Chen Xiao two people did not know that so many things happened behind, at this time hand in hand came to the villa area under Tianhai University.

Summer foam means half buy half loan, get a suite, and then go to school while making money to repay the mortgage.

But Chen Xiao obviously doesn't have so much time. Besides, after the Lamborghini was sold, plus the reward from the rich, he has about 50 million in his hand.

It's more than enough to buy a villa.

So, he directly took xia Mo to the most prosperous villa area under the main road of Tianhai University.

"The houses here look so expensive." As soon as xia Mo entered the door, he was a little timid.

"It's estimated to be about 20 million. That's enough. Let's open the rest." Chen Xiao pinched her hand.

"Twenty million?" The summer Mo Dun is a Leng, then shook head to retreat to go out.

"Chen Xiao, let's buy it cheaper. It's so expensive - when will it be?"

She said a, and hugged Chen Xiaodao: "as long as you are around, even if it is thatched cottage, I am willing to live."

"It's OK. I've made some money during your time in the north. Besides, if you want to live with me, surouer is not willing to. She's a big lady. Do you really expect her to bring tea and water?" Chen smiles and shaves her nose.

"That can't be so expensive. If you earn money, you can save money. It's all your hard-earned money." Summer foam complained of looked at him one eye.

"buy a house and listen to me, others has the final say." Chen Xiao pinched her face again and took her into the hall.

Xia Mo can't resist Chen Xiao, and it's worth letting him pull him forward, but there is a thick sweetness on his face.

When the two came to the hall, there was a long line of buyers.

There is no shortage of dignitaries in the north. Now that school is approaching, there is no shortage of parents who come to buy houses for their sons and daughters.

See Chen Xiao two people dressed in general actually came in, suddenly look a Leng, then turned his head.

There was doubt in his eyes, but there was less contempt.

The rich are not all weak and arrogant.

The real rich, no matter to whom, are smiling, let a person like a spring breeze.

The young rich second generation are more likely to curse stupid civilians.

Now Chen Xiao and his wife come to the real rich villas. The second generation has them, but few of them. Most of them are middle-aged people.

Seeing that the line was still a little long, Chen Xiao asked: "how many stores have you seen in the school?"

"How many? Isn't one all right? " Summer foam smell speech doubt way.

"One is too small, it's better to have three appearances, and connect with the flower selling one." Chen Xiao thought for a while.

"If there are three, I have seen one casually, but I haven't discussed it." Xia Mo nodded.

"That's OK. When the house is ready, let's talk about it. There's a lot of money left after buying a house. Don't worry about it. "

"Well, I see." Summer foam sweet smile, hook Chen Xiao's arm.

After chatting for a while, they finally got to the front of the line. As soon as the sales guide saw them coming in, she was stunned and then welcomed them to introduce the advantages and styles of the villa.

"Look first. I'll go to the bathroom." See summer foam to see seriously, every look at a building must ask clearly what facilities inside, Chen said with a smile.

"Come back quickly. I think this one is very good." Xia Mo smiles at him and continues to watch.

A few minutes later, Chen Xiaogang came out of the bathroom and was about to go back. He heard the people coming by him murmur.

"That girl is pretty. She was bullied like that."

"It's probably the sales manager who has come down to drive us out. Don't you see that he doesn't even give us face?"

"It's because of the prestige of the Oriental family. What's the big deal? If it wasn't for dongfangjia's high reputation, I wouldn't come here to buy a house. "

"Me too. Alas, the girl is also wrong. You said you were dressed like that, and you came here to look at the building, but you couldn't afford it. It's not meant to upset people."

As they spoke, they went into the bathroom.

After listening to the conversation, Chen Xiao's eyes were fixed and ran out.

As soon as I came to the hall, I saw that the team had already formed a circle.

Many well-dressed rich women are pointing out what they are saying.

A manager, standing in the middle of the crowd, xia Mo stood helplessly behind, and a woman appeared beside her when she didn't know.

At this time, both of them turned their backs to themselves and couldn't see their faces clearly.

But that end of purple hair, but let Chen Xiao slightly Leng, he quickly walked past.

"Well, what do you do as a manager? Don't people have to have a good look before they decide to buy a house? It's a matter of half or even a lifetime. You can't afford to delay your time and be a fart sales manager! " The girl with purple hair hummed to the fat manager in the black suit."If you don't have money to buy it, don't look at it. Otherwise, it will waste our time and your time. I'm the manager here, and I have the obligation to maintain order. Don't you see that there are so many people behind me?"

The manager buttoned his nails, a little sissy.

Fortunately, he came down to inspect today, otherwise ordinary people like xia Mo would not look like millions, not to mention that every building here is 10 million.

There are so many teams in the back. It's important to send one. It's important to improve one's performance.

"The manager is amazing. They all said it's buying a house. You think it's opening a house. It's a quick shot." The girl turned her lips when she heard the words.

As soon as I saw that the girl was gorgeous, but her tone was so vulgar, the manager immediately frowned and said:

"I said that this girl, it's none of your business to buy a house. If you have such a sense of justice, why don't you help grandma cross the road?"

"You - I'm here to buy a house, of course!" The woman with purple hair snorted:

"it's just to see you bully her. She didn't jump in the line to see it, and she didn't come in line." Tqr1

when xia Mo saw the girl talking for her, she looked at her gratefully, then pulled her sleeve and said, "forget it, miss. I won't buy it. I'll show it to them first."

"Ah, I said how can you be such a girl? When people scold you, they have to bear it. Before I saw you were bullied by him, but now I see him directly. You wait. Today I really don't believe it. I can't deal with her."

The girl with purple hair said that I would make a phone call when I took out my cell phone.

"Sister, I really don't need it." Summer foam see two people seem to quarrel, suddenly face a change, hurriedly anxiously said a, he also took out the mobile phone, looks like to call Chen Xiao.

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