Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 894: Cut Airway Avatar

The terrifying energy fluctuations continued, and countless fist and palm fluctuations spread out wave after wave.

Inside the core of the big formation, two huge figures like planets were engaged in a very **** and brutal fight like gods.

How terrifying is the fight between two demigods who are almost low-level second- and third-order demigods.

Without any fancy means, it was completely a secret technique of close-to-body hand-to-hand combat. In just a few breaths of effort, the two sides had fought no less than tens of thousands of times.

The explosions of dense fists and palms finally converged into one group, turning into earth-shattering explosions.

"It's really vulgar for a martial artist to cross the catastrophe!" Looking at this scene, Xuan Guizi couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

In fact, this is indeed the case, but it has to be said that the confrontation between the two sides is full of a coherent beauty.

It seems that two extremely precise perpetual motion machines are crazily using their brutal methods and parts to deal fatal blows to each other's weak positions.

But it's often just a trick.

If a martial artist from the temple of the gods faced such a ferocious fighting style, he would be blown up in no time.

This is simply not something that the demigods of ordinary low-ranking gods can resist. The speed was too fast, even Xuan Guizi's half-god eyesight could barely see some phantoms of the fight.

And these phantoms may have been caused by the other party's breath before, how much can one breath do to a martial artist in the physical body?

can not imagine.

Jiang Hengyue fought more and more courageously, but to his surprise, the opponent was also the same, and he was tireless.

"It won't work like this. My physical body can't bear the mystical powers such as Aspect Heaven and Earth Star Picker, etc. After all, the opponent obviously doesn't play cards according to common sense. His strength and speed are stronger than mine, and there is no need to consider the theory of endurance. "

I became more and more shocked in my heart, and I thought of many workarounds in my mind, but it was of no avail.

The opponent almost perfectly imitated his own ability, although the Star Reacher could not imitate it.

But the opponent's physical strength is far superior to his own, and it is difficult to make up for this gap with a single move.

"It seems that I don't have the strength to absolutely crush the opponent. I will definitely lose this battle!"

Jiang Heng already had a clear understanding in his heart.

Compared with the power of recovery and endurance, this is completely incomparable. The opponent is simply a tireless killing machine.

"In that case, let's come together!"

"Give me a breakthrough in the airway!"

Following Jiang Heng's low shout, there was another roar in the sky and earth in an instant.

I saw another crack tearing open in the void above. This time it was also a huge pupil, but it seemed that there were countless airflows in it.

This is the catastrophe of Qi Dao, Jiang Heng is actually planning to break through to the demigod with two avenues at the same time!

"He's crazy!"

Xuan Guizi couldn't help exclaiming.

I have never heard of anyone daring to break through two avenues at the same time.

There is no shortage of people who practice dual principles in this world, but most of them break through one first, and then try the other after their strength is completely stabilized in the low-level realm, and they have enough background.

After all, even if he breaks through to a demigod, his catastrophe is still close to death.

However, Jiang Heng actually wants to make such a shocking move today, which is not to say how ambitious it is, it is courting death!

"Sir, the level of surveillance has broken through to six million, and it's still going up."

"I see!"

Looking at the scene on the screen, Eva couldn't help being a little silent, and now she didn't know what emotion to express.

A little thoughtful she sighed.

"Let's temporarily seal up the information or something, and there is no need to send it to the Southern Region in the future."

It is said that the young consul looked at the situation in the screen and understood that the man who had crossed the catastrophe would undoubtedly die.

With the coming of the Qi Dao Heavenly Tribulation, all those who were observing the situation here could not help but exclaim.

After the exclamation, there was a burst of incomprehension and shaking his head and sighing.

They didn't know why Jiang Heng was so confused, whether he was too arrogant or really crazy, and he thought of pushing both of the two avenues to the demigod realm in one fell swoop, which was really no different from courting death.

At this time, the catastrophe is already gestating, and the gestation speed this time is obviously faster than before. Perhaps this area already has a strong aura of catastrophe,

Therefore, in just a few breaths, another figure exactly like Jiang Heng emerged, and this figure was surrounded by a thin, smoky breath.

Looking at Jiang Heng with both eyes, his expressionless face immediately turned into an extremely fast airflow and killed Jiang Heng.

The two figures approached quickly, and in an instant, it became a situation of one against two.

