There is also a group of scores in front of the stage: 60 points!

Barely pass, midway break back to score, it can be said that the judges also count on him enough meaning.

The student of No.1 Middle School sighed helplessly, and immediately felt a lot of shame, but it can't blame Chen Xiao. After all, there was a problem with the musical instrument.

It's just a pity that it could have risen and shocked the students of other schools, but now it can only be a meteor in the pan.

They are ready to leave, but see the screen of Chen Xiao suddenly broke the strings, will they pull down one by one.

I didn't get up and bow, obviously there was something else!

"What is he doing?" Not only were they stunned, but even the students around them were puzzled and looked at Chen Xiao with puzzled eyes.

The three judges were also puzzled, and one of them said, "although we gave you a score, you don't have to be so angry. Take a piano to vent it?"

Chen Xiao looked up at him and continued to lower his head. He fiddled with the strings and said, "I don't like the performance interrupted in the middle."

"You can choose to play it again now. Of course, you can also have this score," he said with a smile

"Really?" Chen Xiao was shocked when he heard the speech. He thought he was here at first, so he could only go out with regret.

I didn't expect a second chance.

"Well, it's an inhuman disaster. You can even play a new piano. Of course, it's not all good. You should understand the power of it." Said the gentler teacher.

Chen Xiao directly pulled out the broken strings, looked at the only four strings left, nodded and said, "the Qin doesn't need to be changed. In my eyes, the musical instrument is like a wife. It can't be changed easily."

The old man said this, but Chen Xiao borrowed it at this time. Although he was not so obsessed with musical instruments, it was almost the same.

After listening to Chen Xiao's sincere words, the three judges were stunned. They just felt that Chen Xiao's whole momentum was up a notch.

Dongfang Xiaoqiao looks at Chen Xiao's solemn face, and some appreciation emerges in his heart.

"Chen Xiao is a bit persistent. How could he have said such vulgar words before?"

Think of Chen Xiao is to rape her first and then kill her, and spank the meat words, Oriental Xiao Qiao face can't help but emerge a trace of sullen.

Just as they were silent, Chen Xiao continued, "but do I want to change a tune?"

"Do you really want to play with these four strings?" A listen to Chen Xiao's words, two judges teacher a Leng, some unbelievable asked.

Although they are not very good at Qin, they still understand the basic theory at least. There are only four strings left. How can they play such a wonderful tune as just now? Tqr1

"you can change tunes." Dongfang Xiaoqiao sat on one side, a little surprised in her eyes. Now she is really interested in this guy.

How many amazing skills does he have, from his humble appearance to his amazing success, and now he has to play music with four strings?

Chen Xiao turns to see her, then puts the strings on the table as before, hands on the piano, and closes her eyes.

"Wokuo, didn't you say it was ok? Look at the stupid thing you've done, OK, your sister Liu Xing slapped the wretched male classmate on the forehead.

"I didn't think so much at that time, Liu Shao. As you know, the examinee's musical instruments are strictly kept, so as to prevent the destruction of musical instruments."

"If I hadn't been chosen to move musical instruments, I couldn't have done it, and the time was limited, and there were so many strings, I would have picked a few easily."

"How can you think of this boy? Four strings are OK. It's a dog's day. "

The little brother said bitterly.

"Cut, four strings? He can't play any good music on the guitar. It seems that he's just pretending to be forced The little brother beside said with a smile.

"Yes, I think he's at the end of his rope. He's just holding his breath." Zhou Liuxing also said with a smile.

Around the students see Chen Xiao returned to the previous solemn posture, immediately eyes become looking forward to it, do not know what kind of music Chen Xiao will bring them this time?

Is it wonderful or painful?

In the expectant eyes of a group of people, the strings in Chen Xiao's hands are stirred again.

"Zheng --" is just a scale, and guzheng has a clear voice, which is better than before. I don't know whether Chen Xiao's words really touched it, or whether the melody this time is beautiful.

"Zheng Zheng -" is two syllables out, the whole face suddenly from the original gray into dark brown.

There seems to be an invisible air gathering in the air, attached to the strings.

Window breeze suddenly, constantly pouring into the room, the curtain slightly flying, constantly blowing Chen Xiao's black hair.

With a light sound, the table seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the piano body. It directly cracked and fell to the ground.But it's strange that the body of the piano didn't fall to the ground. It was only floating about an inch above Chen Xiao's knees!

