Master of Marvel World

Chapter 364: : Request of the Envy Witch

Semiramis' words made the audience silent.

Shen He did not hide his inner anger at all.

There is no extra action.

The followers dispersed silently, faintly enclosing Rozval.

"It's really interesting."

In the end, it was Rozval who broke the silence himself.

His clown makeup suddenly came alive.

"Master, I'm afraid I have been dissatisfied with me a long time ago."

He didn't admit whether he did something like that, but instead shifted the topic to Shen He's attitude.

"Dissatisfaction? No." Shen He denied it, expressionless, "Until just now, I have never been dissatisfied with you."

This is the truth.

A plot character has its own established characteristics in everything he does. When Shen He looked at Rozval before, he was more just looking at the plot character's gaze.

Until just now, this person almost broke the whole situation.

The characters in the plot no longer develop according to the established plot, they become a living person, so Shen He suddenly discovered that Rozval is so disgusting for him.

Rozval did not speak.

But his gaze once again glanced at the Book of Wisdom in his hand.

New words emerged above.

——Kill the Pleiades Caiyue.

This sentence made his pupils shrink slightly.

Some are confused.

But so far, we have followed the situation in the Book of Wisdom, so now...


One side of the road rushed up in an instant. At the same time, Semiramis’s chain emerged out of thin air, and Reinhardt stepped forward with his sword. Even if he was sinking into the river, he pulled his hands on one side, like a spark. The thin line moved toward the book in Rozval's hand.

Such a book is too dazzling.

Shen He knew what it was.

In this case, there is no need to explain at all, just grab the book.

Although Rozval was the number one magician in the Grunica Kingdom, he did not reach the level of power after all. In the moment when everyone shot together, there was no chance of killing the Pleiades.

And Shen He also got the book.

Saw the sentence above.

"Is this what you have been doing?" Shen He flipped the book forward, "Before he hired bowel hunters and conjurers to attack Emilia, everything is just because of a book?"

I have to say that this is really funny.

The contents of this book are fundamentally conflicting with each other.

It said that Emilia must become king.

The above also said that the intestine hunter should steal Emilia's badge and let the conjurer kill everyone in the castle.

Only witch fanatics would believe such funny words.

In fact, in Shen He's view, it is more like the author of the book From Zero is forcibly pushing the plot, maliciously using Rozval's hand to create life and death crisis for the protagonist again and again.

Rozval has been completely **** by the Semiramis chain, and he has been punished by Jeanne of Arc, and his magic power has been completely sealed.

And Ram stood in front of Rozval tightly.

Lem looked at Ram pleadingly.

Shen He continued to flip through this wise book belonging to Rozval, his expression getting heavier and heavier.

Rozval snatched the flesh of his descendants?

Rozvall was one of the murderers who destroyed the ghost tribe?

Rozval forces Ram to establish a contract with him and become his pawn?

"This is a bastard!"

Beatrice, who had been reading books by Shen He, shouted angrily.

Four hundred years.

It turned out that all the Rozval masters were all the disciples of the original witch!

"The records above alone are enough for you to die a hundred times." Shen He coldly looked at Rozval who was **** in front of him, "Do you have any last words?"


Rozval's face had an indifferent expression, even with a smile.

This made Shen He frowned.

Does he have any other players?

No, it's impossible. Reinharut is the strongest in this world. Even if the lustful witch is resurrected, or even the jealous witch breaks through the seal, he can't be saved. As for Ram's mood, Shen He has no plans to care about it.

"Really, very unexpected."

Rozval finally spoke, but it was not the opera-like singing in the past.

Instead, it was a very ordinary voice.

Shen He didn't speak, he was waiting, and the others didn't speak. Even Caiyue Subaru, who was full of anger because of being deceived, didn't do anything unexpected.

"I thought I should be desperate and sad now, and want to struggle to death." Rozval's smiling face, the corners of his mouth opened more and more to the sides, a real smile like a clown, "but it turned out— —No, four hundred years of hard work has failed inexplicably, and the goal of resurrecting the master is also difficult to achieve, but why, I don’t feel it now?"

There was silence.

Shen He didn't answer Rozval's question. After all, there are too many perversions in many different-dimensional worlds, especially the animation world.

He has no interest in understanding a perverted idea.

However, I felt relieved.

It seems that there should be no accidents, Rozval should have no success.

"I know why." Just as Shen He was about to get rid of this person, Beatrice suddenly spoke, and said seriously, "Because you have lived too long."

"Oh?" Rozval looked at Beatrice in a daze, but he was eager for an answer.

"Betty can understand that if you live too long, you will gradually forget your emotions and do everything for the purpose, but the emotions related to this purpose have already been forgotten." Beatrice looked at Rhodes. Val's expression also changed from anger to pity.

For four hundred years, she almost almost forgot what she was like.

I originally thought that I was the only one to bear this kind of pain.

Unexpectedly, Rozval is also.

It's stupid.

After Beatrice finished saying this, she was silent.

"After the equation comes out, kill him." Shen He said flatly, "it's time to end."

He was suddenly tired and depressed.

It's hard to predict my current life.

After gaining time and getting stronger and stronger, I became more and more dismissive of everything. I already have such signs now, and many mistakes I shouldn't make have become careless because of my gradually ossified brain.

In the beginning, it was not like this.

It's a good idea to deal with Hydra and use their brains to force them to take the initiative to expose them, but now they don't like to use their brains very much. Otherwise, the world of X-Men would not be messy.

While Shen He was thinking about self-reflection, the others were still just silent.

Kurxiu did not expect that the counties of the frontiers who have been inherited and continued since the birth of the Kingdom of Grunica are all the same person, and they have done so many unforgivable things.