Originally, Jiang Heng could still rely on the power of space to steadily hold down the physical body of the incarnation of heavenly robbery in terms of speed, and use the advantage of speed to continuously scrape the opponent with his fists.

But with the addition of the incarnation of Qi Dao Tianjie, this little speed advantage disappeared, and Jiang Heng could only be forced to keep dodging and moving.

Such a high-frequency battle immediately made Jiang Heng's chest heave violently, and the consumption was obviously extremely terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

Two incarnations of Heavenly Tribulation fell on Jiang Heng's body with fists and palms like a violent storm, one of which was composed of pure energy, and the other was pure physical strength.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Xuan Guizi couldn't help but lament, he didn't know how to explain to Xingyun when he went back.

Could it be that your apprentice's brain is burned out?

However, just as he was thinking hard, at this moment Jiang Heng first forcibly accepted the palm of the Qi Dao Incarnation, but at this moment Jiang Heng quickly struck out.

The Star Reaching Hand instantly held the arm of the airway incarnation as if passing through another interface.

"Finally let me catch you! The counterattack begins!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Jiang Heng's mouth, and the next moment he directly used Teleportation, the two figures quickly disappeared in place, leaving only the physical body and the incarnation staying in place alone.

The other party seemed to be in a state of confusion for a while, but soon Tianjie locked the breath of the victim again.

The incarnation of the physical body began to punch and punch towards the void here, as if punching the air.

However, at the same time, in another world, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, there is a scene of a paradise, and Jiang Heng and the incarnation of Qi Dao quickly emerged in this world.

But soon the world began to shake violently, cracks appeared in the sky, and at the same time, the earth began to shake violently, as if the end of the world had come.

This is Jiang Heng's portable cave.

The airway incarnation was a little confused for a moment, not sure why he suddenly appeared here, but soon he didn't care, and started to frantically fight towards the victim in front of him.

"This is my home field, I'll kill you first!"

Jiang Heng let out a smirk, and saw him flick his fingers, and dozens of talismans flew out in an instant.

The talisman flew in all directions, and suddenly layers of thin light curtains emerged to cover the world.

However, this is not a talisman to stabilize the secret realm of the cave, but a large breath isolation formation. Dozens of isolation formations can see that the connection between this place and the main universe is reduced to the lowest in an instant.

At the same time, the breath in Jiang Heng's body also plummeted rapidly. In less than one breath, Jiang Heng's whole body did not see any breath, but the pure power of the physical body surged like a tide in his body.


The incarnation of Qi Dao Tianjie blasted out with a punch, but Jiang Heng just held the opponent's fist with one hand at random.

A sneer grinned at the corner of the avatar's mouth, and the vigor in his body was ready to blast into Jiang Heng's body like a fierce wind, intending to smash Jiang Heng's internal organs with vigor.

But at this moment, a trace of astonishment and confusion flashed across his face.

He only has the purest fighting instinct in his mind, and he can't think about many things at all.

"Hey, you were created by me. My understanding of Qi Dao is far better than that of the physical body. Qi Dao is indeed a promising road. But there are also many restrictions. The biggest restriction is that you cannot break the link with the main universe.

Part of your power comes from Heavenly Tribulation, while another part depends on the breath of the main universe that exists all the time.

Even the breath of your opponent can provide you with a source of strength. "

Jiang Heng sneered, because of this he even blocked his own breath. Everything is as he expected.

Having said all that, Jiang Heng used his energy and blood to circulate his physical strength to the limit, and directly imprinted his palm on the opponent's chest.

Pure physical strength directly punched a hole in the opponent's chest, followed by bombardment like a gust of wind and rain.

With the intensive and high-frequency attacks, the figure continued to collapse in just an instant, until it turned into a dense cloud of breath and floated in front of the eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng showed thought on his face, and for a moment he inhaled suddenly, and all the gas was sucked into Jiang Heng's body immediately.

As this breath poured into his body, Jiang Heng felt that many acupoints in his body filled up rapidly and began to compress rapidly.

One orifice unites the qi and energy, two orifices are two to one, the qi in each orifice acupoints condenses into fine dust-like condensed clusters, and finally gathers in the dantian until it becomes a soybean-sized particle suspended in the dantian .

At this moment, there is no gaseous or even fluid Qi Jin in the body, but a solid Qi Jin Qi Pill.

The Qi Pill was formed, and at the same time there was a roar in the sky and a big hand directly penetrated into it.

