Master of Marvel World

Chapter 368: : A trip to Asgard

Thor did feel the pressure that he had never felt before.

For thousands of years before, he was like a child.

Under the protection of his parents, he can be willful and don't care about anything, but in an instant, it's time for him to support everything.

"Which step have you mastered your divine power now?" Shen He asked.

"...Let go of the hammer, it's not as good as when you used to hold the hammer." Thor replied truthfully, "I don't have enough experience, and the enemies in the Nine Great Nations are not enough to give me pressure."

In fact, only need to compare his father Odin, the strength of self-righteousness in the past is nothing to be satisfied with.

Odin reached his peak at his age.

"The real enemy will not give you time to practice." Shen He pondered for a while, "The problem of the dark elves is not that serious. They just want to conquer the nine worlds in one fell swoop with the help of the 5,000-year-old gathering of celestial bodies, but ...Even if it's just a remnant army, it is an enemy who fought with your ancestors."

In the movie, a mere sacrifice can break Asgard's internal prison.

Even just a few spaceships damaged the palace of Asgard and made the **** queen sacrifice.

Compared with the strongest period, it is not only Odin who is weak now.

"I have a plan." Thor has already figured out the cause and effect of the matter. "No matter what this weapon is, the dark elves need it. When they find Jane and bring it out of Jane's body, they will destroy it in one fell swoop. Their best time."

"Use your lover as bait?" Shen He looked at Thor with a smile.

"This is also the only chance to save Jane." Thor felt a little heavy.

The love between gods and mortals can never have a good ending. At best, it is full of romance at the beginning, and then it will slowly wither.

And Jane is a real mortal.

"Since you are fully enlightened, so be it. I will go to Asgard with you." Shen He paused, and then increased his tone. "You have to know, where I am, the whole Chaldeans is there. where."

"Thank you." Thor finally breathed out and drank his glass comfortably. "Rocky may have wisdom, cruelty and decisiveness that I can never learn, but he will never have friends."

"Drink this bottle of wine and we will set off." Shen He picked up the bottle again and poured him a glass.

Asgard, other people are now forbidden to enter.

But as long as the skin is thick.

Shen He didn't believe that Odin would really drive away the mysterious and friendly Chaldean supreme leader, so that he would not be old but stupid.

It was really just after drinking this bottle of wine, and then after confessing to Joan, Shen He stood with Thor who was hugging Jane.

The Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky.

Unlike the last time, this time Shen He has a more intuitive perception of this ability to travel through time and space.

It constructs an independent space channel connecting distant light-years.

"Who made the Rainbow Bridge in the first place?"

Shen He tried to make his own voice, and then he discovered that in this distorted space, the voice could spread.

"I really don't know this." Thor was apparently taken aback. "As long as I can remember, there has been a Rainbow Bridge. However, when he was destroyed before, it was my father who mobilized the dark energy and used the Cosmos Rubik's Cube to repair it. Got it."

"Dark energy..." Shen He murmured.

The dark elf also likes to talk about dark energy. He remembers that when Thanos killed Loki, Heimdall used the last dark energy to send the Hulk back to earth.

I always feel that there are many specific situations in the movie that cannot be expressed through people's imagination.

When Shen He was thinking, they stepped out of the vortex of the Rainbow Bridge, and it took only a minute before and after.

"Tor, now Asgard prohibits outsiders from entering."

Heimdall, with golden pupils, has not forgotten his mission.

"But it's just a small mistake. I will personally admit it to my father." Thor hugged Jane and turned his head. "Can Shen He keep up? We need to avoid being seen by too many people."

"Don't worry, I can fly now." Shen He's toes were slightly suspended.

This is just a simple method of using Yin magic. If you get to know Beatrice earlier, you don't have to jump around in the sky every time you fight.

Thor really does such sneaking things a lot.

Following him, he almost perfectly used the building to plan a concealed flight route, and he could even go all the way to the palace without being observed.

But after arriving here, there is no way to remain undiscovered.

An Asgardian guard wearing a golden armor trot over.

"His Royal Highness, the palace prohibits outsiders from entering. This is the priest's order."

"Get out of the way!" Thor drank domineeringly.

However, the guards in front of him remained motionless, and even more and more guards arrived.

Thor was a little embarrassed.

But he could only give Shen He a look, indicating that there was no other way.

"Tor." An old but majestic voice appeared in front of everyone, "When did you start, dare to disobey my orders at will."

This is a gray-haired, burly and tall man who can be called another Thor's old man.

The iconic one eye represents his identity.

King of the gods, Odin.

Shen He couldn't help but brighten up.

Finally, the image of an important character is completely different from the movies I watched in the past.

Originally, he wondered if he would see a puffy, short, and seemingly unintimidating old man like Odin in the movie.

Even if he has aged so far, as an Asgardian, he will not become like that.

Not to mention the king of the gods.

"Have seen His Majesty the King of God." Shen He saluted gracefully.

Odin's sight stayed on him for a long time.

Of course he knew what happened on the earth.

This Chaldean lord, who claimed to be from a different universe, turned the earth upside down in less than two years, and even showed strong mystery and rapid growth.

Odin was both vigilant and worried.

Unfortunately, I am already old.

"You helped Thor. It's his friend and Asgard's friend, not an outsider." Odin said, removing Shen He from the ban. Then he looked at Jane in Thor's arms, and suddenly came out. Angrily, "But this mortal shouldn't be here, the guards, drove her back to earth."

"and many more--"

Jane jumped straight out of Thor's arms, seeming to want to say something, but Thor covered her mouth.

