"Rou'er, do you think he really wants to run 20 laps?" At the sight of Chen Xiao's calm appearance, Zhou Meng's eyes were full of strange ideas.

"Well, is that possible? That's 16 kilometers! "

"I think he's serious. You look at him so seriously." This time, Zhou Meng had some disagreement.

"Well, if he can really run 20 laps, I can apologize to him in front of everyone." Su rou'er said with a smile.

When Zhou Meng heard that Yan was about to speak, she saw Chen Xiao, who was standing in front of her. She didn't know when she had come to the two girls.

"That's what you said. Please be a witness." Chen Xiao says a word to Su rou'er, then she doesn't give Su rou'er the chance to refute. She turns around and runs to the track and field.

"You --" Su rou'er looks at Chen Xiao's back and wants to say something, but it's a pity that he has gone far away.

"It's strange that he could hear us when we were talking so quietly just now?" Zhou Meng was puzzled.

"Well, I don't care how he hears it. How dare you Yin me? Well, I'll count here to see if he can run. " Su rou'er put her hands into her waist.

"So if he really can, are you really going to apologize to him?" Zhou Meng asked carefully.

Su rou'er was annoyed and said, "Oh, he hasn't run yet. Wait until he is successful."

On hearing this, Zhou Meng did not speak any more. Like other students, he turned his eyes to Chen Xiao in front of him. At this time, he began to run the first lap, and the speed was very slow.

As soon as the surrounding classes saw that there was no excitement to watch, they began their own classes. However, they were still curious about whether the thin figure running in the track and field could really run 20 laps?

However, at this time, no students ridicule Chen Xiao. After all, it's 20 laps. If they don't have the courage to step on the first lap.

"Well, let's start our PE class. Today's class is mainly to train you to run. This semester to test 800 meters. "Huang teacher clapped his hands, began to attract the attention of the students, began to class.

"Well, the above is our lesson today -" teacher Huang's voice is still declining, I saw a young male teacher who is similar to teacher Huang came over with a smile.

"Look, it's Mr. Li, who was the first handsome teacher in No.1 middle school."

"Yes, he's in good shape, but he's beautiful. Mr. Huang is handsome."

"It is said that they are still rivals in love. They have never been in harmony."

"Nonsense, have class one and class two been at peace? Now there's another good play. "

A class of students see teacher Li smilingly came, immediately began to gossip up.

"Miss Huang, what happened to your class just now?" Mr. Li came to Mr. Huang and asked with a smile.

Mr. Huang was obviously unfriendly to Mr. Li. He said with a smile, "nothing. There is a little contradiction between the students. Mr. Li doesn't attend class?"

Li teacher smell speech immediately laughed: "before planned to go to class, but you a class this lively see students are not in the mood for class."

"What do you mean?" Teacher Huang immediately frowned and said.

"It's not interesting. As we all know, our class one and class two are fast classes in our school. It happens that our courses are synchronized today. How about an 800 meter race?"

"The 800 meter race?" Mr. Huang frowned again. Although the number of students in class one is a few less than that in class two, the problem is that most of the students in class one belong to young masters and young ladies. They usually don't walk home in private cars. Can they run?

Seeing some hesitation between Mr. Huang's eyebrows, Mr. Li burst into laughter, patted him on the shoulder and said, "no, Mr. Huang, your class is short of a few of our classmates, which is not comparable? It seems that the first fast class and the first strong class are not worthy of the name. "

As soon as I saw class one, the students of class two burst into laughter.

"Ha ha, look at class one. There are fewer people than us. I dare not compete."

"Well, they can only learn. What else can they do?"

"No matter how hard you study, can you make a living?"

After listening to the students of class two laughing at their own class, the students of class one immediately glared, but teacher Huang did not speak, and they had no way to refute.

"Goddess Su, you have always developed morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laboriously. Why don't you dare to stand up this time?" At this time, a class two crowd dressed up Coquettish female students stand out with a smile.

Although she was wearing a school uniform, her skirt seemed to have been trimmed, revealing her white thighs directly, and the buttons of her coat also broke open, revealing the black bra inside, which made the male students around burst into blood.

Her figure is very good, and she is only a little worse than Su rouer. As soon as she opens her mouth, a group of men behind her immediately follow her.

"Duan Qianqian, what do you mean? Most of the students in your class 2 are good at sports. Our class 1 are all ordinary students. How can we compete? Do you mean to say it? " Although Su rou'er is a bit unruly to Chen Xiao, she is very protective to the class."So you dare not? The first school flower, that's it? " Duan Qianqian immediately giggles and laughs.

