Master of the brave.

Prepare to launch.

"Well, you guys. Good as it is. Listen."

Royce stood in front of the Wins four with her chest up as she followed another long-sleeved knight, shaking her plenty of bloated belly.

Four of his men, Wynn, Rock, Wedge and Leno, salute the superiors. Lloyds opened his mouth as he nodded to them and returned his answer.

"It's Lloyds I'll be your superior officer. The rank is ten horseman, as you can see. And this is Deputy Chief Kelvin Ten."

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen"

Kelvin Ten Cavaliers, introduced as deputy secretary, salutes.

Called Toad Lizard Fat by Rock, he was a good man with a soft impression and a sensible light in his thin eyes, unlike Lloyds, who was always on the tannic side.

"First, I'll make a quick check. The role assigned to this platoon is sentinel duty such as scouts. Prior to the Squad in a small number of cases, the Squad will conduct an opponent's defense and promptly report the discovery to the Squad with the information. So you've learned more about scouts and coverts than you've been assigned to this squad.

"Yes, I was trained"

Rock answers on behalf of the four.

(Rather, can you be more scourge or something?

Even if that's the word in Rock's head, he won't put it in his mouth.

"Great. Now, there's still time before the march begins, but before it..."

Lloyds lined up in a row, one big sigh of sighing at his men.

"Well, you wouldn't have been notified where you'd be assigned beforehand. Three quasi-knights. Metal armor really makes noise. The scouting mission is important for secrecy. Go to the Gear Division and pick up some knightly leather armor. And there, civilians - no, Win Knight Cadet."

Lloyds frowned grumpy.

"Do something about your outfit."


Unexpectedly, Winn drops his gaze to see what he looks like. He has not originally worn metal armor and has worn leather armor since the beginning. Unlike the other four, they didn't think it was a particularly problematic outfit.

"Put on such a dirty outfit. Are you willing to defile the name of this glorious Knights of the Lemursil Empire?

Used leather armor from the top of a tired shirt and trousers. Even compared to the three metal armors, no, the blush was remarkable compared to the leather armor worn by Lloyds, Kelvin, and perhaps the knights on the same scouting mission as ourselves.

If you are a knight of war, the armor used is engraved with numerous wounds. It's something you can't help but be proud of.

But the armor that Wynn was wearing was so damaging that it could be said in which battlefield he had picked it up.

"When we advance through the Imperial Capital, many of our subjects will miss our ambitions. In such a nasty armor, outfit like yours, is a disgrace to our Knights. You should go to the Gear Division with the other three and pick up some new gear. Yeah, and then in your case, so is the sword. Receive a new one, not an obsolete knight sword. Kelvin, show him to the Gear Division."

"Ha. But what about the procedure?

"At the time we found this civilian's name on the name of the subordinate to be assigned, we had already proceeded. Give me my name and we'll get through this. I'll take care of it later. We don't have time to start the march, hurry."


Lloyds eventually left beneath them when he turned his heels back, without ever breaking that bitter look after face-to-face with them.

"Civilian knights in their ranks or something that pulled the poverty lottery..."

With bumps and squeals, we walk to the knights of the troops who, like the others - and perhaps ourselves - supposedly assume the role of scouts.

"Yes, yes, attention, attention, attention"

The wins, who were then bewildered and dropping him off, returned to me with the sound of pampering and punching their hands.

Kelvin, who had been entrusted by Lloyds, had a smiling smile. This man was also a man who made a distant impression from things in the form of discipline, strictness, which are also associated with the word knight.

"In the meantime, as the captain says, shall we gear up first? I'm going to the Gear Division, so follow me."

"Oh, um..."

Winn shouted in horror at Kelvin as he tried to stand ahead of them and walk, behaving as if he were a pulling teacher.

"Winn, was that you? Any questions?

"Ha. Because I'm a cadet, I don't think it was a rule to receive a knight's sword."

"Oh, is that so"

Kelvin nodded one thing.

"I have no problem with that. Rather than that, I can't say what the rules are for going to battlefield. Good placement in good gear to survive... Well, I can't really choose when it comes to placement, but I'd still like to do what I can when it comes to gear and supplies"

"Oh, is that what it is"

"If you have any other questions, I'll ask you, okay?

Four students face to face Kelvin with a glittering expression all the time.

"Well, I know there's been a lot of confusion over the past few years, such as the fact that you, honest students, are going to live combat outside of your training assignments, but let's try not to die. And to do that, it's gear first."

Kelvin speaks to the four in a mild tone as he stands first and walks out to the Gear Division.

"Um... don't you have to line up?

In front of the building with the Equipment Division, a long line of snakes was formed, even though it was just before the launch. Guess they're here to pick up some spare gear. But it seemed that some of them, when summoned and pulled their weapons, had rust floating in their swords and armor. I see rushing colors on their faces.

Looking sideways at that row, Leno asked Kelvin, who kept moving forward.

Some knights stare at them as if they were going out of order.

"I don't mind."

It's like ignoring that, walking away, Kelvin.

Surprisingly, some of the knights wore the badge of a hundred horseman who was superior to him, but Kelvin ignored it altogether.

"... at all, what's going on? You said you were going to go out now, but you're not ready yet..."

"Right," Kelvin nodded to Winn's twinkle, which he accidentally spilled.

"Unlike the knights on the front line, they seem to see a marked lack of crisis awareness in protecting the imperial capital. And many of the crisis-conscious knights were pulled from the line by that incident. How many human beings in the upper levels of the Knights are crisis-conscious about that…"

The second half was some monologue mixed voice - Kelvin's words strangely lingered in the Wins' ears as the surroundings were filled with noise.

