Master of the brave.
On the fourth spring
For Jade Van Kleifdorf, a knight is just a passing point.
As a family of knights for generations, the Kleifdorf Marquis family is a prestigious man who has striven for key positions in the Imperial Army.
Jade also enrolled in the Knights School at the age of thirteen as the eldest son of a prestigious house. In one year he had qualified as an Associate Knight and at the end of two years he had qualified as an Orthodox Knight.
Nevertheless, he is still a student in his official capacity because he needs to attend the Knights School for six years.
Jade was now returning to the Cliffdorf family mansion, in the Imperial Capital.
One of the biggest rooms in the mansion. Sitting across the round table is Marquis Welt van Klefdorf.
He is Jade's father.
Welt, with the status of general, was military, yet white, fat with his face and body, and ugly and wrapped in fat for how long it had been since his hands stopped holding the sword again.
When Jade entered the room, he turned to his father and thanked him.
"I'm home now, Father."
"You're home well, Jade"
Nodding to his father pointing to the chair facing him, he slowly takes his seat.
- Is this the general of the Knights of the Empire?
Ugly swollen belly, lazy jaw meat.
- If I can be a general about this man, I...
While scorning his real father in his belly, he grinned at the edge of his mouth and cut out the story.
"So, Father. What's this sudden call?
"Do you know about the brave?
"Because of course that's a celebrity. Was it Lord Leticia Van Mavis of the Duke of Mavis?"
I hear you're very beautiful.
Jade himself doesn't know Leticia.
As a child, Leticia, who was treated as a problem child, has not been revealed to the social community. Plus, he's traveling soon after he's been entrusted as a brave man.
I knew, however, that Leticia's picture was stunning because she was well portrayed in newspapers and other articles about her appearance.
"I have seen him face to face about twice during a sight with His Majesty and at a night club, but he certainly deserves to be a beautiful princess of the world. Even I wanted to bump into her when she said she was only 14 little girls."
Welt with an inferior grin.
"Ho, didn't those guys around Sawdust leave you alone?
"His Majesty also wants to welcome him to the royal family as His Royal Highness Prince Alfred's concubine. Well, once the brave man turned me down."
Welt laughs thinly as he shivers himself.
"By welcoming the brave to the royal family, you want to restrain our prestigious nobility"
"His Royal Highness's!
Jade is surprised.
The status of Crown Princess should be a tremendous charm for the daughter of a nobleman. I didn't know you'd put that on your sleeve.
I can tell you the story if the family doesn't match, and even if the royal family wants it, the daughter pulls herself away better, but Leticia is the Duke's Lady. Speaking of family, second only to the royal family.
But even though the emperor wants me to be his own son's queen, I can refuse it. That's something like a brave man.
"Didn't Lord Mavis say anything?
"Though my daughter, she's a brave man. Apparently, I can't get out strong. Most of all, it helps us."
"Father, what is that?
"Jade, get the brave"
Welt smiled and narrowed his eyes.
"I'm close to my age with you. With brave men, the Kleifdorf family can gain more power than the Imperial Family."
For the common people, no. For the people of this continent, the brave are special.
If only we could welcome that brave man as Jade's wife.
Recently, the Imperial Family has been talking about the management of the nobles' territory, and about May flies.
Welt was pioneering about the Marquis of Cliffdorf as well, as he pinched his mouth on how to multiply taxes on his inhabitants and improve his standard of living.
If we could welcome the brave there as the wife of our son, it would be harder for us to pinch our mouths, no matter how imperial.
It will also be possible to silence the Imperial Family at the head of the nobles, and it will be easier to gain further rights.
With Jade welcoming the brave to his wife, Jade watched with cold eyes as he smiled and gaveled at his father as he spoke of the prospect of gaining more power within the Empire.
Can you only draw this degree of outlook for getting a brave man?
A man who, by no means his own power, just assumed the position of general because he was born of fame.
Perhaps you can take the position of general yourself, like this man, without having to do anything.
But further desires are swirling in Jade.
This man can serve as general of the Empire.
Then what lies ahead...
If I could have welcomed the brave Leticia to my wife, could it have paved the way for her to be a privileged man?
Jade accidentally felt the blood getting hot.
The Imperial Family is sweet to civilians now.
A large number of civilians have now been enrolled in the knighthood, where only the chosen noble blood muscle was supposed to be, and even the highest school knighthood school, where civilians are walking large.
That's what I can't stand for Jade.
The brave Leticia draws the noble blood of the Duke's house.
I don't care about the beauty and ugliness of a woman who will be her own wife to Jade.
But blood was important.
For his own ambition. All the royal family, ask the Duke Mavis family to disappear, but at least it is perfect for the noble blood of the Duke's family.
