The distance between them is getting bigger and bigger, but Chen Xiao doesn't find it at all. He still strides forward. Xia Mo looks at Chen Xiao's back and finally can't help it.

"Are you in a hurry to go back?" Xia Mo's voice came from behind, with some complaint in it.

"It's late now. Your parents will be worried." Chen Xiao turns his head and sees that xia Mo has been left too much by himself. He turns back and walks with her.

"I've already called them in advance and said I'll be back later this evening." Xia Mo whispered.

"That's my fault. I walked too fast just now." Chen Xiao smiles awkwardly and slows down.

Xia Mo bowed her head and said nothing. After they left for a while, she looked up at Chen and said with a smile, "just now. Did you mean it?"

"On what purpose?" Chen Xiao is puzzled by the news.

"Let Wang Lun come out on purpose, and then set them up? In fact, when Wang Lun rushed up, you were already behind the side door, right? " Xia Mo looks up at Chen Xiao. Her big eyes are beautiful under the yellow street lamp.

"When I went out at that time, it would only make Wenwen more unable to let me go. In fact, she just lacked a sense of security. Although Wang Lun is young, you can see what he did just now. I just gave him a chance. " Chen replied with a smile, which was an indirect admission.

"I know. You won't leave anyone to run away alone. You will always think more than others and be mature."

Summer foam sweet smile, and some hope asked: "they will be very happy, right?"

Seeing xia Mo showing such a little girl's appearance, Chen Xiao softened her heart and nodded: "of course, both of them have economic strength. It can be said that they are well matched. As long as they love each other deeply, they will grow old forever."

"What if it's not the door?" Xia Mo seems to have heard some different meanings from Chen Xiao's tone, and the smile on her face gradually faded.

"This. It could be together, too." Chen Xiao replied that he was really not good at love.

"It's also possible to separate for various objective reasons, right? Some things are not wishful thinking, there will be results. " Xia Mo's eyes hurt when he said this.

See summer foam suddenly see a sad look, Chen Xiao heart suddenly some can't bear to get up.

He stepped forward, turned his head and looked at xia Mo seriously, and said: "although I don't know much about emotional things, my eldest martial sister once told me that the best love in the world is the courage to pay for a person, even if I'm wounded all over the body, I have no regrets."

"I didn't understand before, but when I saw Wang Lun standing in front of Wenwen and fighting to protect her, I understood a little. Maybe this is the truth."

"It's not necessary to fight for supremacy in the world, or to help the common people. Sometimes, in order to protect a person, even if thousands of people point out, it's not bad to lose one's life? " Chen Xiao said half asleep and half awake.

"For a person to pay brave." summer foam listened to Chen Xiao's words, heart suddenly trembled, and then look to Chen Xiao, eyes have a bit more confused color.

"Oh, what are you talking about? I can't understand the strange love. Let's talk about whether there are any interesting things recently." Chen smiles and quickly shifts the topic.

"Well, indeed, we are too young now. I don't know whether I like it or love it Summer Mo murmured a, shake head to shake off other mind.

"When it comes to interesting things, there's really a big thing."

"What's the big deal?" Chen Xiao asked with interest.

"The annual school anniversary is coming. It is said that every class will finalize the performance this week. Maybe the head teacher will announce it the day after tomorrow." Xia Mo nodded.

"School day? What the hell is that Chen Xiaowen was stunned.

Summer Mo Dun when some speechless, patiently explained: "the school day is the school performance competition. Every class has to perform, singing, dancing, skits, drama and so on

"Isn't it the same as the party?" Chen Xiao said curiously.

"It's not so formal. Most of the classes are performing, and few of them get the final place. They are all good at it. Students and groups will get good places. " Xia Mo shook his head and said with a smile.

"It's good to see it." Chen Xiaowen nodded.

"Yes, that night was very lively. If there was a better program, the cheers of the students would be very enthusiastic."

"And every year, some special teachers from universities come to be guests, and even people from the entertainment industry come to choose people with good qualifications for training! In previous years, there have been students who have been admitted directly out of the ordinary. "

"It sounds like fun. Don't you try it?" Chen Xiaowen said with a smile.

"Me? Or forget it, just clothing costs a lot of money. "Summer foam smell speech lost shook his head.

In the previous two years, her classmates supported her in class competitions, but she refused. Because of family conditions, she was doomed to miss these money burning competitions.But every girl has more or less vanity in her heart. It's always good to leave some good memories in middle school.

