Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 909: trap!

The Rosyth Kingdom is a subsidiary supercluster of galaxies located in the outer reaches of the southern border, which is equivalent to small landlords in remote places like the Hundred Nations Alliance.

There are many small landlords like this, and most of them are attached to the southern border. Of course, there are mixed fish and dragons among them, but the Rosyth Kingdom has always maintained a long-term and close relationship with the southern border.

"Captain, what do you mean to say that the relationship between the Rosyth Kingdom and our southern border is very close, and it is not comparable to ordinary affiliated forces?"

Listening to the captain's description of the Rosyth Kingdom along the way, Jiang Heng couldn't help being a little surprised.

"That's right! The Kingdom of Rosyth really wants to be the one who is more loyal among the subordinate forces, and although the Kingdom of Rosyth only has one super galaxy cluster in its territory, don't underestimate this small remote kingdom, According to the data, there are a total of three demigods in the Kingdom of Rosyth, and its ancestor is still a middle-ranked fourth-order demigod. Such strength as a vassal can indeed attract the approval of our southern border officials, and to a certain extent, it can give some trade The preferential treatment on the Internet!"

Fu just thought about it and laughed. The two were sitting by the porthole of a merchant ship drinking wine. This was their daily routine for the past two days. They looked quite leisurely. Those who didn't know thought they were on vacation. .

"However, don't take them too seriously for the Rosyth royal family. From the perspective of our southern border, they are vassals after all, and we are equivalent to the envoy. It's just that this mission is special, and the identity of the envoy cannot be revealed. But there is no need to be too polite with them, I feel that this mission will not be easy!"

Seeing Fu Gang's expression gradually becoming serious, Jiang Heng also secretly thought.

"I haven't stagnated in cultivation during this time, but since I stepped into the demigod level, although the cultivation can draw the power of the great road and the long river to absorb energy dozens of times faster than when I was a domain master, I don't feel full at all. See The span of each class of demigods is far beyond what the realm of domain masters can match."

Jiang Heng silently weighed his recent state.

"Most of the methods I master now are still mastered by the domain master period. Although many methods at that time were still powerful after stepping into the demigod, the overall martial arts are still a little slow to keep up with the rhythm."

Jiang Heng was also a little helpless in his heart. Right now, his astral body has automatically broken through to the ninth level since he stepped into the demigod level, but it seems that this is not enough. With the strength of his demigod first-order physical body now, it is not enough. It is higher than the third level of the ordinary mortal body and demigod.

"If this encounters a middle-level demigod with a physical body and Taoism, wouldn't I be scraping?"

If Fu Gang next to him listened to Jiang Heng's complaints, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.


Fu Gang didn't say anything about the physical power of the fourth rank, but Jiang Heng, a demigod who could step into the lower rank, always wanted to increase the strength of his physical body to a large realm in one go.

Of course, Fu Gang didn't know this, if he knew, he would be extremely depressed.

He stepped into the middle realm of the mortal body path, which was all hard work.

This is the sorrow of ordinary demigods. Of course, Fu Gang is not weak. As the Eye of Tianyu, a member of the elite espionage organization under the Southern King, his actual combat power is not inferior to the average fifth-order demigod.

Neither side knows the true strength of the other.

If only Fu Gang knew that this unattractive middle-aged and elderly person in front of him turned out to be a super genius with talent comparable to that of a prince.

If Jiang Heng knew that the immediate boss in front of him, who only knew how to cultivate, was actually hiding a mighty combat power.

It can only be said that the two sides have been together for too long after all, and warriors will not reveal their true strength at will. This has nothing to do with the distance, but a kind of taboo.

At this time, Fu Gang was still rambling on about the details that he needed to pay attention to when performing the task, but the key point was to warn Jiang Heng, a newcomer, that if any accident happened, don't stay too far away from him.

Although Jiang Heng nodded in agreement, his thoughts were still immersed in his own thoughts.

"Leaving aside the strength of my physical body, after stepping into the demigod, my attack and kill ability is not as good as it used to be just by relying on the god-slaying gourd."

Jiang Heng recalled his own methods in the past, and most of his ability to kill the enemy was attached to the god-killing gourd, and he gained a lot by relying on the unexpectedness of the god-killing gourd and the means of cutting people's bodies and souls.

