Master of Marvel World

Chapter 327: : Jewel man

Numerous magics spread across large areas of space in an instant, with great momentum, but Shen He didn't panic at all.

"Pseudo-canonical crossover!"

Along with a slightly immature voice, Hubby flew to Shen He's body. The skeletal body transformed by the ultra-highly concentrated elves unfolded the blue spherical ion membrane.

If such a majestic energy spreads, its scale will be enough to turn small cities into ashes.

But now it only compresses the appearance of maintaining it as a barrier.

All magic attacks.

No matter what type it was, it disappeared silently within the moment it touched this barrier, without even causing a slight ripple.

"Catch her." Shen He simply ordered.

He did not intend to destroy the entire clock tower, but to give a warning, destroy his arrogant posture, and ensure the cleanliness and safety of the Liangyi family.

To achieve this, it is impossible not to show strength.

It was Reinhardt who executed this order, because if one side passed or Misaka Mikoto shot, it would be either dead or injured, and maybe it would be out of control.

But after hearing a clear metal clang, Reinhardt raised the dragon sword with a scabbard in his hand. At that moment, all the surging magic power around him rushed towards him, and even formed a vortex of power visible to the naked eye. It is Reinharut's special Juggernaut physique. As long as he is present, the power of any other magic will be greatly weakened.

And these absorbed magic powers all poured into the dragon sword in his hand.

The energy compressed to the extreme wrapped the scabbard of the dragon sword like flames, but it did not come out. Reinhardt’s gaze was fixed on Bathmelo Lorelai in front of him, which was equivalent to announcing his goal to everyone. , But did not take a step forward.

He is issuing a formal challenge.

Although the etiquette was different, Lorelai understood what the other party meant.

Her gaze glanced at the blue barrier that was not far away. Although the magician of the clock tower did not try his best, he had already gathered an unimaginable force.

Raised a hand.

All the attacks gradually calmed down.

Then secretly ordered the magician who was proficient in enchantment to find a way to break the opponent's barrier, Lorelai put his gaze on the handsome knight in front of him.

"Bathmero is a perfectionist in every generation." Cangqi Orange seemed to explain with interest by Shen He's side, "Patriarchs only appear in front of people after they become official magicians. Before that They can only stay in Bathmelo’s mansion for a closed education, so usually when they appear, they will immediately crown all the magicians and become the leader."

It turned out to be like this...

Shen He's expression is a little weird. Isn't this the model of Long Aotian who has submerged till he is invincible and then comes out of the mountain?

Unfortunately, standing in front of her was the real Long Aotian.

"You... but a knight?"

Lorelai stopped the magician's attack and asked in a loud voice.

No need to ask at all.

Even people who have not seen a knight will add these two words to him instinctively at the first sight of Reinhardt. If there is a perfect knight in this world, then it must be It was Reinhardt, who was almost a knight god.

"Exactly." Reinhardt said sternly, "Since you are a nobleman, then bet on your respective honors and ask for a battle."

In his world, when he is an enemy of the nobles, more often he will bet on their respective honors for one-on-one battles.

Whether it is a knight or a nobleman, honor is the identity of life.

More importantly, in Reinhardt's view, this can save more unnecessary sacrifices and battles.

"Your sword hasn't been out of its sheath." Lorelai looked at the long sword in Rein Harut's hand, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes, "You dare to despise me."

"This sword will only be out of the sheath when it should be out of the sheath, and there is no intention to despise it." Reinhardt shook his head lightly.

This dragon sword, Reid, which releases an unusually coercive sense, is self-aware. If it determines that the opponent is not qualified to be unsheathed, it cannot be used.

Therefore, in most cases, Reinhardt is used in conjunction with the scabbard.

However, Lorelai obviously wouldn't think so, her delicate face was already covered with a blush, which was an expression of extreme anger.

Because of the growth of special education, every generation of the Bathmelo family is a thorough aristocrat.

