"Hum --" Hua Tianming gave a cold hum and stepped back. His whole spirit soared, forming a golden shield in front of him.

Behind the black car in an instant out of two experts, blocking in front of him.

"Who attacked?" Two bodyguards cold drink a, carry up the real gas rushed up, hit on the leaf.

The two real Qi mixed together and rushed up towards the leaf. The momentum was also extremely fierce, but after colliding with the leaf, it immediately disappeared into nothingness.

"What Looking at the leaves, as if determined by Hua Tianming, the two bodyguards were shocked.

I'm going to block it with my body to protect my master.

"Get out of the way!" Hua Tianming cold drink a, push in front of the gold shield toward the leaves rushed over.

"Bang -" a light sound, the leaves and shields collided, the air issued a slight invisible wave.

"Hiss --" there was another light sound. Hua Tianming's shield was pierced by the leaves. Not only that, it also crossed his side face and nailed directly to the back wall.

As soon as Hua Tianming's pupils closed, he became so serious that he couldn't even see the tiny wound on his left face. He stared at the person coming out of the hall.

With her hands in her trouser pockets, Chen Xiao's steps are brisk, with a sneer on her lips. However, every step is more powerful than Hua Tianming's.

He is relaxed, everywhere he goes, there are flowers and plants dancing.

The closer to the door, the greater the pressure of Wang Jing's Qi. Hua Tianming's bodyguards could hardly lift their heads.

If you want to compare momentum, I will compare momentum with you!

Chen Xiao sneered in his heart. A mole ant, who is just in the spirit realm, dares to get out of the car and let out that pitiful spirit realm?

If it's not for fear of attracting other experts, where will he send a leaf test, go up and give him a few slaps, where will he come and where will he go.

Anyway, the Hua family is not his benefactor. There is no need to be grateful to them.

"I have no enmity with your excellency." That Hua Tianming stares at Chen to smile for a while, open mouth light way.

"It's no injustice and no hatred, but you pretend to be a force in front of me. Generally, for such a fool, I will give him two ways," you! " Hua Tianming's face suddenly changed, as if he had been seen through the secret.

Chen Xiao took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "you are such a loser. Besides your family, you can still rely on me. What else can you do better than me?"

"I'm younger than you. What's your strength? Now my kingdom, your spiritual realm and appearance are not to mention. When you kill Matt, you will disgrace the prince of the prince circle. As for women, I forget to tell you that your fiancee in name is my woman. "

"Lao Tzu is a lone star of Tiansha. Since he was a child, he jumped out of the stone. He has no father, no mother, no care. He has no way to go? Are you a secular family? "

"You pretend to force me. Seriously, I'm tired. How can you children never grow up?"

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