Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 514: The devil clown 1

"Haha, it's really stunned."

The shopkeeper in the snowy mountain under the mountain and others heard Fang Yuan's words and wished to clap and celebrate.

Seeing that the old devil is so welcoming, it seems that he is not going to fight with Fang Yuan to make you die. They are really worried that they can’t express this tone, but when Fang Yuan is so rude, he knows that there will be a good show today. Xuegong was cruel and fierce. In just a few months, he broke out of the great name on this snowfield, and even showed his ability on this third snow line. He sent all his inns to Wuxue Mountain. I wanted to come. Not only does he have a reputation, but his hands are really powerful.

Such a person, they can't afford it.

I am afraid that only the old devil, who has been in the snow field for hundreds of years, can cure him.

"Oh, so rude child"

The old demon listened to Fang Yuan's words, and his face changed.

He has long been famous on this snowfield, but he is very delicate and expensive, but unlike the stunned green above these first snowfields, he can now take advantage of his reputation to easily gain a lot of benefits. But these newly-rising guys, one by one, thought to quickly make a name for themselves on the snowy field with one heart, he thought that Fang Yuan was also one of them, who wanted to win fame.

It is for this reason that instead he showed politeness, and did not meet Fang Yuan's wishes, and came up to fight.

"Your husband's name, the old man has not heard of it. It really has good means, ruthless and fierce enough. The old man has a heart of love, so he talks to you and even wants to make you a friend. But you have to understand that there are rules on this snowfield, young people, you don’t follow the rules, you just have to die, then the old man can’t help you."

When he said this, the dark cloud around the old demon slammed into the wind, and the wind blew up, hiding his body looming.

"I only know that the snowfield is the most lawless, but there are rules?"

Fang Yuan listened to him, smiled lightly, and said, "What are the rules?"

"There are rules where there are people"

Tong Laomo said coldly: "It is no exception on this snowfield. If you wish to call me an ancestor today and give me a cup of tea, then the old man will allow you to stand on this snowfield and even build a tradition. In your quiet days, this good furnace with a small cultivating wind and frost formula and an unbroken body was originally reserved for the old man to enjoy alone, and it will be cheaper for you. It is a meeting gift!"


Everyone listened and looked at each other, thinking: "Tong Lao Mo is going to conquer him"

They also understood in their hearts that Tong Lao Mo said that in fact, it was showing good intentions.

Wanting to come to this snow boy now has a great reputation, spread all over the snowfield, Tong Laomo could not have known, now came to show good, just to deter him, just like the emperor and the waiters, as long as Fang Yuan was a minister, he would Allow Fang Yuan to have his own influence on the snowfield.

Of course, the filial piety on weekdays, and sometimes the old demon deserves him, is also to be effective.

This is actually a very good result for newcomers who need to gain a foothold soon after they arrive in the snowfield.

But Fang Yuan heard this, and the smile on his face was a little weird, saying: "Who set this rule?"

Tong Lao Mo smiled coldly and said, "Of course it is the old man who set it down!"

Fang Yuan glanced at him and said, "Why?"

At this time, the old demon also laughed angrily, and with his eyes, he really saw it. This snow boy is proud and proud, it is absolutely impossible to surrender to himself, so he sighed. Tao: "Of course, the old man's fist is the biggest!"

As he spoke, he suddenly threw up his sleeves and sighed, "Come out!"


In the surrounding sky, all the snow lines flew out at the same time. I saw that in the dark sky around me, suddenly, there were several thick shadows of the air machine, different dresses, all around me. Or hundreds of separate repairs, and there were faint flashes of light passing by. This area, which was ten miles away, was already surrounded by people.

"Ghost demon, is that the four guardians around the old demon?"

"The one dressed in white is the legendary Snow Child over the White Corpse River."

"Why is the Snow Wolf Sword also there, have they secretly been taken away by the old demon?"



The people in the inn looked at the six roads, listened to all directions, the news was the most sensitive, and the knowledge was also natural. At this time, I immediately found that this old devil brought abruptly seven or eight masters, and each one of them is not low. I realized this in my heart. I'm afraid that the old devil is just a fake to conquer this snow boy. Presumably at the beginning, he made up his mind to cut the grass and eradicate it.

After all, this snow boy is too crazy and ruthless, as soon as he enters the snowfield, he opens a killing ring and kills countless famous devil.

Now even in the mouths of the diners in these inns, he has faintly become a character who can break the wrist with the existence of Tong Lao Mo. , It's better to start first!

The ambush is out, but also the poor!

Even the three demon heads in Fang Yuan Fa Zhou couldn't help but change their face slightly, whispering: "Son, this old devil is really killing you. I'm afraid it's a demon within a thousand miles. His head was brought over by him, so I can’t pretend to be a grandson first."

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "No need!"

