, who were almost all people from the Jianghu.

Looking around, Jiang Heng and his wife may be the most conspicuous, because all the people who came to Silent Wedding were rough Jianghu men.

"Mr. Jiang and Madam, I'm very glad that you can come. You must not get drunk later!"

With a trace of drunkenness, Mo Mo walked to Jiang Heng's table with a wine glass and made a toast to Jiang Heng.

"It's easy to say, but I also congratulate Brother Shen for embracing the beauty, but after this time, Brother Shen will have to live a good life!"

Jiang Heng also sincerely sent his instructions.

Although I have always come here from the perspective of a spectator, over time I have gradually developed some affection for the silent child.

Mo Mo chatted with Jiang Heng for a few more words, then walked towards the other table with the jug in one hand and the full wine glass in the other.

Seeing this, Lin Yanwei said via voice transmission: "Husband, I think this child's heart for martial arts is not as good as before, and his ambition has dissipated a lot!"

"Not bad, you can now see through the heart of other people's martial arts. Not bad! It seems that you have made rapid progress during this period of time!" Jiang Heng looked at Lin Yanwei involuntarily.

"Isn't your husband a good teacher?" Lin Yanwei couldn't help joking.

"It's normal to say that this person's martial arts acumen has dissipated a lot and is not as good as before. Ordinary martial arts hearts will fluctuate with age.

When he was young, he was the most determined. At that time, there was always an indomitable momentum in his heart. He was not afraid of death and dared to fight. This person is like this.

But with the birth of heirs after marriage, and as people approach middle age, this determination will continue to dissipate. But in old age, this fortitude may have disappeared, and it has become a look that he didn't even dare to imagine at the beginning. "

As he said that, Jiang Heng took a somewhat complicated glance and sighed softly while still warmly toasting to the guests: "This is also the reason why I didn't directly accept disciples.

The real jade in the rough is that no matter what years of baptism and ups and downs in life, it can always maintain its brilliance. Whether this person is a piece of jade in the rough remains to be seen. "

Time is passing by as fast as ever, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye—

The full twenty years may represent one-third of a life for ordinary people, but for Jiang Heng and his wife, it is just the blink of an eye.

But this is a kind of precipitation and baptism of the years for Shen Mo, and now Shen Mo has taken the position of the elder of the Canglang Gang.

And his realm has also been promoted from the original ninth rank of martial arts to the seventh rank of martial This kind of promotion speed is neither fast nor slow. Looking at the Jianghu and even the entire Daqian Dynasty, it is just a very mediocre qualification.

Sitting in the sedan chair, closing his eyes in silence, he looked like a middle-aged man with a very steady goatee. He was wearing a navy blue cloak made of fine silk, which made him look neither vulgar nor dignified.

Slightly stroking a pair of walnuts with his fingers, he has a peaceful expression. Years of fighting in the rivers and lakes have allowed him to develop excellent energy-raising skills.

A gust of wind blew up Jiaozi's curtains, but his gaze caught a glimpse of a familiar face inadvertently.

At this moment, Mo Mo was shocked all over, and his eyes seemed to see the most incredible thing.

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