In this magical picture, xia Mo's mother and daughter are excited and happy. They run to Xia Fu and cry together.

"Efforts are not in vain," Chen Xiao stood aside, his mouth raised a faint smile.

He turned his head and left the door in silence.

"Where are you going?" Can just walk to the door, summer foam's voice slightly with a little shiver, immediately spread out from behind him.

"if you don't want to talk to me for a while, can you stay early?" Summer foam smell speech immediately walk to him in front.

Xia's mother and father didn't say anything. In their eyes, Chen Xiao is already their own son. Whether he and xia Mo are together or not, they will keep this kindness in mind.

Two people looked at each other and slowly moved to their bedroom. It seemed that they deliberately left space for two people.

Looking at the face of summer foam pear blossom with rain, Chen Xiao finally nodded: "yes, just I have something to say to you."

"Then you wait for me in my room, and I - I'll take a shower first." Summer foam suddenly complexion is joyful way.

"Well, your room?" Chen xiaoyileng.

"Oh, don't be so wordy. Just go." Xia Mo's face turned red. He went around behind him and pushed him into the door.

Xia Mo's room is as simple as before. Chen Xiao comes to the bed and leans his head on the windowsill. He is looking at the moon while the wind blows.

The affair of xia Mo's family has finally come to an end. Looking at their family's happiness, Chen Xiao's heart is also full of emotion.

But what Xia's mother said, he was doomed to take it seriously. The pure Yang Qi was ready to move in the Dantian.

If you don't suppress it, you won't have to wait a year. You will be possessed and die.

But as early as more than ten years ago, he thought of this day. Although he tried hard to live, he also knew that the opportunity was slim.

Just, why now, the heart is not as calm as before?

When I was on the mountain, even though I knew that I might die, I just didn't give up my bad master and elder martial sister.

But now, there are a lot of people, including xia Mo, Su rou'er and Wang Lun.

"How did I get sentimental? It's not my style. " Chen Xiao thought for a while, then suddenly gave a bitter smile and continued to look out into the sky.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Xiao almost fell asleep on the bed when the door was finally opened.

Wearing a bathrobe, Xia Morong came in from the door with a red face. Her hair was steaming with a faint fragrance coming from her body.

Chen Xiao was stunned and became thirsty for a while.

"Nerd!" Xia Mo called him shyly, and then turned his head carefully to his parents' room. He saw that the light had gone out, so he closed the door.

Maybe she was so anxious that when she closed the door, she put her bathrobe in the crack of the door.

Chen Xiao see is about to remind, but see summer foam has been shy to come over.

Just walked not two steps, the bathrobe on her body was pulled, instantly came a crisp sound of tearing.

Then summer foam whole person all pours over to the bed.

"Ah --" she cried, her pupils suddenly enlarged, and the whole person fell on Chen Xiao.

Soft fragrance into the arms, Chen Xiao old face suddenly red, turned to look at the door, nimana bathrobe was caught there!

Doesn't that mean that

feeling the hot breath on his body, Chen xiaogudong swallowed his saliva and quickly pulled the quilt to cover xia Mo.

Summer foam at this time was also frightened, took the quilt immediately wrapped himself up, face red, want to find a seam to drill in.

She quickly got up, bowed her head and did not dare to see Chen Xiao again.

"That - I see everything. I'll go first." Chen Xiao gave a dry cough and was ready to leave.

"Really. Didn't you see anything?" Summer foam smell speech but raised a head.

Her face was still very red, but there was an inexplicable firmness in her eyes.

"No, no, how can I lie to you? I'm so pure." Chen Xiao immediately waved his hand with a dry smile.

But when he said this, he even despised himself.

Is he pure?

No wonder!

"You - you fool, why can't you cheat me?" Chen Xiao's explanation this time is obviously not right for xia Mo's appetite. Her eyes are slightly red and she shouts, but she hugs Chen Xiao.

"Summer foam, you --" Chen Xiao suddenly a Leng, feel ambivalent atmosphere around rise again.

Especially at this time summer foam holding himself, the quilt gap open half, just can see summer foam clavicle.

Chen Xiao instinctively glances down, but sees that xia Mo's chest is as white as Su rou'er's, with no crescent imprint.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao sighed heavily. Although he knew it was the result for a long time, he could not help but feel lost when he saw it.Because xia Mo was the first woman who was obedient to him, so gentle and beautiful, he said that it was false not to palpitate in his heart.

The only obstacle to him is pure Yang Qi.

Su rou'er often said that he was stupid, and xia Mo called him stupid several times, but did he really know nothing?

In the mountains, no one ever taught him what is like, what is love, what is impulse.

Even the most basic distinction between men and women is what he saw on TV. In such an environment, if he could become a saint of love, other men would have become gods of love.

Fortunately, he later learned that the younger martial sisters on the mountain were really cool masters.

Because some people like it.

He was a little proud, a little agitated, but more sighed.

He dare not like anyone, because he does not know when he will disappear in this world.

It's better to suffer by one than by two.

This is what I have always thought.

Think of here, Chen Xiao full of impulse disappeared in the clouds again, even if holding summer foam hot body, he also excited. Tqr1

the tighter you hold now, the more painful it will be when you lose it.

"Chen Xiao, do you really don't understand, or are you deliberately angry with me?" Summer foam but don't know so much, hands tightly embrace him, the tone trembles of ask a way.

Chen Xiao heard speech fell into silence, a moment later, pulled the quilt on her body, said: "it's very late, you have a rest, tomorrow will have class."

"You - you don't go." Summer foam see, not only did not let go, but will he hold more and more tightly.

"I want to say a few words to you. What I've always wanted to say to you, I really want to --"

when Chen Xiao heard the speech, he felt a little bitter. He probably guessed something. He gritted his teeth and said, "can I not listen?"

Chen Mo can't shake his head in his arms.

Looking at the beautiful woman who hugged her tightly, Chen Xiao said, "let's open up."

"That's it - that's it. I'm afraid I won't be able to say it when I see your face." Xia Mo shook his head again.

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