Hearing Chen Xiao's words, the leader in black was about to explode, but more of it was fear!

He is not afraid of death, to his point, death has been very common!

He is afraid that Chen Xiao will directly expose the identity of himself and others, and then implicate those who should not!

"Run Think of here, the remaining ten people did not dare to hesitate, turned around and fled!

"I said, thirty people must die!" Chen Xiao hands Longyin gun again running, flash to follow up.

Those five people come to stop and are killed by Chen Xiao!

He is willing to kill lingran, and his power is close to ten people!

Directly chase ten people and run around in the air!

The people under the gate of the city opened their mouths when they saw the picture!

Although it's Tianjing Xiaocheng, it's too exaggerated!

You know, Tianjing Xiaocheng is a first-class master even in the supreme dragon city! It's just not as good as the first-class Tianjing Dacheng!

How can Chen Xiao be chased and hacked by him?

That's not to mention. The previous 30 people, who had been brushed by him for a few times, were directly different from each other and even cried out their lives!

"Is this still human?"

"No - I don't know, he's terrible!"

"It seems that these people in black have met somewhere - Oh, I remember in the Imperial City -"

"Shh! It's just meaning, but not words

"Lawlessness! It's lawless. It's extreme! "

"Even his people dare to kill, it seems that the supreme dragon city will have a big war!"

All around people's eyes were startled, and they talked about it constantly.

Minister Zhou's face trembled, but he didn't know what to do. When he didn't see Chen Xiao, he could think that Chen Xiao was not strong and mean!

But after seeing me, I know that this is nothing mean, this is the devil! Even he felt that Chen Xiao didn't use any mean means at that time! Zhou Hao was defeated by his real ability! You can see it from his powerful momentum!

This kind of ability, he only felt in his elder brother, the head of the Zhou family. Even Hua didn't have such a strong murderous spirit!

The ten men in black were killed by Chen Xiao!

The remaining four are already scared! Don't talk about fighting, run as fast as you can!

But Chen Xiao is much faster than them!

Directly around to the front of the four, a shot and killed two people!

Just about to fire the second shot.

"Enough!" Old Hua can't bear to see this place for a long time!

Although Chen Xiao's strength at this time shocked him, he was not afraid!

A golden light flashed out, directly stuck under Chen Xiao's long gun.

"Run away!" The two men in black immediately turned around and ran!

"Boy, that's enough! Don't think you can do whatever you want when you enter heaven, old man - "

bang!" HuaLao blocks Chen Xiao's attack and is ready to make a few sarcastic remarks. However, he sees Chen Xiao grabbing directly with one hand. The real Qi in his left hand gathers and hits with one hand!

The flaming fire rushed towards them!

"It's a divine attack!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed!

Voice just fell, only two people who are still running body shape meal, and then fell on the ground straight.

"Sorry, what did you say just now? I didn't hear you Chen Xiao turns around and grins at Mr. Hua!

"Damn it! I want to die Old Hua was so angry that his beard almost cocked up. The sword in his hands strengthened and he was about to break away from Chen Xiao's spear!

"Compare strength with me?" Chen Xiao seems to have heard a joke!

Five times the real Qi runs all over the body, and the long gun directly presses down on Hua Lao!

"No way!" As soon as Hua Lao was about to get up, he felt a great force pressing his hands!

More important than gold! It seems that what he is facing at this time is not Chen Xiao's attack, but the attack of five Tianjing Dacheng experts!


There is no doubt that the land under HuaLao's feet directly disintegrated and caved in!

Not only that, his whole body was shaking, even his waist was bent, and the invincible sword was even worse. It was directly concave, and it was about to break!

It's as if what he bears at this time is not Chen Xiao's sword, but a big mountain!

"What on earth - what's going on?" People around to see a stay, that week minister is sweat hair all erect!



At this time, two clear sounds came out!

Among the people, it seems that Hua Lao can't hold on any longer. He even kneels down to Chen Xiao.

There was a strong noise between the knee and the ground, and blood streamed out instantly!

At the same time, the sword in his hand was broken. Fortunately, Hua Lao's eyes and hands were quick to hide. Otherwise, this shot might cut him in half!He got up with the fastest speed, regardless of the injury of his legs and shoulders, and immediately stepped back for tens of meters. Looking at Chen Xiao, his eyes were full of panic, even fear!

Just now, he could clearly feel the breath of death!

This kid - can really kill himself!

This is HuaLao's most shocking idea at the moment! In shock at the same time, but also full of doubts!

But at this time, what he wants to do most is not fight, but run away immediately! Moving rescuers may not be able to beat this guy!

Wrong, wrong!

This is what just entered the realm of heaven Dacheng master! This is already a master who wants to enter the peak of heaven. It's almost the same!

The strike just now contains the strike of the five great masters of heaven!

Fortunately, it's just brute force. If it's a mixture of Kung Fu and natural force, I will definitely be killed now!

Not an opponent!

He is not his opponent at all!

As soon as he saw Hua Lao's move, he was beaten back. Everyone around him called him a fool!

Although HuaLao's posture was a bit awkward just now, he didn't dare to fight after one move, did he?

"HuaLao?" Minister Zhou also muddled, tentatively called out.

Hua Lao's face was so dignified that he didn't dare to do it.

"Mr. Hua, come on! This kid won't be your match Minister Zhou shouts again.

The people around looked at Hua Lao again.

"Gudong!" Hua Lao swallowed his saliva and shook his head again!

"You --" Minister Zhou was shocked and angry. This boy was able to beat the Zhou family's most powerful worshiper HuaLao to such an extent!

You know, this is the strongest offering except for the master of the Zhou family!

Can't beat that kid? You're kidding!

"Mr. Hua, don't you want to bully the small with the big! This Chen Xiao is a traitor. Everyone should be punished! Hurry up and kill him! Don't let down the expectations of your family

"This kid won't be your opponent -"

"shut up! It's a piece of junk! "

Before Minister Zhou finished his words, Hua laodun couldn't bear it. He turned his head and yelled at him!

This roar was amazing. It made the people around him stupefied. Not only their Minister Zhou was stunned, but also he didn't understand why Hua's attitude changed all of a sudden! However, when people turned their eyes to his face, they slowly changed from doubt to astonishment, because HuaLao's face was getting paler and paler, and his mouth began to overflow with blood!

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