Your sister, can you stop saying that.

Chen Xiao once again glanced at Liu Yiyao helplessly and said, "classmate, don't be kidding. You'll get off in five or six minutes. You'd better find someone else to be your master."

Liu Yiyao immediately shook her head and said, "it's up to you. No one else is as good as you. Are you afraid of the little girl at home? Cut, wife! I have no backbone. "

On hearing Liu Yiyao's disdain, Chen Xiao remembers that the two women solemnly reminded her not to flirt.

But it's not up to your mother to decide. Before she went to the north, she was entangled by a murderer. When she went back, she had to be dismembered by two women.

"Whatever you say, I dare not go with you just because of your dress." Chen Xiao said weakly.

Liu Yiyao waved her hand, hooked Chen Xiao's shoulder and said, "Oh, I don't care about a woman. Why do you care about these? I tell you, man, you have to be a little male chauvinist. You can't always be pressed by a woman, or a woman with small breasts."

"You can be soft first. For example, you can fight in bed. You can go up and down with her instead of up and down with her."

"As for the hard one, drag her on so many times a day, even a wild horse, you have to be tamed into a kitten."

"Cat, your sister -- up and down." When Chen Xiaojian saw that Liu Yiyao had no scruples in speaking, he was speechless again.

Who on earth did NIMA meet?

She didn't become a girl after a man's operation, did she? How can NIMA behave like a girl?

"I'm really drunk with you. Can we not talk so much?" Chen Xiaoyi looks at Liu Yiyao helplessly.

Liu Yiyao laughed when she heard that she was an adult. She was still so shy. Could she be a virgin

"Hemp skin --" Chen Xiao hears these two words of virgin, immediately the heart is angry, this NIMA is his rebellious scale.

"Who says I'm a virgin? I'm a virgin now. Believe it or not?" Chen Xiao immediately fiercely pushes Liu Yiyao onto the car glass.

Seeing his anger, Liu Yiyao burst out laughing: "I'm really right. Ha ha - don't be sad, don't be sad. I'll get some medicine for you, and you'll deal with the woman in the mobile phone."

"Against your sister, can you be pure?" Chen Xiao stares at her one eye way.

"Cut, what's good about purity? Besides, we women always want a girl to become a sister-in-law in the end."

"As if you were a sister-in-law?" Chen Xiao glanced at Liu Yiyao's legs and said with an unhappy face.

The girl's legs were closed tightly, and she walked with a lot of wind and fire, although her figure and appearance were the best.

But he left a head to kill Matt and wear earrings. The key is that he can fight so well. Apart from being kidnapped, it's strange if there is a man with her.

Liu Yiyao was stunned at first, then her face turned red for a while, then she glared at Chen Xiaodao and said, "I'm here because I don't like other men, but I don't dare you at all." Tqr1

"you - forget it, I still can't treat you as a sister." Hearing the helplessness on his face, Chen Xiao released Liu Yiyao's hand and sat back in place.

"That's right, man --" Liu Yiyao smiles and puts her hand on Chen Xiao's shoulder. She is not polite at all.

"So you take me, my younger brother. What I said before is true." Liu Yiyao said deliberately pulled his underwear, want to look tempting.

However, she was wearing safety underwear, which could not be pulled. In the end, she had no choice but to touch her chest.

See Chen Xiao for a while funny, you don't touch the word charming at all, OK brother?

"Well, aren't we all admitted to Tianhai university? If we can go to school together, we will be friends. "

"If we can't pass the exam, it's fate. We'll never meet again." Chen Xiao really can't stand this girl's way of thinking, so he thinks of a compromise.

"Well, this can, just to prove that you meet the standards of my boss."

"What's the standard of being the boss?" Chen Xiaowen was stunned.

"Of course." Liu Yiyao said: "my boss, I can do everything for him, but only if he wants to protect me, fight for me, and have knowledge. He is not a martial arts man. He is handsome and accompanies me to school every day. When I am inconvenient, he helps me to buy things --"

as soon as he says it with his fingers, Chen smiles: "stop, stop, you are looking for me The boss is still looking for a servant. "

"Those are for others. For you, as long as you teach me how to fight against a hundred."

"Teach you second uncle, where can I learn kung fu for you?" Chen Xiao's heart is roaring. After seeing Liu Yiyao's expectant eyes, he finally sighs.

"Let's talk about it later. Now it's better to take the exam first. It's important to take the exam."

"Yes, the exam is important, but boss, you should be careful. Wen Hao doesn't seem to be the one who can give up easily. If you are in trouble, don't be beaten." Liu Yiyao knows."It's OK. Now that I stand up, I can carry it." Chen Xiao patted his chest and said.

Liu Yiyao immediately nodded and said, "yes, I appreciate you very much."

With that, she grabbed Chen Xiao's mobile phone, then entered a series of numbers, and finally wrote three words of Liu Yiyao to save.

"This is my number. When they come to me, remember to call me."

"Do you have people in the north?" Chen Xiao see her face solemn, not like a joke, immediately asked with a smile.

Liu Yiyao shakes her head.

"Why do I call you?" Chen Xiao said.

"Don't say that, boss. Although I don't have much fighting power, as long as you call me, even if I come to my aunt, I will quickly come to support you."

Liu Yiyao said solemnly.

Chen Xiao is both funny and helpless. Liu Yiyao - how to say, although she looks like a boy, she still has a lot of loyalty, which is very interesting.

"Well, I've got the number. Do you have any other questions now?" Chen Xiao put down his cell phone and said with a smile.

"You --" Liu Yiyao's face was excited and disappeared. Her big watery eyes looked at Chen Xiao wrongly.

"What else?" Chen Xiao asked unconsciously.

"My face is so painful, and my whole body is so painful -"


Chen Xiao looks at Liu Yiyao with a speechless face, and finally shakes his head and says, "what can I do if you hurt me? I don't have band aids or anything

"Before all is the school elder sister to knead for me, or you also knead for me?" Liu Yiyao finished and leaned over again.

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