Master of Marvel World

Chapter 339: : Invasion of the world

Jeremy is a fighter pilot with extensive flying experience.

Of course he knows what the "gray layer" is all about at this distance.

That means a huge army!

"I found them!"

"297 direction!"

"Shit! It's impossible to aim at this speed!"

Jeremy was not the only one who noticed the enemy's movements with his naked eyes. He glanced at his display radar and, as expected, there was no trace of the enemy at all.

But just such a dazed effort.

The dense and huge enemy force suddenly approached the sky thousands of meters away, and only at this distance can the traces of the opponent be seen clearly at a speed difference of a full speed of sound.

The radar couldn't be used, Jeremy quickly calculated the distance and speed in his mind, suddenly raised the fuselage, and dived diagonally away from the team.

Then suddenly pressed the missile launch button.

For a while on the fuselage, when it was originally flying at supersonic speeds, the missile's tail flame exerted further kinetic energy, and the white sonic burst cloud spread out in the blue sky in front of it, and ballistic missiles rushed out with ripples that pierced the air.

Jeremy fired all the air-to-air missiles in one go.

Then he stared closely at the enemy troops that had advanced from "dust" to "honeycomb" thousands of meters away.

If his calculation is correct.

These missiles should be able to intercept the opponent's marching route first.

He is not the only one who is watching the enemy closely. The other pilots have noticed the only fighter that has made an attack. And they, it is too late to do anything, and the enemy completely ignored them. The horrible speed difference between each other also makes chasing impossible.

"It can be hit!" The squadron leader's excited voice came from the radio.

At this time, the command center finally synchronously transmitted the enemy's position monitored by the satellite to their radar system, and the few missiles that had just been launched flashed on the system and approached the enemy.

Are human weapons effective against these alien visitors?

This is a crucial point, and it is also the basis for deciding the next battle plan. Even the personnel in the ground command center held their breath one by one.

Three seconds, two seconds, one second!

Hit it!

The radio was silent, and all the pilots, including Jeremy, were so nervous that they couldn't breathe.

The red mark on the radar means that the missiles have rushed into the local army!


"Fak! What the **** is going on!" Jeremy couldn't help cursing.

There was no explosion at all, but the radar showed that it had touched.

Everyone can only watch that group of "honeycombs" turn into "dust" again, ignoring them as they drift away.

Although a little disappointed.

But most of the pilots breathed a sigh of relief.

The courage to face death will be especially fragile after the rest of his life.

"Attention everyone! Missile reaction detected!"

Suddenly, a slightly crazy voice from the command center came from the radio.

At the same time, a sharp warning sound was emitted from the radar system.

The radar response of the missile that had disappeared appeared again, and it turned its direction, rushing straight towards them.

"Disperse! Disperse!"


"Destroy them!"

The missile I launched actually flew back. This is nonsense in terms of normal training and theoretical teaching.

But it did happen.

Jeremy didn't know what mood he was in, watching the black spots approaching from the blue sky on the right.

Even more incredible things appeared.

The missile, which was originally only flying in a straight line and had no tracking function, turned accurately in the air, avoided all blasting attacks, and was unharmed in the flames that exploded.

Jeremy felt an unspeakable emotion erupting in his heart. This feeling like a three-year-old child being easily teased by an adult made him almost crazy.

Pull the direction handle abruptly.

Increase the power and rush straight towards the roaring missiles, completely ignoring the warning sound in the radio system.

Then, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

Although it was only a moment.

But in the short time when a missile flew parallel to him, he did see clearly.

The missile launched by him is actually a "person."

It was held with both hands by a "man" shining with blue and white metallic luster, and then pushed, passing by him at an extremely fast speed, without even looking at him at all.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions ignited among his companions.

Those "people" seemed to just come back to return the missiles. After doing all this simply, they once again passed through the white skyburst clouds, and flew back toward their team with a sudden acceleration.

Jeremy felt a blank in his head, even gasping for breath, the sirens representing the heartbeat rate kept rising.

His common sense, his pride, everything about him was torn to pieces.

Facing a missile is like facing a toy!

How to fight this time! ?

It was Shen He's order to return the missile.

Steve's order is to ignore, ignore the enemy's army, the enemy's attack, just do his own task, take away the mutants.

"This world is the birthplace of mutants. We need long-term deterrence instead of just showing the'harmless' side." Shen He still explained to Steve, who commanded the entire combat mission in the virtual reality world. "So, we don't take the initiative to attack, and we don't carry out crushing'slaughter', but as long as we attack, we will be attacked. Let them understand this."

"I see." Steve didn't insist.

Although his original intention was not to attack this country exactly like his country.

But at the point of obeying orders, he will do his responsibilities.

It's the same everywhere in the world.

Countries that dare to launch an attack will usher in the same degree of counterattack, but that's all, these mysterious alien armies have shown a crushing posture, but they have not slaughtered their hearts.

They simply broke through the fire interception easily and landed in the city.

Then began carpet collection and scanning.

As early as a day ago, Dr. Banner of Genetics discovered the existence of the x gene in the blood of Paihuang, Wolverine and others, and based on this, quickly made the detection standard and loaded it in all war robot networks. .

Originally, this kind of robot was equipped with a hardware module for rapid gene scanning, which was to avoid aliens hiding on the earth through appearance.

But now, it provides convenience for convening mutants.

