Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 939: Wanxing City

After the negotiation was settled, Jiang Heng followed the fat man aboard their caravan's starship.

The fat man's name is Hamy, and he is the owner of the Oaks firm.

And this Oaks is actually a relatively large business.

However, because the Oaks business house was attacked by some star robbers one after another two thousand years ago, this directly led to the fall of the five demigod cultivators that the business house had worshiped for a long time.

And this has also caused Oaks' business to shrink repeatedly in the past two years. Now it is relying on bribing some local dignitaries in Tiannan City to do some small businesses that big commercial firms don't want.

Of course, this is also because the dignitaries that Oakes bribed are themselves inconspicuous little dignitaries.

However, it is said that Oakes Trading Company is not having a good time now, but its scale is not small. The entire trading company has millions of starships alone, and its business covers dozens of super galaxy clusters.

And this Ten Thousand Stars City is their main trading place, and it is also a place that Jiang Heng has frequented in the past seven years.

Because of the special environment here, it is the place with the densest planetary stars in the entire southern border, which also gave birth to the extremely lush scene here.

If we say that Tiannan City is the political, economic and military center of the southern border.

That Wanxing City is the second economic center in the southern border.

Even in terms of economy and trade, Wanxing City may surpass Tiannan City.

It is also because of the special celestial environment there that it has become the best practice place that Jiang Heng frequents.

The journey to Ten Thousand Stars City would take two days even if it was teleported by the star gate.

Sitting in the luxury suite that Hami specially arranged for him, Jiang Heng sat on the soft sofa and looked at the starry sky slowly passing by outside the porthole, lost in thought.

"The three major power organizations in the southern border all concealed it. This is definitely an order from the supreme leader, that is, the King of the South. So what is the purpose of this order?"

I thought I was going to practice as usual this time, but I didn't expect to hear such unexpected information.

"The number of casual cultivators in the entire southern border is absolutely terrifying, it may be millions or millions. So many demigods are all forced to catch up with the front line. Could it be that the front line has been completely corrupted?

The stalemate that was previously publicized was just an illusion. In order to stabilize the situation in the hinterland of the southern border? "

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng frowned, "It won't be so corrupt. Is there any other deep meaning in it?"

With such doubts in mind, the fleet did not have any danger along the way, and arrived at Wanxing City, the city that never sleeps, which is said to never go out.

In fact it is true.

"My lord, Ten Thousand Stars City has arrived, what arrangements do you have?"

"Is there anything else?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's brows slightly frowned, Hami quickly argued: "My lord, it's like this. Our caravan will complete the transaction with Wanxing City within five years. If you intend to return to Tiannan City after five years, why not cooperate with us?" Just a moment. Of course the reward is still the same!"

Hami looked at Jiang Heng anxiously while wiping the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead.

"talk later!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand. He didn't want other things to affect his decision. How long he would practice in Wanxing City depended on when his astral body broke through.

"Then I wish you a pleasant journey!" Hami humbly humbly laughed along with him.

Jiang Heng nodded without saying much and went straight out of Ten Thousand Stars City, the largest space port - Top of Ten Thousand Stars.

The name of this port is Ten Thousand Stars Peak, which is said to imply that this is the best sightseeing spot in Ten Thousand Stars City.

It is true that there is a highest restaurant in the center of the port, where you can have a panoramic view of the lush scenery of the entire Wanxing City, and of course it is also the most expensive place in the entire Wanxing City.

It is said that those who can enter there are either demigod-level powerhouses, or some wealthy merchants with a lot of money, or high-ranking officials.

And even if you have money, you may not be able to get in the seats on the top floor of the restaurant. Not only do you need to make an appointment in advance, but you also need to have a certain social status in the southern border.

Jiang Heng also went to the restaurant, but he didn't go to the top floor. To be honest, the food in the restaurant is very average, it's just a gimmick.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng flew all the way to a huge space continent below the port.

Wanxing City is not a planetary city, but a space city.

It is said that at the beginning of the establishment of Wanxing City, it was a space trading place jointly established by some planetary civilizations in the Star Region of Wanxing City.

However, with the subsequent inclusion of the entire Southern Territory plate, this trading place has gradually become synonymous with all civilizations in the entire star field.

