Five days have elapsed since the arrival of the Imperial Army advance force 500 horsemen in the area of the bandit army's departure.

But they have not yet exchanged spears with their enemies. On the contrary, he was not even able to capture the enemy shadow.

No, although there were reports of enemy shadow discoveries several times by platoons that came out of the scouts to be exact, situations persisted in which horseback riding to the place had no shadow or shape.

More than once, he rushes to the spot for reports of enemy shadow discoveries from scouts, and each time ends up empty-handed. If it is repeated day and night, however high morale and elite it may have been, there is no choice but to spread an aversion to war.

Before that, this advance party was originally made up of knights removed from the mainstream of the Knights. Not to say the whole thing, but it was a problematic force for high morale from the start.

"... hey, now he's found an enemy shadow in the east."

"Weren't we west last time? What are those scoundrels really doing?"

"Again, isn't that a mistake?

Every time an order is given to leave, there will be enough folly to spill.

But I have to go out more than I have orders.

Leave the simple tabernacle cleanup to heavy units and run horseback riding. However, when we still had to arrive at that location, there were still no enemy troops, although only traces of what we thought was there.

There was also a voice questioning the scouts for discovering the enemy shadow, but traces had actually been discovered, and reports of the discovery were sometimes conveyed from the main unit's orders, which were located far behind the advance party.

"... for the most part, you're loosening tension within your unit"

The tabernacle given to both Lloyds and Kelvin.

When Kelvin returned after a patrol in the unit, Lloyds was not even on the rationed meal and was about to lose sight of the documents spread over the simple concierge.

"Looks like there was another commotion last night, but it calmed the noise, thanks for the hard work"

Kelvin shook his head at the words of Lloyds' labor and put his hips sword in the corner of the tabernacle.

"If this goes on emptying, it may be something you can't help"

The mood for war is spreading and discipline within the troops is slowly loosening.

The resentment accumulated in the accumulation, caused by the end of the raids that followed day and night in an empty manner, was once again evident in the strength of the wind from the knights of the aristocratic and chivalrous classes to those of civilian origin.

Within the unit, there continue to be rough skirmishes against civilian natives and student knights who become vulnerable in their platoons. As before, Kelvin went out to arbitrate the noise because there was someone involved in Lloyds' platoon last night.

"Because, as the captain's concern was, morale is falling. Disgruntled people go to weak spots. In the end, it must be due to the deep gulf between people of aristocratic, chivalrous and civilian origin."

"Especially this advance force is made up of all those in the house who are out of the mainstream of the birth, including us below the captain. It's made up of nobles who are so proud in vain that they have weakened their power. Well, almost as I predicted..."

When Lloyds advised Kelvin to sit down in his chair, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handcloth and gathered the documents he was spreading, making him nostalgic for small shards of crystal.

"Were you in communication?

"No problem. I just finished the call."

Magic conductor crystal for communication. After granting magic, you can divide the crystal into two parts and have conversations with each shard. It's a sensitive item, but it's very expensive, so it's not really out there. Originally, it is an instrument that the class of military commanders and key figures in the country were allowed to have.

"Looks like we've moved on to the end. Thank you. This story seems to have been a ship to the other side."

"I see. Then you get one trump card"

"Let me use what's available. It's natural to aim for weaknesses."

Upon receiving the poured cup of tea offered by Kelvin, Lloyds sipped a sip of the bread from the dinner that had cooled on the concierge.

"Yummy. No, combat food can't be tasty, but it's not of good quality"

Face to face, soak the hard bread like a stone in a chilled soup, Lloyds, a mess and a bite.

Kelvin, who lowered his hips in opposite form, also took a deep plate of soup in his hand and sipped it out of a spoonful, as cold as Lloyds did with a bitter smile.

Soup with chicken and beans. A little, the flavoring is thin.

"There will also be internal run-off of munitions. Whatever you think, there can't be no injustice in the center right now"

The food being distributed was also dubious as to whether it was in line with military norms.

For a while Lloyds and Kelvin kept eating in silence, but inadvertently there was another yell outside the tabernacle. Apparently, a rubbing has occurred somewhere again.

Kelvin floated his hips, but Lloyds controlled it with one hand.

Because it didn't seem like our people were involved from where the noise was heard.

As soon as possible, the sound of the familiar ten horseman's roar will now rise, and the noise will gradually subside.

"I also honestly disagree with civilians becoming knights"

Lloyds snapped pompously.

"War is the domain of our nobles and the knights in office, not what the people think. The people should work that day, smile and spend time with their families, and enjoy peace."

"Are you talking about the Win Knight candidate?

"It is a pure pleasure for the people to admire the knight. And I'm sure he admired the knight too... so he told the knight that he didn't have to go out of his way to put civilians in the killing position."

When Lloyds left the tabernacle with a deep dish of soup, he looked in the direction where his men would be. Though the fire was set ablaze everywhere, from Lloyds' position, he could not see the tabernacle set up by his men.

I took a few trips to the tabernacle, but the knights around me were dissatisfied and caustic, while his men still saw no sign of it.

Many times, the knights would have made me curse and murmur, but I am patient.

Wynn and Rock are the ones who are particularly calm, even as they create tension somewhere. Even if it provoked Kelvin until his visit to arbitration, it was taunting. Dragged by that attitude, or Leno, a newbie as well, Wedge - he originally seemed to be a silent person - seemed to have a positive impact.

While other troops of civilian knights, student knights, are ridden by the knights' provocation and rioting frequently, the experience of Winn and Rock surviving the interpersonal battle during that coup may be calming compared to the other newcomer knights.

"You're going to use him. He is also supposed to enjoy peace, but he will use it more than he has volunteered to be a knight."

Lloyds came up with a way to use him when he made sure his own troops had Winn's name on them. I came up with it.

"There's nothing we can do to win."

Returns a bitter laugh at Kelvin's words.

"If I knew what I was thinking, the brave wouldn't kill me."

Lloyds recalls the figure of a brave girl he met at the Imperial Palace.

I think Lloyds and the others were unfairly involved in Wynn, and I revealed her anger.

"Victory or... I consider it a victory when the people can protect a country where they can live with a smile. Though it's not the only word I can say that I'm only a ten horseman. That's why let me use what's available."

The Empire has yet to realize the value of Wynn.

No, you don't want the aristocracy, the chivalry, that overlooks the civilian population of this country to admit it.

That day - that statement made by the brave Leticia Van Mavis.

- I return to my master, Wynn Bird.

The person who taught her sword moves and magic. Everyone is interested. The smile she showed to the emperor's inquiry was such that all those who were present that day, all of them, could be captivated.

The name, which will be told as a legendary brave man, by Leticia Van Mavis, the "God Princess of the Sword", was conveyed throughout the continent by the ambassadors of the nations who had been invited to the occasion.

That's by now, unlike this country, by the time I'm enthusiastic.

Some high-ranking nobles who bull the Empire did not like their position being threatened by civilians, did not do his assessment correctly and did not hustle his name that far.

It is good evidence that in one of those coups nowadays, despite the great achievements in anyone's eyes, we have followed previous practice, weighed our grades in the cavalry school and reserved ourselves to the position of a cavalier. It is the current state of this empire that even the Argument Award is distorted by some nobility.

But foreign countries are different.

Win Bird's name is well known.

It doesn't affect anything like the aristocratic authority of that country at all, because I'm a person from another country in any way.

What kind of treatment do you receive in other countries? Perhaps all you don't know is who you are.

Lloyds uses it.

Even in the face of anger from the brave Leticia, it is his duty as Count Lloyds Van Ersted as nobleman to obtain victory and to protect the peace of the people.

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