One by one, two-meter-high blue and white robots descended from the sky and came to the city, ignoring the bullets fired at them by the people in self-defense. They only fired blue light from their eyes and swept through the crowd one by one.

"Discover mutants."

The soldier who controls the robot in the virtual reality world uploads a report after detecting the mutant.

Then walked straight towards the target.

"Age, estimated to be twenty-three years old, normal intelligence, let's go with us." The robot's arm directly grabbed the young man who had died out of fear.

Suddenly, a scorpion-like tail emerged from the young man's back, and the sharp edge suddenly inserted along the gap of the robot.

"If you continue to attack, I will not guarantee your safety."

The soldier put on his hands, but directly tied a giant handcuff to the person's body, tied it together with his tail, and then lifted up into the sky like this.

There is already a huge floating transport ship parked above the city.

Similar things happened in the whole city.

It also happens in border cities around the world.

The only different country is China in this world.

They also attracted an army of 10,000 soldiers as if they were approaching the enemy, but they did not go directly to various cities as they imagined, violently plundering mutants.

Because the mutants in this country are not scattered and hidden in various cities like other countries, but have already been gathered by the country.

and so--

"I am the person in charge of the Huaxia region for this operation. I can call me Colonel. I hope to negotiate with your person in charge."

A blue-and-white robot landed alone in front of the Huaxia army, speaking in authentic Chinese, even with a clear capital accent.

The officers in front of him looked at each other.

How is this different from the situation in other countries? Colonel Ho, could it be said that there is actually a person in this robot?

"Our purpose is to convene all the mutants." Seeing that there was no response, Colonel He went on to explain to himself, "We have no intention of launching a war and are prohibited from harming civilians. Therefore, we will give priority to negotiations."

If you want to convene mutants in China in this world, it is impossible not to have a large-scale conflict with the military.

This is the rights that they bring about treating mutants as citizens.

Several military leaders who were sticking to the front line suddenly realized this, and indeed they were the only ones in the world who carried out a unified protection against mutants.

"We accept negotiations."

There is no need to be too entangled. With the establishment of a global united front, they can easily learn about the situation in other countries.

Completely defeated on the frontal battlefield.

The other party even disdains to destroy the living armed forces, but comes and goes freely in the city almost ignoring it.

There is indeed no mass murder of civilians.

If there is still a need for war in this situation, it is a flood of brains, and it is disregarding one's own life and the fate of one's own country.

Dignity and glory are brought about by strength.

"It looks very smooth." Shen He is also always paying attention to the situation around the world.

"This is the gap in the strength of civilization." A golden-red robot came to Shen He.

"Aren't you going to play on the battlefield? Tony." Shen He turned his head and looked at him.

This robot was controlled by Tony himself. Although he didn't think that Dr. Bald could control his thoughts, Shen He would not give Tony a chance to be arrogant.

It would be too stupid to contempt strategically, to really give the other party a chance to cause trouble.

"No, I'm a superhero, I'm Iron Man, how can I do this kind of villain's job?" Tony's voice was as frivolous as before, "This will damage my image."

"Villain? You just pull a soldier to ask, they will say, we are liberating mutants, giving them freedom and human rights." Shen He said solemnly.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you so shameless, Ha." Tony added after saying, "Really."

"With each other." Shen He stretched out.

Chatting with Tony is more comfortable than chatting with people like Steve. Even if the soldier would obey orders, he still insisted on his own opinions.

Although Tony is also a hero, he knows how to compromise where he should.

Anyway, the final result is good for most mutants, so what's the problem with the rough process?

"Sir." Steve's call came in suddenly. "Some countries have begun to gather mutants in the name of asylum."

"Really." Shen He's expression didn't change much, "They were fairly quick to respond."

All countries in the world, big or small, strong or weak, only China has not been invaded. If these people have not reacted, then they are not worthy to rule a country.

The more mutants gather, or even threaten the lives of the mutants directly, the more they may be able to obtain the trump card in negotiations.

However, it was too late.

"Perform a global scan and focus on the places where mutants are gathering." Shen He ordered calmly.

As a result, the surveillance system sent into outer space by the space battleship was fully operational.

This still comes from Hydra's technology.

It can carry out high-altitude monitoring through powerful computing power and face recognition operations. The monitoring level can reach 90% of the world's population, and it can quickly invade the global network, as long as there are cameras and networks, whether it is a mobile phone, a laptop, or a road , Banks, all are under the control of the monitoring system.

In the world of 2004, this kind of monitoring effect was far less powerful than that of later generations, but for some developed countries, it is still easy to discover the gathering of mutants.

Unless it is like Huaxia who has convened and led mutants for decades, other countries have not wanted to convene temporarily until now. How could it be so easy.

After receiving the order, Steve allocated some military forces and turned to the key areas found by the surveillance system.

Fighting is inevitable But for soldiers, mission is the top priority.

Shen He opened the virtual image in front of him, cutting into the perspective of one of the teams going to the "Xavier Genius Youth School".

In fact, from the high-altitude monitoring results, it is also the place with the most mutants, and the children seem to be transferring.

"Only non-lethal weapons are allowed, and be careful not to kill anyone."

Shen He directly took over the command authority of the hundred-man squadron and issued orders to the entire team.

Most of the most famous mutants in the world are there.

If one or two died.

Not to mention that their abilities are all problems with great research potential. Most of them are just children, and Shen He doesn't want to be "educated" by Joan.

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