Master of Marvel World

Chapter 337: : Things are getting hot

Shen He actually wanted to know.

If he really doesn't make a move, what will Magneto do?

To make such a riot, to provoke a war between humans and mutants in advance, he is really so sure that he will take action, and as he wishes, will he stand on the side of mutants?

at this point.

Shen He didn't bother to think so much. He didn't even find a place to stop the battleship first, and directly controlled the space battleship from high in the sky, leaning and rushing down below New York.

At this time, the streets of New York were in chaos.

The mutants are all wearing uniform black costumes, a large group of people are holding banners and marching on the street, while another small group is unscrupulously beaten, smashed, looted and burned.

In addition, because the riot has lasted for three days, it has severely affected the lives of ordinary people, and the government has not come up with an effective plan, which makes it intolerable for many ordinary people to raise banners and protest.

In order to show specificity, they all wore white clothing.

Most of them even carry firearms and weapons in their hands.

The white-clothed ordinary people's congress is already facing the black-clothed mutant people on the most central street, and more than half of the police officers in New York are also concentrated here.

The sound is noisy.

All kinds of roars mixed with horns are endless, all kinds of slogans, all kinds of protests, but it is impossible to hear the voice of any party at all.

Magneto was just sitting on the throne, floating above the mutant, with a deep expression, as if the noise and chaos below had nothing to do with him.

Suddenly, he raised his head suddenly.

Not only him, but many people are doing the same actions.

Because a behemoth suddenly appeared in the sky.

With its wings spread out to six or seven hundred meters, the fighter aircraft with a body area larger than three or four football fields was silently suspended, and stood still between the high-rise buildings, even completely covering the sky on the street.

No one knows when this behemoth appeared.

Without the roar of the engine, without the wind pressure, this indescribable fighter is like a ghost, but it is so real.

"what is this?"

"Spaceship? Alien?"

"Am I dreaming, it just emerged a little bit transparently!"

After a short silence, both mutants and humans arose in a disturbed commotion. Their common sense could no longer determine what was going on before them. Some people wanted to subconsciously want to step back, and some stood in the same place and did not know where they were. Cuo, the first thing that reacted was the police, who hurriedly yelled to evacuate the crowd, while most of the mutants looked towards Magneto.

Magneto's fist was slightly squeezed, and he could not help but breathe.

The big guy above is also made of metal and belongs to the category he can control.

But this is too big.

Moreover, the most powerful part of human beings lies in the huge number and increasing technology. The technology on this behemoth is definitely far more than the current human society.


A deafening sound suddenly came from the air, echoing in the middle of the city.

Then a huge projection appeared at the point of the fighter.

That is the upper body of a man in a black dress.

——Shen He!

It really is him!

Magneto controlled his metal throne to rise slowly until it was parallel to the huge phantom.

At this time, the human government has become a mess.

In 2004, when the information age had not yet fully developed, leaders of various countries could only communicate with each other through telephone conferences, and before they could mutually confirm whether anyone secretly studied such a giant fighter plane, Shen He’s phantom images quickly It spread to all the leaders of the country.

A yellow-skinned earthling?

"Who is he?"

"Does the United States know anything, we ask to share information!"

"Yes, this is definitely not earth technology."

"Holographic projection, optical invisibility, anti-gravity technology, and sound wave absorption technology. Scientists in my country say that it will take 80 to 120 years before such things appear in the world at the earliest!"

The countries of the world are not stupid. The United States obviously knows something, and the unknown is what they worry about most now.

"Everyone, this is top secret information."

After swift and intense negotiations and negotiations, the United States finally let go.

They are also under tremendous pressure.

Because that fighter plane was parked in their city, and it was very likely to carry a huge lethal weapon on it, only the Senhan muzzle with a diameter of nearly ten meters in the front made them tremble.

Information about Chaldea and Shenhe was quickly shared with major countries around the world. Of course, they still concealed key information.

Just say that this is a force that claims to come from a diverse world.

This alone has plunged the world's top executives into unspeakable emotions.

Is this different from aliens?

Yes, it is more terrifying, more mysterious, and more unpredictable.

Even if luck touches the technology that spans the multidimensional world, this also has a decisive advantage on the current earth. Apart from anything else, the United States has not even discovered when this fighter plane arrived in their largest city. , If there are more than a dozen of this fighter plane, wouldn't it be possible to destroy the main cities of the whole country in the shortest time?

"War can only be used as a last resort." Huaxia's leaders put forward this point of view with difficulty.

"Yes, at least they also showed a bargaining posture."

"Before the information is unclear, there must be no fire conflict."

"We must establish a joint response team. This is not a matter of one country or some countries, but a global crisis."

It is not an exaggeration to describe this incident as a crisis.

Extraterrestrial power means completely unknown.

If you naively think that the other party is coming with a peaceful vision when you don’t know anything, it’s too naive, and it’s safe to give priority to crisisism.

Shen He, who has fully grasped the initiative, is not worried about the attitude of this world regime at all. He is sitting in the space battleship and looking at the Magneto on the video.

"All mutants must be placed in one place." Shen He put forward his own request in an unquestionable tone.

"Haha." Magneto's mood continued, but at last he let out a cold snort, "Sure enough, there is no difference between you and human beings."

"That's your own choice." Shen He didn't intend to explain anything. "If you intend to stop us, just come."

Shen He's voice continued to spread along the broadcast.

There is no disguise.

The humans and mutants present, including countries all over the world, got the first information about this extraterrestrial force.

