Master of none

1851 1851. Seeking The Past

Resting seemed to take a lot longer than before. But all the built up stress from having the undead threat look over them had  been released from the army. The Fel angels proved to be the most at ease now. It was as if they had finally taken off an unimaginable weight from their shoulders. 

While they were known for their research focus, the Fel angels were not unemotional. They had families. They had loved ones. They cared for them with everything they had. therefore, it made a lot of sense that they would have to feel something when they finally defeated a threat that had been there for years now. A threat that could have defeated their entire race if left alone. 

This wasn't the only group that felt this though. The Rize angels had felt odd. They had hated the Fel ideals because they were different. That they had to remain solid in their own beliefs because the Fel empire would just take things away and abuse the knowledge that the Rize empire had stored. 

That there was no feeling or values from the Fel empire. That all they cared for was brutal research at any cost. That they would push for power without thought. Or at least all this was what the Rize empire had grown up thinking. The false stereotype and ideals that they had been led to believe and never told otherwise. 

Just like when the life mages, crystal healer, and healers from the Fel empire had seen that the Rize empire had fought for their safety, the Rize empire was seeing the same. They both had massively misjudged where the core values were of each empire. 

The fact that they had different views remained. But it was seeming less and less important that they forcefully separate them. Right here, they had all seen that the elemental mana used were very valuable. That the other manas that the Rize empire tried to stamp down were important to the flow of life too. 

Natural mana had gone to destroy the undead that plaguing this area. That was something that the Rize empire rarely pursued. It was a combination of all elemental mana and was a natural flow. Yet, it was not a huge focus because it was not one of the elemental halls. It was not one of the changing and flowing elemental manas that fit perfectly in the guidelines of what the Rize empire had believed for so long. 

The Fel empire was similar though, they had seen the focus on the elemental manas by the Rize empire and rejected that as a main research topic. This had led them to focus on research and discover the powerful manas such as death, life, time, space, and many other things. By doing this, their strength was different, but it was also too focused. 

The Fel empire had lost how they could connect all these other manas to the elemental manas. Some had tried to focus on one thing and bring them together, but because they had hit walls with their research, they had become blinded. Their blind hatred stopped them from the potential to bring manas together. It was similar to the elves in that respect. 

The elves had separated based on their elemental affinities and beliefs for the most part. That was what happened to lose the high elves which had affinities for even natural mana. It was a shame for them. Now the angels were somewhat similar. Divided without the combinations of mana that truly made the world, or even everything flow. 

Now that they had the chance to rest and open their minds, they felt that just returning to the way things were was foolish. While they knew that the higher angels would immediately begin thinking about, was how to retake lands, the angels who fought here were thinking otherwise. So were the Rize angels related to the wyverns. Their thoughts and future plans had changed. 

With this potential, they just needed to make the right move. And that right move was joining the Rize angels and the Fel angels to further research, rebuild, and show off the gathered knowledge. The fact that this was something they all felt now was a single result from Genesis being involved. 

The soldiers of Genesis had not pushed away either empire. The angels from both had been spoken to as equals. As brothers and sisters fighting together. How could that happen? That was a constant question to both the Rize and the Fel angels. How could so many different races exist across the waters and be together? 

They had asked many questions during this time of rest. It had become a grand story. The history of separate kingdoms. Lands that were separated and even wars fought between them. It was enough to make the angel's heads spin with these tales. 

When they finally reached the tales about how heroes arrived out of nowhere, many of the angels already understood. They had seen some of the world's system announcements. Amazing things with the balance of elemental manas. The changes in races coming to exist. Monster races being some of the most outstanding accomplishments recorded in centuries!

From there things only went even more wild. The story of the heroes meeting kings and queens. Taking on challenges from everywhere just to get them all to agree to one thing. A unified city. From that story more followed. Demons being freed from oppression, dragons being welcomed as friends, elemental spirits being awakened and freed, so many things that were hard to wrap their minds around. 

Eventually, the angels found themselves lost in silent contemplation. Their eyes drifted to where Walker's party and the royal dragons had taken spots to rest. Their thoughts wondering what amazing thing might just leap out in front of them if they took their eyes away just for a second. 

"Walker, are those two still yelling and arguing about all that?" Since Reney and Ignus had been looking at the many volcanic slabs of draconic writing, one thing had started to happen. They had started to argue and debate fire. They had begun to try and challenge one another with what some things meant. The fact that gil had seen this pushed him to find a quieter spot to sleep for a bit. 

"They haven't stopped. I thought Remey would pass out with her healed injuries, lack of mana, lack of energy, and just general hunger… But there she is. She and Ignus are still trying to get over the first slab and understand what it means. It's kind of…" 

"Super weird and odd and you have no idea what to do about it?" Gil saw Walker nod in approval since they had all felt that very same. 

"I just think that they are much closer than any of us realized. All that time locked in an alchemy lab with the fumes from potions might have gotten to them." Mordant spoke up after a little contemplation. This was the only solution that came to him. 

"Ignus might just have accepted humans and other races. They are somewhat similar. I just didn't imagine it would be in this way." Ventus was older than Ignus. She looked down and wondered how someone like him had apparently grown faster than most other dragons. Adapted better than even she had as of yet. 

"We should not judge them. They are living proof that shared interests can prove more to us than anything else. Dragons and Genesis are destined." Su spoke softly, but she had thought this for a long time due to her bonds with Midnight. 

"Food." Midnight had long sat quietly since she didn't want to wake up Alice. But the group's sudden talking had made Alice sit up letting Midnight go free to ask for the one thing she wanted most right now. 

"You're right, we should have food and start moving around here. This city is long lost. It might not hold enough for us to understand anything. But I want to understand what it was like before that madness had taken it over. Before that evil... I would rather know what it was like when it fostered growth and caring attitudes." Walker felt he had only seen the evil this ruin had become. He wished to see the opposite side. Before evil had hooked it. 

"I agree. I would like to see that before we depart. I expect that you can find a place possibly untouched that holds history with your all around appraisal?" Current wished to know more. He hated this journey in the dry heat. He hated the cursed sands. He hated these mummified undead. Yet, he did not hate that there had once been a haven here. The haven in the desert almost seemed like a jewel to him. Something magical. 


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