Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 919: Training?

Liu Que was also a little interested, she thought for a while and said, "Like me, I was also a member of the Legion before.

I remember that my batch of conscripts numbered as many as a thousand. And the assessment of the legion is surprisingly simple! "


Jiang Heng was taken aback. He remembered that his master said that the Southern Border Legion had very strict recruitment requirements for members, right?

"Yes! It's simple!"

Liu Que nodded.

"I was actually born in a small supergalaxy cluster near the southern border of the southern border before. It stands to reason that with my conditions, I will at most join some guards in various places in the southern border.

I remember that the recruitment requirements of the Legion were very strict in the past. Even if you are talented and powerful, you still need to meet some rigid conditions. First of all, it must be from the hinterland of the southern border. It would be even better if he was a child in the army. In addition to these, they also need to be selected according to the rules, and the rules that meet some specific needs can be qualified.

But I joined the legion very casually, and I ignored the point of origin. The rules are barely in line, and my aptitude and talent would not have been able to meet the standard a million years ago. "

Liu Que spoke truthfully, and didn't mind at all the appearance of exposing her own background.

"It's true what you said!" Even Fu Gang at the side nodded in agreement.

"A person like Xiaoque was absolutely unable to meet the standard in the past. For example, in terms of background, if the background is not good, then you need a title, even the lowest star master title, which can barely meet the requirements for birth. Secondly, you must The suitability of the laws to each legion, as well as the talent and qualifications, are equally important.

Because in the past, the requirements of the Southern Legion required that each member of the Legion be able to have the talent to step into the mid-level realm within 500,000 years of joining the Legion.

But now these regulations have been cancelled, only one rule remains to fit the battle formation of the legion! "

"But since this is the case, won't the number of legions increase?" Jiang Heng frowned in confusion.

"And that gets to the queerest point."

Liu Que shook her head with a mysterious smile and said, "Indeed, I thought so at first. Now that the conditions of the legion are relaxed, the number of legions will increase. After all, the welfare of the southern legion is extremely generous. Some legions can be given out as soon as they enter. A set of demigod armor and weapons.

Even if it's just a low level, it's a good thing that many casual cultivators are jealous of. "

"So there's a big problem here!" Jiang Heng looked thoughtful.

"Yes!" Liu Que snapped her fingers and seemed satisfied with Jiang Heng's answer.

"I didn't understand it at first, because the legion's recruitment is getting stronger and more frequent, from the recruitment once in a thousand years to the current recruitment every two hundred years.

But even so, when I was in the legion, I found that there were still not many people in the legion, as if the legion had always been short of people.

So I wondered, could it be because the legion had withered from the very beginning, and this is why it is urgent to expand the number of the legion quickly? "

"Legion withered? It started one or two million years ago. Could it be that something big happened one or two million years ago?" Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows and thought of something.

"Not bad! Old Shen, although you are a bit older, you are still very clever!"

Liu Que joked with a smile.

"That's right, if we push it according to one or two million years, there will be an event that will cause this situation to happen!"

But at this point, Liu Que looked at Fu Gang, shrugged and said with a smile: "Captain, you should come here. You may know better about studying old things."

Hearing this, Fu Gang's face turned dark all of a sudden, as if mocking him for getting old.

"It's true that a big event happened once in two million years!" Although he was a little annoyed by Liu Que's teasing words, Fu Gang still spoke calmly.

"Two million years ago, there was a raid by the temple of the gods against my Great Zhou, and this is also the latest large-scale conflict between our two forces.

A strong man from the Temple of the Gods led the lord of the Zodiac Palace and 120,000 demigods to come to the central imperial capital suddenly! "

"What?!" Hearing this, Jiang Heng was shocked.

"How is this possible? Could it be that the person who leads the lord of the Zodiac is a true **** of the temple? But the true **** will not come directly to the central imperial capital, right?"

Jiang Heng was full of questions.

The incident of the True God attacking the Great Zhou Empire had happened before, but before the True God attacked the central imperial capital, it was all the way across the Great Zhou Empire.

There were obstacles during the period, but that time under the leadership of the three demigods, who would dare to stop?

It's just that in the end these three guys were all beaten away by the old man Wushen himself.

"No! That one is just a demigod of the ninth rank!" Fu Gang shook his head.