Everyone was stunned. The body of the piano directly crushed the table. How much power should Chen Xiao give the string?

However, they did not see the scene of the body floating out of thin air. I just thought Chen Xiao dragged the body with his legs.

Although they couldn't see it, the three judges in the room could see it. Two of them were shocked and even rubbed their eyes as if they were dazed.

Dongfang Xiaoqiao's face was heavy, as if he had found something, staring at Chen Xiao in front of him.

At the moment of attention, Chen Xiao once again plucked the strings.

In an instant, melodious with a little sad melody slowly spread out, the farther, the longer. When people come back, they only feel that they are in an invisible black hole.

There is no one around, only a little star in front.

The melody is high, whimpering, the darkness is torn like paper, and a huge boat appears in front of it.

Boat driving in the secluded lakeside, whether it is the bright moon in the sky, or the willows on the riverside, all grow in the direction of the boat.

There is a stage on the boat. On the stage, a Geisha who can't see clearly is wearing a red robe and dancing lightly.

Although I can't see the appearance clearly, every dancing posture is fascinating and beautiful.

Everyone was stunned. Before, they just had their own images in their hearts, but now they are different people with the same images in their hearts.

This is so much higher than before!

"The music - it's so beautiful."

"Immortal voice! Ma PI, I seem to see beautiful women dancing. "

"Beauty, although you can't see your face, is definitely more beautiful than any woman in the world, and the Oriental Goddess will not be an opponent."

The crowd was intoxicated with the music. For a moment, they went up and down with the music. Sometimes they laughed and sometimes they cried. It's not too much to say that the magic sound is intoxicating.

Chen Xiao is immersed in the music again. Maybe this time, he feels stronger than before. The pure Yang in his body is restless, but he doesn't want to stop at all.

My mind is full of the scene of the woman in red dancing in the wind on the boat, but although she dances beautifully, she is not happy.

It seems to be waiting for someone, and it seems to be performing a masterpiece, cold and proud, incomparable youth!

Slowly, a string of tears appeared in the corner of Chen Xiao's eyes. It was not his own tears, but his unconscious tears as before, as if he had been manipulated by others.

"I didn't expect that Xiyue's song had such magic power! Who on earth is she? " While Chen Xiao is playing, the picture of playing the piano before and under the Xiyue appears in his heart.

What he is playing now is the piece that Xiyue played before. At that time, she only used four strings to play. When Chen Xiao saw that there were only four strings left, he thought of it on a whim.

I didn't expect that the bullet would have such a great magic power. It can't be interrupted at all. Maybe only after playing one song can I completely calm my restless heart.

Think of here, Chen Xiao simply let go of all the mind, whole-heartedly into the sound of the piano.

The face of the woman dancing on the boat became clearer and clearer. It seemed that she could still see the tears on her face.

Seeing through Chen Xiao's music, everyone felt as if they were pricked. The most painful thing in the world is this.

Some female students finally can't help crying out, want to turn their heads and don't look, want to cover their ears and don't listen, but no matter what.

Finally, I will turn my head and continue to be moved, as if I am possessed.

Just after the prelude, Chen Xiao plucked the strings, and the climax came quickly. His voice was like weeping and crying.

The woman on the boat stopped dancing, made a deep bow, frivolous with a round fan, the bright moon in the sky, and countless Acacia in her eyes.

At the same time, Dongfang Xiaoqiao, who has been intoxicated with music, suddenly stands up from his seat and looks at Chen Xiao with deep shock and ecstasy in his eyes!

"It's - it's!"

"No way! How could it be him

Dongfang Xiaoqiao incoherently said a few words, staring at Chen Xiao carefully, as if to carve him into the heart.

Small mouth slightly open, delicate body with a thick tremor, chest waves, there is no previous goddess demeanor.

She listened to Chen Xiao play the climax again, suddenly got up and ran to the back lounge.

When it reappeared, I saw that the teacher's dress had been changed into ancient robe, gauze dress, Luo skirt and white Hosta.

I can see the clothes inside. Obviously, she didn't change too much. She just put on a coat.

However, she has a good figure. Even if she wears clothes inside, she doesn't feel bloated to outsiders.After she went out, she even ignored her invigilator identity and ran directly to the stage.

Stand beside Chen Xiao and dance around!

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