Immediately afterwards, two big hands poked in, one to the left and the other to the side, and immediately exerted force on both sides,


The entire small world of Dongtian Secret Realm was torn apart like a broken sack.

The space collapsed, and Jiang Heng's figure staggered and fell out.

As the figure reappeared in the main universe, just as the surrounding audience sighed, they saw wisps of air wafting out from the Heavenly Tribulation crack that represented the airway.

The airflow like a silk thread is automatically drilled into Jiang Heng's seven orifices and every capillary.

And with the influx of these air currents, Jiang Heng only felt that the Qi Dan in his body began to grow rapidly.

It didn't stop until it became the size of an egg, but the incarnation of the physical catastrophe had struck again.

This time, Jiang Heng also collided with the opponent again as before, palm to palm and fist to fist, unexpectedly facing the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation with the most fierce and domineering posture without dodging or evading.

This scene made everyone a little puzzled. Everyone was very puzzled, and they didn't know what happened the moment Jiang Heng disappeared just now.

"Could it be that this kid has killed an incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Xuan Guizi looked suspicious, and he was not to blame for this, it was really Jiang Heng's precarious appearance before, obviously a look that could not last long, how could his momentum soar in the blink of an eye.

But the situation still seems not to be optimistic.

"I'm afraid it still won't work. The incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation is not afraid of consumption and can perform secret techniques without any consumption." Xuan Guizi shook his head.

In his opinion, even if Jiang Heng killed an incarnation by chance and received the blessing of the heavenly tribulation, he might have paid a high price for killing the incarnation before.

Although the blessing of the catastrophe is a great opportunity, its impact is mainly far-reaching, and it cannot restore one's own state in a short time.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to see Jiang Heng's aura slipping again. It was obvious that he would only be consumed to death by the avatar.


A punch directly hit Jiang Heng's chest. Jiang Heng's strength and speed had dropped so badly at this moment that this punch could not be stopped at all.

The huge force directly caused his chest cavity to sag and almost penetrated directly.

With a spray of blood, Jiang Heng staggered backwards, and the brilliance on his body became uncertain, obviously it was already a little unsustainable.


Xuan Guizi shook his head.

Also feeling sorry was the people in the governing hall who were watching the live broadcast. They all felt that if Jiang Heng hadn't been arrogant and wanted to break through the two laws in one go, maybe he wouldn't have fallen under the first catastrophe.

Eva also has a slightly regretful Yaoyao head, but her expression is still calm.

Before, her expression was moved because she was surprised by Jiang Heng's talent, but now seeing Jiang Heng has no value at all, and naturally it is not worth her investment.

At the same time, Jiang Heng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling the situation in his body, it was indeed extremely bad.

Every inch of muscle seems to be torn apart. This is the aftereffect of using secret techniques and supernatural powers. If you continue to persist, your body may face the danger of collapse.

"It should be almost ready!"

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, his gaze gradually became deeper.

At this moment, the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation came again with a punch, and he planned to kill this ignorant tribulation passer in one go.

Jiang Heng didn't dodge or evade, and also punched him away.

"Blast me!"

But Jiang Heng suddenly sneered and shouted, and the next moment he saw the avatar froze suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, his figure shook like a sieve, as if countless bombs exploded in his body.



Seeing this scene, Xuan Guizi was stunned, only to see that the incarnation of Tianjie started to vomit blood after shaking in place for a while.

At first, he spurted a little bit of blood, and then continued to vomit blood, and even large pieces of divine internal organs began to vomit out.

"It seems that the amount injected is still enough."

Seeing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but smile slightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure stretched out.

When he reappeared, Jiang Heng had already pinched the avatar's head with one avatar struggled for a while, but the continuous vomiting of blood made his breath flow straight down three thousand feet as if a gate had been opened.


Accompanied by a sound like a watermelon bursting, the avatar's head exploded directly.

However, the opponent whose head exploded was still alive, and the granulation on the neck was still wriggling rapidly, trying to continue to heal.

But how could Jiang Heng let him get what he wanted, the qi pill in his body spun rapidly, and the turbulent and incomparably sharp qi force surged into the opponent's body along the palm of his hand.

At this moment, Qi Jin is like countless sharp cutting blades, constantly strangling the life tissues in the opponent's body.

In just a few breaths of time, the body of the avatar was like melting ice and snow. First, the skin melted, and then it turned into a puddle of blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng knew that this catastrophe was over.


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