Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 569: Jianyi does not go for 300 years

"Senior, I don't know you..."

The weird person I saw on this snowy field was really weird. Fang Yuan was hesitant, but he couldn't carelessly. The eight wild body methods were all unfolded, his body was like electricity, and he drove straight ahead, between steps , Already chasing behind this person, but just about to reach over and pull his shoulder, the weird man turned around and smiled at Fang Yuan, at the same time, suddenly there was a violent wind in the surrounding void The snowflakes swept through, covering Fang Yuan's eyes, and when he looked forward, the person was no longer visible.

"Just gone?"

Fang Yuan stood in the middle of nowhere snow and pondered.

I don't know why. When he saw this man, he felt a little strange in his heart.

Whether it is the appearance of the other party, or the mysterious divine method, the resonance between heaven and earth, and even including the body of the other party that is torn to the extreme, it makes him feel very weird. It is a pity to want to talk to this person. , Convenience seemed to suddenly appear in the wind and snow, and suddenly disappeared. It seemed to have never existed, but Fang Yuan was helpless.

He was in the snow for a long while, and he could not find the reason why the other party disappeared. After this ninth snow line, it was extremely difficult to perform magical power, and there was no trace of magical power in the field. The speed of the flesh, which disappeared in a blink of an eye, was impossible to see even a shadow. It was beyond the scope of common sense.

In desperation, Fang Yuan had to return to Jianlu first, but he was still thinking hard.

After a second thought, he found the other party's words very strange.

"Can you actually see me?"

"Your sword is doing well..."

These simple words seem to have some unique meanings, but I couldn't figure it out for a while.

It was his saying "but not good enough" that made Fang Yuan feel a little eager in his heart. Now that he has reached the "half-step sword heart" of the unprecedented in the Wujian Jianjing, if it is his sword practice Is not good enough, what is good?

After a few more days, Fang Yuan still practiced the sword every day, but he was a little uneasy and kept thinking about this man’s affairs. On the day after seven or eight days, within the Jianlu, the food was cut off, Fang Yuan So he went to hunt the snow beast again. Just after getting ready, he saw that the white cat was running fast in the snow, rushing over a snow rhinoceros tens of times larger than it.

Fang Yuan was ready. When the snow rhino came to him, a sword suddenly broke out, and a sword light penetrated from the diagonal thorn, straight through the head of the snow rhino, and the blood was excited. Fang Yuan hurriedly used the utensils...

These snow beasts that live in the depths of the snowfield are all treasures.

These blood are all excellent medicinal materials and can not be wasted.

Seeing Fang Yuan killing the snow rhino simply and neatly, the white cat squatted next to it with some satisfaction, waiting for Fang Yuan to cut off the best meat of this snow rhino for himself, but these are already established conventions. Fang Yuan and Jin Hanxue are useless. On this snow field, all of them are fed by Uncle Cat. Every time they hunt the snow beast, it must of course eat the best.

Fang Yuan is also used to it, so he pulls the snow rhinoceros into a leeward snow depression, peeling and deboning.

But at this moment, the white cat suddenly stunned slightly, with both ears erected.

In a pair of dark eyes, the pupils stood upright, staring in a certain direction.

Fang Yuan also had a very surprised feeling at this moment, as if the snow between heaven and earth had disappeared a lot, his heart suddenly moved, looked in the direction of the white cat, and saw a person Limply walked across from a distance.

"It's that person..."

Fang Yuan moved in his heart, threw the snow rhino on the ground, hurriedly got up and rushed over.

"Seniors forgive sins, juniors ask something..."

This time he didn't want to let go of the opportunity, chasing very fast, and at the same time called out loudly.

In the distance, the figure walking slowly over the snowfield stopped, turned to look at Fangyuan, a slightly delicate face, quietly looked at Fangyuan, there was no feeling of offense, there was no problem Impatiently, said: "You see me again?"

