Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Bucking the trend

Hearing the words, Shen Mo didn't dare to make a sound, just nodded, and at the same time quietly came behind Master Jiang to observe what was painted.

In the painting, I saw a dragon rushing out of the river and lake with its teeth and claws open. As the saying goes, dragons have nine similarities, and they are heterogeneous with the strengths of various animals. It has many names, the one with scales is called Jiaolong, the one with wings is called Yinglong, the one with horns is called [Duota] Dragon, and the one with small horns is called Qiu. The smaller one is called jiao, and the bigger one is called dragon.

But right now, this is a flood dragon covered with fine scales, with a small horn on the top of its head. It looks ferocious as if it wants to choose someone to eat, but it has a feeling of flying into the sky, as if it is transforming a dragon.

Alongside this pair of verses:

Last year, Zuo moved to Yelang Road, and the glazed inkstone was long and dry.

This year, Wu Shanyang was released by imperial edict, and Jiaolong's pen was born with brilliance.

At first, Mo Mo just thought that this dragon possessed both spirit and form, and felt that Jiang Fuzi was worthy of being a scholar. This painting skill is really rare.

But gradually he found that although the dragon had depicted all the expressions and forms of the dragon, he always felt that it lacked a sense of agility and divinity, that is, it was soulless and stiff like a dead thing.

But then he discovered that the dragon in the painting had no pupils, that is, no eyes.

As if he had guessed what Shen Mo was thinking, Master Jiang raised his pen and clicked twice on the eyes of the dragon's head. As the two pens fell, Mo Mo felt his eyes blur for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he was shocked to find that the dragon in the painting blinked, and then the immobile body began to writhe wantonly, flying into the sky like a real flying dragon in the painting.

However, in the painting, the dragon rushing into the clouds still seems not satisfied, and there is a sense of restraint.

At this moment, the sound of dragon chant rang out in Shen Mo's ears, and the dragon in the painting rushed out of the scroll.

Jiaolong's figure swelled rapidly after he was born, which made Mo Mo subconsciously clenched the spear in his hand as if facing a formidable enemy. He didn't expect to see such a fairy world today.

Looking up, all you can see is the body of a flood dragon hovering in the real clouds above, and the size of the body is probably no less than a hundred feet.

" is this possible? Jiaolong?"

Silently dumbfounded.

However, after seeing the dragon roar wantonly in the clouds, he could feel it soaring freely.

Following a burst of circling and tumbling, the dragon turned its head one by one and plunged into the scroll again, and everything returned to calm.

Looking at the restored Jiaolong in the painting, Mo Mo was in doubt, afraid that the Jiaolong in the painting would come out again.

At the same time, the way he looked at Jiang Fuzi was different from before.

Ruuo said that before, he thought that the couple in front of him were just seniors in the martial arts world, but now it is beyond the scope of martial arts understanding.

"It looks like you saw it!"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, he had already put down his pen and looked at Shen Mo.

"Look... I saw the dragon... the dragon!" Shen Mo nodded, looking at Jiang Heng with complicated eyes for a while, and he didn't even know how to ask Jiang Heng just what the trick was.

"Not bad! You can see the dragon, which means that you have regained the heart of martial arts."

Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction, and it was finally worth his advice.

"I know what you want to ask, but I won't tell you these things. Now that you have realized the triad, then you come to find me to give you a life-and-death test, right?"

"Not bad!" Shen Mo nodded, and he didn't ask Jiang Heng how he knew, anyway, he was already numb.

"It's so good. You can ask for a life-and-death trial, which shows that you still have a pure heart, so you should be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Heng casually fumbled with the scrolls in the painting basket behind him, as if he was picking something, and picked out a scroll in a moment.

Just when Shen Mo didn't understand what this meant, he saw Master Jiang in front of him shaking the scroll in his hand and spreading it out.

The painting is a scene of a cliff, and on the cliff sits a cross-legged swordsman holding a long sword.

But at this time, as the picture scroll was shaken, Mo Mo felt his eyes blur again, and the figure in the picture scroll slowly turned around, revealing a stern young face with star eyes and sword eyes.

The young man stepped lightly, and his figure actually rushed out of the scroll.

There was almost a moment of silence, only to feel the pleasant sound of the sword's cry coming from the ear, and the sword's cry whistled, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

After a moment of silence, I feel the hairs all over my body explode,

The stern swordsman held the three-foot sword and slashed towards Shen Mo with the light of the sword in an instant.

Faced with this swordsman, Mo Mo's heart had long been alarmed. This is definitely a martial art master of the third rank.