But Jiang Heng also knew what kind of people he dealt with before.

To put it bluntly, in the face of the three major cosmic forces, Hegemony is a group of countrymen who are basically useless, and because of limited vision and resources, these people either have not seen Jiang Heng's rogue methods very much, or they are too poor There is no soul protection treasure at all.

And who among the regular three cosmic forces doesn't have a soul protection treasure?

Even if there is not, there are certain means of soul to deal with the sudden crisis against soul.

Therefore, Jiang Heng knew very well that when he came to the competition on the platform of the three major forces, the previous Zhanshen Gourd was not enough.

"With the strength of my current soul, it is already at the second-order demigod level, and to a certain extent, I can barely deal with the coercion and impact of the third-level powerhouse. Coupled with my current soul-type semi-artifact, I won't be able to face the low-level third-level demigod. Those who are super strong will be beheaded by the opponent with the method of spirit and soul.

As long as I don't meet some powerful mid-level demigods who are good at mind and soul means, even if I try my best to use space means to injure the soul, I can quickly respond and not be killed on the spot. "

Jiang Heng thought about it, and found that he still has a lot of shortcomings.

For example, the methods of spirits and souls are much worse. With the strength of the spirits of the two demigods now, they are naturally far superior to the same level, but too many steps are still not enough.

Other than that, it is the only space path that has not stepped into the demigod level.

The Dao of Space can be said to be the most important Dao of Jiang Heng. However, if this Dao wants to step into the level of a demigod, it is not enough to rely on perception alone, and a huge law of space is needed as a foundation.

"It's not impossible to forcibly step into the demigod with the space law contained in my body, but I've come to the end of the space. It's too difficult to improve if the source is not expanded!"

Stepping into the demigod and igniting the Dao Shenhuo is like chiseling a traction hole in the branch of the Dao Changhe itself. The stronger the foundation, the bigger the hole will naturally be. And the smaller it is, the later it is impossible to expand, and the future is extremely limited.

The Dao of Space was not developed by Jiang Heng. It is not like the Dao of Qi. Because the Dao of Qi was created by Jiang Heng himself, there is no need to dig any traction holes at all.

Now that Qi Dao has stepped into a demigod, Jiang Heng's mastery of Qi Dao is almost perfect, and the entire Qi Dao is a bridge for him to pull power.

This is also the reason why Jiang Heng's Qi Dao can step into the demigod so quickly, even faster than the Space Dao.

There is no need to say more about the Dao of the physical body. It is the Dao that Jiang Heng has been practicing, and the foundation has been laid extremely solid.

"With my current strength, it's still difficult to confront a middle-ranked fourth-order demigod with a physical body head-on. It's okay to entangle, but it's very difficult to slash!"

This is Jiang Heng's estimation based on what Fu Gang observed during his training in the past few days. Although Fu Gang's real strength is not clear, Jiang Heng knows that he is from the three major forces just by his performance during normal training. The strength of demigods is roughly equivalent to double or even twice the strength of these casual cultivator demigods of the same realm.

At the same time, dozens of figures were sitting in a spacious, bright and solemn palace, which was full of luxurious and very cumbersome decorations of the Rosyth Kingdom, and dozens of portraits were hung on the walls. Portraits of powerful demigods in the Kingdom of Rosyth.

Among the dozens of figures sitting in it, four of them have exactly the same appearance as the four of them in the portrait.

"Everyone, today is our family banquet, so you don't have to be so restrained." A majestic and old voice sounded, but an old man with white hair and wrinkled face was stroking his scepter and saying with a smile.

Hearing the words, the group of people just nodded their heads, but everyone still seemed extra restrained, and only the other three demigods of different ages looked calm.

The family banquet was dry. Although the long table was filled with rich and luxurious food, it was the first time for these descendants to share dinner with several ancestors, which made the atmosphere extremely tense and silent.

After the family members left the arena, only the four demigods remained silent in the palace, and none of them spoke, as if whoever broke the silence first would cause a great disaster.

"The ancestor heard that you recently invited some of your old friends over?"

