The bus stops at the gate of Tianhai middle school. Chen Xiao looks at the big words at the gate.

As soon as a group of people got out of the car, they were about to move forward, but suddenly there was a voice behind them.

"Classmate, wait --" the voice is very soft and pleasant.

Chen Xiao turns his head and sees the beautiful woman who was saved by him running towards him.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xiao made a posture that she thought was very handsome and said to the beauty.

"Thank you for what happened just now. If you don't help me, I don't know what to do?" Beauty said, eyes have been slowly red up. It seems that what happened just now really scared her.

"It's OK. I'll help you when you see injustice. Just don't treat me like a sex wolf." Chen said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on purpose. You're really powerful. You can kick that hooligan out of the car. Are you a martial arts expert?" The beauty asked with some adoration in her eyes.

"Well, sort of. In a word, if you really thank me, can you take me to class one every three years?"

"Ah! Every three years! Are you a student of No.1 middle school, too? " The beauty is a Leng at first, then in the complexion take thick surprise way.

"I just transferred today." Chen Xiao looks at the beautiful woman and says with a smile.

"That's good. I'm xia Mo from class three. We'll be classmates from now on."

"Blind touch? How can this name be a bit "Chen xiaoleng for a moment.

"no - not blindly, summer foam, summer foam." Summer foam complexion a red explanation way.

"Summer foam. It's a good name. It sounds as comfortable as summer. My name is Chen Xiao." Chen Xiao paid a compliment to cover up his embarrassment of being fooled by others just now.

"Chen Xiao. Let's go. I'll take you to class one every three years. We'll be friends from now on." Xia Mo smiles at Chen.

"Well, good." Chen Xiao's heart is really warm when she meets this passionate beauty.

She seems to be like sunshine, can give people happy and happy light.

Chen Xiao followed xia Mo all the way to the school gate, but before he stepped into the school gate, a cry like a duck came out.

"Stop! The rag picker stopped you, didn't you hear me? "

Voice is not down, a black face of the fat man suddenly came over, standing in front of Chen Xiao, looking down at him.

"I'm afraid that classmate will be miserable if he is caught by director Zhu!"

"Wokuo, why are you with him? Is it possible that the school flower of the common people has its own name Among the students, some were shocked in a low voice.

"Do you want to pick up the rags like this? I don't agree. " A loser with glasses also spoke in a low voice.

"I've been caught by director Zhu. I think this boy has good fruit to eat. It's a pity that xia Mo is involved. It's really damned!" More boys turn their eyes to Chen Xiao and Xia mo.

"Later, we must find out who this boy is. I don't want to live. Even Angkor women dare to touch him." A male student with oblique bangs, holding a cigarette, stood at the school gate, staring at Chen with a sneer.

"Stop, don't you hear me? I want to pick up junk and go outside. This is the school. " Director Zhu spoke again in a much colder tone.

"I'm here to go to school. Besides, I'm not a rag picker, but you. You look fat like a pig, and you can go to school?" Chen Xiao looked up at Director Zhu, puzzled.

"You - where come the wild boy, you dare to mock me, do you understand what is respect for teachers?" Director Zhu's most taboo is that people call him director pig. Although he is fat and greasy, it's his fault.

Around the students see Chen smile up a little face not to leave director pig, immediately stare big eyes.

Where do migrant workers come from? Are they too brave?

"Director, he's a new student. He doesn't know you are the teaching director. Please forgive him." Xia Mo a listen to Chen Xiao's words, the secret way a bad, quickly for him to get rid of the way.

"It's xia Mo, did you bring this man? This is a school. Not everyone can get in. Come to my office later. I must give you some ideological education. "

Director Zhu hears xia Mo's words and looks at her with a flash of desire in her eyes. Nowadays, there are many female students who have relations with male teachers.

Director Zhu is good at it, but he doesn't dare to come openly. Xia Mo is a civilian student of No.1 middle school. He has long wanted to move, but he hasn't found a chance.

"Mr. Zhu, he is really a transfer student. We're still in the same class. " Summer foam looking at teacher Zhu fat face, eyes flashed thick disgust, but helpless, can only blindly explain.

"You say he's a student, he's a student? Where is the student card? Xia Mo, you are a good student and kind-hearted. Don't be cheated by some people who have a heart. "

Director Zhu was stunned when he heard xia Mo's words. Class one every three years is the whole express class of grade three in senior high school. The students in class one every three years are either rich or expensive, or they are top-notch in learning. Is it class one every three years? Does anyone believe it? He didn't believe it anyway."Student ID card?" Chen xiaoyileng, Su Yan only gave himself a black bag, and then let himself go to school with Su rouer, is that all?

What student ID card? Never heard of it.

"Forget it and go home to get it!" Director Zhu looks at Chen Xiao coldly. In his opinion, Chen Xiao must be a bad student from other schools, or a homeless person who has come to make trouble. Judging from his dress, it's more in line with the second one.

Do you still want to enter Tianhai No.1 middle school?

There's no door.

So originally only Chen Xiaobao class can go in, but now it has become home to take.

"Security -- Security" -- Director Zhu roared directly to the back of the lounge. Although Chen Xiao is not afraid of his small body, it's time to enter the school. So many people can't do it when they look at themselves.

Now students will lose money at most if they beat their teachers, but teachers will be expelled if they beat their students.

"That. Teacher, I'm really a student here. As for the student ID card, wait a moment, I'll look for it." Chen Xiao put down his backpack and began to look for it.

Around the students see a lively to see, gathered more and more.

"Rourou, look over there. I don't know which student has been poisoned by the pig master this time." Suddenly, a voice floated into Chen Xiao's ear. Although it was very small, Chen Xiao did hear it.

"Whatever. It's none of our business. Let's go." Listening to this slightly familiar voice, Chen Xiao quickly avoided the body of several security guards and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Su rou'er staring at herself with a smile. Seeing that she was looking at her, she made a face at herself, and then quickly pulled the girl next to her to leave.

"The trough! I'm here to protect you. You're so special that you've tried to punish me again and again! Even if I can't get into school, you can't even see me. " Chen Xiao's face becomes very ugly. She wants to rush in and slap Su rouer's ass.

"Classmate, do you have a student card?" Although Chen Xiao is turning over her bag, she is looking at the girl student in front of her. It's strange that director Zhu is not angry! So ignore your own existence?

"If you can't get out your student ID card, give him some color to see." There was a chill in director Zhu's eyes.

By several security guards such a block, Su rouer's figure suddenly disappeared in, Chen Xiao's line of sight.

"Ah, Su rouer! Don't stop Chen Xiao looks anxious and runs to Su rouer.

"Do you want to go in without a student ID?" Director pig looks at Chen Xiao with a gloomy face.

Several security guards once again blocked in front of Chen Xiao.

"See for yourself."

Chen Xiao is anxious to find Su rou'er at this time. She rummages in her bag, feels something like a book, pulls it out and throws it in director Zhu's hand.

See Chen Xiao will throw a red book in his hand, director pig suddenly a Leng, did not expect this guy really took out.

But it's better to be a student of our school.

Director Zhu is thinking about how to punish Chen Xiao, but the security guard glanced at his notebook and whispered: "director Zhu, this kind of student ID card really seems to be the only treatment for students"

"yes, it's so strange." After listening to the security guard's words, director Zhu quickly opened it and saw that his face immediately changed.

From black to white and then to purple, his hands were still shaking. When he looked at Chen Xiao again, his eyes had changed a lot.

He never thought that there was the principal's autograph on the boy's student card!

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