There was almost an instant of silence, but also a blatant shot, directly the first-hand family-handed marksmanship, the Thirteenth Company of Longying!

Seven gun flowers were thrown out from the tip of the spear, and the energy and blood flowed horizontally. The force reached the tip of the spear and shot, strangling towards the opponent's sword.

However, after a fight, the silence felt extremely uncomfortable.

The opponent's strength may be on the third rank, but the opponent did not display any strength in the realm, only displaying that elegant and unpredictable swordsmanship.

The opponent's sword moves are both fast and slow, with both hardness and softness. Walking with the sword, carrying the sword with the body, the divine form almost achieves the harmony of form and mind, mind and qi, and qi and spirit.

Taking a closer look, Shen Mo suddenly found that the other party's moves vaguely fit the meaning of ** that Mr. Jiang said, that is to say, the other party almost achieved that in **, the hands, eyes, body, movements, and steps are all perfect.

Inexplicably, a soft chant came out of the swordsman's mouth, as if an immortal was singing something in the distant mountains.

"Lv Dongbin, a Yi man from Guanxi, has sword skills. He is more than a hundred years old and has a childlike face. He walks lightly and can travel hundreds of miles in an instant. The world thinks he is a god."

As the person spit out the words, the light of the sword in his hand became even more unpredictable.

For a moment of silence, blood began to appear on his shoulders and limbs, and he couldn't defend against the opponent's sword move at all.

Even with the passage of time, Shen Mo found that the frequency of the opponent's attacks became faster and faster, the sword skills became more and more superb, and even the realm began to gradually improve.

"If you still delay, after a quarter of an hour, you will be irresistible and sure to die!" Jiang Heng's voice resounded in Shen Mo's ears.

This made Shen Mo's heart sink to the bottom of the valley again.

But he wanted to fight back, but he was always suppressed by the opponent's just right sword light. Over time, he became silent and could only defend passively.

"This person's swordsmanship is definitely far superior to all sword masters in the world. Who the **** is this Master Jiang? How can such a peerless sword fairy be sealed in a random picture scroll!"

Silently cried out inwardly.

He felt that even if the opponent was on the battlefield, his strength would not be inferior to him, a master with a gun.

Everyone knows that the gun is the leader of the battlefield, and the sword is the leader of the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, an excuse appeared in Silence's subconscious mind. If he fought this person on the battlefield, he might kill him within ten strokes.

But the moment this thought came to his mind, he woke up with a start.

"Why am I making excuses again? Wasn't it the same before? I thought that I would surely die if my energy and blood were weak and exhausted, but it turned out that these were not the main reason. The real main reason was that I was afraid of fighting and dying!"

Silence let out a roar in his heart, he didn't want to make any more excuses.

At this moment, he is not afraid of death, not afraid of everything, only his long spear is in his eyes.

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong. Why do I feel that this kind of one-on-one fight is not as good as a sword?

Perhaps at this moment, he felt depressed, and had a thought of breaking through all the shackles and cages of his mind, but he subconsciously recalled the dragon that rushed out of the painting that he saw earlier!

"Shen Family Spear, Dragon King Po!"

With a burst of shouting, Shen Mo's figure suddenly handed it over, and the spear in his hand was like a dragon overturning the river.

This blow caused the stern swordsman to show a bit of surprise for the first time, but then Mo Mo quickly folded his hands, not at all afraid of the sword shadows that were constantly flying in the sky, and the spear in his hand turned into a series of spear shadows.


With this burst of shouting, there was an aura rivaling ten thousand armies, and the spear in his hand was either fast or slow.

At this moment, even he himself didn't know that he had completed the internal and external triad unconsciously.

Heart, breath, guts, hands, steps, and eyes are integrated into one, and an invisible momentum is escaping from Shen Mo's body.

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes, and he could vaguely see a dragon shadow coiling around Shen Mo in his vision.

This half of my disciples actually comprehended in advance the momentum that only high-level warriors can comprehend!

Even if this momentum is extremely weak and unattainable, even unable to release from the body, but when he comprehends the momentum, there is no suspense in this battle.

As Shen Mo fought more and more courageously, and his aura was stacked to the highest level, the stern swordsman gradually faded away, and finally disappeared.

As the swordsman dissipated, Shen Mo went limp and almost fell to the ground.

The short and hasty fight just now seemed short, but it suddenly took the energy out of Mo Mo's body.

He didn't feel it when he was fighting, but as the opponent disappeared, the intense fatigue came like a wave.

Sitting cross-legged, after recovering a little strength, Mo Mo looked at Master Jiang.