After a long silence, an indifferent voice came out from the mouth of the first middle-aged man. There was a strange blood-colored nebula behind him, which was a unique law of the blood of the Rosyth family.

Blood Forbidden Law!

It is a very special law of banning. Its greatest effect is to directly block the power of the opponent's blood. It has a great weakening effect on the strong of the physical law, and even the strong of the temple system will greatly weaken it. Weakened control over the law.

It is no exaggeration to say that facing the Rosyth family, any strong person will lower his combat power by one or two ranks by himself.

This is another key factor that makes the Rosyth family extremely important to the southern border.

"Hans, you're too curious, what's the matter? Could it be that my ancestor wants to talk to old friends and ask you for instructions?" The white-haired old man coughed lightly, with a gloomy look on his face.

"Of course it doesn't need to be like this. It's just that our royal family of Rosyth is so powerful that we don't need the intervention of foreign races. Especially now that the enemy is in front of us, who can guarantee that there will be some powerful people from the temple?"

The middle-aged man Hans waved his hands with a calm expression on his face, but his eyes were still fixed on the ancestor Rosyth on the first seat.

"Could it be that you are doubting me?" The ancestor squinted his eyes and his face became more and more ugly.

"Don't dare! I'm your grandson after all, so of course I believe in you." Hans smiled indifferently, only showing a few fangs at the corner of his mouth.

This scene is quite normal, Rosyth has a very serious phenomenon of atavism, which is normal. It's just that the ancestor's eyes unconsciously glimpsed a faint light in the opponent's mouth.

The light disappeared in a flash, if it weren't for the ancestor's sharp eyesight, he might not be able to notice it.

Seeing this scene, the Rosyth patriarch remained calm on the surface, but his heart sank secretly.

His eyes unconsciously glanced at the other heirs beside him, and his pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the scene he wanted to see.

"Old man, what did you see?" A voice suddenly rang in his ear, and he turned his head to look.

But he saw that his great-great-grandson on the other side had already looked at him, but that gaze was extremely strange to him.

"I just realized that you have all grown up. It seems that I am old. After so many years of retreat, I have neglected that you have grown to this point!"

The old man suddenly showed a touch of emotion, and the appearance of sighing and sighing perfectly interpreted the embarrassment and emotion of an old man for the growth of his children.

"I see, old man, it looks like you haven't left the customs for a long time." Seeing this, the young man next to him nodded, but there was still some suspicion in his eyes.

"Ahem, let's not mention these things for the time being. This time, the old man invited those friends to come here mainly to guard against people from the temples and the super-dimensional kingdom. The war is imminent, and the old man took these measures just in case."

"Then I don't know how the ancestor wants to arrange these people? Why don't I receive old friends like you, the ancestor?" Hearing this, a young man at the bottom said with a smile.

This person's tone was more sincere, and it sounded like a junior who respected the elder very much wanted to share the elder's worries.

Hearing this, the old man wanted to refute, but from the corner of his eyes, he was shocked to find that all the blood relatives around him were paying attention to his words and deeds from the corner of his eyes, and the words he wanted to stop turned a corner before he could utter them.

"Haha! Since Xiaoliu has the, then I will give you full responsibility for this matter. Just a while ago, the old man was a little hasty when he left the seclusion. These days, he wants to retreat again to cultivate himself. Next, the clan Everything will be in the hands of you.”

The heart of the old man's smiling heart was already firmly mentioned, and his spiritual sense was extremely careful to observe every move of these people around him.

Obviously all of you present here are his heirs, the children of the family he was proud of before, but now he wants to guard against them like he is guarding against thieves.

While walking and talking, he found that these people had been sitting on chairs from the beginning to the end, their eyes moved with his movements, and the strange eyes in their eyes were like watching a corpse staring at him.

Until he completely left the hall, he only dared to let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Do you think this old dog has found out?"

When Patriarch Rosyth left the hall, Hans turned his head to look at the other two present.

"This old dog is very shrewd, he must have found out."

Hearing this, the young Xiaoliu immediately sneered, while talking, he played with his nails in a very feminine way, as if his nails were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hmph! So what if you find out? This old dog is mediocre. If he wants to die, I don't mind sending him back!" The middle-aged man on the other side folded his arms and snorted coldly.

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