By getting her, many will be on their side.
Not only the nobles who know the preciousness of true blood, but also the foolish civilians must support themselves.
And reborn this country.
The noble blood-drawing aristocrats rule over the civilian population.
"So, Father."
Jade pinches his mouth, blocking Welt's words, which tell a lot about his future prospects, even as he tours his thoughts.
"Where is Miss Leticia now?
Even if we paint our own ambitions, we need to get the brave first.
A 14-year-old little girl, albeit a brave one. There are many ways to get it.
But first, you have to meet him.
With a slightly bitter look on his face when he was broken in the hip of the story, Welt rose from his chair and walked to the window shaking his belly.
"I'm staying in the palace now. He wants to go home with his master, but his Majesty really doesn't want to go home. I'm taking him out for dinner, night clubs, night after night."
"Then why don't I attend the night club too?
"That's right. I also host nightclubs at my Cliffdorf house nearby. Let's make an opportunity in doing so. Think of something as a gift."
Nobles other than ourselves should move to take in the brave Leticia.
Perhaps even for foreign countries.
How to get them out in it.
Jade smiled unconsciously at the edge of his mouth.
The blue, clear sky was high everywhere, and the calm sun made me feel the coming of spring.
To prepare for the Knights School entrance ceremony, Winn, who had gone to the cathedral in the early morning, looked up at the sky with a glare as he wiped his slightly sweaty forehead with a towel from his neck.
Migratory birds announcing the coming of spring fly through the blue monochromatic sky as a white line.
"Hey, Wynn!
Speaking from behind, he looked back and his roommate Rock Marine ran as he waved in the student dorm.
"Morning, Rock"
"What, you're not just going to attend the admissions ceremony, you're also going to help the ceremony?
Locke's gaze was poured into Winn's hands.
On both hands of Wynn, the minutes in the cathedral are not enough and a chair is held which he is asked to carry abruptly.
"I was self-trained, and the instructor caught me. I don't think they have plans until the ceremony anyway."
It's the fourth time.
Rock picks up one chair from the win and walks out.
"More than that, isn't Rock a quasi-knight from today on? Congratulations."
"Oh, sort of."
I scratch my head with an empty left hand and the lock returns a raw reply.
"Honestly, instead of you, I think I'm something."
"I failed the exam because I wasn't strong enough."
Third exam.
For some reason (...) I was unable to pass magic through the training knight sword.
In a steel sword that does not pass through magic, in front of a sword that passes through magic properly, it also equals a wooden stick.
Besides, the opponent is the president of that year's school year.
Like two years ago, the magically restrained phrase, Winn's exam was finished when he was lightly beaten and broken when he received his opponent's sword.
"If you do, it's a good exam with your opponent, it's all bad for you."
"You can't pick your opponent on the battlefield. If I couldn't beat whoever I was dealing with, it means I still didn't deserve a knight."
Damn, you stubborn bastard.
While talking, Rock stared at his friend who was working silently without resting his hands even after he had finished carrying the chair.
Three whole years of enrolling and living in a dorm together.
For Rock, Winn has been the type of person he's never been around.
From the day after enrollment, when Rock woke up in the morning, there was already no sign of Winn on the bunk, and if I looked for him, he was waving an old wooden sword in the courtyard.
I return late every day, and after completing my sitting and rigorous training, I leave my classroom with the shittiness.
It is a school where noble and rich sons gather.
Many went out to play in the city after class, but few went out to play every day.
Rock wondered where he was hanging out and tried to follow Win after his own stroll through the city.
Winn was washing potatoes behind the kitchen in a small tavern.
After washing, he takes orders and carries food in the hall of the store.
It was a move I was used to.
I'll be back late at night, because I worked.
I couldn't even speak to the working Wynn, and Rock went straight home to the dorm that day without feeling like playing in the city.
My friend came home like nothing happened that day. Besides, you've been swinging a wooden sword again, and you're sweating...
Since then, his surroundings have been surprised that Winn completed his out-of-group grades in classes such as swordsmanship and physical arts since enrollment, but Rock could take it for granted.
If only I could show off all that effort.
As a child, Winn's swordsmanship of just getting a little hands-on from the adventurer was a trendy yet sophisticated swordsman, who did not give the aristocratic children he was supposed to have learned from a famous master, and even overwhelmed the instructor.
But even with such a win, I had a hard time with seating.
Compared to other students who have hired tutors to study, his academic performance was really inferior.
Also that little magic.
The first year's exam, he hit with a student who was good at attack magic, and Winn was defeated without the skill to exchange.
