"Big brother!" The curly cup is red in his eyes. He works hard to move the Qi. He feels that the medicine has begun to decrease!

Hope it's time!

He kept shouting anxiously in his heart.

Wan Yan Mu saw that Qu Liuchu was so tenacious, and suddenly sighed slightly.

Seeing that the soldiers were going to charge, she waved her hand and said, "no charge, where are the archers? "

" in! " Suddenly more than a thousand archers called out!

"Give me a ride, general Qu!"


On hearing this, more than a thousand archers on the battlefield were excited!

Fighting for such a long time, finally to the end!

Whoosh, whoosh!

In an instant, hundreds of bows and arrows aimed at Qu Liuqi!

It's like a meteor shower in the sky!

I can't walk any more! The wind and sand are rolling around, and the sky is like dust.

For a moment, it seemed that I had just picked up the gun when I was a child!

It's like the sun is burning like blood!

Why do you want to be a soldier?

Because I want to be a general!

"Why do you want to be a general?

"Because I want to help more people! I want to be a great hero and guard my land! "

"It will be very tired!"

"I'm not afraid! People always have a reason to live, always want to guard things! To this end, I am willing to pay everything, including youth and life

The conversation between myself and my father looms in my ears!

Meander cup mouth a smile, slowly closed his eyes!

"General --!" The people in the city looked at the black arrow rain directly drowning the winding cup. Suddenly, their eyes were about to crack, and they could not help crying!

Yan's eyes are red!

"It's over - it's over at last!" Wanyanmu mouth with a sad smile, a moment later, it has become a strong firm and joy.

"Listen to the orders of the three armed forces


"Attack cangyue city with me!"

"Yes Saiwa foreign heard this sentence, as if hit chicken blood in general, the whole blood began to expand!

The soldiers in the front rushed directly to the gate!

I'm about to come to quliuchu.

"Boom!" At this moment, only a loud noise came out of the air!

Then I saw the surrounding sand began to sweep the earth, forming a huge tornado, and its central point was actually a small pavilion on the moat!

"No!" Wan Yan Mu's face suddenly changed, and he called out: "come back quickly!"

Unfortunately, her words are too small to be heard.

"Boom!" At this time, a powerful roar came out, as if the anger of heaven!

Then a golden light rose from the Pavilion!

Take it as a central point, spread directly around, and the powerful shock wave will directly bring everyone down!

If Wan Yan Mu is a step slow, he will even be blown away with Feng fan.

After the shock wave, a wave of prestige swept across the world!

When they turned their heads, they saw that Chen Xiaozheng was floating in the air. His whole body was shining with gold and his momentum was like a rainbow, just like a God. That was a picture they had never seen!

Just look at the impulse to smile and kneel down!

"Tianjing Dacheng!" Yan forgets feeling a face to shake of swallow saliva, then a face of sadness finally dissipated.

On the other hand, Wan yanmu looks at Chen Xiao at this time. He is puzzled, angry, pitiful and even adored!

"Kill Although Chen Xiao looks very humble, his dream of many years is close at hand. The soldiers of different nationalities outside the Great Wall seem to be desperate. After standing up, they rush towards the city gate immediately!

Chen Xiaojian's eyes flashed and his right hand hit the TV!

"Get up!"


as if I heard his call, the thousand mile desert outside the city began to melt and form a sand wall!

The city walls stretch for hundreds of miles. Gao Shizhan directly blocked the five thousand soldiers of saiwa's alien race out of the sand wall!

"This -" is just this move. All of a sudden, many foreign soldiers outside the great wall were scared out of their wits and did not dare to step forward!

With a wave of his sleeve robe, Chen Xiao comes down to Qu Liuchu.

With a wave of his right hand, those swords inserted in the meandering cup were directly decomposed by his move and turned into flying ash!

Meandering cup kneels on one knee with blood on the corner of his mouth. He is dying.

But when he saw Chen Xiao, he was smiling.

"In this life, I can see my second brother promoted to Tianjing Dacheng. No regrets, big brother

"From now on, even if the whole East is supreme, the second younger brother doesn't need to be careful! The world is so big that you can get it Meandering cup looks very happy, as if it is understood.

"Brother, why do you need to? We don't have to lose if I'm here Chen Xiao's eyes were red and he held Qu Liuyuan's hand tightly."I know - second brother is unparalleled, there must be many strategies to ensure the safety of cangyue, but - elder brother is tired! These years, I'm really tired! " Meandering cup said weakly:

"in the final analysis, cangyue city is abandoned because of me. As long as I am alive, cangyue people will not have a good life!"

"Big brother has been guilty for five years. I don't want to feel guilty any more!"

"Big brother -" Chen Xiao heard a strong sense of helplessness from his voice, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Meandering cup reached out from his arms, took out this booklet and sent it to Chen Xiao. He coughed and said, "second brother, I have to ask you to help me one last time!"

"Big brother, you say!" Chen Xiao clenched his hand.

