"You --" Chen Xiao smell speech suddenly look surprised, flash to go to put out the fire.

This rope is not only the only way to the opposite side, but also the most important thing is to tie sujour. If the rope breaks, she will definitely fall off the cliff.

The man in front of him was powerful and powerful. He was the same king as himself. He didn't expect to act so despicably, even better than his younger brother.

Chen Xiao's eyes showed a strong murderous air, staring at Lei Yan coldly.

"Want to put out the fire? It's not that easy. " Lei Yan sneers, the whole body Qi soars, just in a flash, then comes to Chen Xiao, blocking his way.

"If you kill my brother, even if I kill you today, it's not enough to calm my anger!"

Said here, Lei Yan eyes emerge a thick sneer: "I want you to see the people you care about die, and then kill you!"

Finish saying, in the right hand don't know when already appeared a short knife, toward Chen Xiaomeng stabbed to come over.

Chen Xiao dodged, turned back two somersaults, picked up the fallen branches from the ground, and rushed toward Lei Yan.

The two men's weapons are full of golden light. Every time they collide, there will be a wave of air around them.

The strength of the king realm master has surpassed that of the ordinary special forces. He can skillfully use the real Qi to fight against the enemy. If the real Qi is too strong, he can even break the sand and stone with a wave just like the black robed man.

Chen Xiao's eyes are very dignified at this time. It's reasonable to say that their strength should be between Bo Zhong's and Bo Zhong's, but this man has no master style at all.

Chen Xiao's only way to do this is to finish the battle quickly, otherwise Su rouer will be in danger.

"It seems that we can't wait any longer. If we bite back, we will bite back." Jiuzhuan Shenlong Jue begins to meditate in her heart. Chen Xiao glances at Su rou'er on the other side of the cliff. She looks pale and looks at the burning rope in despair.

The nine turn dragon formula is one step against the heaven. Without it, Chen Xiao might have died when he was six years old.

Once it is used, there will be the power of ghost axe, which is divided into nine levels, each of which is the difference between heaven and earth.

Take the fourth level of Chen Xiao's cultivation for example. If he uses his skills, his true Qi can be doubled instantly, which is equivalent to two Chen Xiao fighting against Lei Yan.

But the subsequent backfire is also proportional. Chen Xiaohui will suffer internal injury, and even when pure Yang Qi attacks, he will burst and die.

But at this time, we can't care about anything else. Saving talents is the most important thing.

"Click --" when Chen Xiao was distracted, the old tree with the rope broke half again, and the rope suddenly loosened. Su rouer had left the steps and hung on the rope in the air.

Chen Xiao's pupil suddenly shrinks. He is not careful. He is kicked out by Lei Yan in front of him and smashes the stones behind him.

"Cough." Chen Xiao struggled to get up from the ground.

A few months down the mountain, it was the first time he faced such a tough fight.

"Is that all you have? I'm tired of it. Go to hell Lei Yan looked at Chen Xiao contemptuously, and the knife in his hand suddenly brightened.

The real Qi emitted from it first surrounded him, and then formed a short knife above his head.

"Remember, I'm not a demon you can provoke." Lei Yan sneered and waved his hand forward. The huge knife on his head ran towards Chen Xiaofei.

It's like a black tiger with sharp fangs and boundless killing intention.

"It's time for me to get serious." The corner of Chen Xiao's mouth raised a bloody smile.

His right hand suddenly clenched his fist, and a golden breath flowed out from all around him and finally gathered on his fist.

"Mormon, I can't remember. But my name is Chen Xiao. You have to remember. " With a grin, Chen suddenly waved his fist at the knife.

"Touch -" a loud noise came out, huge air waves came out from the point of contact, quickly spread in all directions.

Some of the shorter trunks were broken in two.

Seeing the huge energy contained in Chen Xiao's fists can be even with his black dagger, Lei Yan is stunned.

He was shocked and said, "how can it be? You are so young. It took me 30 years to get to the kingdom. Even if you are a genius, how can you have more real Qi than me?"

"Ask the king of hell about that." The corner of Chen Xiao's mouth raised a bloody smile.

The nine turn dragon formula is running rapidly, and the golden light in Chen Xiao's hand is more and more prosperous. Finally, it is even more dazzling than the setting sun in the sky, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

"Crunch -" a light sound came out from the shadow of the black short knife. I saw a crack on the tip of the knife!

"How can it be! You are a monster! Monster Lei Yan stares at Chen Xiao in front of him.

At this time, he found that Chen Xiao's real Qi on his fist was still growing!

Oh, my God, what kind of monster did you get into!After thirty years of hard cultivation, I thought I could get revenge, but I didn't expect to kick down the iron plate this time.

If can never once, Leiyan certainly won't revenge, in their own small life face green, brotherhood?

Damn it!

He wanted to stop and run away quickly, but Chen Xiaogen didn't give him the chance. He withdrew one point and Chen Xiaogen moved forward one point.

The real Qi contained in the hand is growing violently, and seems to have reached saturation state.

"You - what are you going to do? Stop!"

"I can promise you splendor, gold beauty, you stop, or even if I die, you will be injured, and in the future will lead to endless pursuit."

This moment Leiyan face finally emerged a thick fear, Chen Xiao right hand gathered in the huge energy let him moved chilly.

It's a power that can blow him to dust!

Chen Xiao Wen Yan is a little smile: "first do not say I can kill you, even if I can't kill you, I will choose to die with you."

"You're more insidious than your brother, and more disrespectful! If I leave you in the world, I will not be at ease! "

"So, I'll be a good man in my next life. Otherwise, I'll kill him again when heaven and earth turn to hell nine times!"

When Chen Xiao finished, he suddenly gave a big drink and pushed his right hand forward.

Originally it looked like a simple fist, but at this moment he seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Pale and sweating.

Of course, the effect is self-evident.

Just listen to a loud bang, the golden light suddenly exploded.

"Zheng --" a sound like a dragon's roar came out. At this time, the golden light seemed to be alive, turned into a golden dragon shape, and circled around Chen Xiao, whistling toward the knife in front of him.


After swallowing the knife, the trend did not stop at all. In Lei Yan's astonished and inexplicable eyes, he directly passed through his body.

"Big brother. Avenge me!" Leiyan a word finish saying, the whole person suddenly seems to be decomposed in general, into countless sand disappeared in the world.

"Poof --" after Lei Yan died, Chen Xiao immediately sprayed blood and knelt down on the ground.

Although he killed Lei Yan with one move, he suffered a lot. Tqr1

however, this is not the time to adjust the interest rate.

As soon as his eyes were fixed, he forced himself up and ran towards the old tree beside him.

At this time, the rope has been burned to the size and width of a needle. It seems that the next second, it will break immediately!

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