They admired their own blood incomparably, even to the point of completely ignoring the honorary blood of other nobles. It was an insult like holding against her but not drawing a sharp sword, which was an unforgivable behavior in any case.

Not wanting to say any extra words at all, Lorelai now only wanted to give the knight in front of him the harshest punishment, otherwise it would not be enough to protect the glory of Bathmelo.

"There is wind in my left hand, truth in my right hand, the answer appears, and the truth is in me..."

Lorelai has a solemn expression, singing magic with bytes that are difficult for others to hear. As the top existence of contemporary magicians, she does not have any special abilities, but she does all aspects of orthodox magicians. When it reaches its limit, just like the perfection rule it adheres to, this perfection has also been brought into the identity of a magician.

Perform the strongest magic in the shortest chanting time!

The wind in the entire space gradually became violent. It did not form a storm or wind blade like normal magic, or because of all of these, it formed a violent position belonging to the wind.

Rotate, impact, cut, twist!

All the wind attribute magic has been condensed into that short chanting, and those who are enveloped by this magic can definitely feel the malice of the whole world.

There is no escape, there is no escape!

Lorelai defeated one of the twenty-seven Deadpools by relying on the perfect display of wind magic, and became famous in World War I.

Reinhardt's expression also became serious.

There are magicians with wind attributes in his world.

In terms of the realm of wind alone, the opponent is definitely one of the top magicians he has ever encountered. I am afraid that even Rozval L. Mezas, Earl of Frontier, as a whole family of magicians, is in the single wind. The tie is not as good as the one in front of him.


The fine-tuning of the long sword in Reinharut's hand has already figured out a countermeasure.

Suddenly, a faint halo appeared on his body.

His complexion suddenly became weird.

Increase protection and wind resistance.

It can absorb 80% of the wind magic effect.

Suddenly, the surrounding air rushed towards his body. The condensed magic was violently ravaged and gathered into a vortex centered on Reinharut, but it was not harm, but shelter.


Before Lorelai could almost speak out, Reinhardt moved.

There is no extra action.

Just swiping the long sword in his hand forward, sending out an extremely refined sacred slash.

The agitated air whizzed forward from his side, and the magic effects that had just been absorbed hit Lorelai and the others intact.

In an instant, two magicians who tried to rush to protect Lorelai were ground into minced meat.

Even the screams were too late.

Lorelai's expression has completely changed.

She knows the power of her magic best, but the glory of the family does not allow her to take a step back. She has to bite her teeth and sing again at a speed that breaks through her limit. The mental power is concentrated to the highest level, and the magic circuits all over her body are full. Produce magic like crazy.

In the end, at the cost of ragged clothes, the power of this sword finally died down.


Reinharut's dragon sword with a scabbard has accurately knocked off the pointer that acts as a magic wand in Lorelai's hand, and then hit her neck.

"Since you have lost, I advise you to surrender."

At this moment, the rest of the magicians are hiding far in order to avoid the previous storm, but their eyes are filled with disbelief. Loreley, as the "current magician of the highest peak", is currently the current position of Bathmelo. Patriarch, was captured easily in this way.

"Devil!" A magician screamed.

"They are the demon kings of another world!"

"Hurry up and ask the dean!"

"The catastrophe, this is a catastrophe. It must be announced to the public, and all power must be concentrated, otherwise the world will be destroyed, right now!"

Although Lorelai was isolated by magicians from other families because she was too aristocratic, her strength was recognized by everyone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person under the magician.

Even the young fifth magician might not be Lorelai's opponent.

But such a character fails so triflingly! Just a mere sword made her do her best!

"Enough!" Shen He's voice filled the entire space like thunder, "If I wanted to kill, how could you live to this day!"

As if to confirm his statement, a huge and complicated magic circle suddenly appeared behind Hugh. The dazzling rays slashed across the sky like falling stars. The sky was falling apart, and the building that was the wall of the clock tower melted into magma.