"This is my five-year collection of foreign intelligence outside the Great Wall in cangyue, as well as the list of officials who collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country in cangyue city. Please take it to the supreme dragon city as soon as possible and give it to the supreme!"

"Follow - cough! Tell him that the meandering cup will live up to his grace, and cangyue city will be guarded

Chen Xiao saw that he was dying, but he was still loyal. For a moment, he didn't know whether to call him stupid or pitiful.

"Good! I will leave for the East supreme today! No matter how many dangers, I will deliver them as soon as possible! " Chen Xiao clenched the pamphlet.

"Good - good brother! Unfortunately, brother, I can't drink with you any more Meandering cup said with a smile, looking at the Dragon singing gun inserted in the yellow sand, said: "remember what you promised me at the beginning?"

Chen Xiaoshun looked into his eyes and saw that the Longyin gun was shining in the blood.

"If one day my elder brother is killed, I, Chen Xiao, will take him to the top of the mountain and defeat all the heroes in the world." Then a tear came out.

"If you step on a thousand mountains of ancient martial arts, you will be a hero in the world! Good, good -- "he said, slowly closing his eyes. Then he hit the ground with his hand, and there was no breath.

Chen Xiao wipes his tears and puts Qu Liuchu's body away. Then he picks up the Longyin gun in his hand. With a wave of his left hand, the sand wall disappears immediately. He is exposed to the vision of 4000 foreign soldiers outside the Great Wall.

"The winding cup is dead, wanyanmu! If you attack the city by force, I will do it! " Chen Xiao looks at Wan Yan mu in front of him calmly, as if he is talking to a dead man!

Wan Yan Mu looked at his cold eyes, and it was heartache, but also a pity!

It's almost there! You can enter cangyue city!

But now that Chen Xiao has been promoted to Tianjing Dacheng, his 5000 soldiers are not necessarily his opponents!

"Ha ha - this battle was defeated in the end!" Wan Yan Mu gave a miserable smile and said to Chen: "the meandering cup is dead! You can't keep the moon forever! "

"Next time we make a comeback, the moon will break!"

She said, toward the three armed forces ordered: "withdraw!"

"Queen!" After listening to wanyanmu's words, the faces of the soldiers of the three armed forces suddenly changed, and a thick pity appeared in their eyes!

Only one last step! As long as this gate is broken, cangyue city is theirs!

The winding cup is dead! How can the other soldiers compete with them?

The officers and men of the alien race outside the great wall are puzzled, and some are even unwilling to believe this fact!

Is it necessary to give up the efforts of many days?

After such a long fight, it's all in vain?

What is all this for?

Many officers and soldiers of different nationalities outside the great wall almost collapsed!

"If you think you can fight the world's best, you can try it! A true grassland warrior is never afraid of failure Wan Yan Mu said, turn the horse head and go!

"Tianjing Dacheng!" After hearing wanyanmu's explanation, almost all the 5000 soldiers lost their voice!

Their strength is only the realm of the earth, and some are only the realm of the king!

Even those who live in Tianjing small town can be partial generals. Even military strategists and kings only have this realm!

How about that day?

In their eyes, they are immortals. Don't even dare to have a look!

For a moment, almost all the Foreign Tribes turned away dejectedly. This battle that lasted so long ended in this way!

"Chen Xiao, I gave you your life! Live well! Don't hurt it, it's crippled! It's no fun to kill you then! " When wanyanmu retreated, he suddenly turned back and yelled.

Looking at Chen Xiao standing in the back, Wanyan Mu's eyes slipped with tears!

I don't know when to see you again!

This one goes, perhaps see again, with thing right person wrong!

Chen Xiao, thank you for your happiness!

Thank you for my growth!

Wan Yan Mu is crying, but her mouth is smiling.

"Goodbye -" Chen Xiao looks at Wan yanmu's back, sighs in her heart, and sweeps her left hand slightly.

I saw that the place with Qu Liuzhu's body as the center was slowly sunken!

The yellow sand around him slowly covered him."Brother, you can sleep here. No one will disturb you again!"

Chen Xiao said with a jerk of his left hand.


In an instant, a stone tablet made of sand stretched out from the place where Qu Liuqi died.


A gust of sand blowing, the monument was blown away around a lot of sand, even slowly formed a general look!

Wearing armor and holding a long gun, the general stood about 100 meters in front of the gate of cangyue City

guarding cangyue city from the invasion of foreign nationalities outside the Great Wall.

Chen Xiao looked up at the sand statue and raised his right dragon singing gun. A line of words has been engraved on the sand and stone:

"from now on, people will know your name for a thousand years!" Chen Xiao's hands on his back smile: "goodbye, big brother!"

With that, he flashed into cangyue city!

The wind and sand, mottled the above handwriting, but can not erase these words engraved with life -

young ambition to control the wind and rain, five years of snow frost garrison frontier! Kill all the wolves and defend the soul of the moon with a long gun!

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