"No matter I'm not here, I don't mean anything else. I'm sorry for what I said to you before." Su Yan tone with a few apologies.

"It's OK. I understand your mood. I'm sorry." Xia Mo shakes his head.

"Well, that's good." Su Yan was about to hang up when she finished, and she seemed to think of another way,

"by the way, don't tell Chen Xiao and Rourou that I called you."

"Well? Well, you're busy Xia Mo Leng for a moment, cut off the phone.

Some doubts appeared in her eyes. She didn't understand why Su Yan would call her all of a sudden.

Summer foam hesitated for a while, finally took out the mobile phone to call out.

"I'm in the gym and I'm not busy making love to each other. Why do you call me?" As soon as the phone was put through, Su rou'er's slight gasping voice came through.

"There's no love for me. In front of the real card, I'm a junior, so I can only hide." Summer foam teases a way.

"Xia Mo, it's not your style to admit so voluntarily. To be honest, what did that bastard do to you at night?" There was a hum on the other end of the phone, with some displeasure in the tone.

"He wants to, but he can't. You don't know." Xia Mo said with a smile.

After a pause at the other end of the phone, he sighed: "if we really find that pure Yin body, we should stand in the United Front."

"I know that's what I call you now." Xia Mo nodded.

"Say this? Is it difficult to find the pure Yin body? " Su Rou Er hears speech pupil suddenly one shrink, ask a way.

Xia Mo shook his head and said: "not yet, but last night he told me the characteristics of the pure Yin body. I'm alone. Now I want to tell you that you have many friends and powerful forces. Let's see if we can help you find them."

Xia Mo sighed: "he sleeps with me every night. It seems noisy and not serious. In fact, his eyes are full of fatigue."

"Just, he doesn't say, I don't ask, I'm his pillow, I can feel one of his movements, even one of his eyes, are you the same?" Summer foam soft voice way.

"Yes, I feel that guy is much more gentle than before. Sometimes I really feel that he has matured a lot. Before, he never took the initiative to care about me." Su rou'er snorted again.

"He may not have much time. He will carry our joys and sorrows, but he has to swallow them himself. I love him very much." Summer foam said, eyes red up.

"Well, don't always think about the bad. We'll go to college together. Let's talk about the characteristics of the pure Yin body." Sujou'er said with a smile.

"Well, he said that the body of pure Yin has three conditions: beautiful people, rich family, and a crescent shaped mark on the chest." Xia Mo is honest.

"What's the condition? The first and second is to say that there are too many white and rich beauties in China. As for the third, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. " Su rou'er immediately curled her lips.

"Yes, but there is no way. He only knows that these three conditions should be met at the same time." When xia Mo said this, he felt a deep loss in his tone.

If he is the body of pure Yin, it is estimated that Chen Xiao doesn't need to cut it like this, constantly manage and tangle with other women?

"Don't sigh. I'm not either. I have nothing in my chest." Su rou'er seems to think of Chen Xiao peeking at her chest before.

I thought he just had hair color before, but now I want to estimate that I just want to see if I am the person he is looking for.

It's a pity that I have satisfied the first and second items, but not the third.

"So we have to help find out." Xia Mo nodded.

"Yes, I'll go to see my sister later. She has a lot of contacts. If she sends someone to look for her, it will have some effect." Su rou'er said with a smile and then kept silent.

"Summer foam"


"You say, if the pure Yin body can't accommodate others at that time, what will you do?"

Seeing Su rouer's worry in her words, xia Mo smiles: "as long as she loves Chen Xiao, I can leave. Yajiao will die and pray for him."

"It's too hard for you. I don't want it. I wish I could see him secretly." Su rou'er turned her lips and seemed to think of the trouble in the future. Suddenly, her tone became much lower.

"Well, don't think about it. It will affect your mood. You can help to have a look at the pure Yin body. Don't tell him for the time being. He's very busy these days. I've made dinner and I'll be back earlier today." At the end of summer foam said a few words.

"OK, I'll ask my sister now." Su rouer nodded and hung up.

"This son of a bitch, I don't know where he is now." She tooted her mouth and got off the fitness machine. Her perfect figure is even more attractive under the package of fitness clothes.

After a simple bath, Su rou'er comes to Zhentian building. Along the way, she thinks a lot about what she wants to say to Su Yan.

After all, it's difficult for her to accept a summer foam. There's a big problem.The most important thing is Chen Xiao's indispensable woman, which is unbelievable.

If you don't think it over before you speak, Su Yan will turn against Chen Xiao again. They are the most important people in her life. She doesn't want to see a scene of big noise.

But let Su Rou Er feel strange things, before sister although calm, but between eyebrows has been hard to hide fatigue, but since heard Chen Xiao cheat her afterwards.

On the contrary, the management group seems to be more and more energetic. Even in her spare time, she can see her sister listening to music.

Su rou'er has a lot of time to do. She peeks at her songs, but she sees that her list is very simple. Except for some big concerts and soothing pure music, there are only two songs.

I don't know whether she usually listens to those pure music or these two songs.

When Su rou'er comes to find Su Yan, the beauty president has already unloaded her burden and leans on the seat.

She stretched a little tired, is ready to continue to read the next contract, eyes but unconsciously looked at the next transparent glass can.

She likes lavender. She loved it when she was a child. A sea of purple flowers is a romantic portrayal.

It's a pity that in the season when she should be crazy, she chose to set foot on the thorns.

At this time, there is a small lavender in the glass bottle, and there are several stones of different sizes and shapes in the grass root plate.

Looking at them lying quietly in his office, Su Yan seemed to recall the two figures under the moon that night.

The man is very similar to him, but the woman is not like herself at all.

She was in a daze for a while. She got up again and went to the bookcase in the back. She took out a book and opened it slowly.

See before which rose, at this time has been completely squashed, become a label. Tqr1

although the shape changed, the beauty of the flower remained.

She sniffed, as if she could smell some fragrance.

"Are you there, sister?" Just as she was about to pick up the flower branch, Su rouer knocked on the door.

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