Their purpose is to concentrate all the mutants!

A large number of think tanks began to fiercely discuss the hidden information under this purpose, what kind of operating space they have, whether they need assistance, or whether they can make further contacts and discussions on the condition of assistance.

The more information, the less the unknown, and the less dangerous it will be concealed by extraterrestrial forces.

And once they find out.

He is fully capable of checking and balancing this extraterrestrial force, and not completely vulnerable. The crisis will turn into a huge opportunity.

"Then try it!" Magneto slowly stood up from above the throne, his eyes firm and determined, "Mutants will never succumb to anyone!"


Shen He has almost understood the meaning of Magneto.

He has abandoned those calculations and strategies, and is ready to throw off the table directly and fight naked.

So simply speed up everything and stimulate the conflict between mutants and humans.

Whether it’s the Chaldeans or Charles who suddenly appeared, no matter what purpose and ideas they have, they can only participate in this war, and then they will rely on their own means. Anyway-

This is the last step.

This is indeed a way to do without knowing the opponent's hand.

There is no need to talk about it anymore.

The space battleship rose slowly, and everyone present at this moment knew how such a behemoth suddenly appeared, because its body suddenly turned up with layers of glass-like modules, and in the end, the entire body disappeared.

"The radar cannot catch the target."

"The satellite lost its target."

"Detected the air flow above, the speed is very fast! Has entered the clouds and lost the target."

Not only the United States, but the military systems all over the world are in chaos, and almost all have entered a state of preparation for war. All satellites, probes, and cruisers have been activated to the maximum, trying to find traces of this extraterrestrial force.

However, with the technology of 2004, it may not be so easy to find the simply camouflaged maritime military base in the Pacific Ocean.

However, this is only a small part of the squally rainstorms that this incident brought up.

As a mutant, and also the leader of the Global Thieves Guild, he first began to gather some mutant forces in a small range, claiming to have made contact with Chaldea.

On the other hand, Magneto, as the spiritual support of the mutants, did not respond, and even disappeared quietly.

He came to Charles' academy and sat with this old friend who was already pale.

"Why do you want to do this!" Charles was really very, very angry, "There is absolutely no need for this to happen!"

"Haha." Magneto was still smiling, "You are still so naive."

"Do you know how many people have died!" Charles slapped his wheelchair, and countless things flew upside down. "Not only the human beings you hate, but also our compatriots."

"If you want a better future, someone always has to sacrifice." Magneto doesn't say anything. "Moreover, I haven't changed anything, I just let everything go ahead."

That's right, in Magneto's heart, he just promoted all the progress.

The war between mutants and humans will begin sooner or later.

The purpose and actions of the Chaldeans will be carried out sooner or later, and even Charles, his old friend, will also find a way to stop all this, and then face it all powerlessly.


At present, human technology has not yet developed to the point where it is completely aimed at mutants.

"In that case, what are you doing here?"

Charles took a breath and tried to calm his mood.

During this period of time, he has not been idle for a moment.

Whether it is sending school teachers to the most serious areas of conflict, trying to calm down, or visiting government members again and again, and wanting to get help, he can say that he has been non-stop, even regardless of the burden of his body, using his brain waves frequently. Enhancing the instrument.

However, it is completely useless.

The parliamentarians he met were either powerless or wary of him.

Those mutants who have become crazy will not pay attention to his disciples at all, and even regard them as traitors to the mutants.

Why is this happening?

Charles has been thinking about what he has done wrong these days.

Over the past 40 years, he has been working hard to recruit students, teach mutants about love and justice, and convey the mutants' goodwill and emotions to the human regime. However, everything has always gotten worse and worse.

"I am not an opponent of Chaldea."

Magneto looked at Charles and directly admitted this.

Even with Charles's cultivation, at this time, he couldn't help but feel some bruises.

You know that you are not their opponents, and you go to provoke them! ?

"Although I don't want to admit it, my strength is not as good as you. You have this school, you have a brain wave enhancer, and you have your disciples, and I only have Ruiwen by my side."

"shut up!"

Charles felt his heart pierced again.

Even now, Ruiwen still stands firmly on Eric's side.

His sister still thinks he is wrong.

"So I said, you are still the same innocent!" Magneto didn't mean to stop at all. On the contrary, his gaze was sharper, and Charles was in pain. "You should know better than me, Chaldea wants to control the variant. The fate of people in the future, and they don’t want to go your way or mine, do you feel comfortable and willing to give everything to them, to them who are not mutants, or even earthlings!? "

"We can negotiate" Charles's voice was a little weak.

"Negotiate a fart!" Magneto's voice increased a bit, even swearing, "Have you forgotten how we were rejected by the two ceremonies back then? She didn't treat us as the same from beginning to end~ What are the consequences of you negotiating with humans for forty years?"

Qin and others standing outside the door couldn't help holding their fists, and sadness rose in their hearts.

They don't want war and hatred.

But for the years following the professor, he has been rejected by mankind.

Eyes, fear, attack, discrimination

Magneto's words really ruthlessly tore away the scars and doubts in their hearts that they have been unwilling to think about.

Is there a response to being kind to humans?

"In this world, only strength can have everything. We are panicked by mankind because of strength, but Chaldeans can surrender mankind because of strength! Charles!" Magneto stretched out his hand and grabbed Charles's shoulder fiercely. "Wake up, we have nothing to do but show our strength. Together, we will have no power to fight - this is the last chance for the mutants to grasp their own destiny!"

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