Master of none

Chapter 1568: 1568. Translated Journey

"The writing of this is to enlighten my fellow survivors. After the attacks of the last great monster we were forced to flee yet again. The second larter of food was lost and now we must retreat to the next settlement."

Walker had begun to read the book. The translation was missing a few sentences here and there that were worn by time but the translator had done well to fill in the blanks. Walker could only wonder if there was a skill that helped fill in these blanks with the proper information or words. Overall, he wanted to learn the runic language himself. It didn't matter if it was an unspoken and extinct language now.

" The true trouble began when we split up. As always, the followers of the great monsters jumped to clean out our home. They attempted to dig down but our defenses proved enough to repel them. It went better than expected but we have a great path to travel. The words of the elder say that we will build a grand city soon."

"Ha! So this book tells about the building of the cities. That means this is before they split. This cements that." Walker couldn't help but explain out loud about the history that was being discovered. The researchers were surely putting together a written timeline for everyone to learn from.

Quickly Walker realized he had actually said it out loud and calmed himself down before he was opening the book again and shifting through the pages.

"I have searched for days, this has become my journal. My story of monsters that swarm the lands while searching for the attention of the great monsters that rule all. I have begun to record every detail I find. But that will end if I ever have the chance to return to the great city being built."

Walker realized that the pages he had skip[ped were telling about how this author had been separated completely. However, he had managed to keep writing. Trying to detail the monsters that swarmed the world that they struggled against.

What was terrifying in this was that there were so many monsters that were so powerful everywhere. So much so that a weaker race was unable to even stop them unless they made bunkers in the ground. Walker knew this before but it was hitting him again.

The great monsters mentioned were clearly the ancient monsters that the world knew now. The monsters that should not exist any longer. The monsters like the ancient Scylla that the current Scylla had descended from in some means.

"This record will serve as a gateway for survival. I will reach the grand sands that will hold out homes. The place where many monsters do not dare tread. The grand sands are dangerous but nature is strong there. Without water they did not survive. The monsters that survive there are too intent on fighting one another. It is a haven for us and I will go there to find my people again."

This affirmation proved that the city that was in the desert was exactly what walker thought it to be. It was the first ruins of the ancient race. But it was also a place carefully built to protect that race. The mage tower and rune knowledge was just the way for that city to be safe in such a dangerous place.

"The high mountain peaks are my only struggle. I am far from the top and must risk the travel through the devouring pass. Many monsters exist there. The arachnid queen hosts a brood of thousands there. The strange stone armor monsters also patrol the area slaughtering but not consuming. The dangers increase even further as traveling."

Walker could somewhat understand what the monsters were. However, he had never read about an arachnid queen ancient monster. It was something he would want to look in to later. If he could find a better history he might be able to bring it to the many Grey haired spiders that had been growing lately in Genesis.

The main reason he wanted to share this with them was that they had been breeding to the point that they were considering creating their own homes beside the elves. They loved the trees and preferred to remain there. But also because they were growing larger. The grey haired spiders were also showing traits that made them separate from the basics of what could be considered a monster. Almost like they were showing more human like features. But that was a thought for another time. Walker needed to keep reading.

"The fear I have for these many monsters grows, however, I am limited because I fear more the great serpents of light and shadow. The great devourer that come together to reign over the high peaks and the lower ravines."

"This is it…" Walker mumbled to himself as he looked carefully. He wanted to find more information about the ancient monsters that were clearly the abyssal serpents and the heavenly serpents.

"Many of the elders spoke about these monsters. These great serpents rise above any in this area. They even have the powers to travel between other planes of existence. Things we have yet to reach or even comprehend. It is astounding."

"I did not believe this until one day when the moon and the sun met in the sky. It felt off. The monsters had not come out of their homes. I did not need to sneak. When I felt the mana around me change, I looked in to the sky to see the dark moon surrounded by a ring of pure light. A wondrous happening that I have never expected to see in my life. Only three records of this happening are ever recorded in my grandfather's stories."

"Nothing prepared me for what I saw next on the mountain horizon. The great dark serpent of shadows reached up from the depths of the mountain. It rose through the air while a pure white serpent of blinding light reached down. The two met at the center of the sky where the moon touched."

"My mind did not understand what it was seeing. Two great monsters interacting was something every being would fear. The battle of great monsters like them could ruin entire lands. Yet, the pair here were communicating. They were intertwining. They were sharing their energy as if they were not two but one being. This scared me more."

Walker was stuck on this page. The witnessing of such an event would definitely be terrifying to someone. These great monsters were powerful. Yet, Walker saw something else. He saw a potential.

"Maybe Abyssal serpents and heavenly serpents aren't so different…maybe they are the same race but radically different affinities." This thought mostly came from when Walker was raising Onyx. Why would a high darkness affinity monster need light? Why would it have two affinities? Why would the heavenly serpents have an extremely weak affinity to the darkness mana? All these questions could be answered with the same theory.

The abyssal and heavenly serpents were the same race but lived separately until they reached a certain strength. Then they came together during the only time when the two opposing elemental manas infused within one another naturally; a lunar eclipse.

This could explain so many things. It could explain why they had the same body shapes. The same ability to absorb and use light and dark elemental mana. It could also explain why the heavenly serpents were all female and the abyssal serpents were all male. It was massive breakthrough that Walker had to share with Onyx.

He was caught though, Onyx was still resting, he could still learn more from this book.

"That was when I realized how small this world truly was. United, these two great monsters could consume it all. They could be the devourers of the world. I must warn all of these monsters. I will record every detail. Strike down every single one I face and ask my brothers and sisters of the same. Only then can we take to the skies where we belong."

The remainder of the page was too worn for any translations to be made. "Why isn't there more!" Walker stomped his foot while searching the ruined pages. Some small sketches were all he found. Poor drawing of small and large monsters that didn't exist today.

Naturally this author had returned to his people. The knowledge had made it there and somehow the knowledge had been passed down. The abyssal and heavenly serpents had been hunted while their eggs were stored away from the light. It may not have been storage to use them as partners but to keep them safe from hatching.

Walker was left full of new questions. New theories. This knowledge would radically change what the world saw of this ancient race. His mind was so full that he did not notice the people coming up beside him.



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