Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Sky South City

"court death!"

Almost at the same time, Futian had already made a move, and a large and thick ax suddenly appeared in his hand.

At the same time, a surge of martial will directly acted on the black shadow.

However, the speed of the black shadow was too fast, and with a flip of his wrist, a Senhan's seductive dagger appeared in his hand, and it directly pierced Jiang Heng's eyebrows.


With the pressure of Futian's martial arts will, Jiang Heng realized it later, and was horrified in his heart. He subconsciously used the power of space teleportation.

But it was still too slow, the opponent's dagger was already close at hand.

It was too late and then too fast, because of the slight shifting force at this moment, Jiang Heng's figure moved slightly, which directly caused the dagger that was originally stabbed between the eyebrows to be slightly offset and stuck at the neck.


The dagger seemed to be pierced into tofu, and Jiang Heng was horrified to find that his body, which he thought was extremely powerful, was defenseless at the moment.

The throat was pierced, and then Jiang Heng was shocked again, and his body was frozen in place as if frozen.

"My soul!"

Jiang Heng was terrified. At this moment, not only did his body feel pierced, but even his soul seemed to be impaled. There was a feeling that his soul was being pierced from the front.


Fu Tian yelled, and his heart was terrified.

This is definitely an extremely professional killer. Not only is he good at the law of seclusion, but he even carries some kind of treasure of the law of restraining interest on his body, which makes Fu Tian almost ignore him the moment the opponent makes a move.

Fortunately, Futian has developed an extremely sharp reaction ability after fighting for a long time in the army.

The movement of stabbing the killer did not decrease at all, and his figure quickly slipped into the shadow under Jiang Heng's feet, and just avoided the blow of Futian axe.

Almost at the same time, the assassination fell directly from the sky, jumping out from the shadow reflected somewhere above, still holding the dagger and piercing towards the target's eyebrow!

"Don't be pierced between the eyebrows, once you hit your soul, you will die!"

Futian's voice quickly appeared in his mind, but at this moment Jiang Heng hadn't recovered from the pain in his soul just now.

The opponent's dagger can not only pierce the body but also the soul, and it seems to have a kind of soul poison that paralyzes the soul!

This is definitely a top killer!

Who is going to kill me?

Many thoughts appeared in Jiang Heng's mind, but the danger above his head made him calm down at this moment.

Open your mind!

The heart orifice corresponding to Beihe Da Zhou Tianxing's magical skill suddenly opened, the power of the soul increased greatly, the toxin of the soul was suppressed to the minimum, and the figure returned to normal again.

And the shadow above the head is already approaching.

"Die to me!"

After all, Fu Tian is a veteran in the army. After being caught off guard at the beginning, his ax was completely predicted according to the angle of the shadow in the room a second ago.

A ray of ax and ax qi that was compressed to the limit swept over, seeing the killer's reaction was extremely decisive, and his figure turned into a sticky black shadow again and slipped into the shadows.

As time passed, Futian and Jiang Heng were still on high alert. It was not until an hour that they relaxed their vigilance a little, but their spirits were still observing the surroundings with all their strength.

"What a powerful killer! Seeing that the situation is not good and retreating so decisively, this decisiveness and ruthlessness are definitely top-notch!" Futian let out a long breath and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Futian is like this, and Jiang Heng is even more like this at this moment. He only now realizes that there is a layer of cold sweat on his back.

If it hadn't been for the impact of Futian's martial arts will, Jiang Heng would have had no sign of danger at all.

"Brother Futian, who the **** wants to kill me? If I'm the only killer like this, I'd be dead by now!" Jiang Henghou was terrified.

"I don't know for now, but it's not difficult to guess. Let alone you, such a top killer, even I will suffer if I'm not careful!" Fu Tian shook his head, his face turned blue and white.

This is him, if it is an ordinary fifth-order demigod, it is absolutely impossible to survive such a killer.

"It's not hard to guess? Could it be that you have already guessed, brother?" Jiang Heng frowned, somewhat annoyed in his heart, after all, who did he provoke, and the other party let such a ruthless person mess with him?

"It's very simple. You are the pride of our Great Zhou Empire. You have always been a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of the temples and the super-dimensional kingdom of God. After all, beheading you while your cultivation is not high is tantamount to killing a god." future prince.