Merely hiring a killer to attack a candidate for the kingdom is a capital crime.

This fact makes her thinking hard to turn around.

Why would he do this?

"Why are you doing this?"

Someone posed this question to Rozval.

It was Lem who bit her lip tightly.

"Destroy our village, kill our relatives, even my sister's horns..."

If everyone present has received the greatest impact, it is undoubtedly Lem.

She has always been a Rozvall as the savior of the two sisters.


It was a self-directed and self-acted lie.

Destroy the entire ghost clan, kill all the people, and then rescue the sisters and bring them with you.

"Didn't the Great Sage already say it? Naturally, it is written like this in the Book of Wisdom." Rozval was still smiling, as if he didn't feel the slightest feeling about his imminent death, he suddenly thought of something. Yes, he looked at Ram, "Speaking of which, the agreement with Ram, it seems that I lost it."

"Promise..." Lem looked at his sister incredulously, "Could it be that, sister, you...have already known it?"


Ram exhaled a long breath, turned around, his eyes were as calm as Rozval's.

"Yes, I knew it a long time ago, and then established a contract with the master. If the facts follow the book, I will obey the master's order. If not, the master will leave it to me."

"Is that so?" Lem seemed to grab the straw for life-saving, grabbing the corner of Ram's clothes. "My sister must hate the enemy very much. Only after the horn was broken, did I have to listen to this man's orders."

Ram was silent.

"If you die in Ram, it's not bad." Rozval looked at Ram with interest. "The promise was that I lost. You hated me for a long time, and now your wish can be fulfilled. Oh."


Lem looked at the silent Ram, his face becoming paler and paler.

The sisters of them grew up supporting each other.

Even if her sister had concealed a lot of things from her, how could she be unaware of the love for Rozval.

"I'm sorry, Rem."

Ram turned his head, avoiding Lem's gaze.

"how come......"

Lem slumped to the ground, her azure pupils seemed to have lost all their brilliance, and big tears rolled in.

She knows what it means.

His sister fell in love with her enemy, and even prepared to abandon her sister and die with him.

"Why, are you still in a hurry to take revenge?" Rozval did not understand.

In his heart, Ram always hated him.

However, Ram did not speak.

If Lem wasn't here, she wanted to confide her love before she died, but she couldn't give Lem a bigger blow.

At this moment, a change occurred in the mirror space.

The two ceremonies came out of it, with fine beads of sweat on the forehead, and even the bangs were soaked in sweat and turned into a wet appearance.

Power is inherently very abstract, and it is difficult to catch the dead line.

Not to mention take extra care not to hurt Emilia's heart.


Shen He took out the towel from the system backpack and handed it to the two ceremonies.

Then he looked at Emilia.

His face was a little pale, but it was just because the soul was constantly threatened with death, and there was nothing serious about his body.

"I have'killed' the power." The two rituals wiped the sweat from his face, "Even if the coquettish dies, this power will not be inherited by the next coquettish."

The Great Sin Sacrifice of the Witch Cult has changed many times over the past four hundred years.

That comes from the power of the jealous witch.

Shen He suddenly felt bad.

If you just kill the Great Sin Sacrifice, the jealous witch shouldn't care at all, but if it is killed together with power...this is equivalent to depriving some of the jealous witch's ability.


Suddenly, a screaming scream came from behind.

Caiyue Subaru clutched his left chest with an expression of abnormal pain, and on his body, the originally strong witch aura rose at a terrifying speed, and even the invisible aura, a little bit turned into a visible shadow.

In an instant, Shen He took all the followers and forcibly withdrew.

Afterwards, once again returned with the two ceremonies, Rein Harut and Qi Mu Nanxiong.

"This breath..."

Kurxiu and others could no longer control their trembling bodies, including Priscilla, and even Rozval who could die generously.

Because this is taboo.

Drink all the things of the world, the queen of the city of shadows, the most terrible disaster.

——Envy Witch!

I can’t see the image at all, and I don’t even have the courage to look straight. All knowledge is blanked in my mind. All reason is as if deprived of this body, leaving only the most essential fear. This is Kurt Xiu. Waiting for the person at the moment.

But Shen He saw clearly.

It was a human form made up of dense black mist, and the arm-like parts were around Pleiades’s chest. The unbearable breath of ordinary people has made Pleiades’s eyes dull, foaming at her mouth, and she will die in the following moment. , But what force rejected his death.

Shen He's thinking moved rapidly.

There are three messages.

Although the jealous witch is sealed, she can still show great power.

The jealous witch does not allow Subaru Nayuki to tell the truth about the retrospect of death.

The jealous witch is very fond of Subaru Nayuki, and once murmured the words "love you" in the ear of Subaru Nayuki, but the murmured appearance did not match the rumored action.

Many things can be analyzed from these three pieces of information. With the characteristics of the animation world, such a vital female character, even the villain, will inevitably be washed away.

While Shen He was trying to find more information, Caiyue Subaru changed again.

His hands loosened his body.

The shadow is gradually breaking away from Leaving Caiyue Subaru's body, it drops to the ground like a liquid, and then flows towards Shenhe and others step by step.

At the moment of complete separation, Subaru Caiyue fainted like a relief.

In front of Shen He and the others, a woman made up of shadows appeared.

The outline of the body, if there is Ruuowu's hair, and Miaoman's limbs, except for the face, still can't be seen clearly, and the shadow in front of him already has a complete shape.

She stretched out her hands and made a hug gesture.

Not facing Shen He, but facing the two ceremonies.


A soft voice like the murmur of the wind,

"—Please kill me."

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