Obviously, Thor also knows how his girlfriend has no hierarchy.

"There's something in Jane's body, father, Shen He said it's a weapon." Thor stared at his father, and said word by word, "Dark elf weapon."

"......This is impossible."

Odin murmured, took another deep look at Shen He, and then walked up.

His palm stroked on Jane's next door.

Dark red energy surged under this body.

Ether particles.

"I was also surprised at the beginning." Shen He understood that Odin had recognized this infinite gem, and he said loudly, "However, the fate of this universe is always so unexpected and stable. Countless creatures, it happened that Jane encountered the ether and brought it out of the seal-I think this may be some kind of revelation of fate."

To change the drama of the plot to another language, the forced frame is obviously much higher.

It is impossible for a person like the king of the gods to deny the existence of fate.

"The dark elves have disappeared." Odin retracted his palm, "My father eradicated them, the existence of the ether... is just a coincidence."

"I hope so." Shen He followed carelessly.

He has determined that Odin absolutely knows something.

But it was persuaded.

I can't believe that the dark elf will make a comeback, because his own power, Asgard's power, may not be able to stop the dark elf like his father, and if they get this weapon, it will be a disaster.

"You brought her here, and it didn't work."

After leaving this sentence coldly, Odin turned around and left, but never let the guards expel Jane again.

Shen He silently looked at the back of him leaving.

The palm of his hand touched the pendant on his chest.

"how is it?"

"Although he is hiding well, Betty can still see that his body is declining rapidly every moment." Beatrice's voice came to her mind.

The elves are extremely sensitive to the perception of vitality.

Odin, indeed, has reached the point where he can't even fight.

If it is human.

It is equivalent to the end of life, a situation where even life cannot take care of itself.

"Sure enough." Shen He was not surprised by this.

After all, after the dark elf incident ended, Loki even succeeded in bewildering Odin, sealing his strength and sending it to Earth, transforming himself into Odin and sitting on the throne.

"Is he the **** of this world? It's strange." Beatrice whispered in the necklace, "Even the elves have a nearly eternal lifespan, such as a few witches, they are almost immortal, even if There is a chance of resurrection even after death, but are the gods of this world still limited by their lifespan?"

"Strictly speaking, Asgard is not a god." Shen He shook his head.

There are also doubts in his heart.

Odin's strength is beyond doubt, but this strength has not brought him the slightest help in life span, which is obviously not in line with common sense.

If you have a chance, draw some blood from Thor and have a look.

"Shen He, I will take you to meet my friends."

Thor didn't know that Shen He was trying to beat his blood, but he was very enthusiastic about introducing his kingdom to Shen He.

Shen He naturally did not refuse.

He is also full of curiosity about Asgard's state.

So, Thor took him and Jane together, and gathered his small buddies who had been doing things together since childhood, and visited various places in Asgard, and Shen He, as the main guest, had a good experience. The life of God's Domain.

This place is called God's Domain, which is not an exaggeration.

Its social form is extremely stable.

Everyone has their own position, their own work, whether they are fighters, blacksmiths, scholars, or cooks, most of them have decided their own direction from birth, but if they have the ability, they can also rely on themselves. change life.

The most important thing is that they have sufficient life plans for their long lives.

The first five hundred years is the time for training and education in school.

Choose your career for the next thousand years.

Then he married a wife and had children.

Thor is now at this age, so Odin began to worry about his lifelong events.

"Betty, so the root of your four hundred years of suffering is that there is nothing to do." Shen He couldn't help sighing when he heard that some scholars had never stepped out of the research room in their lives.

"That's right!" Beatrice was obviously lingering, "I don't want to be bored anymore!"

"However, if this is the case, why has there been no progress in thousands of years?" Shen He has this question again.

So he asked Thor directly.

"If you mean technically..." Thor is a little embarrassed. "We are not the same as the people on earth. It takes thousands of years to learn the technology and knowledge that we have already mastered. Moreover, at the cutting edge The breakthrough in the field is also very difficult..."

Seeing Thor like this, you know what else is inconvenient to say.

Shen He did not continue to ask.

He has also confirmed that not every Asgardian has power in his body. It can be said that most people don't know magic or have magic talent.

Even for these little friends of Thor, all of their strengths have been difficult to master by relying on their own training and learning for more than a thousand years.

Claiming to be a god, but also limited by talent.

Some seemingly very tall things, after a real understanding, are actually just like that.

Shen He was not disappointed either, as if he was looking at something new and strange. He happily followed Thor around Asgard, only to be fed dog food by the couple every day, a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this time is not long.

The phenomenon of spatial interlacing of the nine worlds is just today.

The consecrator who had been mixed in prisoners beforehand and sent to the palace dungeon was the first to attack.

Almost the same time.

From the border of Asgard, a huge battleship emerged.

It was not through the Rainbow Bridge, but a long distance to reach Asgard from the universe.

"The war has He!"

Thor still hugged his girlfriend, because he had been prepared, he didn't panic too much.

"Leave it to me, Jane." Shen He nodded, "Do you need me to call someone to help?"

"No, I need this invasion to give Asgard enough warning." After Thor left Jane, he waved his hammer and rushed directly into the sky.

Asgard has indeed been slack for too long, too long.

From Thor's voice, there has never been an enemy who dared to invade Asgard directly!

But now there is.

The guards did not have time to react, and Asgard’s old fleet could not even take off. Only the automatic turrets that had not fired in more than a thousand years were obstructing the enemy’s fleet flying in the center of the city.

Go straight to the palace!

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