And a prince is a real strong man, they know what to do. Thinking about it, since the opponent has made a move, there must be a second and third miss if you miss once, until you are completely dead! "

Futian sighed, he rubbed the center of his brows slightly, and felt for a moment that his general sent him to protect Jiang Heng, it was really not a holiday for him, it was a very tricky job at all.

"The temple of the gods and the super-dimensional kingdom?" Jiang Heng murmured, feeling a little mmp in his heart.

Xin said that he just killed a few non-staff members of the temples during the battle of the hegemony, and didn't even kill a person from the temples, so they came to mess with him?

As for the super-dimensional kingdom of God, it was not provoked at all.

Jiang Heng was annoyed, no matter who he was, he would definitely make them pay the price.

I can't help but wonder if I should take the time to remove the No. 76 arsenal under the super-dimensional kingdom of God in the world opposite the golden jewelry?

Orto, his follower, and his group are still waiting for his rescue.

I secretly made up my mind to bulldoze that No. 76 arsenal when I have time.

"I don't know, brother, you may be able to tell which side the other party is from?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

It's hard to sleep and eat without knowing who will do it.

"Heh, if the opponent can leave any clues, then he is not a top killer, eh..."

After saying this, Fu Tian's eyes froze.

Following the other party's gaze, Jiang Heng looked down at the soles of his feet.

"Did you find anything?"

Didn't see any abnormalities, Jiang Heng didn't understand what happened to the other party,

"I really found something, this is..."

I saw Futian approaching and leaning slightly, stretching out his palm and rubbing it on the ground.

"Look carefully with your soul. This is a kind of night sand unique to the temples of the gods. It is a kind of gravel that can greatly hide the aura. This kind of thing only exists in the hands of the master of the palace of souls in the temples of the gods! Because only His unique supernatural powers can make these things." Fu Tian rubbed the fine dust that was difficult to find even with soul detection.

"The Palace of Souls? The Twelve Temples of the Gods?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help exclaiming.

"Well, the Twelve Gods Palace! It seems that this matter is inseparable from the Temple of the Gods! I will report this matter to the prince when I go back. As for you, don't worry, it seems that the emergency channel must be activated for such a thing to happen. Tomorrow we can Arrived in Tiannan City!"

Futian didn't dare to blame this kind of incident, so he had to return to Tiannan City immediately, or just go back and write a report.

At the same time, about a hundred light-years away from the starship, a figure shrouded in black sat on a meteorite that looked normal, and not long after another figure emerged from the shadows. Then emerge.

"How did you succeed?" the man in black asked hoarsely.

"Missed!" Shadow replied with a voice that was hard to distinguish.

Hearing this, the black-robed man was not surprised, just nodded, and murmured: "It seems that I still underestimated Fu Tian, ​​a reckless man, but that's okay, did you keep your things?"

"Hmm!" Shadow cherished words like gold and just hummed lightly.

"That's good, you don't need to take action after this matter, remember that you don't know what happened today after you go back!" the black-robed man ordered.

"This subordinate has never met an adult, nor has he participated in any missions!"

"very good!"

After being ordered, the shadow disappeared again, as if it had never appeared here.

Not long after the shadow disappeared, another shadow appeared immediately.

This shadow looks slimmer and shorter than before, like a very deformed monkey.

"My lord!" the shadow said respectfully to the man in black.

"Did you hear what you just said?"


"Very well, then you can continue with Shadow Twelve's mission to assassinate the target, but the target will soon enter Tiannan City, where the King of Nan is in charge, so you have to be careful, and run away immediately if you miss one hit!" the black-robed man said. He asked very seriously.

However, the shadow man seems to be distracted.

"Do you remember?" The man in black frowned slightly, as if he was very dissatisfied with the other party's performance.

However, the man in the shadow didn't answer, and his figure disappeared in the next moment. Seeing the black robe man frowned, his expression suddenly became cloudy, and he sat on the spot and began to wait quietly.

In just a short breath, the shadow man reappeared, but at this moment he was holding a dead dog-like figure in his hand, which was the shadow twelve who had disappeared before!

"My lord, this kid hasn't left yet, he just hid and eavesdropped!"

The shadow man pointed to the shadow twelve who seemed to be completely imprisoned on the ground and spoke indifferently.

"Listen to our conversation?" The man in black looked at Shadow Twelve on the ground, and a cold grin slowly appeared on his face.

"Tell me, who sent you here? I don't think you won't understand the rules. Shadow Twelve, you are considered an old man. Tell me, maybe it will save you a little bit of pain!"