"Thank you sir, but why haven't you stepped into the upper third rank yet?"

Silently clasped his fists, his face was a bit puzzled and suspicious, because he didn't feel that he had stepped into the upper third rank, and he didn't have that kind of invincible power.

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head.

"Upper third rank? Hehe, you have obtained something far more precious than upper third rank. As for the upper third rank you mentioned, you have already reached it!"

"Achieved? But..."

"It's just that your physical body is too weak. Now your physical body has been stimulated to the peak of your prime of life. You only need to go back and take the big medicine tonic and you will find that the transformation has come!"

Hearing the silence, he was a little surprised, and was about to say thanks, but Jiang Heng waved his hand.

"Go back! After solving the worldly problems, if you still want to worship me as a teacher, come and find me!"

Jiang Fuzi's voice echoed in his mind, but Shen Mo was shocked to find that he had appeared in his own house at some point.

"Master, why did you come back suddenly?"

Seeing her master suddenly appear in the courtyard, a maid who was sweeping the floor was really startled.

Silence didn't respond to anything, but just searched for the butler and asked the butler to prepare a medicinal bath and boil a tonic.

Medicinal baths and medicines for invigorating qi and blood are all in stock at home, and the old housekeeper also helped Shen Mo take care of them more than ten years ago. Butler still understands.

Soon the old butler greeted the servants and started to get busy.

Shen Mo sat cross-legged in the study and fell into deep thought, his mind still filled with what he had seen and heard in the Jiang Mansion.

At this moment, he finally knew that Master Jiang and his wife were extraordinary people.

These all kinds of unpredictable means are by no means something that the martial arts people in the world can do.

"Husband! Will you scare the child like this?"

Lin Yanwei joked a little.

"If you can't even stand this bit of stimulation, then he doesn't deserve my attention!" Jiang Heng shook his head.

"That's true." Lin Yanwei nodded, "But I think that child seems to have grasped the power, which seems very unusual.

It stands to reason that any first-rank martial artist in this world is at best comparable to an inferior warrior with an energy level of 500.

But this person can comprehend the power of a high-class warrior in advance. It seems that your vision is not bad, sir. "

"I didn't expect him to be able to comprehend the power. I thought he could regain the heart of martial arts. At this stage, the will of martial arts is far stronger than ordinary people. I will accept him as a disciple. Now it seems that he is far beyond my expectations!"

Jiang Heng was also emotional.

Jiang Heng vaguely saw the shadow of Lu Yixin in this silence.

Lu Yixin also comprehended the momentum before he stepped into the upper class. Of course, Lu Yixin comprehended the momentum ahead of time with the help of the way of controlling energy and nourishing the mind.

But the silence of this world is the way of the flesh and blood, so it has to be said that it has broken the rules to understand the situation in advance.

"In this way, husband, you will definitely accept this person as a disciple?"

"Well, of course it depends on him. If he just wants to get by, then I'm wrong."

Jiang Heng smiled. Although he valued silence, he also needed silence to go further. If the other party didn't want to see the higher-level scenery of martial arts, then even if he accepted him as an apprentice, the other party would still be a piece of mud.

"Not to mention this, I may start to break through to the demigod in a while, and I may leave this world in a few years or decades. This planet can't bear the aftermath of my breakthrough."

"Is it almost here? Then do I need to leave early?" Lin Yanwei was sincerely happy for her husband.

"No, when the time comes, you will go with me. It may help your martial arts if you observe my breakthrough. Now you are about to step into the domain master, and maybe you will be able to break through the domain master in one fell swoop."

Jiang Heng ordered, Lin Yanwei has pushed the realm of the Lord of the Galaxy to the peak step by step during this It is not a breakthrough by taking pills, but a step-by-step reversal under the pressure of Jiang Heng's martial arts will potential rise.

This also means that Lin Yanwei's martial arts will has been regained, and it also means that she has resumed her broken martial arts path, and she will definitely be able to step into the domain master in the future.

Even in the future, if Ruo Ruo Jiang Heng can spend time laying a good foundation for Lin Yanwei, and after Lin Yanwei has experienced many life and death trials, even the demigod is not hopeless, but this hope is extremely slim.

At the same time, Shen Mo, who had already soaked himself in the medicated bath, couldn't help letting out a long howl. He felt his old body start to stir, and his qi and blood continued to surge.

It's like a dragon of qi and blood circulating in the body.

"Sure enough, the master didn't lie to me. Right now, my physical state has indeed reached its peak, and I can absorb the power of the medicine again to increase my vitality!"


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