Chen Xiao felt that he had a dream. Many women appeared in the dream, all familiar faces, complaining about why he didn't come back!

Why do they despise their likes, and even leave him one by one in the end.

"Don't go!" Chen Xiao whispered and suddenly woke up from the ground.

I saw that the sun was already in the sky, and I was covered with the coat of wanyanmu.

There is still a faint fragrance on it.

I'm not dead?

Chen Xiao was surprised for the first time. He was already in a coma at that time!

If you can't adjust the Qi, the physical injury will only expand more and more, and finally attack the whole body, not to be reduced to ashes!

But he was in a complete coma at that time. He didn't know what happened and how he was pulled back from the edge of death.

Looking around, Wan Yan Mu is not in the cave, leaving only clothes.

Chen Xiao struggled to get up. She thought her skin would be very painful when she moved.

Ke he clapped his hand on the ground, and even directly dented the sand!

"What's the matter? The real Qi in my body has all recovered? "

Chen Xiao took a look at her skin with a strong sense of horror. She saw that the previous cracks were gone, and even more delicate. Dantian could only be full of genuine Qi!

It's even better than just entering the ancient martial arts world!

When I took him to check the Dragon Qi, my pupils suddenly shrank and stayed in the same place.

was as like as two peas in the river, which has become a world of waters. It can be said to be exactly the same as before entering ancient Wu.

It's not half of what it is, or 70% or 80% of what it is. It's really being completely broadened!

Self - so back to the peak!

What's more, Longqi, who has been dreaming of recovering, completely broke the seal at this moment?

Chen Xiao immediately pinched his face!

It hurts!

But he still couldn't believe it.

"Is that how I get back to my peak?" Chen Xiao murmured to himself. He felt like he was dreaming.

Even above his head, there was real Qi, which was a sign that the body was about to break through the heaven.

If Chen Xiao is willing, he can even break through by force, but there will be some damage after entering the heaven.

What the hell is going on?

Chen Xiao is really confused!

If it is because of their own reasons, it is absolutely impossible!

Last night on the state, even he has been desperate, he can wake up is unfortunate in the lucky.

But now not only wake up, and the strength of the whole body are restored!

This is a miracle!

What shocked him most was the Dragon Qi in his body!

That's completely untied!

Although there is still a thin line between Tianjing Dacheng and Tianjing!

But now as long as he is willing, he can break through the heaven at any time!

Facing the left Dharma protector again, he will never be as embarrassed as before!

Force him to five swords!

I can at least swing 50 swords this time! And twice as powerful as before!

This is the power of all the expansion of Longqi!

And Chen Xiao's last guarantee was not his own life charm, but his divine consciousness at the top of heaven!

If he did, he would definitely break through to the top of heaven!

Combined with his own five swords, he can definitely die with the left Dharma protector!

Attention, it's not heavy damage, it's not maiming, it's killing!

But now, he doesn't have to fight like that. He just needs to be promoted to Tianjing Dacheng and spend some physical cost to hang him!

It's a feeling I've never felt before, even if I haven't entered the heaven!

Chen Xiao himself can feel the strength of that force.

In the words of a secular person, that is, even he does not know how strong he is!

Who else is special?

Of course, this is just the YY under Chen Xiao's excitement at this time, and it will only be known after the actual combat.

It seems that I still have a little chance to be promoted to Tianjing Dacheng.

If you can, Chen Xiao still hopes to be promoted naturally. Otherwise, if you don't have a solid foundation, it will be more difficult to make up for it after entering Tianjing Dacheng!

"Is it wanyanmu?" Since it's not my own reason, it must be wanyanmu who made me recover!

But what kind of panacea did she use to restore herself to the peak state of Tao, even to untie the seal of dragon Qi?

Chen Xiao is a little confused.

If she had it, would she have been killed? Will they be pursued?

"Are you awake?" Just when Chen Xiao was in a daze, he heard a surprise not far away.Chen Xiao looked up and saw Wan Yan Mu come quickly from the mouth of the cave!

The corners of her mouth were slightly dry, and even her clothes were covered with dust. She was holding two rusty containers in her hand, and she didn't know where to find the clean water.

Today, she put down her hair and let the green silk fall on her back. She looks more feminine than before.

Look at her coat, almost all of them are covered on her body, and when she wakes up, it seems that her clothes are not neat, even her trousers are taken off!

"Is --" Chen Xiao's face a bitter, brain can't help but appear, at the beginning Su Yan to his overlord hard bow picture.

"Are you all right?" Wan yanmu saw that the water source was beside him. He hurriedly came to Chen Xiao and said, "I saw your face improved a lot in the second half of the night, so I went out to look for something!"

"It's a pity that I haven't seen any food for a long time, but there are a few drops of rain. Drink it quickly!" Then he licked his dry lips and sent the container to Chen Xiao.

Somehow, seeing this scene, Chen Xiao suddenly softened her heart. She didn't go to pick up the water, but just stared at her and said, "why do you have to spend so much money to save me! You should know that in my present state, it's not good for you and the foreigners outside the Great Wall. "

"I know!" Seeing that he looked serious, he put his face in the sewer: "for khanate, you are a dangerous person, even an enemy! If you want to kill it, then hurry up

"But for me wanyanmu, you are a hero. I don't want you to die! That's it! " Wan Yan Mu said, smiling at him: "drink water! You talked about it all night last night! But you didn't get better before. I don't trust you. I dare not go out to look for you! "

Chen Xiao smell speech no longer speak, hand directly into the arms of the building, hold very tight!

Although across the clothes, wanyanmu can almost feel Chen Xiao's heart shaking.

Think of last night in order to save his honest relative, her face a little red.

"Thank you - except for those two words! I don't know what to say! " Chen Xiao was excited for a while, released Wan Yan Mu and said, "now I'm back in strength, and I'm not thirsty! Drink it quickly

Said, regardless of wanyanmu's opposition, the water to her mouth.

"You --!" Wanyan Mu just said a word, suddenly feel a sweet into the throat! She couldn't help swallowing. Who knows, the water in the waste bottle is gone! Along the way, she was exhausted and really tired.

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