Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chapter 116: What's special about it?

?Actually, if possible, Yu Tingfeng wanted to invite Chu Nan here for a long time to complete the task given by Lord Lubbers .

However, Chunan was in a coma for a month after the battle with Maluk, and since he had to recover, he couldn't even leave the hospital, so it was naturally impossible to come here to assist in the investigation.

During this period, Yu Tingfeng had gone to the hospital three times to confirm Chu Nan's condition, and reported the situation to Lubbers.

And Lubers' response to this was only one word - wait.

So Yu Tingfeng could only wait until now.

Now that Chu Nan finally came, he arranged everything early, and when Chu Nan arrived, he immediately began to carry out an unusually detailed body examination of Chu Nan, even several times more detailed than the hospital.

The task that Lubos explained was actually very simple. He just ordered the Earth Federation branch of the Norantum Chamber of Commerce to find out the reasons for the abnormal sets of data discovered by El Carter before, and then ordered the branch to obtain it. Chu Nan's detailed body data report is only, and there are no more orders.

These two commands can be completed together, because the previous sets of data were abnormal, which were actually Chu Nan's body data reports.

After Rubes sent the abnormal data reports, Yu Tingfeng asked the data experts and human body research experts under the branch to cooperate with several warriors to have a detailed meeting and discussion, and finally came to the conclusion - this Several pieces of data are indeed abnormal.

It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to have such a significant increase in physical strength in such a short period of time, which completely violates the common sense of medicine, martial arts, and the currently known possibilities of the human body.

However, when they obtained the human body data report that Chu Nan had given every day for more than two months in Xiyun Central Hospital through a special channel, they found that this kind of thing happened to Chu Nan at all.

After the battle between Chunan and Maluk, the human body test report he made at Xiyun Central Hospital showed that he was already in an abnormally dangerous situation, and he might die at any time due to the blood supply being insufficient due to the rupture of the blood vessels.

However, even in a coma, Chu Nan's physical condition has been improving significantly, and there has never been any deterioration until he wakes up a month later.

And when he woke up, the changes in him were even more amazing.

First of all, within a month and a half after waking up, the blood vessels and nerve bundles in Chu Nan's body that had been severely damaged actually improved at an incredible speed without any special surgery.

It only took a month and a half for Chu Nan to recover from such an injury that is impossible for ordinary people to heal!

This situation is not enough to describe it as a miracle!

Compared with the amazing transformation that took place in the past month and a half, although Chu Nan's muscle recovery speed in the next month was also amazing, it was dwarfed by that.

Through the study of all the human body data reports of Chu Nan, the experts that Yu Tingfeng found confirmed that Chu Nan either practiced an extremely special martial arts technique, or his physique was very special, otherwise it would never be so amazing. Case.

There is no way to confirm the first guess, and it can be seen from Chu Nan's previous relevant materials that it is impossible for him to come into contact with any special martial arts.

Otherwise, how could he have not been able to become an inner-level warrior at the age of 18, so that he was sentenced to death by two star-level warriors?

What Yu Tingfeng and the staff want to confirm now is the second guess.

Seeing Chu Nan obediently laying down on the bed, Yu Tingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately ordered.

"Check carefully, don't let go of the slightest bit of his body, and even check every single hair for me to find out the results!"

With an order, countless instruments and equipment immediately rushed to the lying Chu Nan.

In order to conduct the physical examination on Chunan, Yu Tingfeng transferred a large amount of the highest-end equipment of the Chamber of Commerce from other branches of the Noventum Chamber of Commerce a month in advance on the grounds that Lord Lubos personally ordered it. In terms of technical content , enough to get rid of the backward equipment of Xiyun Central Hospital for more than a few streets.

The inspection took nearly two hours before the first report appeared in Yu Tingfeng's hands.

"Director, from this report alone, there is nothing special about Chu Nan's body. Compared with the last inspection report he did in the hospital, there is not much change."

The one who handed the report to Yu Tingfeng was the leader of the "Chunan Research Group" previously organized by Yu Tingfeng, Odur, a well-known human medical expert in the regional federation.

At this moment, his face was full of doubts.

"From this point of view, there is actually nothing worth studying in Chunan."

"Udur, didn't we discuss it before." Another expert who also belonged to the "Chunan Research Group" took over. "The special thing about Chunan lies in the changes in his body that completely violated common sense during a certain period of time, which is why he attracted the attention of Lord Lubbers and Lord Elcatel. So I think it is best to let him He just has to show that."

Yu Tingfeng asked back: "How to let him show it? Can't we just tell him that we want to study these special places of him?"

A group of people looked at each other.

This is indeed a problem.

They didn't tell Chu Nan the truth of the request for his assistance in the investigation this time. If they told Chu Nan directly now, if it aroused his vigilance and precaution, I am afraid that it would be difficult for them to study anything from Chu Nan.

"Maybe... we can introduce him into an environment that will change his physical condition in a short period of time, and then keep testing him all the time, and then conduct research through these data changes." After a while, a staff member suggested um... It can be, but what kind of environment can make his physical condition change in a short time? ' Another staff member asked back with a frown.

"It's very simple. Find someone to compete with him, and then let him get injured a little bit, so we can observe how quickly he recovers."

"This is a good suggestion, but I want to remind you that Chu Nan was just discharged from the hospital, and then came to us and injured him again. Do you think... Will he be willing to come back in the future?"

The crowd fell silent immediately.

This is a very serious problem...

"You guys, just thinking about doing these things in reality, have you forgotten the most popular things in our chamber of commerce?" After waiting for a while, a staff member dressed as a middle-aged warrior spoke quietly.

The crowd suddenly lit up.

"You mean "Martial Soul"?" (To be continued.)

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