"Kill...Kill me! I don't know anything!" Ying Twelve struggled to speak, with blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, obviously he was injured by that shadow man just now.

"It looks like you want to try the house rules!" A stern look flashed in the eyes of the man in black, just as he was about to make a move.

However, Ying Twelve on the ground suddenly twitched without warning,

"He's dead!" the shadow man glanced at Ying Twelve, who was no longer moving on the ground.

"Death of soul! What a vicious method!" The black-robed man stared at Ying Twelve with an extremely ugly face.

"My lord, it looks like a mouse has sneaked in."

"Of course I know that!" The man in black said with anger in his tone.

"It's just that this seat really didn't expect that an old man like Ying Twelve turned out to be a mouse! The hiding is really deep. If it weren't for the seriousness of this mission, this guy wouldn't take the risk of being exposed and show his feet!"

"My lord, it has been two million years since Shadow Twelve joined. Such a person is definitely not something that can be cultivated by ordinary forces. According to my subordinates, it is nothing more than the three major forces or the second-largest some top forces. People with such skills Not much power." The shadow man thought for a while and analyzed.

"So what guess do you have?" The man in black looked at him very depressed.

This time it really happened when the boat capsized in the gutter.

"I think other forces can be eliminated, but the forces behind them can target the three major forces! As for the purpose of the other party, I am afraid that it is almost the same as the client. The purpose is to provoke disputes with the Great Zhou Empire."

"Your analysis is quite right. It seems that you can wait and see for a while on your recent mission!"

After a day of sailing through the ultra-long-distance star gate, the starship has entered the territory of Tiannan City.

From a distance, a magnificent and dense group of stars came into view.

"This is Tiannan City, which is a huge continent that the prince and several strong men forcibly merged thousands of planets together and kneaded them gradually!"

Fu Tian couldn't help being a little proud.

As the starship got closer and closer to Jiang Heng, he gradually discovered the true face of these starlights.

These so-called starlight dots are not the light emitted by individual stars, but artificial stars suspended above a giant continent.

This is definitely the largest continent that Jiang Heng has seen. From a distance, it looks like a different world suspended in the vacuum of the universe, with a painting style that is incompatible with the nebula outside.

A flat continent is actually suspended in the vacuum of the universe, which is completely different from many planets presented as planets.

Jiang Heng noticed that some planets near the continent were like small footballs, and they looked very small in the face of this giant continent.

As we get closer and closer, we can also see the endless stream of starships on the continent, as well as the starships that are constantly rising and falling into the sky and landing.

What made Jiang Heng curious was that there wasn't a strong person flying in the sky above this continent, and they all traveled by starship.

"Tiannan City has an extremely strict air ban. Everyone who enters the mainland needs to take a vehicle, and must strictly abide by the sky control of Tiannan City.

Unless there is a centralized report in the army or an emergency mission, you must strictly abide by the rules of Tiannan City! "

As soon as Fu Tian came here, he was very chatty, and seemed to like to introduce the various characteristics and prosperity of Tiannan City to outsiders.

"It's really orderly!"

Jiang Heng sighed but couldn't help but feel secretly astounded by the number of auras of some strong men in the city.

Just at the moment of casually scanning, I felt that there were about a thousand demigods.

"After entering the city, brother, you must not release your spiritual sense to spy on others at will. This is a serious violation in the city, and you will be invited to drink tea by the law enforcement officer!" Fu Tian solemnly warned.

Jiang Heng was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Tiannan City to even protect the privacy of others.

"Brother, why don't you tell me about Tiannan City's rules once and for all?" Jiang Heng said helplessly.

"That's a lot, it's like the price of goods in Tiannan City is very expensive. You don't think I'm expensive as the deputy commander of the army, but I only have a house covering an area of ​​100 acres in Tiannan City. Like ordinary soldiers of the army, it is estimated It’s just a house the size of an acre of land. Tiannan City is worth every inch of land. By the way, you’d better not see any female warriors in Tiannan City. They might be liars. When you have **** with the other party, they will say that you raped them. She, when the law enforcement officer comes, you will have a hard time saying it, and you will have to pay the other party a huge sum of money in the end!"

As soon as you start talking about the dog days, it will be endless.

Listening to Jiang Heng's weird face, it seems that Brother Futian has experienced this before.

However, Tiannan City really surprised Jiang Heng. Don't look at Futian's few words, but Jiang Heng knew that this already showed that Tiannan City is a city with a high prosperity and population explosion!

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