After Chen Xiao went out, his eyes immediately turned into a look of satisfaction. He hurriedly pulled his clothes and then opened the door.

As soon as he came out, the beautiful woman waiting outside immediately said with a smile: "how can it be finished soon? Mr. Chen

"Ha ha, it's a matter of moderation. Anyway, these little beauties won't be lost when they are locked up in it. I'd better go to elder brother Yu first to talk about business." Chen said with a smile, hand unconsciously put on the shoulder of the beauty.

"Deacon Yu is in the front room. Mr. Chen, you'd better play again." The beauty gently caresses Chen Xiao's collar with her hands, and her eyes are like silk.

"Well, let's go and play, and take me to brother Yu." Chen said with a smile, hooking the beauty's waist forward.

"No, I have to stay here. If the beauties come out, it will spoil Mr. Chen's interest." Beauty Wen Yan shakes her head.

"I want to be with you now if I'm not interested in anything." Chen chuckled, regardless of the beauty's shirking, forced her to move forward.

After a while, the beauty took Chen Xiao to a luxurious private room.

Seems to know that Chen Xiao will come over in general, in deacon immediately stood up with a smile: "brother, how do you come over."

"Well, it's not my brother. The two goblins you found for me are so powerful that they won't let me go." Chen sat next to deacon Yu with a smile.

"Originally, I wanted to let my brother play a little longer, but I still have some things to do, brother," said deacon Yu with a sigh.

Chen Xiaona can't understand what he wants to do, immediately patted his chest and said: "brother, I can come here now. I just want to thank you for your kindness. Otherwise, I can play for more than 20 beauties for a month."

"Let's drink and have fun. If we want to talk about business, we have to talk about business." Chen Xiao is serious.

"It's a little self-knowledge." After listening to Chen Xiao's words, Deacon Yu sighed with sadness.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, my brother has a worry. As we have said before, the Qinggang is not like the Qinggang now. There are so many more qinggangs that should or shouldn't have. My brother, I look very sad."

Chen Xiao sniffed at Yan's sneer, but immediately slapped the table on the surface and said angrily, "you're right about that, brother. What did Qin Shaobai do? Do you still deserve to be the leader of the Green Gang? "

"Yes, I used to be the leader of the gang, but now I'm wavering. It happens that the Qinggang seems calm, but it's also turbulent."

"There are some people who are against the guild leader, but they are only separated. Recently, they were united by the elder. They are preparing to jointly submit a letter to the guild leader to have a showdown."

When deacon Yu said this, he clapped his hands and clothes again, and said bitterly, "the underworld is not called the underworld. What do you call it? Right, brother? "

"Yes, according to me, don't have a showdown. It's better to force the palace directly. If I'm here, I'm sure Qin Shaobai doesn't dare to do it." Chen Xiao is bragging.

He didn't believe the Deacon at all when he said that, but what he wanted was his attitude, and he said: "but he is the leader of the Gang after all, and there are experts around him. We have few people here, and few of them can fight."

When deacon Yu said this, he flattered him and said, "of course, my brother, your hand will be different. I'm sure you can come and go freely in the Green Gang. You don't have to give anyone a look."

"Of course, brother. To tell you the truth, I didn't pay attention to the black and white impermanence of the Wolf Gang."

"That brother is really powerful. Alas, if we can get help from him, it will definitely help the youth gang to a higher level and make it really prosperous." Yu deacon induced.

"Ah, you and my brother, what do you say these words for? Just say how to do it." Chen Xiao sipped the wine.

"Are you serious Hearing this, the Deacon breathed heavily.

"Of course, even if I cheat anyone, I can't cheat my brother." Chen Xiao said solemnly.

Chen nodded his head and laughed.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, brother, I really have a favor to ask you to help me."

"What, just say it. Never frown." Chen Xiao patted his chest and said.

"The elder has united with his brothers outside to talk with the leader, but you know that the only people who can get close to the leader are his confidants and his brother, the Savior."

"Brother, do you mean I can help you when you have a showdown with him?" Chen Xiaowen immediately frowned.

"Yes, it's better to let the leader not have room to resist. Otherwise, everyone's face will not look good and heart will be sad. Alas, after all, he is stubborn first."

"We subordinates can only force him once. I hope we can correct it."

See Chen Xiao frown, originally want to say let Chen Xiao directly catch Qin Shaobai, and then he and others again forced him to abdicate, in deacon and swallow back to the stomach.

"Brother, I won't say anything polite about our relationship. If you say it well, it's a showdown. If you say it hard, it's forcing the palace.""Although I don't mix with the underworld, I know it's taboo. It's an activity of deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors." Chen Xiao said seriously.

Deacon Yu smelled the words and said, "what do you think?"

He said, his eyes have emerged a bit murderous, obviously can not win over Chen Xiao, ready to get rid of him on the spot.

Chen Xiao pretended not to feel murderous, frowned and said: "brother, I'm mainly to help you think about it. I'm not in the Green Gang, and I've saved Qin Shaobai's life. Even if I do it, I'm a famous teacher. But he's kind to me. I can't do it. "

On hearing Chen Xiao's words, Deacon Yu's originally narrowed eyes burst into laughter. It's not that this guy can't pull over his feelings, it's that the chips are not enough.

As long as it's a problem that money can solve, it's not a problem.

"Don't worry, brother. I'll show you some good things." He finished and clapped his hands.

After a while, the mature woman took a silver box to them.

Deacon Yu opened the box and saw that it was full of banknotes.

"Brother, there's a million dollars here, and all of them are in US dollars. As long as my brother helps me, I'll send you abroad as soon as it's over. The villas and yachts outside have been arranged." Tqr1

"lying trough, so many!" Chen Xiao smell speech immediately eyes shine, some greedy touch the money.

"Only money, no women," Chen said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't know etiquette?" Seeing Chen Xiaose's smile, Deacon Yu despised it and said with a smile.

As soon as he spoke, more than a dozen women, most of them in their twenties, came in at the door.

Moreover, these beauties are much higher than before, and even a few of them are delicate, which seems to be Bai Fumei.

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