Master Of Myths

Chapter 179: Tumultuous Clash

Wraiths were no longer in sight, only the still mist, a premonition of another wave of despair

Deathly wails drifted with the air, accelerating the eyers heartbeat with every waiting moment, expecting the surge of wraiths any moment now

The mist moved, legs poking out, not many however, not of the usual size either, but of a size no less than the previous boar, with muffled footsteps they dragged the rest of the body, a smiling visage of great size

"Archers, lite them up!"

Bowstrings were pulled and arrows rained down upon the big wraiths, only to see them wave these puny attacks with an arm, having seen what little they could do...or so they thought

Boom!Ba-Boom! Shriieeek!

Carrying the new  energy explosives these arrows got the jump on them, damaging them to a lethal extent, a few were wiped on the first barrage of arrows alone

"Frontline, finish them!"


"Come here!"

"You ain't going nowhere!"

Seeing the half destroyed giant wraiths they rushed with vigor, intending to make use of the opportunity and finish off some strong foes


Normal wraiths quickly filtered out of the mist to bar their advances and allow the strong troops to hide in the mist, only to be met with fireballs in their face

This allowed the melee unties to come close enough to the big wraiths, ending many in the short span of minutes

"Frontline, rotate! Support, provide cover fire!"

Everyone heard the orders loud and clear, and while eager to gain more easy experience they made their retreat anyway, no one valued experience more than their lives

Thus under the suppressive fire of ranged support the first rotation was completed, allowing the second wave to engage with normal wraiths with not too much enthusiasm 

This situation didn't last long however, else it wouldn't be a race ending wave, as flying figures tore through the sky, avoiding the frontline and the forest altogether, their destination being the annoying support keeping their army suppressed

Meanwhile, more giant figures steps through the mist, cornering the support into making a decision, help the frontline or save their own hide

"Focus on your task, leave those peaks to us"

The demon wolf masked leader spoke, howling to the sky, to which other animal calls responded, ones of birds as flocks of masked winged beasts took to the skies, meeting the enemy flyers head on

"Time for us to lend a hand"

YuJu said

"I see no need"

The man replied, seeing nothing yet worth his army's interference, just another barrage of arrows would be enough to stop the giant wraiths 

"Those are our opponents"

YuJu pointed, alerting him of a new group of wraiths making their exit, with blades extending from their joints and a presence beyond normal wraiths

"I take the left side"

The man commented, raising his saber up, a visible wave of energy spreading outward, greatly enhancing every undead it passes through

"Learn to aim that ability, otherwise it would give our enemy the edge"

A dreadful voice commented causing them to turn toward the masked man, only to find wisps of green flames leaving his body, instantly causing zombies to make some distance

Powered by the enhancing ability the daunting YuJu pulled out two scythes bound by a single chain

"We'll take the right"

His figure shot forward, along with Ellis's and Ika's, fearlessly diving into the enemy formation


Unamused the man whipped the reins of his horse, ensuing a nigh followed by galloping 

hooves of an entire army

Swish swish Sou!

The sickles in YuJu's hands were first to confront blades of wraiths, but when they were just about to meet chains were puled slight adjusting the sickles path to cleanly cut their heads off

Opposing all expectations the bodies of those whose heads were chopped dissipated into mist before being absorbed into YuJu's body

Ika was shiting through the shadows, picking off the wraiths with one burst of attacks before hiding behind Ellis who swung her greatsword with ease, decimating everything that met her blade, but not to the point of instant death like the other two

Their efficiency was great but nothing compared to an army of zombies with tactical understanding, slowly grinding out massive numbers while strengthening themselves in the process with the help of their newfound skill, Dark Harvest

Meanwhile, their leader charged about with a saver in hand, one that sliced up the wraiths with as much ease as YuJu's sickels, ensuring his followers came to no harm by taking out any threats

This one sided battle managed to accrue the gazes of most forces, be it allies or enemies, how could they not when the two new groups were finishing off intangible enemies with wild abandon, puzzling most how melee weapons could be so effective with no countering energy of fire or light

Puzzlement aside humans were feeling overjoyed now, a despairing battle suddenly turned into a grind of experience, so far not a single life was lost 

"Looks like humanity will preserve for another day"

Sofia remarked, alas it looks like she became a jinx of sorts, for the second time today her assumption was met with new arrivals, ones seeking a quick turn in the tide of battle

"Guaaa!" "Kreee!"

Out came scores of wraith like beasts, flying and earthbound, charging on all fronts with one thought in their mind, to kill!

"Finally stopped cowering in your territory"

YuJu was the first to respond, swinging both scyths forward as the chains miraculously extended much further than their reach, stabbing into the ground while he pulled himself forward, launching over the blade bearing wraiths and unlodging the scyths with a tug

With another swing mid air he grabbed at a bear like beast, using it as leverage to pull himself closer, and with the other scythe he lopped its head off, then swung the two weapons in circles, lengthening the chains with each rotation, accurately killing everything in a fifty meter radius

Not to be outdone the zombie leader threw his blade toward a charging elephant, his hand glowing as he commanded the blade to tear throw the beast and everything after in a straight line, flying back into his hand the next second

Though these two found no problem keeping up with the increased power and numbers the other front of the battlefield started to be pushed back, the first few casualties occurring under the trampling of wraith beasts

"Fire at will!"

No longer concerned about managing energy and ammunition Sofia commanded, wielding a spear of light of her own and sending it toward the huge tide, wiping scores in a moment

Arrows and bullets, followed by fireballs rained down on the massive numbers, doing little to stop the stampede as the forest suddenly bore the brunt of the attack, trying to hold off for however long it could

Sofia wanted to help, trying to condense yet another spear of light, one was her limit though rendering her useless for the rest of battle

'Those two, maybe they can…'

She looked toward the strongest duo and their followers only to find them tied down protecting their own areas, incapable of lending a hand

'Are we out of tricks?'


An answer came in the form of a red beam melting the frontline in a jiffy, grabbing everyone attention

One needn't look for long to find its source, the once fiery eyes acting as the second line of defense, now narrowed into slits, concentrating that firepower into one decimating beam

All twenty eyes gave up the suppressive state and went into fulllblown death beam mode, wiping the tide off the face of earth

"Support, focus on the incoming flyers!"

Seeing as melee units had no place beyond the forest Sofia had the ranged unties switch to help take down the only things that could get past the frontline

Under the combined efforts of the masked winged beats and the ranged attackers the winged wreaths were taken down in quick succession, leaving everyone to focus on the blackened front which no wraiths seemed capable of crossing

Faced with all these lethally countering strategies the enemy turned stagnant, no longer capable of masking another step without meaninglessly losing more of their numbers

'What's your move'

YuJu eagerly watched the mist while slicing away at the few wraiths near him, there were only two choices before the dwellers of the mist, either retreat or….

'Retreat it is'

Seeing the mist itself backing away slightly he smiled under the mask, this battle….

'..Isn't over so easy my friend'

As if he would let them off so lightly

"Charge up!"

His voice echoed through the battlefield, the sound of his scythe tearing through the air as he rotated it, readying for a massive throw 

None understood what he was up to but watched with silence, their energy meanwhile gathering in preparation for whatever surprise this masked man had in mind

'Here comes retaliation!'

And he sent it flying, as far back as he could…..

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