Around the people see this constantly sweeping the earth of the fireball, the sky of the fire is like death merciless hook sickle, a little touch can take their surname life in general!

Everyone's eyes showed the color of fear, and even the people who wanted to rush out of the city to watch the excitement were scared back at this time!

Even the generals around Xiaocheng could not help but step back a few steps and directly returned to show off their strength!

Fortunately, this attack is aimed at the city wall, otherwise, it is estimated that even they will inevitably be affected!

"The Hunyuan three moves are so terrible!"

"It's the third style! General Zhou, take it seriously. It's terrible! "

"I don't know if Chen Xiao will take this strike hard?"

"Hardwired? It's impossible! After all, this Hunyuan three style is not fast! For us, we can't escape, but if we are in the same realm, we don't have to! "

"That's true. After all, the power of this blow is too strong!"

Around many soldiers talk, eyes coincidentally looked at the front of Chen Xiao.

At this time, he was holding the Longyin gun and his face changed slightly.

"Only half of his true Qi can be used in this attack, and the speed is so slow that he can completely avoid it! There may be a big fight to fight in the supreme dragon city. There's no need to make a hard connection! "

Chen Xiao thought that the Dragon spear suddenly picked up the land, and the whole person ascended to the sky!

Even in the moment when the fireball swept over, it flew over its head!

In the air came a gorgeous spin, and then landing again!


As soon as Chen Xiao fell to the ground, he heard a loud noise. Then he couldn't hear any sound, as if he was deaf!

Not only that, but also the earth trembled!

The light directly covers half of Kowloon City!

Fortunately, the two men's fight is in the suburbs, otherwise I don't know how many innocent people will be hurt!

After the afterglow, when they looked ahead, they saw the mountain bag, which was more than ten meters high, was filled up, turned into debris and fell from the air!

The scene is extremely shocking! It's like being attacked by a meteorite!

"Did you really -- dodge?" After the people see intact Chen Xiao, mercilessly swallow saliva!

Just now that move, if you change it to anyone present, there is absolutely only one way!

Chen Xiao was able to escape!

Compared with their shock, general Zhou's face was pale!

Although the momentum of the fight has been played out, the problem is that Chen Xiao in front of him is undamaged, but he has consumed nearly half of his true Qi! It's really a big loss!

But this is not the most desperate!

The most desperate thing is that Chen Xiao's speed is too fast! It's too fast for him to catch up!

But just now the third style splits the sky, already was all his cards!

If only he could make a hard connection! If you don't die, you have to be disabled! Can pull back 10% for me!

General Zhou was angry, but he was helpless!

Chen Xiao, holding a dragon chanting gun, looked up at general Zhou in front of him: "well, this move has some strength! It's a pity that the speed is too slow. I can completely avoid it! "

On hearing this, general Zhou was even more angry. He pointed to Chen and said with a smile, "I've just said that if you can take this move, I'll let you handle it! Why is Chen Xiao so insecure? "

"In that case, what else are you going to say to make a fool of yourself?" General Zhou ridiculed Chen Xiao crazily, and the generals around him looked at Chen Xiao with more disdain!

Chen Xiao was happy to hear him say that. He pointed a Longyin gun at general Zhou and said, "do you have any brain problems? You can only beat me, and I can't run away? "

"Since it's a fight, it should come and go! Is it difficult for me to stand up and kill you? "

"You --" general Zhou quickly vomited blood when he heard the words!

Although Chen Xiao's words are very right, it's his killing move after all. People will be very angry if they are so hidden!

After listening to their conversation, the people around nodded involuntarily.

General Zhou's request is just like a child making trouble out of nothing!

You're only allowed to hit me, and I'm not allowed to hide? What's the point?

This shows the character of general Zhou!

Even some generals began to reflect, with a bit of shyness on their faces. It was obvious that Chen Xiao's words said that some of them were shameless!

"Me what me? Then you stand and let me have a try? " Chen Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "can you be a general like this? I seriously doubt your IQ! "

"You dare to insult me! Looking for death! " General Zhou can't help it! The face is red with anger!

He took a look at the city wall behind him and Chen Xiao in front of him. A grim smile appeared in his eyes: "you forced me! You forced me

He murmured to himself, his hands running again.Whoo!


As strong as just now, the killing moves appear again!

However, compared with the first brewing, at this time, general Zhou was obviously a little weak, and even his mouth had spilled blood! The whole person also looks very weak!

"Third style again! Haven't you been dodged? Why did the general use all his true Qi to work

"Alas, the general is so angry that he seems to have lost his mind!"

"Damn it! Chen Xiao is really hard to deal with

"No! You see the direction of the general's move - it seems to be the west gate! "


On hearing this, the soldiers were directly confused and looked at general Zhou who was facing them with a puzzled look on his face!

At this time, general Zhou's killing moves have been brewing to the limit!

All around the sand and stone, the flames continue to burn the world!

"Aren't you the common people? I think you are a real villain or a hypocrite He said, pupil a shrink, in the hands of fireball directly toward the west gate hit out!

"No!" No matter the generals around or the common people are petrified at this moment!

Eyes with a thick fear!

They have just seen the power and horror of this move!

Even a mountain can be filled!

If it is really hit in the west gate, it is estimated that there will be no grass in a hundred meters!

"General Zhou is crazy!" No matter the generals or the people around, looking at general Zhou, there was a strong sense of anger and disappointment in his eyes!

He even in order to deal with Chen Xiao, directly with the strongest attack to fight his own city!

As a city guard! This is really chilling!

Chen Xiao's face is dignified, and his eyes are full of anger!

How can such a general still serve in Kowloon City? It can be seen how fatuous the East supreme is!

You know, Kowloon City is his city!

The people inside are also the people who live with him day and night!

In order to test himself, an outsider, he could be so cruel!

If you don't pick it up yourself!

Did he think about the consequences?

If this move continues, the people in the city will be killed and injured countless times! Kowloon City will fall into a boundless panic! This week, the general's practice is as crazy as the general said!

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