The second year was challenged by working out the measures, but the stipulation was added that only a training knight's sword could be used in the exam, and in the end the same defeat as a year ago without being able to use the measures either.
The third year is a glitch that magic does not pass through the training knight sword.
Rock approached the instructor for a friend to show him that sword, but gave up on the instructor's "Don't let the student pinch his mouth on the exam" word and Winn's silent suppression.
And Rock has qualified as an associate knight when it comes to rock.
Originally, Rock was the second son of a merchant.
The house would be inherited by my oldest son, and I wanted to live freely rather than go to some merchant's house as my father told me, or to be my son-in-law, and I was offered money to enroll in the Knights School.
I qualified as a quasi-knight, aside from the win that I'm desperately trying to be prepared to that extent.
Rock had a feeling of hindsight for Winn.
"Um, excuse me"
I was in the cathedral, handing over my assistant's luggage, on my way back to another job.
"Are you a senior?
Looking back, one girl was standing.
"Oh, beautiful."
Rock snaps unexpectedly. Even Winn, who thinks he is Park Min-Jen, is accidentally spotted.
Clear green eyes for hair that reflects spring sunshine and a soft golden glow.
She was a girl with some transparent beauty.
"Oh, oh, I wonder if I'll be a senior when it comes to seniors. Are you a freshman?
He smiled softly and snorted.
"When I finished the reception, they told me to change into uniforms in the dressing room for the VIP, not the cathedral, but I didn't know where."
"Oh, then it's not this way"
The direction the girl was about to take is a regular dressing room in the cathedral.
"I'm sorry, it's too early. There's hardly anyone here yet, and you're all going to be busy asking."
Girl who says sorry.
"So there were two seniors hanging out there who seemed free."
"Yeah, well."
"Then Winn, you can show him around. Anyway, you're in for the entrance ceremony too. Follow him with me."
"No, I still need help."
"It's a chore anyway, isn't it? I'll take care of it later. If they don't get their hands on the prep in time, they'll fall."
Waving his hand and turning his back, Locke just walks out.
"See you later, Winn."
"Thanks, Rock"
Speaking on its back, Winn turns back to the girl.
Then let's go.
The girl walks out a few steps behind Winn.
And I feel something hooking me up.
"I thought you were a senior, are you a freshman like me?
"Seniors are seniors, but I'm a freshman for the fourth entrance ceremony."
"Then you'll be classmate with me."
"You will. Seems rude to ask, by the way, how can it be a dressing room for a VIP? An international student from another country?
Normally any aristocratic child is made to change in the cathedral dressing room.
The exception is to be addressed to the royal family or to a distinguished nobleman who has studied abroad only as a guest of honor.
"I'm from this country. There's something special going on."
"Really? Should I have changed my tone?
"No, I don't care and stay put."
The girl laughs cously.
"Why did you want to be so knightly to go through four years?
"Because you swore to yourself. He said he'd always be a knight."
Even if the path was endlessly far away, if we did not give up, we would surely reach it.
Winn believes that and waves his sword every day.
"Besides, I used to have close friends. I'm sure there's only one person still working so hard in the far reaches. I'm sure I'll never see you again, but if I ever see you again, even if I'm not a knight, I want to see you with my chest up."
Saying, Wynn turned away from the girl and laughed
"I haven't changed......"
I never notice the little whine of a girl and that smile that's going to cry out for a moment -.
"What are you saying to the first person I meet, I... How did you end up in this school?
When Winn inquired, the girl returned her expression to an already clear smile.
"I am - right. There was someone who met someone, walked with them, and plugged the light into me. I'm still chasing that guy's back."
The girl's grin floated at that time was gorgeous and Wynn was unexpectedly seen.
But I also felt like I'd seen that smile somewhere before.
"Oh, you seem to have arrived already"
Pull out the stopped win and open the private room door where the girl is in front of you.
"Dear Leticia!
An old giant showed himself from inside.
He has gray-haired crosshaired hair, but his expression is youthful, and his flesh is forged up like steel.
I am the principal of this knight's school, a sauna master.
"It's so late, I thought you'd lost your way."
"I'm sorry. I was actually a little lost"
Leticia apologizes by lowering her head gently to the old man.
But Winn, not the other way around, stared at Leticia with a frightened look turning this one around and laughing prankily.
"You sure were Win Bird, who's going to be your fourth admission. Thank you for your guidance. Don't back down."
"Letty... is it...?
Win blocks the principal's words and approaches the girl one step at a time.
The expression has a mixed look of surprise and insecurity.
"When did I realize, I thought..."
Put your hands on your hips and exhale Leticia.
"Long time no see, brother. I'm home."
Leticia turned her best smile of the day to Win, who remained stubbornly solidified.
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