MCU Universe, Earth.

This is an ordinary-looking building located in a corner of downtown New York.

Deep underground of this building, there is an unknown underground complex.

Research rooms, laboratories, staff quarters, armory….

And more than a hundred containment rooms!

This is the No. 17 station of the Abnormal Asylum Association!

“Knock knock”

There was a knock on the door of a containment room at site 17.

“Please come in.”

Hearing a soft sound coming from inside the door, a researcher in a white coat gently pushed the door open.

What caught his eye was an old man sitting on a chair, dressed in a white robe, with an antique appearance.

“343, hello.”

The researcher greeted the old man, then took a note from his pocket and handed it over.


The old man seemed a little surprised, gently closed the book he was reading, placed it on the table, and took the note.

After only one glance at the note, his expression suddenly changed.

“So that’s the case, is it the order of ‘the One’?”

Putting away the note, the old man fell into deep thought in his seat.

“The other party is also a god, and once the power of me and ‘Odin’ collides, it may cause unimaginable consequences.”

“However, the task of ‘the One’ must be completed.”

The old man stood up from his seat, his eyes shining like stars.


In the next second, the old man’s body disappeared from the containment room.


Here, it’s a wilderness off the beaten track.

At the end of the wasteland, stood a giant hundreds of meters tall, holding a golden long sword, shining with dazzling golden light.


I saw that this golden giant also had several wings like flames, from the shoulders, back, and even the head… Stretch in all directions!

Behind the giant, there is a huge arch, and you can vaguely see the idyllic forest inside the door

And this giant is the “gatekeeper” who guards this garden.


With a flash of light, the white-haired old man who disappeared from the containment room appeared in front of the gatekeeper.

“My Lord! You’ve finally shown up again. ”

As soon as he saw this old man, the majestic gatekeeper immediately knelt down on one knee, stuck his flaming long sword into the ground, and bowed his head with respect


“I will obey all your commands, please give orders.”


The white-haired old man lost a smile on his face and said seriously

“I’m going to send you to a place called Asgard, where you’ll meet a god named Odin…”

After listening to the old man’s order, the gatekeeper Uriel stood up and pulled the flaming sword out of the land.

“I hear the will, I obey your will, my lord, my God!”


Next, the old man just glanced at the gatekeeper, and the golden giant disappeared in place.

The white-haired old man withdrew his gaze and turned his head to look inside the arch.

In the “garden” inside the door, thousands of shining creatures almost the same as Uriel opened their eyes, shining red, holding long swords, and bowed their heads respectfully to the old man.



Spherical inside the center of the rainbow bridge.

“This monster… Let’s seal it. ”

Staring at the shy man who was nailed to the ground by the Eternal Spear, still struggling and howling, Odin gently stretched out his right hand, and the only remaining one-eye lit up with magical light.

Even the Eternal Spear can’t be stabbed to death, and the “immortal body” of this white monster is definitely genuine.

But as the God King of the Nine Realms, Odin’s mana is also earth-shattering.

Even the eldest daughter, Hela, was sealed by his own hands.

As long as the “shy person” is sealed in a dark corner of the universe, it will naturally not be able to come out to cause trouble.

And just as Odin was about to cast a spell, suddenly, from outside the center of the Rainbow Bridge, there was a series of exclamations one after another.

“Odin’s beard, what’s that?”

“Giant! It was the fire giants of Musbelheim who invaded! ”

Odin was startled when he heard this, and instinctively stopped casting spells and turned to look outside.


With just one glance, his only remaining one-eyed eyes widened! Even the white eyebrows trembled.

I don’t know when, above the sky of Asgard, a huge golden giant with countless wings actually appeared!


After the giant appeared, the originally lively MCU Earth was also instantly quiet.


Countless people stared at the “winged angels” on mobile phones, computers, TVs and skylight screens, and no one could speak.

After a few seconds, the global network exploded!

“What,the,f**k! What do I see? ”

“Angel! That’s an angel! Angels have come! ”

“How is that possible? First containments, then gods, and now angels? ”

Los Angeles, Malibu mansion.

“Angel?? It can’t be! ”

Tony Stark swallowed a mouthful of chlorophyll juice and almost squirted again.

But even so, his eyes were still round, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief.

Although he is not a devout believer, Tony immediately recognized that the golden giant in the image with countless wings grew on his body, which was exactly like the angel in the Bible!

Frowning and pondering for a moment, Tony spoke

“Jarvis, help me search, is there an image similar to this angel in biblical myths and legends?”

【Yes,sir! 】

After a few seconds, Jarvis answered.

[Sir, according to cross-comparison, there are 4 angels with similar images in the biblical description. 】

[They are called archangels, or archangels!] 】

[These 4 archangels are: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel!] 】

[They are God’s sharp soldiers, the leaders of the Angelic Legion!] 】

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