Master of the brave.

On the eve of the battle

Finally, Alfred's army and Neumann's army clashed by force in Ertz.

Cornelia was asked to sit in the military council about the information brought to her by the reconnaissance forces of the Kingdom of Lyon.

"So what about Ertz? Was my brother safe?

"Crown Prince Alfred apparently won the advantage by staging an ambush with the troops he was putting out of town. The town is safe. Don't worry."


Cornelia finally smiled slightly at Raul, who nodded and showed him to be relieved, even though he told him to.

Time has been running out since Cornelia visited the Kingdom of Lyons to make a request for reinforcements.

At the mercy of Raul and the government of the Kingdom of Lyons, the situation within the Empire is gradually made to reach Cornelia's ears. It was foreseeable that the two brothers, Alfred and Neumann, would soon move their respective armies into armed clashes because they had been allowed to participate in the military conference themselves.

Cornelia turned the anxiety that was stuck all over her chest into a sigh and spit it out softly.

"I have kept Her Royal Highness very waiting, but my army is finally ready. Troops will depart sequentially from Lyon the day after tomorrow. I would ask Her Royal Highness to accompany the advance party."

"You're telling me to work for the flag, aren't you? On the border between our country and the Kingdom of Lyons, the Imperial Knights of the West are in charge of defense. And if the armies of your neighbors cross the border, even if they are allies, they will cause unnecessary anxiety for the rulers and the people of the western lands."

"May I ask you a favor?

"Because it was originally caused by disturbances in our country. I'll be happy to work for you."

So Cornelia rose up, and gave a gentle salute to the high officials of the army of the kingdom of Lyon that were with Raul.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The Royal Lyon Army begins marching against the Empire with Empress Cornelia as its flag.

"Oh my goodness. I knew it was a war. Father and mother, are you okay?"

Even though he was prepared, Lino groaned worryingly at reports that Prince Neumann's army, which was controlling the Empire City, had launched an attack on the town of Ertz.

"I'm sure you're safe."

A wedge with such rare words on Leno hangs words of encouragement with her hands around her shoulders.

Win, Leticia, Rock, Wedge, Leno. The face of the squad of squadrons with the Crown Princess Cornelia should be recognized by the Neumann princesses as subordinates of Count Lloyds Van Ersted, who allegedly murdered the Crown Prince and tailored the fake.

Faces close to the squadrons left behind in the Imperial City may be under surveillance.

"I wonder if my father, my mother and my brothers are safe. I don't know if he's in custody."

Rock's Marine Chamber of Commerce also financed Elsted territory. There is also the fact that the four men became squire with the crown as knights, which greatly increased the amount of the loan.

Of course, the impression of Lloyds himself was that he was a good person, unlike rumours, and that Elsted territory was originally rich in land and was likely to gain more than the money it loaned, but the Marine Chamber of Commerce might be considered a leading patron of Alfred because of that fact.

"Well, only that dad wouldn't be so easily detained or anything..."

The Marine Chamber of Commerce is the empire's premier major chamber of commerce. Its influence on the imperial economy is also comparable to that of the great nobility. Not publicly, but naturally self-defense forces are also considerable.

Rock also thinks he won't create a new and powerful enemy in the Imperial capital at your knees with the immediate enemy of Prince Alfred's army in his hold.

"I'm going to wave my sword a little bit."

That's what I said. I can't even look up at Winn.

"Brother, wait"

Worried Leticia followed Winn.

Wynn and Leticia were also concerned about the people at The Migratory Bird Inn Pavilion.

After reuniting for the first time in years, Laura and Iferina, Mr. and Mrs. Poulat, and the adventurers they were close to, know a lot of people in the Imperial Capital.

Winn had many other worries besides that.

About the gold seal of "Swordsman" left by Mito.

About Seli, who went to Ernasa, the capital of the Elves.

If you go to the battlefield with your troubles, you can create a deadly gap.

But watching Wynn, who started working out, Leticia found out that her worries were worrying.

Winn's acquisition of the gold seal of "Swordsman" had already spread within the royal palace of Lyon. And after the story spread, the people who were going to offer Winn the game had been hitched.

The knights who refrained from appearing in battle may be bleeding hard.

Five knights who were still working out in the courtyard first saw Winn show up and are applying for the game.

Winn accepted the offer with pleasure.

Winn himself also wanted to work out a little bit because he was sometimes close to going out.

And confront the five knights.

Let's fight five to one.

This is how more wins play multi to one these days.

We fought one-on-one in the beginning, but there was more to Winn than that.

Lyon's knights, who initially remembered their indignation at Wynn for dealing with multiple knights on their arms alone, also fought one-on-one and many of them were screwed down. I've been honestly trying to respond to Winn's offer lately.

