PS. Here's today's update. By the way, I'll pull a ticket for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

Mu Yutong turned to look at Normanli and smiled.

"Why do you say that?"

Normanli pointed to the virtual big screen in front of him. The video being played on it was the real-time monitoring video of the ongoing match between Chunan and Saha.

"Don't tell me you can't see it?"

Mu Yutong laughed and nodded.

"Of course I can see it, so I'm very satisfied with his performance. But it's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Normanli was stunned, glanced at Chunan who was punching Saha with punch after punch on the big screen, he understood in a blink of an eye, and sighed. "It's a pity..."

Mu Yutong also sighed softly, and looked at the virtual big screen with Normanli again. After a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Would you like to make a bet?"

"Oh? You're actually interested in betting? Tell me, what are you betting on?" Normanli was greatly excited.

Mu Yutong pointed to the big screen: "Just bet how long it will take this kid to end this battle."

"Well..." Normanli narrowed his eyes, stared at the big screen for a few seconds, nodded and replied, "Okay. I bet within ten minutes, how about you?"

"I'll bet for five minutes." Mu Yutong replied.

Normanli widened his eyes again and looked at Mu Yutong in surprise.

"You have too much confidence in this kid, don't you?"

Mu Yutong smiled and didn't answer.

"You seem to have something else that I don't know about this kid. No, I'll change it. I bet... eight minutes is fine, it's a little longer than you estimated anyway."

"Whatever you want." Mu Yutong waved his hand. "As for the bet... If I win, you will stay in our Earth Federation for another month."

"Then if I win, you will stay in our Fraser Dominion for one more month?" Normanly asked immediately.


"Very good." Normanli immediately turned to look at the virtual big screen. "According to the time of your Earth Federation, it is now 2:09:27 pm local time, and the calculation will start from now on."


Mu Yutong nodded in response, and the two of them looked at the virtual big screen again, focused and stopped talking.

The people next to him heard the two star-level warriors talking, and they only felt confused.

It was surprising that the two of them were so concerned about this very ordinary game, and they even made a bet because of this game!

You must know that with their identities, they can't do whatever they want like ordinary people, and any action may be extended to other meanings.

So even though their stake is only to stay in each other's country for an extra month, the meaning it represents is extraordinary, and this stake is by no means small.

In addition, another meaning revealed in their dialogue also made people very concerned and confused.

Kaspersky and the other escorts on Xiyunxing were not easy to ask questions, but the several direct disciples who came with Mu Yutong and Normanli today could not help but look at each other, and finally Zheng Yuanlin asked out.

"Teacher, listen to what you said just now... do you think that Chunan can win this game?"

Zheng Yuanlin's question immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Judging from the live game on the virtual big screen, the young warrior of the Earth Federation called Chunan is not at all an opponent of the young warrior from the kingdom of Keshili.

If it wasn't for his opponent's teasing, I'm afraid that Chu Nan would have been defeated long ago.

And now Venerable Mu Yutong actually thinks that Chu Nan will win?

Even the Venerable Normanli agreed with him?


No one dared to doubt the judgment of the two star-level warriors, but...why?

Mu Yutong turned his head and glanced at Zheng Yuanlin. Seeing his eldest disciple, he didn't show much confusion, but the other brothers and most of the other people around him were obviously very confused, so he smiled and pointed. Chunan on the virtual big screen.

"What do you think Chunan is doing now?"

Zheng Yuanlin has followed Mu Yutong for many years, and of course he understands Mu Yutong's intentions. Hearing the words, he immediately said, "I think... Chu Nan is completely being teased by his opponent. If it were me, it would be better to just admit defeat."

These words spoke the hearts of everyone.

Seeing that Chu Nan, a young warrior from the Earth Federation, was being played like a monkey by the guys from the Kingdom of Kxili, all the people from the Earth Federation present were unhappy.

Although it is worthy of recognition for Chu Nan's spirit of not giving up, it is pointless to persevere like this.

"Admit defeat?" Mu Yutong deliberately made a surprised expression. "Why admit defeat? Chu Nan is clearly looking for the opponent's weaknesses little by little. In my opinion, he will soon succeed, and then win this game, how can he lose?"

The surrounding crowd couldn't help but be in an uproar.

Is Chunan looking for the opponent's weakness? Why can't they see it?

Judging from the scene on the virtual big screen, Chu Nan was just jumping around Saha like a monkey. Even if he punched Saha one after another, it would be in vain.

"He's finding out his opponent's weakness? How did he find it?" Zheng Yuanlin asked rightly for everyone.

"You should see that Chu Nan's boxing power is actually not weak, but this Saha was able to resist so many punches of Chu Nan without being hurt. Obviously, he has cultivated a special defense technique."

Zheng Yuanlin and several disciples next to him nodded in unison.

"Chunan's punching power can't break Saha's defense, and naturally he can't win. But no matter what kind of defense technique, limited to the characteristics of the human body, it is impossible to protect every inch of the whole body, there must be Weaknesses exist. These weaknesses, in the traditional martial arts of our Earth Federation, are generally called 'shroud doors'."

Zheng Yuanlin's eyes lit up: "Teacher, do you mean that Chu Nan is now looking for the cover of Saha's defense technique?" Immediately, he looked puzzled. "How did he find it?"

Mu Yutong turned to look at Chunan on the big screen, showing a smile.

"This kid took a very stupid but very effective method."


"What you see is that Saha fails every time he punches, but have you paid attention to where his punches land?"

Everyone focused their attention on Chunan on the big screen, just when he saw him punch out at this moment, Saha did not dodge again, and the punch hit Saha's waist on the left side of the rib firmly. .


The dull sound came out through the big screen, and Saha's brows on the screen did not wrinkle, and even the obvious contempt and playful smile on his face did not change at Obviously, Chu Nan's this The punch didn't pose any threat to him.

With a punch, Chunan immediately adjusted his body, slid sideways, avoided Saha's counter-attack, and punched again, hitting Saha's waist accurately under the left rib.

At first glance, the two punches hit almost the same place, but if you pay attention, you'll find that this punch hits a bit lower than the previous punch.

Zheng Yuanlin's mind quickly flashed the image of the game he just saw on the big screen, recalling Chu Nan's actions, and then his expression changed.

"Teacher, are you trying to say... Chu Nan is now using his fists to probe the door of Saha's body?"

Seeing that his eldest disciple realized it so quickly, Mu Yutong smiled and nodded.

The surrounding people all let out an exclamation.

If Chu Nan is really like what Mu Yutong said, he is not being played by Saha as a monkey, but is purposefully probing the cover of Saha's body, then his fighting consciousness will be too scary.

Zheng Yuanlin frowned slightly, looked at the big screen, and found that the displayed time had passed two minutes after the bet between Mu Yutong and Normanli, but the situation on the competition field had also changed, and he couldn't help showing a hint of worry.

Although Chu Nan's idea is correct, he is only a low-level physique-level warrior after all, can he last until that moment?

Or, will Saha give him the chance to stick to that moment?

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, and it must be Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all mobile phone users, please go to read.

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