Wan Yan Mu heard Chen Xiao, the evasion in the speech, immediately closed his mouth, did not ask again.

No matter where Deputy General Liu went, whether he would still be her enemy or not, it seems that these things have become unimportant now!

I've lived for 20 years for my country! Now at the moment of life and death, wanyanmu feels that he is incomparably relaxed!

According to the previous plan, they kept running in the direction of endless desert, and hardly had a rest all the way!

Wanyanmu looks at Chen Xiao, whose Qi is gradually dissipating. She has a look of heartache in her eyes. She wants to come down and walk by herself, but as soon as she opens her mouth, or shows that she has this meaning.

Chen Xiao will speed up immediately, and continue to run on his back for more than an hour on the ground that his strength is not as good as him.

Two people came to a mountain again, at this time the mountain has no green grass, with a bit of desolation, even tall trees are not, only growing some bushes.

"Ten miles to the edge of the endless desert!" Wan Yan Mu looked at the quiet desert under the moonlight, and whispered a warning.

"Well, I see it!" Chen Xiao put down Wan Yan Mu and nodded.

From here on, people have been very rare, basically can't see animals, and the temperature difference between day and night is very big, it's very hot in the daytime, but now it's very cold!

If they were not the masters of heaven, they would not have been able to hold on to these clothes.

"What are you going to do? Straight in? " Wanyan Mu see Chen Xiao put down here, immediately can't help but ask.

Chen Xiao thought for a moment, looked at her and sighed: "now, maybe it's too late!"

"Why --"

before Wan yanmu finished his sentence, he felt that a strong idea had covered him, and everything around him seemed to be frozen at this moment. There was a kind of meaning of the old man's divine sense.

It's just not that far.

Wan Yan Mu pupil a shrink, can't help but back a step.

"You make me easy to find!" At this time, a powerful voice came out, and then a shadow appeared behind Chen Xiao and Chen Xiao at the fastest speed.

There's still some time to go before the two men's location, but the penetrating power of the sound is very strong, and I think the strength is by no means ordinary.

"He's catching up!" Wan Yan Mu looks up and looks at Chen Xiao in despair.

"Well, there's only one way to live now!" When Chen Xiao said this, his eyes were fixed and he said: "you have had a rest for half the way. You must have recovered your true Qi. Run to the endless desert as fast as you can."

"And you?" On hearing this, Wan Yan Mu is stunned and can't help grabbing Chen Xiao's arm! "

"I have to hold him! Then find a chance to escape! Otherwise I'll take you with me and there's no way to escape! " Chen Xiao serious way, this pour is the truth, oneself a person fight, is better than take Wan Yan mu.

But now in this case, let Wanyan Mu go, is equal to the chance to live left to her, Chen Xiao bear all the attack!

How can wanyanmu not understand?

He immediately shook his head and said, "I don't know! Let's go together

"If you are hesitating, none of us can leave!" Chen Xiao some anxious way.

"If you can't, you can't! I'd rather die with you Wan Yan Mu is in a hurry and stares at Chen Xiao directly.

On hearing this, Chen Xiao looked at her in a daze.

Wan Yan Mu's face turned a little red, then tightened his hand, and tears oozed from the corner of his eyes: "didn't you say that? From the moment of escape, there will be no more princesses or generals! "

"You are you, I am me! In that case! Then - then I want to stay with you! Even if I don't do anything, even if it's only for one second, I'll be with you! "

"You --!" Chen Xiao's heart is angry and moved, ready to speak again, but feel behind a light.

"No!" As soon as his face changed, his real Qi flashed and he turned around to fight directly.


At the moment of confrontation between the two realms of Qi, Chen Xiao was hit and flew out, then slipped back and stopped.

"Two mole ants, they even want to escape from me? How naive A black figure came out of the darkness. He was carrying his hands and wearing a black mask. He couldn't see clearly what he looked like on his face, but he was talking like a man.

Of course, he also has the capital to force.

After all, not everyone can be a master of Tianjing.

Chen Xiao smell speech finally sighed tone, some helpless way looking at Wanyan mu.

Although wanyanmu stood beside him, he was a little afraid of the master of jingdacheng, but his eyes showed a happy color.

"In my life, I will be willful this time. I don't regret it! Forgive me Wan Yan Mu said, sucked the nose, the tears flowed down."Hoo Chen Xiao looks at her pear blossom with rain, and her heart is touched.

This stupid woman!

He looked up at the left Dharma protector in front of him, took a deep breath, and said faintly to Wanyan Mu: "step back!"

"Good!" Wan Yan Mu saw that he didn't blame himself, suddenly he looked happy, stepped back a few steps, and then looked at him with some worry.

Hold the machete in your hand. It's not used to kill the enemy, but to commit suicide!

If Chen Xiao died, she would stab the machete into her heart without hesitation.

Live and die together!

As soon as Chen Xiao put on a look of fighting, the left Dharma protector immediately showed disdain: "Chen Xiao, right? I know you have some strength, but if you don't enter heaven, you'll never know how terrible this realm is!"

"If you surrender and give me your spirit sword, maybe I can make you less painful. If not, hum!"

"Spirit sword!" On hearing this, Wan Yan Mu suddenly stupefied, and recalled in his mind that Chen Xiao was angry before, and directly chopped the sword light to Fan Jian!

He has a spirit sword!

This is only a legendary sword!

It's said that only Kunlun once had a spirit sword, but it was damaged in the end!

If other people know that Chen Xiao has a spirit sword in his hand, I'm afraid the whole East supreme will be crazy about it!

"It turns out that he hasn't tried his best all the time!" Wan Yan Mu murmured to himself, complexion complex looking at Chen Xiao, don't know is the sigh or helpless.

Chen Xiao listened to the left Dharma protector's words, and immediately sneered: "I said why I was chasing a nobody for the dragon scale in my hand!"

"It seems that Fan Jian is not too stupid!" "Now that you understand, bring it. Don't fight for nothing! My strength is beyond your imagination Zuo HUFA saw that he was still so calm and said with a cold face.

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