You know, those walls are not ordinary people.

It's the hard work of countless outstanding magicians over the past two thousand years.

It is the most proud defense of the Clock Tower, and even thinks that even if a meteorite strikes and the earth is destroyed, it can persist to the end.

"What I came today was just a warning." Shen He said, suddenly stopped and looked at the sky on the right.

Just now Reinhardt reminded him through the dialogue channel that in the gap in the space over there, a person's sight was peeping here.

It should be a magician.

As if he had noticed that he had been discovered, there were waves of ripples in that space, and a gray-haired old man appeared.

Although it is gray-haired, but its posture is strong and vigorous, and a black gentleman's suit is even more "old and strong."

Only at a glance, Shen He recognized this person.

The second magician, Kishua Zelrich Shibein Ogu, also known as Jewel Weng.

The corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously.

It's not because of how good this person is, but because in the game he played before crossing, the concept dress of this person as a portrait, Wanhua Mirror, the shipment rate is so low that it can only be produced by a few euros and kryptons.

It is very important in terms of game effects.

At that time, this old man made him love and hate, and he was more entangled than the one who took the slave.

"It's Master Shibein Ogu!" The magician present also found this person.


"The world is saved!"

"That's Jewel Weng, there is a rumor that the second magician who has lived for 800 years!"

Basically all magicians are excited, and even when Lorelai is easily defeated, only magicians can give these people confidence.

But these excited people did not include Lorelai.

In the eyes of Pamelo Patriarch, only the manifesters of the first method can sit on an equal footing with them, not to mention that Lorelai knows better than everyone that these people are terrifying.

She could feel the tremor from the soul just by being crossed by the long sword across her neck through the scabbard.

That unspeakable coercion.

It seems that this long sword is not a sword, but a living dragon!

Therefore, even if the second magician comes in, it may not be able to deal with these people...

In this way, Jewel Weng slowly landed in front of Shen He from the sky under the eyes of all eyes.


"Hi, Lord of Chaldea." He stretched out his hand and greeted him kindly.

"..." The scene fell into a weird silence for an instant.

Everyone looked at Jewel Weng with indescribable expressions like an old acquaintance and began to talk cordially with Shen He.

"I know what happened. If you want to come, you are only worried about the Liangyi family. Don't worry, I will protect the Liangyi family." Geishi Weng patted his chest, "and Liwei has also gained power. , The destruction is also destroyed, or else, for my face, forget it at this time today."


Shen He wanted to ask, are you always familiar with me?

But he still did not ask.

Jewel Weng is not particularly strong in strength, but he is a very special existence in the Moon World.

Everything is because of the second method he possesses-parallel world interference.

With this method, he can not only guarantee his own uniqueness, but also freely travel through the multiple-digit parallel worlds of the moon. Therefore, it is not surprising to know Shen He’s identity, because he only needs to go to the Fourth Holy Grail War that was disturbed by Shen He. That parallel world of, is clear at a glance.

Even when the Great Holy Grail was created at the beginning of the Holy Grail War, he served as a witness.

In addition...

Shen He glanced at the trembling magicians in the and felt that it should almost stop here.

After all, you can't really kill the entire Magic Association, so the inhibitory force will never sit idly by.

"Three requirements." Shen He stretched out three fingers, "First, the freedom and safety of the Liangyi family must be guaranteed; second, you owe me a favor, and third—"

He finally pointed to Lorelai, who was captured by Rein Harut, "I want this person."

"The first two are okay, but the third..." Jewel Weng's facial features suddenly crumpled.

Lorelei is not only the assistant to the dean of the clock tower, but also an ancient nobleman who is one of the few in the Magic Association and the Patriarch of Bathmelo.

To put it bluntly, Jewel Weng does not have the right to agree to this.

Not to mention that the elite consciousness of the Bassemeros is extremely strong, and they have already despised almost everyone outside their own family.

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