Fang Yuan said busy: "The younger generation has something to ask for advice. I hope the seniors will take the time to talk about it!"

The weirdo glanced at Fang Yuan and said, "Your Kendo is good, but you are not home yet!"

While speaking, he turned around again.

Fang Yuan was in a hurry and said: "Senior wait a moment..."

It hasn't caught up yet, and the surrounding area has once again become a storm, and the weirdo has since disappeared.

"what the **** is it?"

Standing in the snow, Fang Yuan was puzzled.

The shoulder was slightly heavy, but the white cat jumped on his shoulder and looked in a direction with him, which seemed a little puzzled.

After returning to Jianlu, Fang Yuan was still puzzled. I don’t know where he came from and where he went. Why did he appear in front of himself twice, and he didn’t seem to be hostile to himself, but he even said a sentence Reluctant to say anything, then suddenly disappeared?

If it was a few days, I kept paying attention, and finally saw this person several times in a month.

Faintly, Fang Yuan realized that every time he appeared, there would be skylight in the extremely north sky.

But when Tianguang appeared, Fang Yuan did not necessarily see him, which means that the place where he appeared was different, and each time it appeared, it was only a very short time, and Fang Yuan saw it every time. He hurried up, and many only said a few words. When he was young, he just saw him, and then he had disappeared, strange and weird.

At the beginning, Fang Yuan couldn't figure out the regularity of his appearance, until one night a month later, Fang Yuan suddenly woke up from his contemplation and quickly took out an object, but it was the one that guided him to find Wusheng. Map of Jianzuo.

Now that he has found Wusheng Jianzuo, but there is still a part of the map that has not been unwrapped. Those are the last lines distributed around Wusheng Jianzuo. I don’t know what it means. This inanimate sword mound was empty, and he looked at the map behind his head, but now, he thought hard for a long time, but suddenly the light flashed, and he guessed a possibility.

Compare the lines on this map, and then Fang Yuan's complexion slowly grew.

In this comparison, it is unusually obvious that the location of the weirdo coincides with the lines on the map.

In other words, the lines above actually draw the road map of this weirdo?

It's just that this map was hundreds of years ago. Why is it related to the route that this weirdo walks?

If the skylight appears, this weirdo will appear, and the place where he appears is exactly what the map shows...

...Then the whereabouts of this weirdo have been mastered by myself.

Although not sure yet, Fang Yuan decided to try it.

After waiting for more than half a month, Fang Yuan saw the extremely north sky and a brilliant sky appeared, and immediately rushed to a line on the map, waiting for a long time, just when he suspected his guess was true or false Suddenly, the wind and snow around me fell, and a faint shadow came over from a distance, limping, not in a hurry. It was the weirdo he had seen several times before.

Fang Yuan lifted up one heart and waited for him quietly.

Just when the weirdo came to him three feet in front of him, Fang Yuan didn't speak immediately, but suddenly turned his sword to the extreme, as if the dragon chanted, and the surrounding void trembling slightly, then he saw the weirdo Raised his head.

"Sword practice is good!"

The weirdo glanced at Fang Yuan, then shook his head and said, "But it's not good enough!"

Fang Yuan did not rush to answer this time, but followed behind him and walked slowly, always running a sword, and after a few steps, he saw that this strange person had not disappeared, he just let his heart down, Dao: "Although the younger generation is dedicated to practicing swords, their talents are clumsy, and naturally they cannot enter the eyes of others, but they don't know where the predecessors came from and where they went?"

The weirdo didn't stop and didn't answer, it seemed that he didn't respond to this question.

Fang Yuan made a guess in his heart. Suddenly, the sword in his palm fluttered, exhaling Qingyue Longyin.

The weirdo turned around and looked at it.

Fang Yuan asked quickly: "Seniors can recognize this sword?"

That strange man said: "This is no shortage of swords!"

Fang Yuan moved slightly in his heart and continued to follow him, saying: "I don't know if Senior can remember Qingyang Sect?"