"How could it be? Could it be that they pushed the four kings?" Jiang Heng was surprised, otherwise how could he explain that a ninth-level demigod could lead the twelve palaces and 120,000 demigods into the core of the empire's hinterland?

"I didn't push the four kings, but that one is a demigod of the Dao of space. This person used the technique of space teleportation to directly move an entire demigod-level army to the imperial capital of the empire!

And that one is the newest true **** in the temple of the gods, the true **** of space dao! "

Speaking of this, what Fu Gang said already made Jiang Heng's heart beat a lot faster.

"Although our empire also repelled the opponent in that raid back then, and even beheaded several palace masters of that generation of zodiac palaces. However, it is said that the raid on the emperor's capital also caused a lot of losses.

Eight warriors died, and there are thousands of demigods in the imperial capital. It is even said that the imperial capital has lost a martial **** and a treasure of martial arts will that his old man left in the imperial capital.

There are rumors that the reason why the true space **** can completely cross the threshold of the ninth level to the true **** in just two hundred years is because he has realized the martial arts will of the old man of the martial arts.

Otherwise, the hurdle of the true **** would not have killed so many ninth-level powerhouses.

Of course, the subsequent turmoil caused by this incident is the biggest trouble. After this, the reputation of the central imperial capital was discredited, and for a while, medium-sized and even large-scale forces everywhere were a little bit ready to move, even the super-dimensional kingdom of God and the temples of the gods were attacking together.

Even the central dynasty ordered the four kings to launch a war mobilization order mainly against the temples.

As we all know, Nan Wang and His Majesty are of the same generation. In those days, the southern border had been relatively low-key and had accumulated a huge military background.

At that time, the strength of the Central Dynasty was greatly weakened, so according to my guess, His Majesty also wanted to use this to weaken our prince, so the task assigned to the southern border was the heaviest.

This caused most of the legions in the southern border to be on the front lines of major wars during that time. The ups and downs lasted for 100,000 years, and my southern border gained a great reputation in the 100,000 years. But now that I think about it, I'm afraid we in the southern border haven't recovered from that battle yet! "

In the end, Fu Gang narrowed his eyes slightly, these were all his thoughts.

"Of course, don't take it seriously. This is just my personal guess. Maybe I'm overthinking it. If this is the case, I'm afraid the real situation in our southern border is not very good."

However, there was a long silence in the hall after a while.

Fu Gang frowned and looked at his two teammates, and found that they were all looking at him with surprised and shocked eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Wow!" Liu Que suddenly exclaimed, with an expression of disbelief, "The captain thought you were a reckless man who trained his muscles into his brain, but he didn't expect your brain to be so easy to use?"

"This...all of these are your ideas?"

With the black line on Fu Gang's face, this teammate is probably going to change, when will she find a chance to kill her in battle.

"Ahem, Captain, your analysis is indeed very reasonable!"

Jiang Heng also coughed dryly, not to mention that Fu Gang's analysis is really likely to be close to ten.

"Oh, by the way, Captain, I remember that most of the surprise attacks on the Central Dynasty by the temples in the past were unsuccessful, even if it was a true god. Why did that surprise attack cause such consequences?"

Could it be that the central army and those powerful figures in the imperial capital are all idiots?

"It would be impossible for ordinary people, even true gods, to cause such consequences, and you should not treat those guys in the imperial capital as a living bag.

There are quite a few warriors who gathered in the imperial capital, and even if some old warriors died, their descendants would inherit their terrifying talents.

The reason for this, I guess, is that the leader is Space Dao, Space Dao is the top law, tsk tsk, coming and going like the wind. It just so happened that the Martial God was not in the imperial capital at the time..."

Speaking of space, Fu Gang couldn't help looking at Jiang Heng with complicated eyes.

Jiang Heng wiped his nose, avoiding Fu Gang's gaze.

Although some things were no secret to Fu Gang, the captain, as long as Fu Gang didn't ask him, he wouldn't bother to make it up.

On the contrary, if the other party said this, everything could be explained.

"It seems that Space Dao has stepped into a high position, and it's a bit of a state of wanton travel between heaven and earth!" Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, feeling a little envious in his heart.

After all, the opponent can travel countless light-years away and directly pass through numerous formations to reach the central imperial capital of the Great Zhou. The distance and penetrating power of this movement alone are simply beyond the reach of Jiang Heng.