"You, Mr. Huang, we can't be looked down upon!" Su rou'er suddenly looks angry and shouts to the teacher Huang standing by.

"Yes, it can't be looked down upon!" The students of the first class immediately began to shout.

"Well, in that case, compare." Mr. Huang claps his hands and stares at Mr. Li.

"That's right. Don't worry. It's a contest. You won't lose too much." Li said a teacher, began to laugh wantonly.

Huang teacher smell speech suddenly a anger, just want to speak, just listen to teacher Li waved his hand to continue: "if a class than, it seems too troublesome, as each class out of ten students to the competition, so the time is just good, how do you think?"

"Li Wei, you are so mean!" When Mr. Huang heard this, he felt a surge of blood.

He was put forward by the guy in front of him again, and he said that it would not be so simple. A class's Bichang still has a chance of life. He took ten students, so he basically didn't have to fantasize about it. He absolutely lost.

"Mr. Huang, I promised just now. Do you want to default?" Li teacher arrogant way.

"I" teacher Huang's face turned red. He really felt this idea. After all, losing face is better than beating face later.

"Compare, compare!" At this time, Su rouer's voice came out.

"Yes, class one will never retreat!" Zhou Meng followed suit.

"No back! Monitor, start picking people. " All the students in class one were filled with indignation.

"That's right, Mr. Huang. You don't even have the courage of a girl student. What kind of teacher are you? Just go home and farm. " Mr. Li laughed again.

Mr. Huang was so angry that he couldn't help it. He couldn't fight with Li Wei in front of his classmates, could he?

"Well, in that case, I also want to make a request. Among the students in the competition, there are only four boys and six girls."

Li Wei frowned a little when he heard Mr. Huang's words. Eight of the boys in class 2 were practicing sports. Mr. Huang obviously wanted to restrain class 2.

But the girls in his class 2 are not vegetarians. Mr. Li continued with a smile: "OK, I'll listen to you."

"Since we have agreed, let's have a good competition and let these arrogant people have a look. Our class one is not only good at learning, but also not vegetarian." Mr. Huang sighed and turned to sujour.

"Well." Su rou'er nodded solemnly. As soon as she was about to speak, she heard a classmate saying:

"my God, that guy has already run ten laps!"

"Are you counting wrong? It's only a few minutes later, wipe - he's so fast now! "

"What's fast? What's more, he's running at a constant speed all the time!"

"Doesn't this guy know how tired he is?"

Around the students have turned their eyes to the side of Chen Xiao, have been shocked, Chen Xiao's speed is now several times faster than the first lap, and still running at a constant speed, seems to feel tired.

"Why don't we let him come back to play and make up for it?" Some students suggested.

"Yes, he's so fast. If he competes, it will increase his chances of winning." A group of students nodded.

Huang teacher also began to hesitate, after all, this is not only related to the honor of a class, but also related to their face.

Su rou'er is biting her lips. She didn't expect Chen Xiao to finish ten laps so quickly. She is a little complicated. It's reasonable to let him come back. But would he forgive himself if he calculated so much before? If he invites him to compete, what will he do if he takes the opportunity to humiliate himself?

Just when Su Mo was thinking wildly, teacher Li on one side said again: "that one over there is said to be a transfer student. His name is not on the roster of this class, is it?"

"This" Huang teacher smell speech immediately, speechless.

"Although he doesn't have his name, he is still a student of our class." Xia Mo retorts on one side.

"That's the future. If you don't have it in this class, you can't be in your class. Of course, if you're afraid of losing, it's OK to let him come back to compete. But a person who has run ten laps probably doesn't have much strength, right?" Mr. Li's tone is extremely loud.

"Li Wei, you are too arrogant." Mr. Huang clenched his fist and almost tried to beat Mr. Li.

"Mr. Huang, he's right. Chen Xiao has already run ten laps. I think he has no strength. Shall we choose other students?" Su rou'er said suddenly.

"That's the only way." Mr. Huang sighed. He always felt that he would lose face in this competition.

With teacher Huang's approval, Su rouer immediately began to choose among her classmates.

According to the previous regulations, there were four boys and six girls. After the selection, she called another female classmate and said in a low voice:"We're going to race later, so we can't stare at that guy. Go and stare at him for me, and see how many laps he's been lazy. Tell me later, 20 laps. Hum, I don't believe you can finish it!"

After giving orders, Su rou'er and her ten classmates began to walk to the starting point. The exciting competition is finally coming!

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