Two people chatting, unknowingly has come to the door of summer foam.

This is an antique community in the 1970s and 1980s. From the appearance, it is very shabby, even without street lamp poison.

In the residential area, bicycles and cars are the most expensive.

Chen Xiao is stunned. Compared with Su rou'er, xia Mo's home is really a heaven and a ground.

"I'm home. I'm disappointed. That's where I live." Summer foam see Chen Xiao see stupefied, can't help but lower head, some dare not face Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao heard the speech, but did not speak, looking at the moon in the sky, deep eyes.

"Maybe. In his heart, I'm just an ugly duckling?" Summer foam see Chen Xiao ignore themselves, immediately feel more lost and inferiority.

Just when she was going to say goodbye to Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao's voice came out from the side:

"I was an orphan. When I was born, I had no parents and grew up drinking wolf's milk. In the past 20 years, I have been accompanied by a dead old man with nearly 100 hair and beard, and a savage elder martial sister who beats me all day. "

Summer foam smell speech a Leng, look up at Chen Xiao, see him at this time eyes deep, face calm, not because he is an orphan and sad.

"I grew up in the mountains, living in thatched cottages and eating wild herbs. The only thing that can be on the table is the old black-and-white TV. "

"At that time, these high-rise buildings, traffic, I can only see on TV, you say, who should be more inferior to us?"

Summer foam smell speech completely stay, she never took the initiative to understand Chen Xiao, did not expect that he had been this kind of life.

A person overlooking Qianshan alone, without father or mother, may sometimes be sick, hungry also have to rely on himself.

What kind of life is this?

Why does he still laugh?

He. Not bitter?

"Chen Xiao --" she called softly, her eyes moistened unconsciously.

"So, don't compare with me. I'm definitely worse than you. You have at least two parents. I don't even know where my parents are. However, I don't feel so bad. People, happiness is a day, and unhappiness is also a day. Life always has to pass. "

"If I were not pure Yang, I would never go down the mountain." The last sentence, Chen Xiao did not say, only sighed in his heart that things are changeable.

It has to be said that Chen Xiao is very charming at this time. Xia Mo looks at his side face, and there is a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Xia Mo looked at me curiously and said with a smile, "on the contrary, I was disappointed."

"This kind of place can raise such a beautiful woman as you. If you change to a big villa, don't you want to be the most beautiful woman in the world?"

With that, Chen Xiao made an exaggerated gesture.

"Ha ha. How can you exaggerate so much." Xia Mo Dun was amused by Chen Xiao, and his inferiority complex also decreased a lot.

Chen Xiao saw her mood recovery, suddenly stretched out his hands on her shoulder, seriously said: "a person's birth can not choose, but can control their own destiny."

"Remember, even if all the people in the world look down on you, you can't look down on yourself."

"Thank you, thank you." Summer foam smell speech, tears began to gather in the eyes, will fall down in an instant.

"I'll go up first, and you can go home early." It seems that Chen Xiao doesn't want to see her tears. Xia Mo says goodbye and runs up the stairs.

After Chen Xiaomu sent her away, she turned and disappeared at the intersection.

At this time, it's already late at night, and it's obviously unrealistic to take a taxi. Xia Mo's home is not far from No. 1 middle school, so Chen Xiao decides to walk back.

Just walked to the main road, Chen Xiao's mobile phone suddenly rang up, Chen Xiao opened a look, turned out to be Fubo call.

"Is something wrong?" Chen Xiao frowned and got through.

"Mr. Chen, where are you now?" Phoebe's voice came over the phone.

"I'm on the road under the school. I'm on my way back? What's up? Is something wrong with the first lady Chen Xiao asked.

"No, no, she's fine. The main road, right? You wait there. I'll pick you up." Fubo immediately explained.

Chen Xiaowen said with a warm heart: "Fubo, it's late at night. Go to sleep. I can come back myself."

As soon as Chen Xiao said this, Fubo hesitated. After a while, a voice came out from the other end of the phone:

"in fact, this is the meaning of the eldest lady, but she is a girl with thin skin. I'm not allowed to tell you. Don't tell me."

"Sujour?" Chen Xiao was stunned and became her bodyguard for nearly a week. It seems that this is the first time that she cares about herself.

"Well, just wait there. I'll be right there." With that, without waiting for Chen Xiao to speak, Fubo has hung up.

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