Seeing this, the entire MCU network on the earth was inexplicably quiet for a while….

Then came the explosion!

“! What do I see? (⊙o⊙)”

“Tens of thousands of kilometers long! The earth is not that big! ”

“If this monster breaks into the solar system, it will be worth it!”

“No wonder, ‘Sun’ wants to release such a protective shield, it turns out to stop this monster!”

“Damn, what the hell is the Containment Society doing? Such a strong barrier was actually hit by their flying machine! ”

“It’s over, the monster broke in! That world is over! ”


At this time, in Saka Star.

“A monster as huge as a planet? There are actually so many? ”

Gao Tianzun’s face was shocked, and his eyes were full of surprise… There was also a faint hint of fear.

In his long memory, there was indeed such a monster in the universe.

That is the outlier in the Celestial God group, the living planet “Igo”!

If “Igo” starts to go crazy, ordinary planets will be destroyed by him in minutes!

And in that parallel universe, there were so many monsters of the “Igo” level!

“It’s terrifying, the earth of that universe… No, the whole galaxy is finished! ”

Shaking his head in horror, Gao Tianzun’s face was pale, as if he wanted to shake the fear out of his mind.

Even as a Universe Elder, he didn’t have much chance of winning against “Igo”.

If he had to face so many “planet”-level monsters, Gao Tianzun felt… I’m afraid I will be gnawed so much that there is no slag left!


At this point, a new image also appears on the screen.

[The two “cosmic monsters” passed by the unmanned exploration spacecraft of the containment society, and were just in time for the detector to clearly photograph their shape. 】

[One of the “monsters” looks like some kind of enlarged version of an “eel”, with 5 arms and a mouth that is “geometrically impossible!] 】

[The other monster is a “tetrahedron” that constantly twists and vibrates! ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[Just as these two monsters rushed into the “barrier hole”, the magic symbol on the “Solar System Barrier” suddenly lit up and released a strong shock wave! ] 】

[“Gah! “】

[After being hit by the shock wave, the speed of both monsters slowed down! ] 】

[But one of the “eel monsters” still broke out of the hole and broke into the inner solar system! ] 】

[At this moment, the hole in the barrier finally closed.] 】

[At the same time, from the “solar system barrier”, a powerful magic beam was shot! ] 】

[In the face of the direct attack of the monster, “Sun”, finally turned defense into attack! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The cosmic monster that was blocked out of the barrier, like a tetrahedron, was hit head-on by the magic beam, and it was completely evaporated in an instant! ] 】

Karma Taj.

“What a powerful spell!”

Seeing the “magic beam” on the screen that was enough to completely wipe out the “tens of thousands of kilometers monster”, the ancient mage blushed with excitement, and his right hand unconsciously clenched his fist.

The size of this monster can be compared to the earth, and it can vaporize it instantly…

This is literally “the power of bursting stars”!

Not only can it open the shield that protects the entire solar system, but it can also cast beams that can disintegrate the planet!

The power of magic is actually like this!

Recalling all the magic runes that he had just written down in his heart, Gu Yi suddenly made up his mind secretly.

No matter how many years it takes, you must also crack the power of this mysterious magic!

If this “power” can be passed on, the earth will no longer have to worry about the invasion of some other-dimensional demon god!

At this time, in the light curtain.

[On Earth, the reception association that learned the real situation of the “front line” was also shocked. 】

[They never dreamed that the sun would set up a barrier, and what they wanted to defend against… It was such a terrifying monster.

[Moreover, the exploration spacecraft sent by the containment association itself indirectly caused the “monster” to invade the solar system! ] 】

[This is simply self-defeating, self-defeating! ] 】

[In order to defend the Earth against the “eel monster” that has successfully invaded, the containment council decided to launch a space battleship equipped with an “anti-anomaly weapon”. 】

[This battleship called “Sword of Mercy”, built by “O5-06” Tony Stark, is the crystallization of the top “technology and magic” on earth! ] 】

[It is something that human beings can make…] The strongest combat power! 】

[At the same time that the “Sword of Mercy” was launched, through other probes, information from the edge of the solar system was also transmitted back to Earth. 】

[Situation… It’s scary. 】

[That “eel monster” with 5 arms first destroyed Pluto on the very edge after breaking into the solar system! ] 】

[This terrifying monster actually has the power of the “Exploding Star” level! ] 】

MCU Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Oh God!”

“What do we all see?”

All the agents, including the black egg, held their breath, opened their mouths, and stared at the computer screen in horror.

At this moment, they were all sluggish, even stupid, and their brains were blank!

At the snap of your fingers, you can shatter the stars!

These cosmic monsters are really so terrifying!

“This… It’s outrageous. ”

The black egg sat down weakly in his chair, and his black face had turned miserable at the moment.

For years, he has been confident that no matter what threats he encounters, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be able to protect the earth!

But in the face of the monster on the screen that can easily explode stars, the confidence of the black brine egg suddenly collapsed.

In its place, there is only bottomless fear!

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