"This is the power to transcend the kingdom! Even if it's only for a moment, it's worth it Lei Jue, with a deep infatuation in his eyes, gently waved to the front wall.

"Bang --" the wall was attacked by a small magic gas, and collapsed directly. The magic gas did not stop, but directly penetrated the pillar!

"Ha ha ha --" Lei Jue laughed arrogantly, turned his head and slapped Chen Xiao across the air.

"Touch -" the black palm, like lightning, rushed towards Chen Xiao quickly.

Chen Xiao's face was very frightened. He took up the poor 50% Qi and hit it on the palm of his hand.

"Touch -" the black palm in the air and Chen Xiao's fist made a solid collision.

"Poof --" this collision, Chen Xiao suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood, left hand suddenly grasped on the right arm, biting teeth to resist the rushing palm.

"Still - not enough!" The remaining 50% Qi is obviously not the opponent of this palm. Chen Xiao's five fingers in his right hand are bleeding, but he still can't stop the palm from moving forward.

Pushed back by it.

"Bang!" A light sound spreads out, that palm passes through Chen Xiao's right fist directly to hit in his chest.

"Bata!" Chen Xiao was suddenly rushed to the ground, frowning tightly, and the shadow of death in his heart was more and more prosperous.

It seems to feel the danger of Chen Xiao. At this moment, the pure Yang Qi in his body becomes restless and flows out from the Dantian, constantly eroding his consciousness, and seems to want to occupy his body.

It's a danger that can't be described. In addition to regretting his carelessness, Chen Xiao feels helpless.

Are you going to die here today?

Su rou'er, xia Mo, eldest martial sister -

Chen Xiao recalled the worried or smiling faces, and immediately clenched his teeth and stood up again.

The true Qi is blocked by 50%, and the Lei Jue in front of him is beyond the realm of the king. Even if he is in full bloom, he may not be able to escape.

Now Chen Xiao can be said to have reached the point of death, but he also has a trump card.

Pure Yang Qi!

It was the first time, and the only time, that I couldn't control the rampage. But even my master wasted a lot of energy to repress it again.

I don't know how many years my master has been transcending the kingdom.

Even he couldn't help it, not to mention the rubbish in front of him.

What's more, in that year, the attack seemed to be 11 years old or 12 years old. At that time, it could be like this. At this time, it's several times better than that. At least, it can clean up the people in front of it?

However, in that year, there was a master of his own, and it took a lot of effort to suppress him. If he gave up resistance and let him dominate his body, it was still a question whether he could return to consciousness.

It's going to turn into a killer.

So Chen Xiao has always been afraid to touch the pure Yang Qi, even if before the Qi all disappeared, was bullied, it is the same.

If you relax all your consciousness, you can still let the pure Yang go away and kill the 30 gangsters directly.

But he didn't dare. He was afraid of it. He would rather die than touch it.

"No, I can't let it go. Even if I die, I don't know how many lives it will endanger if it dominates the body at that time." This idea just rose, Chen Xiao immediately put it out.

He even separated part of the true Qi and put the pure Yang pressure back into the Dantian, which made his whole face even paler. Tqr1

"master of the jar - cough!" At this time, one of the eight suddenly coughed, and a few threads of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that his real Qi was almost dry, and the black Qi in his hands was reduced a lot.

As soon as his side was reduced, one side of the variety suddenly became weaker.

"Good chance!" Seeing this, Chen Xiao suddenly looks very happy and rushes towards that face without any hesitation.

Opportunity may only be so once, rushed out, life, rushed out, die!

At this time, it seems that time has stagnated in his eyes, and even his voice can't be heard at this moment. His eyes are fixed on the front. As long as he breaks through here, he can recover 50% of his true Qi, and it's absolutely no problem to escape.

"Touch -" a loud noise came out, Chen Xiao's whole person fell on the face of nothingness.

"Wipe --" a crack spread, the man in black suddenly sprayed blood, retreated two steps, and was about to fall to the ground.

"No!" At this time, Lei Jue's face changed. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the man in black. He put his hands on his back and poured the evil spirit into the chain.

In an instant, the barrier, which was about to disperse, was immediately integrated, even stronger than other faces.

"Hu -" Lei Jue sighed. If he wasted so much manpower and material resources and let the boy run away, he would be very sorry for his burning life.Originally, I wanted to humiliate him verbally. It seems that I really can't wait any longer. Although my strength will be improved if I burst out demonic Qi by force, I will definitely hear about it if I want to be seen by the right practitioners.

I don't know who will die then.

Lei Jue quickly returned to the front, and his hands gathered together. He turned into a long sword full of black breath in his hands.

"Drink!" Holding the sword in both hands, he rushed to Chen Xiao like an arrow.

The tip of the sword points to Chen Xiao's chest!

This blow seems to have exhausted all the strength of Lei Jue. At this time, white hair has appeared on his head. There are many wrinkles on his face. He is very old.

The air seemed to be mixed with the power of destroying the sky and the earth. The sword stabbed out and directly formed an umbrella shaped air flow in the air. Obviously, the speed was extremely fast.

"It's over!" Chen Xiao's face is like ashes, and the pure Yang Qi in his body is extremely irritable, as if to tear Chen Xiao's Dantian and jump out.

"Zheng -" at this critical moment, I heard a sharp sword chant outside the factory.

Then the wind broke out in the ordinary factory. Not only that, but also the chain that imprisoned Chen Xiao began to shake violently.

Everyone was stunned.

"No!" Lei Jue's face changed greatly, and the speed of assassinating Chen Xiao increased a little.

"Zheng --" at the same time, the sound of sword chanting became more and more harsh, and a powerful power came out from the front.

The difference between that momentum and Lei Jue's forced promotion is that he is a real super strong man.

The sound of the sword was like the sound of the sky. The eight demons' faces were extremely painful. Even the polyhedron that imprisoned Chen Xiao had many small cracks.

"No one can stop me today, he must die!" Lei Jue's eyes flashed with horror, but in a twinkling of an eye, he became angry again.

Looking back, his black sword has come to Chen Xiao.

I'm going to raise my hand and stab it.

"Zheng --" this time, the sound of sword chanting was much louder than before, which seemed to carry the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Chen Xiao looked up and saw a big sword with white light coming from the sky. Everywhere he passed, there was wind and clouds.

The sword was wrapped in white light, and I couldn't see what Li looked like. Just as Lei Jue was about to fly to Chen Xiao, he put it directly between him and Chen Xiao.

"Touch -" a loud sound, as if the earth had been shaking for a while, the ground was broken, whether it was Lei Jue's strike beyond the king's realm, or the polyhedron that imprisoned Chen Xiao, all were shaken away.

Lei Jue's whole body flew upside down and hit the ground, with a strong fear in his eyes.

"Zheng --" there was a mess all around. The sword was stuck on the ground, but it was still full of dazzling white light. The sound of the sword seemed to shake the sky and the earth!

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