"Have I made you anxious? But don't worry. Our captain, Captain Lloyds, said he had mixed civilian knights in his mouth, pulled the poverty lottery, and so on, but he did his job well."

Kelvin, showing only a little mockery at the attitude of their knights, who can't hide their frustration waiting in long order, turned his face only to his men, the new knights following him.

"In the first place, if it's a new knight or something, it's weird that we're going to the battlefield, but by now we're pushing it to the Gear Division and waiting in order. Do you mind? We must be well prepared in advance to survive. On the battlefield, you will die first from those who fail to prepare!

"Hey, about Lloyds Ten and Kelvin Ten. What do you think?"

"Hmm, I definitely prefer Kelvin Ten."

"Nobody's listening to Leno's taste."

Rock, who threw the question, laughed bitterly.

The four of them were led to the Gear Division as if ignoring the long line of snakes.

When Kelvin gave Lloyds his name, he did give it to the Winns when someone from the Gear Division picked up his stuff right away.

Each package was bracketed with a wooden name tag, accompanied by a brand-new knight sword and even a sturdy black shirt and trousers for the Imperial Knight.

The sight of the knights waiting in turn is scary, not to mention because they had arranged so much, as if they had been given special treatment.

Kelvin didn't seem to care what kind of nerve he was on, but it was tough on the four of us who were students, and when we received the package, we left the Shiatsu and Equipment Division.

When the four of them opened the wrap in an affordable place, they wore brand new leather armor and spoke in a small voice that Kelvin, standing a little further away, could not hear.

"Um, more than I thought, it's not what I imagined, but I still feel like I have an aura as a knight from Deputy Kelvin. But Captain Lloyds isn't here."

Eyes on Kelvin waiting to get dressed as he holds his knight sword in his hips sword belt.

"Honestly, I guess I was disappointed. That's a little over thirty, right? I feel like I can really fight around my stomach or something."

"What do you think of Winn?

Winn, who had just received it and was looking at it in a brand new knight sword, gave me a contemplative look somewhere to rock when I took my eyes off the sword.

"To be honest, I had a bad impression of my first meeting with Captain Lloyds..."

Words and deeds as if you looked down on a civilian knight somewhere. Plus, luxurious meat around the stomach that is stored up while being a knight. From the wins I admire knights, they are all far from ideal.

My heart certificate from when I met him at the palace to when he joined the four of us was close to the worst.


"But I didn't have a very good impression from the look of it, but I knew well that I was someone who could do my job"

Sharpened, Winn shrugged as he dropped his gaze again on the knight's sword, which reflected the rays of the sun.

Grip, center of gravity. And the sharpness of the blade.

They all came tight, as if they were for Winn.

When I received it in the Gear Division, asked permission, and then pulled out the sword, the blade had already been sharply sharpened and polished carefully.

Although it is an officially employed knight sword, due to mass delivery on top of mass orders, it usually required care such as sharpening the blade myself after receiving it.

However, this sword is so polite that there is no problem with its immediate use.

When I went through the magic to try it, the light and magical letters sparkled.

I've waved many training knight swords, but not a single sword has gone so well with Wynn.


A brand-new shirt and trousers, all dressed up. And leather armor for a brand new knight.

Leather armor had already been adjusted to suit Winn's physique.

Speaking of which, yes.

Lino also looks down at the leather armor she is wearing on herself.

Leather armor to suit her physique, which is also small as a woman. I wore it without thinking about it in particular, but it was well adjusted as if it had been attached to her.

Likewise, the leather armor of the long wedge has been adjusted.

"Maybe he's a good man when it comes to this kind of clerical work."

Locke also revalued Lloyds.

Whatever you may have seen, it was the face and shape that said it was an example of a virtuous nobleman, but it has to be corrected upwards with regard to the administrative ability of the Lloyds Ten Horsemen, who have shown this much rooting against the Equipment Division, which is thus murderous in its preparation for the equipment given, in particular the confirmation of supplies and munitions by way of pre-departure.

Perhaps you contacted the Cavalier School at the time the details of who you would be assigned as a subordinate were communicated?

The Knights School naturally has all kinds of information about their physical abilities, grades, etc. I guess I pulled that information out and immediately asked him to go to the Equipment Division. That's why I was able to pick up my gear well in the crowded and murderous Gear Division before this launch.

Not only that, but for Winn's sake, Lloyds has prepared a knight's sword until he breaks the rules.

Seems biased against civilians, but that may be an impartial figure, regardless of noble civilians, when going on duty as military personnel.

Excellent weapons and equipment supply can also increase the chance of survival for all troops.

Even if I just understand that very well, apparently Lloyds was a hit as a superior officer. At least compared to the hundred or ten horsemen lined up in that long line of snakes -.

Contrary to Lloyds' blunt-heavy appearance, I had to look at that quick hand.

Most importantly, when I see my friend, Winn, happy with the knight's sword he has been given, I think Rock will be happy, and his appreciation for Lloyds will rise.

Even during that regular patrol crusade, Winn's identity was a cadet, so the knight sword he received was only borrowed.

But on this mission, even if his identity remains a cadet, the Knight Sword was officially awarded to Wynn. Besides, it's well adjusted for the win.

(After that, if it comes with the command and personality of the Lloyds Ten Horsemen, there's nothing left to say)

At this point, expectations were likely to be met with regard to the ability to conduct the outpost.

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