Until this place was sealed as an administrative region in the southern border, the tens of thousands of civilizations here regarded themselves as the Ten Thousand Star City Consortium, and in a united situation, they strived to win some right to speak in the southern border government.

With the passage of time, this space city has gradually developed into a huge super space city under the continuous operation and expansion of tens of thousands of civilizations.

Looking at its area, it looks like a strange space city that is hollowed out and the spaces are messed with each other.

This city is not a flat space continent like Tiannan City, but presents a weird pattern of multi-layer foundations and multi-angle foundations.

This design can make full use of the space of the entire space city.

Maybe you stand on the ground of the city, and when you look up, you see another block standing upside down. The gravity fields of the two blocks are independent of each other.

Looking to the left, there may be another block, and the block over there is also divided by an independent gravity field.

In short, in Wanxing City, if you only look at the two-dimensional map for navigation, you will definitely get lost. Therefore, some Wanxing City locals will prepare a virtual three-dimensional map at any time, so that they can clearly identify which block they are in.

Wanxing City not only has an independent gravity field, but also has a very complete ecosystem. The biggest shortcoming may be that there is almost no defense at all.

Looking around, the entire Ten Thousand Stars City was built for trade, life and entertainment. The powerful, dignitaries and businessmen who come and go to Ten Thousand Stars City come here either to eat, drink and have fun, or to do business.

In addition, this place belongs to the hinterland of the southern border, so the military project can be described as nothing.

It's not true that there is no military force at all, at least there is a complete city guard and standing army in Wanxing City.

Of course, this kind of defense can almost be described as non-existent.

"My lord, do you want me to be your guide? I'm a local here. Let me be your guide to ensure that you can go wherever you want. Whether it's the casino here or the red light district, which one is the best and the most affordable, I know which ones are tricky and which ones are not!"

Just as Jiang Heng passed the port to the space elevator in Wanxing City, a well-dressed smart guy walked over to him.

Because he has been here several times, Jiang Heng also knows the situation here.

Because Wanxing City is a city of entertainment, there are as many types of casinos here as there are plethora of entertainment methods. Some first-timers looking to have fun even need to pick and choose.

So some similar wizards were born.

These guides can not only help you find the place you want to go, but can even help you find a lady, and if you have money, they can even help you negotiate business according to your needs.

In short, in Wanxing City, as long as you have money, you can buy anything and play anything.

Whether it is the powerful wife of a high-ranking official in the southern border, or some noble actress, or a demigod goddess. As long as you have money, these guides can help you match up and let you play with them.

I have to say that Jiang Heng was shocked and speechless when he heard these Xinmi for the first time.

It can only be said that this place is really a luxurious place.

"I need to find a fitness club with a demigod-level gravity room, preferably one with a demigod-level gravity field, and look as high as possible!"

Jiang Heng casually handed out a banknote with a face value of 1,000 imperial coins and ordered.

After receiving the banknotes, the young guide still maintained a professional smile on the surface, but secretly frightened in his heart.

"Could this lord be a black horse specially trained by some martial arts school? It seems that I have to pay attention to the handicap on the martial arts arena. Once this lord comes out, I will buy him to win!"

In his heart, the young guide thought that Jiang Heng was a professional fighter trained by some martial arts gyms in Wanxing City?

That's right, the martial arts hall in Wanxing City is not for teaching people to practice martial arts, but for training fighters in the martial arts arena.

Each of these martial arts halls in Wanxing City can make a lot of money by continuously cultivating fighters so that they can enter the martial arts arena to fight to the death.

This is a bit similar to Jiang Heng's NBA team club in his previous life on Earth.

These martial arts gyms are clubs, and these clubs train fighters by themselves or recruit fighters from the outside world every year.

Similarly, the fighting arena is similar to the league, and a season is held every year.

And the 10-year season, the 50-year season, and the 100-year season.

There are also competition levels, such as the Star River Master League, Domain Master League, Demigod League and so on.

In short, there are many tricks. Some champions can even become star players in Wanxing City and even the southern border, and thus receive various endorsements. In this way, the martial arts gym behind them can also make a lot of money.

I have heard about these Jiang Heng, and I can only feel that this place is really good at entertainment.

He doesn't despise this form of entertainment, and even thinks it's good to a certain extent.