That weird man said: "When my sword starts, it is Qingyang!"

"It really is him..."

Fang Yuan's heart sank slightly, and a complex emotion developed in his heart, confirming the identity of this weirdo.

Qingyang Jianchao!

Qingyang Sword Infatuation, who was obsessed with swords all his life and later destroyed by swords, is the founder of Wujian Jianjing...

Fang Yuan already had this speculation when he saw his incomplete body but his sword spirit resonated with the world, but he was not sure of the truth for a while. Now that he has asked this question, the doubt in his heart is There was an answer immediately.

However, this is only one of Fang Yuan's questions.

"How many years have seniors been in this snowfield?"

Fang Yuan thought about this for a long while and asked this sentence.

The weirdo, or Qingyang Jianchao, must answer questions and say, "It would be hundreds of years since he left!"

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and said: "Senior said, but did you mean the original you?"

Qingyang Jianchi seems to have some difficulty understanding this question. After a while, I slowly said: "I entered the snowfield that year, I wanted to see how strong the swordsman of Sansheng Sword Demon was, but the sword mound was empty, but I found a broken stone stele from the depths of the sword mound with some sword marks on it. I saw the true meaning of the sword sword of the Third Sword Demon from the stone stele, and then I found that he was nothing more than that. If you want to go by yourself, you will stay in the depths of this snowfield, and you will be away for a hundred years."

"Finally left..."

Fang Yuan had a very strange feeling in his heart.

But he did not ask him again: If you have left, who are you now?

Because he had guessed the existence of this weirdo...

The person in front of him is not a true Qingyang sword fanatic, but a sword intention he left hundreds of years ago.

At that time, this Qingyang swordsman had been enlightening the sword on this snowfield for three years, and the sword's intention infiltrated the world, leaving a shadow. Then he practiced the sword with Qingyang Zong and saw a shadow with him, and then he chased that shadow. Found the truth of Wujian Jianjing.

It's just that, when I came to the Qingyang Jianchao in the snowfield, the swordsmanship was no doubt more profound.

This time, the shadow he left behind could not only be seen by accident by himself, but even respond to his sword intention.

Now I seem to be talking to this Qingyang swordsman, but in fact, this is just a kind of communication between swords and minds. This is not a real existence. As if surrounded by the sea, it is truly real, but it is an illusion. If Fang Yuanjian is unexpected, if he does not approach this sword intention by accident like this, then he will not be seen.

However, the more so, the more shocked Fang Yuan was.

At the beginning, Elder Xienchi Yuanying, Jian Xianmin, cut a sword in the third snow line, and for a long time, it left Fang Yuan shocked, and now, this Qingyang swordsman left a sword However, on this snowy field, for hundreds of years, it has survived the wind and snow, but it can even respond to his sword and make some intellectual exchanges with himself. What is the realm?

It is speculated that although the sword master who called Ling Zhao did not know exactly what he experienced, one thing is certain. His map of Wusheng Jianzuo's map is not about Jianzuo, but rather This sword intention...

…Or sword master Ling Zhao, after all, was this map that was obtained hundreds of years ago, so what he saw at that time was probably not such a sword, but real. Positive Qingyang swordsman.

By this time, Fang Yuan only felt that Jianyi was declining and could not continue to maintain this state. He hurriedly asked: "The younger generation is also a disciple of Qingyang Sect. The path is now, although the sword intention has been completed, but it has been unable to take the next step. Today, seeing the senior Jianyi taking pictures is also a character. I wonder if the senior can teach me the method of achieving the sword heart?"

Speaking of this sentence, he lifted his heart tightly, not daring to relax.

He did not know what kind of question this sword will respond to, lest he would not answer this question.

But fortunately, Qingyang Jianchi just silenced for a while, then suddenly said: "What Jianxin?"

Fang Yuan is like a falling ice kiln.

But it was at this time that he heard Qingyang Jianjio said: "When will Wujian Kendo need to achieve Jianxin?"

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