Two of the five stand in front of Wynn, each slashed from a different direction, one of the two around left and right trying to pay off his leg, the other waving down his sword aiming at the shoulder mouth of a hand with a sword. And the other, who turned around behind him, rolled out a sharp thrust to his back.

All five are skilled knights.

They were also trained by Raul, the highest peak of the warriors alongside "Swordsmiths". First, I let him punch in fast enough not to be his opponent in a coarse knight.

Winn, however, had seen a slight time discrepancy in a coordinated attack that seemed to have been launched at the exact same time.

Out of the two who have been slashed from the front, I will strike down the knight's sword on the right big toward him to break his posture and hit him with the knight who came slashing from the left. And using the recoil that struck down the sword, he threw himself through the thrust from behind.

In the gap where the two remaining men were upset and slightly stopped moving, he slammed a kick into the knight who was about to pay his leg, and struck one wooden sword after another into the four who were in a hurry because the collaboration broke down.

(Awesome... My opponent's prefix and reflex nerves have always been apart, but they're reacting even faster)

The five knights are using magic to bottom up their physical abilities. Because that's the most basic way a knight fights.

In contrast, the unusable wins are moving to pre-empt movement from the opponent's gaze, body appearance, etc. and control the opponent's destinations with minimal movement, in order to counteract the speed of the opponent who is magically faster.

There has been no futile movement because of the increase in its appearance before.

It's as if you're not predicting the movement of your opponent - you're looking to the future.

It was so sublime to sophisticated behavior that it even made Leticia think so.

Deep beneath the temple of the Cape, Winn, who was infused with Leticia's magic during the battle at the submarine temple to show movement beyond the present realm of his body, may have broken some wall in the wake of that experience.

"To that move, how many warriors would he have been if he had magic because he could be as good as the usual? Think of it like that."

Soon after I realized it, Raul and Cornelia stood.

I guess that's where he came out after the military debate.

Next to Cornelia is also the figure of Rock. I guess it's attached to her escort as a squire.

"What do you think? Maybe your brother could have worn all that sword skill because he didn't have the magic."

Winn's sword so fascinated that Leticia didn't notice the signs of the three of them.

Leticia, thanks to her own immense magic, doesn't have to seek to outpace her opponent with a win-like effort. It may be said that her own sword is the same sword technique as Winn's, and that sword technique has received the finest acclaim from the beholder to the point where it is called "The Sword God Princess".

But if you look at Winn's sword this way, Leticia is reminded that her moves are really only a Win's imitation of degradation and will not reach the end with completeness.

"Ah, Your Highness Raul. We rent the courtyard."

The five knights were shown overwhelmingly, and Winn, who was considering reflections after the game with them, noticed this way.

"I can't believe you took on five of our knights and ruled victory at your leisure. Why don't you fight me again?

"Or give me a break. I still don't think it's going to reach His Royal Highness Raul."

"Not yet...? I guess that means you can take me down."

Winn does not respond to that Raul statement.

I just don't deviate from Raul's gaze. That attitude speaks eloquently about Winn's chest, and in Cornelia and Rock's chest he was watching, makes him remember the hot stirring. Win would really go beyond 'Sword Saint' Raul, all of them. Pretend so.

"I still think it's going to be a pretty good fight."

"If a commander loses a one-on-one game before his assignment, it's all about morale. Weigh yourself."

"Letty thinks Winn's gonna win."

Raul smiled a little bitterly at Leticia for making a face like what was normal.

"Fair enough. Let's just say we think about the game next time. Win, by the way."


"I've been consulted before, about wanting you to introduce me to the heir of" Swordsmith, "but why don't you name yourself" Swordsmith "already? I thought I was watching the game earlier, but I think Winn deserves it enough."

"No way. There are so many people in this world who deserve to be named this title more than they are."

Winn said so, wiping down the dripping sweat.

A person who seems to have more arms than Winn.

Vice President Kelvin, for example, is the first person Winn thinks of.

Winn is confident against Kelvin that he will never take a pull if it is a match using only a sword.

Kelvin, however, with vast practical experience, has a variety of drawers of ideas in combat.

I've been working with Lloyds Platoon on several occasions, but I've never been shown Kelvin's bottom yet.

"What am I to say in the name of 'Kensei', I know the titles of 'Kensei', 'Kensei', 'Kensei', 'Kensei', 'Kensei' should be handed down by the mighty, but nothing proves to be the strongest before you name it. First, this world is wide. How can you prove you're the strongest?

If we were to create an arena, like the Kingdom of Cassinato, to open a tournament and give the title to the winner, it would not mean that samurai from all over the world would join the battle.

The winner is only a winner in that tournament and cannot be said to be the strongest.

