Chen Xiao asked herself that she had met many women in her life, either gentle, or cool, or lovely, or enchanting.

But even so, he was surprised by Yan's smile!

He didn't know how to describe Yan's forgetful smile, but at this moment, he was also very happy!

Maybe what this careless chivalrous woman cares about is not a lasting relationship, but a magnificent one?

The next morning, when the sun rises, Yan Jiqing and Chen Xiao have already stood outside the gate of cangyue city!

Today's cangyue city is particularly lively! Not only many shops and restaurants in the city are open! Even outside the city, a large number of merchants and common people have been swarmed in!

Some of them are the families of the ten thousand soldiers, some are the soldiers recruited by Yan Chenqing and others, and some are many chivalrous men who are attracted by Qu Liuyuan's character and Chen Xiao's promise!

In short, cangyue city now has nothing to lack!

The city wall, which is full of holes and bright by the war, is also repaired in the busy work of the workers day and night!

In the eyes of many people, he is the patron saint!

Looking at this flourishing scene, Chen Xiao and Yan forget to look at each other and see the joy in each other's eyes!

"Perhaps, even general Qu didn't expect that cangyue city would have such a day?" Yan forgot emotion to sigh, clenched horse's rein!

Chen nodded with a smile: "every story has a beginning and an end! Talented people come out of the country for hundreds of years! The legend of quliu cup will continue in the future

Then he looked at Xue Wuji.

At this time, there are many people coming and going, but more people seeing them off!

Many senior officials and businessmen are out of the city, looking at the front of Chen Xiao, a face of gratitude!

"Yama, the road ahead is dangerous. Be careful!" Xue Wuji hugged Chen Xiao, then knelt down and kowtowed three heads: "if there is no Yama that day, there will be no today's Xue Wuji!"

"Remember your promise to me!" Chen Xiao helped him up and patted him heavily on the shoulder!

"Wuji will never forget it! Don't forget it Xue Wuji nodded seriously.

The second elder and the Third Elder's eyes were slightly red. They threw fists at Chen Xiao and said, "Yama, the supreme dragon city masters are like clouds. If Yama is in danger, we only need a letter. Even if we fight for our lives, we will arrive and help Yama!"

"Nothing else, you are the benefactor of our whole ghost gate, the eternal king of hell!" Three elder patted chest way.

"Good!" Chen Xiao hugged them.

Seeing that he nodded his head, the two elders supported his beard and laughed. Then they stepped forward again. Their voice was a little lower and they said, "Yama, I have one more thing to ask!"

"It's about forgetting, isn't it?" Chen Xiaoxiao said.

"Yes The second elder sighed: "I'm old and useless! I'm afraid I can only stay in cangyue city for the elderly in this life! "

"The outside world is extremely dangerous and unforgettable. Although she is talented and intelligent, she has experienced too few storms, far less than her father. She will follow you to jiuxiao as soon as you go

"But she is a woman after all. Sometimes she asks the king of hell to take care of her! Even if my third brother and I are dead, we have an explanation to brother Yan! "

"Elder two, don't worry. Chen Xiaoding will take good care of her!" Chen Xiao nodded seriously.

"Good!" Two elder smell speech, a happy smile, as if put down the mind in general.

He turned his head and looked at Yan and said, "Qing'er, from now on there will be no second uncle and third uncle around you, but you must take good care of yourself!"

"If you are wronged! If you are tired, buy a fast horse and come back to cangyue city. It will always be your home! "

"Second uncle!" On hearing this, Yan forgot his feelings and rushed into the arms of the two elders!

A moment later, she left. She sniffed, looked at the two elders in front of her and said, "second uncle, third uncle, it's late! It's time for us to start, too! "

"Well, go! The world is dangerous. Be careful

Chen Xiao also nodded, turned over to the horse, and rushed forward with Yan forgetting!

I don't know when I'll see you again The two elders looked at their backs and sighed.

"Mr. Chen is a real dragon! Should not be trapped in this small cangyue city Xue Wuji also said!

"And you?" The second elder joked: "I remember you had a great ambition when you were a child!

Xue Wuji said with an embarrassed smile: "even in Yuanda, you can't escape a general! But hell is different! His goal is the stars in the sky

"I believe that one day he will be famous in the whole ancient martial arts world!"

Chen Xiao did not look back at the parting eyes of the people behind them at this time!

After all, there are some sadness in separation. It may be the best farewell not to let the parting people see tears!

The two of them rode all the way and soon came to Luodao.

After the gate of death, there is actually a fork in the road, one leads to Jiuli City, one leads to Riyue City, and the other leads to the alien territory outside the desert!Before, Chen Xiao took the imperial edict with the meandering cup, which was the way of sun and moon city!

From the sun and moon city, you can get to the supreme dragon city by passing through seven cities. This is what Chen Xiao learned recently!

In addition to the small cities that were captured, there are two other cities that are now under the occupation of foreign people outside the Great Wall!

When they came to this fork in the road, they immediately stopped and found a restaurant to have a meal. Then Yan forgot his feelings and said, "are you going to rush directly to the supreme dragon city?"

"What else?" Chen asked with a smile. "The heaven is very strong. The generals in the Central Plains may not dare to stop you, but there are still two cities under the control of the foreign people outside the Great Wall!" Yan forgets feeling to say here, sighed a way: "the first battle of cangyue, you have already become the number one attack target of the alien race outside the Great Wall, they are eager for you to enter the city gate!

"I know!" Chen nodded with a smile and said, "but this is my promise! I can't dust this Longyin gun! "

Speaking of this, his eyes a coagulation, seriously: "this road, must be bloody! It's crazy

"The grievance he suffered! I must get it back for the hurt and anger I've suffered! "

"No matter who stands in the way, one word! Kill

When you say kill words, it seems that even the birds in the tree feel Chen Xiao's murderous spirit and flutter away!

Yan forgets love to see that Chen Xiao's killing intention has been decided, and she doesn't know what to say for a moment. She nods her head and says, "I won't say anything about affectation. I'll see you in ten days!"

"See you in ten days!" He nodded to her with a smile. "Take care of yourself!" Yan forgot to leave a word, a pull the reins, riding straight to the road to Jiuli city!

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