"So?" Chen Xiao asked.

Su Yan took a look at Su rou'er and said, "Rou Rou, I want to bathe here and help me prepare some hot water."

"Elder sister --" Su rou'er shouts as soon as she sees that Su Yan wants to open herself.

As soon as Su Yan's eyes coagulated, Su rouer immediately closed her mouth and said dejectedly: "yes -"

after su rouer went upstairs, Su Yan said again: "so, I want you to leave Tianhai and Su's home."

"No way." Chen Xiao immediately shook his head: "I have a very important person to look for. I have to stay in Tianhai."

"Woman?" Su Yan is very strange.


"Girlfriend? Wife? " Tqr1

"President Su, it seems that this is not within the scope of our discussion?" Chen Xiao looks at Su Yan with a speechless face.

Su Yan face a red, light way: "I digress - since you don't agree with my decision, that I also know tell you, must take good care of Rourou."

"Of course you don't have to say that." Chen nodded with a smile and said, "in fact, I can help you, but I still owe you 50 million yuan and one person."

Su Yan shook his head and said, "if you want to do this, we owe you countless estimates."

"I know you don't agree with my decision, so I came here today to tell you something about the Li family. It's not that they don't pay you. It's just that you don't have the center. In a word, be careful."

"I know, so do you. I don't want to see our beautiful president at that time, who looks like she's wearing away Chen Xiao teased.

Su Yan nodded and asked, "another personal question. I heard that you are going to Shanghai Tianhai university?"

"Yes, there's something I want."

"Can I help you? Of course, you can find uncle Lu. He has a wide range of contacts. " Sue lit a cigarette.

"Not for the time being." Chen Xiao shook his head and asked solemnly, "in other words, do you really believe headmaster Lu?"

Thinking of the headmaster with amazing strength, a trace of fear appeared in Chen Xiao's eyes. Although he was not as strong as Wang Jing, he was able to take his own foot.

This is not what ordinary spiritual practitioners can do. There must be something wrong with principal Lu!

Listening to Chen Xiao's question, Su Yan was stunned. She doubted: "Uncle Lu is very kind. He has been helping me to help the Su family since I was a child. Without him, it is estimated that our Su family would have been merged by the Li family."

"I'm not going to grow up so fast to take over the Su family's business. You don't have to doubt that he's really trustworthy. "

"Oh? really? Then why did Li Zihao come out to stop me when I wanted him to die? " Chen Xiao smell speech, the eyes one coagulates to ask a way.

"Maybe I'm afraid you'll annoy the Li family." Su Yan replied.

"Hehe, I'm afraid of a family with less than a thousand people, if I annoy the Li family, I'll be a master of Wang Jing." Chen Xiao sneered.

"Su Yan, maybe you don't know the world of our monk very well, but I still want to tell you that I met him twice, but for the first time, I didn't find any breath fluctuation on him."

"I'm a king's realm. He's a spiritual realm. He's a big realm smaller than me. I can't find it with my strength. I have to wait for him to reveal his strength. It's not easy. Even I don't know what's powerful in the world that can hide people's cultivation."

"What's more, you say that he has been helping the Su family all the time, but since he is so powerful, why don't he help you get rid of the Li family directly and ask you to fight openly and secretly for so many years?"

Chen Xiao's words were like pearls. Su Yan frowned and finally sighed: "maybe the reason lies in the capital - in short, it's related to some secrets of my su family. I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

"But Uncle Lu can definitely be trusted, which I can guarantee with my character."

"I hope so." Since Su Yan insisted so much, Chen Xiao didn't say much and nodded.

"In other words, your father, it seems that on the first day when I entered Zhentian building, I saw him at the door. He trusted to give you the company because you have the ability."

"But Su rou'er and I have lived together for such a long time, so he can rest assured of my character? I didn't even come to see her once. "

"Sometimes I really want to see what this irresponsible dad looks like." Chen Xiao said here, can't help but pinch his hands.

"No - it's not like that." Su Yan smell speech, immediately some excited retort way.

"Er --" Chen Xiao didn't seem to see that she was so excited. She was stunned.

"I'm sorry, I've lost my temper. In a word, be careful yourself." Su Yan quickly adjusted his mood and turned to go upstairs.

"It's like this every time. I'll leave in the middle of the conversation. I'm as drunk as my elder martial sister." Chen Xiao shook his head and began to drink again.

After more than half an hour, Su Yan came downstairs again. At this time, she had taken off her black silk dress, changed into a light mature woman's clothes, walked away quickly with high heels, and didn't even fight with herself.It's the first time that Chen Xiao has seen her look like she doesn't wear professional clothes. She takes a look at her and is waiting for a few comments. However, she hears a voice from the second floor: "big fool, have you finished eating? Come up quickly after eating, hurry up!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Xiao smell speech to carry a chicken leg to walk up.

As soon as I entered Su rou'er's boudoir, I felt a chill, as if the air had dropped a few degrees.

"Sleeper, you turned on the air conditioner?" Chen Xiao takes a look at Su jue'erdao standing in front of the dresser.

"No Su rou'er said with a smile. She immediately turned around and said to Chen with a happy face: "you -- you see what's different with me today?"

"Well? Any difference? I don't think it's different, "Chen said, looking at Su rouer.

She was wearing pajamas at this time, which was not different except for less.

"Do you - do you have a closer look?" Su rou'er feels embarrassed and asks again.

"Well, it's no different. Is it more exposed than before? " Chen Xiao grabs the back of his head.

"I hate it! You have no eyes Su rou'er snorted, straightened her chest, and faltered: "I feel - it's a little effective. The previous bra is a little smaller."

"Ah?" As soon as Su rou'er said that, Chen Xiaocai responded, and suddenly turned red and said, "that - it may be your illusion."

"It's not an illusion. I can feel my body growing on me." Sujour retorted immediately.

"That's good. Congratulations." Chen Xiaogan said with a smile.

"Congratulations, it's just a little bigger. The course of treatment -- the course of treatment still needs to continue --" Su rouer blushed again.

"I don't want it, madam." Chen Xiao was shocked when he heard the speech.

"No, it works. How can we just give up? We'll go to the movie room later. You see, I've even got cartoons ready for you. I'll watch Doraemon this time. "

When Chen Xiao saw her excited look, she was speechless, and felt a chill again.

He turned his head and saw that the source was su rouer's bathroom.

"You put ice in the bathroom?" Chen Xiao doubts a way.

"No, my sister used the bathroom just now. What's the matter?" Su rou'er was stunned.

"Well - can I go in and have a look?" Chen Xiao hears speech, the eyes one coagulates to ask a way.

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