Seeing this, Chen Xiao nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the tombstone beside the plate with a Longyin gun: "although we are in different cities and different arms, in the final analysis, we are all soldiers from the Central Plains!"

"In this case, I don't know if you will have a little heartache when you see the Shenwei army slaughtered by the foreign people outside the Great Wall?"

"Maybe some of them are your friends and some of them are your brothers, but because of the military order, you can't help them!"

When Chen Xiao said this, he saw that many of the soldiers in the tens of thousands of people had red eyes!

He continued: "in the first battle of cangyue City, one hundred thousand foreign armies outside the Great Wall will be destroyed! All Shenwei soldiers are dead! How terrible the war is! Haven't you ever thought of supporting me? "

"My lips are dead and my teeth are cold! Soldiers! Won't they attack the moon city? This time it's someone else's family, the next time it's your family! "

"Would you like to see your parents slaughtered and your wife ravaged?" Chen Xiao suddenly hammered the Dragon chanting gun and asked aloud.

"No!" At one time, some people spoke!

"Too little! It seems that you still don't have this kind of consciousness! In this case, I'll write a letter to the king outside the Great Wall, and let her lead the troops to attack cangyue city next time, and I'll help to open the gate of the sun moon city! "

"Don't doubt my ability! Today's Great Wall king was saved by me at the beginning! In the supreme Pavilion of your sun moon city Chen Xiao's eyes coagulated, and he said madly.

On hearing this, not to mention that the soldiers in Riyue city were afraid, even the people in cangyue city were scared!

Especially the soldiers of sun moon city!

If the foreign people outside the Great Wall make a comeback, the sun moon city is not as good a general as cangyue city!

"No! We don't want to! " Many soldiers cried at once!

Then almost 10000 people were shouting!

Chen nodded with a smile and said, "it's like a person, like a soldier!"

"My elder brother is Qu Liuchu! You all know what kind of person he is! I don't know if any of you worship my big brother! Have you ever thought of joining Shenwei army one day

"But I tell you, there's such a chance now!" When Chen Xiao said this, his eyes were fixed and he said: "cangyue city has been full of holes before the first World War. If there are soldiers and men with unparalleled benevolence, they are willing to stay and guard cangyue! He is cangyue's first soldiers

"The whole family can move into cangyue City, distribute houses and land, and avoid one year's tax!"

"What On hearing this, more than ten thousand soldiers were almost crazy!

Why don't they serve as soldiers just to protect their country?

But before the moon is difficult, the authorities of all kinds of practices let them down!

Now Chen Xiao's condition is very attractive!

Tax free, but also divided into land, throughout the whole cangyue, which city has such a good thing?

You can't find a lantern, can you?

Seeing their excited faces, Chen said with a smile: "that's not to say. If any of you can become a mighty soldier in the baptism of war! That's twice as much as the military pay, twice as much as the military achievements! "

"We will!" If Chen Xiao's condition was just to let them have enough food and clothing, then the final condition is to create a dream for them!

Which soldier doesn't want to be a general or make great achievements?

Almost in an instant, more than ten thousand people lost their weapons and knelt down on the ground to surrender!

Next to Xue Wuji looking at such a scene, eyes filled with a strong worship and admiration!

Would it have been so good if it had been handled by ourselves?

Xue Wuji is sure that it will never be like this!

The distance between myself and the king of hell is not so big!

Fortunately, his goal is not to pursue the steps of Yama, as long as he can become the second song Liuchu, he will have no regrets in this life!

"The king of hell is still the king of hell!" The elder stroked his beard and his eyes were full of appreciation.

"Of course!" Yan forgets feeling proud smile, in the vision emerges a little proud, she also does not know why she can have this kind of feeling, is thinks today's Chen Xiao - is very handsome!

"Good! Good boys! Please get up Chen Xiao hugged everyone in front of him, then picked up the Longyin gun and said, "from today on, cangyue is your home! I hope you will never betray your home, never abandon your home! "

"Where are the three armed forces?

"Yes More than ten thousand soldiers roar together and their eyes are red!

"Come home with me!"

"Yes The crowd roared with joy.

The hundred letters of cangyue City see Chen Xiao coming back with more than ten thousand soldiers. For a moment, they seem to see Qu Liuqi, holding a long gun and returning to the city with a smile!

As usual so valiant!

After one hour's reorganization, cangyue city's armaments have been enriched.

As long as more than 30000 troops don't come to attack, they will be able to defend!And Chen Xiao also let Yan forget to use the blood to kill intelligence, will he kill the sun and moon city general things out!

Now almost every city nearby knows that cangyue city has Tianjing Dacheng experts!

Even if the Eastern Supremacy issued another 100 imperial edicts, it is estimated that no one would dare to touch the mold again!

After all, life is more important than edict.

However, this is also tantamount to openly fighting against the supreme martial arts. For this reason, Yan forgets his feelings and worries about Chen Xiao, for fear that he will be targeted.

"That's the best way at the moment!" Chen Xiaoming took a sip of tea and sat on the main seat in the hall.

"I know, but you have to go to the East after that. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful along the way." Yan forgot to worry.

"I'm worried that no one will kill me! My elder brother is kind. He always has the heart of king and minister to the East. I'm not the same! " "I will let him remember me along the way," Chen said with a smile

"Now our troops have begun to recruit nearby. Everything is running in good order. The crisis of cangyue city has passed!" The second elder said with a smile. "Well, as long as there are troops, everything else is easy to say!" Chen nodded with a smile and said to Xue Wuji, "after I leave, you must not fall behind in the training of Shenwei army. No matter where you are, strength is the absolute principle. Try to recruit more Shenwei soldiers, and those who are not qualified will act as soldiers guarding the city

, so as to make cangyue strong as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Hell Xue Wuji nodded.

"You're very good at fighting. There's nothing to say. You'd better discuss with the second elder in internal affairs. After all, you're still young, and you need to accumulate experience in this aspect!"

"I know!" Xue Wuji saw Chen Xiao explain these, eyes unconsciously red up, Baoquan way: "Yama, when do you come back?"

On hearing this, Chen Xiao's lips moved, but he didn't know how to answer. A moment later, he said, "I'll come back!"

Listen to Chen Xiao say so uncertain words, Xue Wuji a little sigh, turn to see Yan forget love. Yan forgets love and doesn't speak, just keeps drinking.

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