Because warriors need to be tempered by life and death, and under the rule of the southern border, most of the time it is peaceful.

Moreover, the law enforcement in the southern border is strict. Although private fighting is not prohibited, it is strictly prohibited to injure or kill without reason.

In this way, the fighting arena is really the best place for some warriors who want to become stronger.

Jiang Heng even felt that if he was short of money, or wanted to hone his skills, he could enter the arena to play.

The guide took the money to do things quite neatly, and soon drove over in a luxury shuttle that he bought for a large price as a personal guide.

This young man is obviously an old guide, and he knows that only if his money-making tools are luxurious enough can he receive better guests.

"My lord, you should be a hidden player of which martial arts school, right? Of course, don't get me wrong that I didn't ask my lord for your martial arts and details."

While driving the shuttle, the young man got close.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't pay attention to him, he said familiarly: "The young one's name is Tony, and he is quite well-known in this line of work. I'm taking you to the private training room of a martial arts gym this time. This young one It must be explained that there are indeed some high-end gymnasiums in our fitness club that are dedicated to serving demigod-level powerhouses like you.

But in fact, most of them are only for low-level demigods. The mid-strength training room you need is just a private training room dedicated to fighters in some martial arts gyms.

The small ones can be borrowed from us through relationships, only if you don’t mind the adults. "

"I have no objection to this. You can negotiate the price. I only need the best training room. The intensity must be sufficient." Jiang Heng replied with his eyes closed.

Hearing the reply, Tony was obviously relieved, and he couldn't help but feel a little goo in his heart.

"It shouldn't be. If this is a dark horse player in a certain martial arts gym, why don't you go to the private training room of your own martial arts gym? Could it be that the martial arts gym that this adult joined is just a small martial arts gym?"

"Don't guess what's there or not. I'm not from the martial arts gym. I just want to come here to train."

The cold voice made Tony shiver, thinking how he forgot, demigods can read minds.

In fact, let alone a demigod, even a domain master can do it, but Tony himself is a domain master, so he subconsciously ignores the domain master level.

"Then, my lord, you should be a big shot in the military!" Tony quickly laughed along with him.

military? !

Hearing someone guessing his identity again, Jiang Heng couldn't help opening his eyes, "Recently, the demigod-level league in Wudouchang has been cancelled?"

"Hmm! That's right. I don't know what happened recently. The Martial Arena suddenly announced the temporary cancellation of the demigod league. Now many people can only watch the competition system of other levels. Not to mention the lack of viewing, even some The demigod players in the martial arts hall rarely show up and don't know what's going on?"

Tony said with a depressed face.

"Haven't even those demigod-level star players appeared recently? Did it start seven years ago?"

"How do you know, my lord? Yes, it was about that time." Tony nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Heng is silent, it seems that all the demigod casual cultivators have disappeared.

"You just said that you have been in this industry for many years and have many contacts, so you are also very well-versed in news?"

"Of course! My lord wants to tell the news, don't say anything else, just say that there is no news in Ten Thousand Stars City that I don't know about!" Tony patted his chest proudly.

"Okay, let me ask, do you know where all the demigod players have gone recently?"

"Well...I don't know much...but you are asking the right person, I really know something."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng planned to continue listening, but after waiting for a while, there was nothing to say.

Glancing at, he found that this guy was making a gesture of counting banknotes with his fingers.

"Say it!"

He handed out a thousand-yuan bill.

"Hey, I didn't tell a lie just now. I don't know much, but I do know some. There are many rumors in Wanxing City about the collective disappearance of demigod players.

Some people say that this is the official decision of the Southern Territory to cancel the demigod-level competition system in the martial arts arena. But there are many small channels, I learned from a friend in the governing hall.

Just seven years ago...”

Speaking of which, Tony opened the isolation device of the shuttle, and then continued in a low voice: "He saw a group of big men coming from Tiannan City. These people were all wearing standard military uniforms, and they should be from the military.

In just five days, they took thousands of people away. Claiming to be here to arrest criminals.

The heads of those who were taken away were covered with isolation devices, and my friend couldn't see who they were. But one thing is certain.

These prisoners exude a demigod-level aura.

And it wasn't long after these people took away the criminals that the martial arts arena announced the cancellation of the demigod competition system.

grown ups! Do you think it was a coincidence? "

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