The three devil heads said: "Then the three of us will protect you and kill you first!"

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "No need!"

Yan Laogui tentatively asked: "Then we are here, you go first?"

Fang Yuandao: "No need!"

The three demons suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but they were all surprised, saying, "What should I do?"

Fang Yuandao: "You are here to watch!"

While speaking, he got up and slowly walked out of the boat.

The three demon heads looked at him like this, and they were already extremely worried and uncomfortable. They looked at each other and thought about what to do if the three of us died here. He wants to get the antidote of Dudan?

But dare not

"Hehe, Xueyou, what do you do when you think about it?"

The old demon was hidden in the lead cloud in the western sky, and when Fang Yuan appeared, he smiled lowly.

Fang Yuandao: "You have a word I seriously agree with!"

Tong Lao Mo smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Fang Yuandao: "There are rules where there are people!"

Tong Lao Mo listened, but he was calm in his heart and said a little, he said: "So what do you do?"

Fang Yuandao: "Then let this snowfield follow my rules"

When he was talking, there was a sigh of green air around him, and then there was a round of green air, and then slowly turned into a blue long sword, just like the substance. At the same time, the breath around him gradually calmed down, it seemed Even the wind and snow around them were frozen.

Tong Lao Mo listened, his face was very gloomy, and said coldly: "Is it up to you, but also wants to be the first devil in this snowfield?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "I want to be the only devil in this snowfield."


Just before the voices of Fang Yuan and Tong Lao Mo hadn't fallen, the surroundings were already covered with snow and snow, and they were all over the sky. Those people have been lurking around for so long. After the Dao Dao formation, now it seems that the words have been stiff, and they don't need to be ordered by the old demon, they suddenly passed over the array of flags and put this large array into operation!


The wind and waves around them seemed to be ten times larger in an instant, and they overwhelmed Fang Yuan.

Under the operation of this huge magic circle, even a field in front of Wuxue Mountain was shrouded in it. Over Wuxue Mountain, a large snow **** slipped down, forming a huge wave like an avalanche. The mountain rolled down, and Jin Hanxue's thin body was also under the snow wave, but her heart for seeking the road was firm again. At this time, she couldn't help but change her face and looked up.

The endless avalanche slipped down like a giant force in the world, and it was not humanly resistant.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan took a deep breath, the green robe swayed, and suddenly swept more than ten miles, and rushed to Jin Hanxue, and then the sword light waved, and an arc appeared, filled with heaven, Supported the heavy snow around and also protected Jin Hanxue.

"Relax and continue your trial!"

Fang Yuan's sword supported the boundless wind and snow, and said in a low voice: "I said I will help you protect the law!"

At this time, Jin Hanxue braved the extreme cold mountaineering, and was obviously about to reach the limit.

She glanced at Fang Yuan and couldn't even speak, but nodded hard, then turned around and continued climbing!


The old demon was in the middle of the air, watching Fang Yuan under the suppression of this large formation, he still had to protect Jin Hanxue up the mountain with a sword, his face had changed a lot, and after a while, he smiled and said: "Good boy, you Is it really necessary to insult the old man in this way?"

"That old man wants to see, I can't get the good fat, can you really eat it in your mouth"

As he spoke, a magic flag made the high sacrifice rise in the air.

The demon heads guarding the Quartet around it, seeing this flag, instantly gave birth to boundless murderousness.


The four guardians of the ghost, demon, and ghost next to the old demon rushed out and rushed to Fang Yuan above the mountainside.

The well-known little devil, Xue Haier, also screamed. The snow worms in the snow field were densely covered with snow worms. Each one was as strong as a golden stone, and the whole body was like jade. , Rushing towards Fang Yuan.

The Snow Wolf Sword was a low whistle, the sword was confused, and it was somewhat similar to Fang Yuan.

Almost all of a sudden, these people rushed to Fang Yuan by repression.

Tong Laomo saw the scene with a sneer.

The shopkeeper in Xue'ao and others were excited: "They finally fight for the name of the first devil"

The three devil heads in secretly regretted: "I've said to him for the antidote?"



"This is Jin Hanxue's trial, and it is also my trial"

"The prestige of Wuxueshan's heaven and earth is not enough to give me enough pressure to improve my sword intentions. However, if the prestige of Wuxueshan is combined with the suppression of this large group and the attack of these demon heads, Can't you help me refine my sword intentions?"

On the mountain, facing the strong attacks coming from all directions, Fang principle exhaled a deep sigh of relief. With a sword in his hand, he gently drew a circle in the void, and the sword was full of energy, just like a sky, Covered around him and Jin Hanxue, they were guarded in all directions. The green robe hunted in the cold wind, sighed and drank, and rushed to the nine nights in the wind and snow.

"The devil clown, just come together, Fang Mou fear?"

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