"The point is, these three titles have no clear criteria. If you're strong, you've got the visibility of being strong. In the past, there were even kings who made them call it that, only to boast of their power. If you were in the position of master of the brave, you would be sufficiently persuasive to the people who want heroes, and if I were to pursue" Swordsman, "it would be a more definitive basis for Winn to name" Swordsman ". Now that the battle against demons has begun, it is time for many heroes to come to the forefront of the hearts of the people. Consider it positive."

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

After Raul left, Wynn and Leticia decided to accompany Cornelia back to her room.

"Don't think Winn can name 'Swordsman' either."

Rock walks next to Winn says.

"I don't think you're complaining from anywhere, even if Winn calls you that?

"That won't happen. 'Cause I'm sure Letty put me in a position where I don't really know what a master of the brave is. I was an anonymous civilian until Letty got back. Simlug also has famous mercenaries and adventurers. Not only are there knights and soldiers, but there are also large swordsmanship dojos that teach swords to these people. Everyone is confident in the arms of their swords. Jump over those people and name me" Swordsmith, "which I am the ultimate sword. You can't be complaining."

"If you complain, you can fight and beat me up."

"Don't make it easy on me... do you? So there's the idea of giving the gold stamp to someone who beats me."

But if you name 'Swordsmith' lightly on the light-hearted side and they take that title away from you, you'll also put shame on Raul for recommending Winn.

"There's no way your brother's gonna lose."

"Yes, sir. I don't think I can guarantee Letty anything about me."

Win grinned bitterly as he touched the Leticia ponytail walking in front alongside Cornelia.

"That's right! Why don't you open it in the dojo? As the ancestor of Bird Stream Swordsmanship."


"Then the most apprentice is Lady Leticia. Would it be common for a gatekeeper to stand in a game instead of a teacher if he offered a match at a dojo? I have to fight my brother-in-law, Lady Leticia, before I can play with Wynn, who is my mentor. Master Leticia would kill any opponent instantly, so it's not just Winn losing, is it?

"No, no. That's it. Now, don't you think more people are just gonna sign up for a game for Letty?

For a moment, I felt like I could see Kelvin's phantom pushing me with joy in Winn's head.

"If Winn opens the dojo, I'll hang him up to fund my father. I definitely think people get together and thrive."

"Wouldn't you?

"But I, Winn, I don't feel like you and Lady Leticia's swords can be taught by anyone."

With that said, Cornelia made him tilt his neck.

"I don't know what to say... you two have been competing for swordsmanship since childhood and I think you two have the strength now because we've been elevating each other"

Cornelia smiles flutteringly as she sees Wynn and Leticia face to face.

"Me, Wynn, I always think when I'm aligning my sword with you, you feel like you're being seen through all of my thoughts."

"Oh, I have that, too."

The rock with the armband nodded yeah yeah.

"Maybe. I'm observing my movements and prefetching them, so I guess so. But as strange as it sounds, Winn is either following me or ahead of my next move."

"If we don't, we won't be able to attack or defend in time, will we? Unlike Rock, I can't use magic to strengthen my body."

"Winn, can you and then Master Leticia teach people how to do that?

"When they say that... maybe I can't. When I learned your brother's sword, I was just thinking about how I could strike him before you did."

"If you ask me, so am I. How to prevent Letty's sword. Then how to dive with Letty's sword. I've been thinking about it all my life, waving my sword."

"Isn't that right?

Cornelia nodded.

"Right. Because the technology that prefetches Winn's opponent's movements has been polished out by him, is it not something that people can teach him? Right. Just hanging out with Lady Leticia's sword is a bit impossible for a normal person."

"The way I put it, I don't seem normal..."

"I thought the dojo was a good idea."

Unaware of Leticia, who gave her a complicated look, Rock has her hair spinning.

"Teach me the sword..."

When he did his hand to the sword on his hips, Wynn looked down at the top of Leticia's head walking forward.

I want to be a knight because I'm cool.

At a young age, that was the motive when I aspired to be a knight.

Since when did that motive change to wanting to be able to wave my sword as a knight to protect my loved ones.

Fulfilling that dream, Wynn became a knight as Cornelia's squire. But Leticia is the most important person I want to protect because Winn has become a knight. I am the one who is bringing her back from diving through the fierce battle, the harsh journey of the Demon King's Crusade, into the world of battle again.

If you quit your knight, Leticia could be amazing in a peaceful routine with no battles.

Rock's idea of opening a dojo in the name of an earlier genre.

What is left of Win, who is no longer a knight, is the technology of the sword to the point where he is told that it is okay to name 'Swordsman'.

I myself still consider myself immature to name a 'swordsman', but I may be able to express my cultivated skills, thoughts, even if I am not a knight.

Until then, I didn't even think about it, but Winn starts thinking about it with this moment in mind.

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