"How far is my teleportation distance now?"

Jiang Heng estimated, er, it seems that regardless of consumption, the longest distance may reach the distance of three super galaxy clusters.

Of course, this is in theory, but in practice, it is possible to empty most of the space power reserves in the body at one time.

Most of the time, teleportation is only used to fight, teleport and dodge to shorten the distance.

"It seems that Space Dao must step into the demigod level as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng secretly made up his mind, and now he can already feel that his space cutting may not be enough in terms of lethality to deal with some middle-level physical warriors.

And it is said that the demigod-level space dao can even cut the soul.

This is the big killer that really kills people invisible.

The following time still passed day by day, and a year passed in a blink of an eye, and the battle reports from the frontline were constantly fed back.

Contrary to the expectations of everyone in the Wuqian team, not only did the southern border not send a large army to completely wipe out the anchor point of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, but there was a posture of taking it easy and fighting a protracted war.

In the war against the Rosyth Kingdom, the southern border has always maintained only four legions, which are used to encircle the Rosyth super galaxy cluster.

If the omnic legion wants to break out of the encirclement, then these four legions will defend and counterattack with all their strength, always maintaining a posture of not letting a single omnic life go, and not easily attacking the super galaxy cluster.

Many people in the southern border were dumbfounded by this operation.

The people of the southern border are proud, and since the battle of the rise of the southern border two million years ago, they have established a sense of pride and self-confidence for the entire population of the southern border.

Under such circumstances, the actions of the southern border military made them very incomprehensible.

"What's going on here? Why don't these foreign troubles be settled?"

"That's not right, it's hit our door, can you bear it?"

Many people were filled with righteous indignation watching the real-time news of the news push.

"Could it be too much trouble this time? After all, the super-dimensional kingdom of God is also one of the three major powers in the universe. Although it is far inferior to our Great Zhou Empire, we are only in the southern border. We will challenge one of the universes with the power of our southern border." It’s really difficult for a super power, isn’t it?”

"It shouldn't be, I heard that this time it's just an arsenal from the super-dimensional kingdom of God. Could it be that our southern border has no way to clear their mere arsenal?"

"But how did I hear that there is a high-dimensional passage leading directly to the mainland of the super-dimensional kingdom of God in that place. It is said that that thing can directly send combat units from the mainland of the super-dimensional kingdom of God to our southern border."

Fortunately, although the people can't understand it, the prestige and reputation accumulated by the Southern Palace and the military over the years will not collapse overnight. Therefore, the people subconsciously make excuses for the government.

The war is still going on like a raging fire. As time goes by, not only the people are confused, but even the various legions are also quite confused.

But no one in each legion will have an opinion, because this is the war they have longed for.

It’s not that the legions didn’t have any wars to fight before, it can only be said that the frequency of wars wasn’t that great before, and maybe a legion would only encounter one or two, three or four small-scale battles within a thousand years, and such battles were often one-touch That is, it takes a short time to call it a war.

But this year is different. Nearly ten legions take turns to fight, and each group of four keeps rotating to ensure that everyone can experience **** and fierce battles for a period of time.

At this time, in the outer area nearly ten light-years away from the Rosyth supercluster, a space port that stretches as far as the eye can see has already taken shape.

These space ports are all spliced ​​directly through the stargate transport structural Such a large and vast fortification has been built within a week of the outbreak of the war.

It is said to be big, but in fact it is only a port that can accommodate tens of millions of starships at the same time.

This kind of port can only be regarded as a small port in some large space transfer stations. The reason why it is only used so small is that it is really not necessary to use so many.

After all, this is just a frontline garrison of a legion.

The combat method of the southern legion is similar to that of the great zhou and even the many legions of the temples and the holy legion.

Generally, the official demigod soldiers of the legion are the core, and the auxiliary soldiers at the domain master level are the auxiliary soldiers.

On weekdays, the patrol is also led by a demigod official soldier, and hundreds of domain master-level auxiliary soldiers control the patrol battleships to patrol the battlefield.

Only when they really confront the enemy's main force, the official members of the legion will quickly gather into a large-scale battle formation,

Therefore, the port here is more convenient for the auxiliary soldiers at the domain master level. 13886/10547887

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