Master Of Myths

Chapter 108: A Quick Return

Among a clearing of broken trees and withered patches of yellow grass were critters of many sizes, their long slim legs cluttering against the metal constructs half buried in sand, sand that didn't really belong to the once lush forest

While the small things were exploring the new found ruins there came a roaring sound from the sky, its deep bellows sending small gusts of wind even from far above

The small critters didnt need to even see what the creature was and took shelter under whatever could hide them

Expecting the disaster to pass overhead they were suprised when the shiny beast actually came down toward their location scattering every one of them into the surrounding forest

The cyan beast didnt bother with these creatures and swirled around the area, probing fir any danger before it landed on the ruins, resting on the sand

From within the back of the creature emerged three figures looking around at the mess they themselves caused

"Why are we back here Master?"

"Well, I figured we could scavenge some weapons, after all most of the Dreonates died so we have to cope our loses somehow"

Jumping off the golem he started to go through the vehicles, sorting out the diffrent weapons

Meanwhile Ellis was looking at the ballista and machine guns

"Shouldn't we take these as well"

"The heavy weaponry? Moving around with them would only slow us down not to mention the trouble that it invites, plus they need to be manned by a few trained personnel and the two of us will be occupied driving"

She nodded but then did a double take note of his last words

"I will be driving as well?"

She imagined herself using aura to control the dragon and take flight, as majestic and thrilling as it seemed she knew it might prove to be a difficult procedure

Seeing her glancing at dragon with dreamy yet hesitant eyes he knew she'd misunderstood

"Your not driving that"

Bursting her bubble he pointed to the largest remaining vehicle that didnt house any heavy guns, half buried into the sand

"That's your ride"

Looking at the spiked sorry excuse for a ride her shoulders fell a tad, it was miles away from the majestic dragon but then again it was something she could at least drive with mild ease

"Anput, help Ellis take that thing out"

Interrupting the hound from sniffing around bloody empty armours he directed the two before getting back to his second looting spree

An hour or so later the trio were done picking and loading the items onto the ride, YuJu then briefed Ellis on what diffrent signals meant and what to do in case of emergencies before climbing with the hound back in the dragon and taking off with her in tow

The way back wasnt all too smooth, with two larg structures disturbing both the sky and the ground there was bound to be many who attacked them for whatever reason

YuJu had an easy time throwing them off with his maneuvers, he was no expert in driving this thing but its sheer speed was enough to make up for that

Ellis on the other hand didnt have that speed, she did however have decent defence and his constant help allowing the two to reach the outskirts of Rainbow Terrace in just under a week, considering the time it took them to go this was indeed quite fast

Once they were close enough YuJu started to fly low, circuling around the dense colorful trees, Ellis thought he was looking for a place to go in through and avoid the territories of dangerous beasts but realized he had other plans in mind when the golem landed near scattered larg boulders

Coming out he motioned her to join the as the three made their way into the rocky formation

Rather than asking what he was up to she learned to watch things silently reveal themselves

Sure enough it became clear when he put his hand on one of the boulders promoting twisted symbols to carve on its structure

They were dull and didnt look exquisite like the ones inside the dragon were, comparing them was like comparing a common man's hand writing to an expert calligrapher

By the time her eyes finished roaming he already finished activating thier function causing part of rock to crumble an opening into being

"Ladies first"

He motioned her to take the front, just in case there was danger inside

Drawing her twin swords out Ellis walked with careful steps, eyes adjusting to the darkness looking for any would be threat

After walking through a narrow passage they arrived at a small room filled with shelfs, bottles of liqude filled them with the most common being red

"Empty, good"

"What is this place Master?"

"A storage house for Genus Insania, they use it if they have long term mission and need a place to restock on food or hide"

Walking up to a shelf he took one of the red bottles, opening it and bringing it to his nose

"Wuu?!" " Huu"

Before he could even take a sniff the putrid smell permeated the small place causing Ellis to frown and Anput to flinch

"Its expired"

Closing it and putting it back in place he turned to the two only to find Ellis pinching her nose and Anput covering her's with a paw, the sight was enough to put a smirk on his face

"Go get the stuff we loaded, put it all here then hide the dwarven car among the rocks, we will head to Hortus after that"

More than happy to leave the smelly they hurried outside and started transporting weapons and armour

'These wont make up for the lack of dragons but they should help in the short term, at least until I find a better solution'

Watching the loot he thought, his plans changing became a normal occurrence after all these failures

Once the two finished up everything he closed the entrance, bringing back the unassuming boulder before riding the dragon and flying straight over the forest with mighty roars, announcing their return without a care for the beasts living under

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